Learn Japanese Language - Japan Online School
This page is intended to increase your knowledge about Learning Japanese language. Is it difficult to master Japanese?
We'll be sharing resources, tips, and information on Japanese culture as well with all of you to make your journey through Japanese learning a good experience. Your chance of success differs if you don't have any knowledge of the subject. It's risky to attempt learning Japanese when you don't know anything about it. This page is therefore intended to increase your knowledge about Learning Japanese
J-OS : Thanks to your support, we are 18 years old and entering our 19th year
Today (11/1) is the date of incorporation of our company, Japan Online School, and today marks our 19th year.
This year, we have been working not only on corporate projects, but also on a project for a refugee support organization, and we continue to feel the social significance of our work every day.
Thanks to the excellent instructors, the training slots for 2024 have been filled, and it is already difficult to accept new projects.
We will do our best without forgetting that we are here today thanks to our clients, suppliers, mentors, lecturers, support team members, friends, and family members, and I would be happy to receive your continued support and encouragement.
Happy Chinese New Year!
We look forward to the day when we can face you all in safe. We believe that day is near.
Want to know strategic methods to learn Japanese?
Kei Koike, Japan Online School Founder & CEO started to write about strategic methods to learn Japanese. This aims to help busy businesspeople learn Japanese efficiently as business people have a different environment for using and learning Japanese than students. He will comment on the questions that many learners have, based on cost performance, time management, and other perspectives, in addition to second language acquisition theory.
As of now, you can check the below-mentioned 18 articles in J-OS website or in his LinkedIn.
Is Japanese difficult to learn?
How many hours does it take to master Japanese?
What's the point of taking the time to study Japanese when you can just use automatic translation?
Any Advice for Absolute Beginners?
Any Advice for intermediate Japanese speaker?
From what level, should I study Business Japanese?
What learning methods work best?
One-on-one, group, or class lessons - which is better?
Which is better, online lessons or offline (face-to-face) lessons?
Is it possible to master Japanese just by studying on my own?
Should I learn Hiragana and Katakana first?
Should I learn Kanji characters? How many kanji do I need to learn?
When taking Japanese lessons, which is better, direct method or indirect method?
I would like to improve my Japanese conversation skills, do you have any advice?
Should I make a plan to study Japanese?
Do you have any tips for creating a Japanese study plan?
Do you have any tips for staying motivated?
What kind of tests are there for Japanese language?
Also, he plans to write about the following topics, too.
What kind of teacher is a good Japanese teacher?
Do you have any tips for identifying a teacher's skills?
Are there any good textbook for learning business Japanese?
Are there any good listening materials for business Japanese?
Are there any good reading materials for business Japanese?
Are there any good writing materials for business Japanese?
Are there any good materials for learning Japanese business manners?
I can't keep up with the Japanese meetings. Is there any good way to study?
I can't make a good presentation in Japanese. Is there any good way to study?
Are there any recommended services where I can learn business skills in Japanese?
I am beginner level and having a hard time making Japanese friends. Do you have any suggestions for me?
If you are interested in, please check/follow his LinkedIn here;
or J-OS website here;
If you have any comments or questions, LinkedIn will be better as he can reply.
We hope this will be useful in your Japanese learning.
Thank you!
Happy New Year to everyone in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea, North Korea, Vietnam, Mongolia, Brunei, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar, etc.!
When Covid-19 settles down, please come visit us in Japan.
If you live near Yokohama, why don't you jog with us and make some Japanese friends?
Koike, the president of Japan Online School, is also the organizer of a running practice group.
It is a running practice group where HR professionals and business owners are the main participants. Beginners, advanced runners, and people of all levels are welcome.
If you're interested, please check out our Facebook event page or
If you are interested, please check out the Facebook event page (in Japanese)
or the meetup event page (in English). https://www.meetup.com/Business-Japanese-Language-Meetup/events/283371629/
We have several English speakers, so don't worry if you don't speak Japanese well.
Yokohama Night Run: A Running Club for HR Professionals and Executives | Meetup Tue, Jan 25, 7:45 PM JST: -------------------------------------------- What is "Yokohama Night Run"? -------------------------------------------- 1. Run with a beautiful night view. 2. This is a lig
(Japanese follows)
Good news for skiers and snowboarders living in Japan!
Japan's powder snow is very popular with foreign skiers and snowboarders, but this season will still be difficult for foreign visitors due to Covid19. On the other hand, this is a chance for who living in Japan to enjoy a popular ski area that is usually crowded.
And I found a service that I recommend to people who are going to various ski areas. That is Earth Hopper pass.
The features of this pass are as follows
(1) Can be used at 30 popular ski resorts throughout Japan!
(e.g. Kiroro/NISEKO-ANNUPURI/NISEKO-Moiwa/APPI/Geto Kogen/MuikaSnowResort/Ninox/Maiko/Yuzawa Nakazato/Kandatsu/Arai/Oze Iwakura/Marunuma/Kawaba/PalCall Tsumagoi/Madarao/Tsugaike/Hakuba47)
(2) Great price! Only JPY29,800. (Equivalent to about USD262/Euros232/RMB1667)
*The plan with rental is 57,000 yen.
(3) Can be used up to 60 days!
You can use it twice per ski resort, and since it can be used at 30 ski resorts, you can ski for up to 60 days!
For more details, please check the official website here. There seems to be Japanese only.
(例:Kiroro/NISEKO-ANNUPURI/NISEKO-Moiwa/APPI/GETO Kogen/MuikaSnowResort/Ninox/Maiko/Yuzawa Nakazato/Kandatsu/Arai/Oze Iwakura/Marunuma/Kawaba/PalCall Tsumagoi/Madarao/Tsugaike/Hakuba47)
(2)お得な値段! 29,800円。(約262ドル相当、約232ユーロ相当、約1667人民元相当)
We are pleased to announce the launch of our new video course "Japanese for new employees".
新しい動画コース"Japanese for new employee / 新入社員のための日本語"の提供を開始しました。
Shirasaki-sensei, the head of our writing course, has published a book titled
"10 Basic Rules for Writing Business Documents for Foreigners.
「10の基本ルールで学ぶ 外国人のためのビジネス文書の書き方」
Japan's tax revenue has reached a record high.
I wrote this article about a year ago, but I still think that Japanese companies may have improved their management efficiency due to the coronavirus.
We received an application from a person from a new country for our company. The country is the Republic of Botswana.
This is the 53rd country for us. We will continue our efforts to reach 100 countries!
Happy Chinese New Year!
We look forward to the day when we can face you all in safe.
Our Response to the Gender Free Policy
In accordance with gender-free policy, we have decided to remove gender information from the course participant information and will not collect it in the future.
In relation to this matter, we will use "They" as the third person singular, rather than He or She, in the English title on the completion report.
We will take the same measures for hiring lecturers in the future as well.
Our Response to the Gender Free Policy - Japan Online School In accordance with gender-free policy, we have decided to remove gender information from the course participant information and will not collect it in the future. In relation to this matter, we will use “They” as the third person singular, rather than He or She, in the English title on the compl...
[Update on July 1, 2021]
We have resumed accepting applications for corporate training.
However, there are some times when it is difficult to make reservations, so please contact us for details.
[2021/07/01 更新]
We've also suspended new underwriting for corporate training.
Due to the high volume of applications we are currently receiving,
it has been difficult to make reservations at certain times of the day. In order to prioritize eliminating the inconvenience for existing users, we will temporarily suspend accepting new users for corporate training as well.
Thank you for your kind understanding in advance.
オンライン日本語学校 | ジャパンオンラインスクール | 法人・企業用トップページ 外国人社員への日本語研修はオンライン日本語学校ジャパンオンラインスクールへ。WBSや日経産業新聞でも紹介され、外国人スタッフの内定者研修、入社前研修、ビジネス日本語研修など、上場企業での導入実績も多数。お...
Suspension of the J-OS News Letter
Hello, this is Koike, the president of J-OS.
We have been sending J-OS News Letter once a month but due to the busy workload of our support staff, we have decided to take a break from sending out this News Letter for a while.
From now on, we will send out temporary announcements and special content when we have something special to share.
The number of users is growing, and our goal is to strengthen our support for the users, and for our dedicated teachers/support staff, so of course we will continue to operate J-OS.
Please be assured and thank you very much for your kind understanding.
J-OS ユーザーの皆さんへ
こんにちは、J-OS 代表の小池です。
これまで毎月1回定期的にお送りしてきたJ-OS News Letter ですが、サポートスタッフの業務多忙につき、しばらくの間、配信をお休みさせて頂きます。
Will the coronavirus change the productivity of Japanese companies?
にほんの かいしゃの せいさんせいは、 がいこくの かいしゃより ひくいと いわれています。 じっさいに、 わたしが いた かいしゃや そしきでも むだな しごとや こうりつが わるい ことが ありました。 よく ある むだなことは つぎの3つです。
(1) かいぎ
(2) ハンコぶんか
(3) たいめんえいぎょう
そこで こんかいの ニュースレターでは、 コロナウイルスで これらが かわるか どうかを しらべます。
むだな かいぎ の とくちょう です。
「じぶんの しごとと かんけいが ないのに でなければならない」
「じょうほうを シェアするだけで おわる」
「せっかく みんなで あつまって はなしあったのに けつろんが ない」
しかし、これらは リモートワークとは べつの もんだいです。 だから かいぎが オンラインに なっても かいぎの もくてきや しごとの しかたが かわらなければ、 あまり かわらないでしょう。
(2) ハンコぶんか
「ほんとうは リモートワークをしたい。 しかし、しょるいに ハンコを おすために かいしゃに いかなければならない」というひとは おおいです。 「ハンコぶんかが リモートワークの じゃまに なっている」という いけんが あったので、にほんせいふは 6がつに 「けいやくしょに ハンコを おさなくてもいい」と いいました。 けいやくしょは あいてとの やくそくを かいた しょるいです。(もともと にほんの ほうりつでは けいやくしょに ハンコをおさなくても いいです。 しかし、まちがえている ひとが おおかったので せいふが かんがえを いいました)
これで でんしにんしょう などの ほかの ほうほうでも いいという かんがえが ひろがりました。だから、 ハンコぶんかも かわると かんがえる ひとも おおいです。しかし、わたしは ハンコふんかが かわるのは はんぶんくらいだと おもっています。 その りゆうは、でんしにんしょうなどを するためには システムに おかねが かかるからです。 にほんの かいしゃの99.7%は ちいさな かいしゃです。 それらの かいしゃは システムに たくさん おかねを つかうことが できないので、いままでの やりかたをする かいしゃが おおいと おもうからです。まず、 おかねが ある おおきな かいしゃで でんしにんしょうが あたりまえ になります。 それから、 おおきな かいしゃと かんけいが ある かいしゃから じゅんばんに でんしにんしょうを つかうでしょう。 だから、じかんが かかる とおもいます。
(3)たいめん えいぎょう
わたしが まえに つとめていた かいしゃでは、 12がつには かいしゃが つくった カレンダーを おきゃくさまきぎょうに プレゼントしに いく しゅうかんが ありました。わたしは 「カレンダーなんか わたしても、 しごとに えいきょうしないから むだだ」、「わざわざ いかないで おくれば いい」と おもっていました。しかし、それまでの しゅうかんに したがっていました。
でもいまは、 できるだけ ほかの ひとと あわないようにしている かいしゃが ほとんどです。 このように、おきゃくさまが STOPしてくれれば、 むだな たいめんえいぎょうを やめる よい いいわけ になります。いままで オンラインミーティングを あまり したくなかった ねんぱいの ひとも ZOOMなどを つかうように なりました。 だから、これから たいめんえいぎょうは すくなくなって、でんわや オンラインでの ビジネスが ふえるでしょう。
いじょうが わたしの よそうです。 みなさんは どう おもいますか?
It is said that the productivity of Japanese companies is lower than that of non-Japanese companies. In fact, the companies and organizations I've worked for have had wasteful or inefficient operations. Three of the most commonly cited wasteful things are
(1) Meetings
(2) HANKO Culture
(3) Face to face sales
So, in this newsletter, let's examine whether or not these will be changed by the coronavirus.
(1) Meetings
The main characteristics of a useless meeting are
“I have to attend a meeting that has nothing to do with my work.”
“It ends with just a sharing of information.”
“We got together to talk about it, but it didn't come to a decision.”
But these are separate issues from working remotely, so even if the meeting held online, it won't change much if the purpose of the meeting and the way to work doesn't change.
(2) HANKO Culture
Not a few people say they want to work remotely, but have to come to the office to stamp documents. "The HANKO Culture is a major cause of the difficulty of working remotely," some said. In June, the Japanese government announced that "a seal on a contract is not necessarily required. (FYI, it wasn't originally required by Japanese law to put a seal on the contract, but the government announced it because many people misunderstood.)
Now there's a greater awareness that other means of authentication, such as electronic authentication, are acceptable. So while many people think the HANKO Culture will change, I expect it to be about halfway there. The reason for this is that there are system costs associated with implementing alternative methods such as electronic authentication. However, 99.7% of Japanese companies are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and many of them cannot afford to invest in systems, so they continue to do things the way they used to. First, large companies that can afford it will be the first to adopt e-authentication. Second, it will be popular in companies that do business with such large companies. So I think it will take some time.
(3) Face to face sales
At the company I used to work for, we had a tradition of visiting clients at the end of the year to present them with calendars made by our company. I knew that it was useless to give them a calendar because it wouldn't affect our work, and that we could just mail it instead of visiting, but I followed the previous custom.
But nowadays, most companies refrain from meeting with outsiders as much as possible. This is a good excuse to stop wasting time on face-to-face sales if the client side is willing to STOP. And since older people, who used to be reluctant to do online meetings, are now using ZOOM and the like, there will be less face-to-face sales and more business meetings over the phone and online.
These are my predictions. What do you think??
Japan Online School Blog
http://www.j-os.com/ja/blog/ (日本語)
http://www.j-os.com/en/blog/ (English)
にほんでくらす すべてのひとへ、 しにたくなければ ハザードマップを みてください
To everyone living in Japan, if you don't want to die, look at the hazard map
<やさしい にほんご>
2020ねん7がつ4にちに きゅうしゅうちほうを ちゅうしんに ふった おおあめで 44にんが なくなりました。 とくに くまもとけんの ひがいが おおきく、くまむら という ところにある ろうじんホームでは14にんも なくなってしまいました。
さいきんは いじょうきしょうの えいきょうも あってか、かんそくしてから いちばん おおい あめの りょうを きろくすることが めずらしくありません。また、にほんかくちには かわがあって、ぜんこくに こうずいリスクが あると いえます。にほんは、これから たいふうシーズンに なりますので、このタイミングで、じぶんが すんでいる ちいきの こうずいリスクを かくにんしておくことを つよく おすすめします。
こうずいリスクは、こくどこうつうしょうが うんえいする ハザードマップで かくにんすることが できます。
このサイトでは、じぶんが すんでいる エリアの 「こうずいリスク」、「どしゃさいがいリスク」、「つなみリスク」を かくにんすることが できます。 ちずを ひらいて、じぶんの すんでいる ちいきに カーソルを あわせるだけで、こうずいや つなみなどの リスクが どれだけあるかが わかるように なっています。
そして、このハザードマップの せいどは きわめて たかいと いわれています。
2019ねん10がつに おおがたの たいふうの せいで おきた ながのけんの こうずいも、こうずいリスクが たかいと しめされていた ばしょでした。 そして、こんかい くまもとで おきた こうずいも、ハザードマップで きけんと しめされていました。
ひだりの グーグルマップの あかい ポイントは、14にんが なくなった ろうじんホームが ある ばしょです。そして、みぎの がぞうは おなじ ばしょの こうずいリスクを しめした ハザードマップです。ろうじんホームのある ばしょが ピンクいろに なっていて、10~20mもの こうずいが おこる かのうせいを しめしています。
そして、こちらの がぞうは、おなじように ひだりに グーグルマップ、みぎに ハザードマップを ならべた ものですが、とうきょうの ちかくにも こうずいリスクが たかい ばしょが たくさん あることが わかると おもいます。
(みぎがわの あおいポイントは 2015ねんに いばらきけんで おきた こうずいの ばしょで、ここも リスクが たかいと しめされていました。)
ぜひ じぶんと ごかぞくの いのちを まもるために、いちど ハザードマップで かくにんを してください。
Forty-four people died on July 4, 2020 due to the heavy rains that fell mainly in the Kyushu region. The damage is especially severe in Kumamoto Prefecture. Fourteen people died at a nursing home in Kuma Village.
Recently, it is not uncommon to see the heaviest rainfall in recorded history, probably due to extreme weather conditions. In addition, there are rivers all over Japan, so there is a risk of flooding all over the country. Japan is about to enter the typhoon season, so this is a good time to take precautions to prevent flooding in your area. It is strongly recommended that you check your flood risk.
The risk of flooding can be checked on the hazard maps operated by Japan's Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
This site will provide you with information on "flood risk," "landslide risk," and "tsunami risk" for your area. Just open the map and hover over your area to see how much of the above risk you are at.
And the accuracy of this hazard map is said to be extremely high.
Flooding in Nagano Prefecture, caused by a large typhoon in October 2019, has also been shown to have a high flood risk. And the floods that occurred in Kumamoto this time were also shown as dangerous on the hazard map.
The red point on the Google map on the left is where the nursing home where 14 people died is located. And the image on the right is a hazard map showing the flood risk at the same location. The area where the nursing home is located is pink, indicating the possibility of 10-20 meters of flooding.
And this image also shows a Google map on the left and a hazard map on the right. You can see that there are many places near Tokyo that are at high risk of flooding.
(The blue point on the right is the location of the flooding in Ibaraki Prefecture in 2015, which was also marked as high risk.).
We urge you to check out the hazard map to save yourself and your family's lives.
Japan Online School Blog
http://www.j-os.com/ja/blog/ (日本語)
http://www.j-os.com/en/blog/ (English)
にほんごを マスターするために ばいかいごを つかうのと にほんご だけで まなぶのと どちらが いいか
Is an indirect or direct method of learning better for mastering Japanese?
<やさしい にほんご>
かんせつほうは、がくしゅうしゃが わかる ばいかいご(がくしゅうしゃの じぶんの くにの ことばなど)を つかって
せつめいを うけることです。
ちょくせつほうは、 にほんごだけで せつめいを うけることです。
もし あなたの じぶんの くにの ことばが えいごだったら、えいごで せつめいして もらうことと、 にほんごで
せつめいして もらうことと どちらが よいか なやむと おもいます。 そこで こんかいは、かんせつほうと ちょくせつほう
それぞれの よいことと わるいことを せつめい します。
かんせつほう- よいこと
- せつめいが はっきり わかりやすいです。
- みじかい じかんで わかります。
かんせつほう- わるいこと
- いつまでも じぶんの くにの ことばで かんがえるように なってしまいます。
- しっている にほんごから わからないことばの いみを そうぞうする しゅうかんが つきにくいです。
- じっさいの にほんごの かいわのときに わからないことが おおいです。
しょきゅうしゃは にほんごで せつめいを きいても わからないことが おおいです。 だから、 かんせつほうのほうが
ストレスが すくないしょう。 しかし、じっさいの かいわで きくのは にほんごだけですから、はじめからちょくせつほうで
べんきょうしていたほうが ほんばんに つよく なれるという よいことも あります。 つまり、 にほんごだけで はなしをすることを「ストレス( )」と かんがえるか「よい トレーニング」と かんがえるかの ちがいなのです。
できるだけ はやく にほんごに なれたいけど、 レッスンの じかんは じょうずに つかいたいという ひとには、
つぎの ほうほうを おすすめ します。
・まず、せんせいに「わたしが たのむまで ばいかいご(がくしゅうしゃの じぶんの くにの ことばなど)を ぜったいに
つかわないでください」と つたえておきます。 そして きほんてきに つかうのは にほんごだけにします。
・でも、どうしても わからないときだけは、せんせいに おねがいして ばいかいごを つかってもらいます。
けれども、「1レッスンで ばいかいごを つかうことが できる かいすうは3かいまで」と せんせいと やくそくします。
(かいすうは5かいでも10かいでもよいですが、できるだけ すくないほうが よいでしょう。)
・そして、どんなに こまっても、やくそくした かいすういじょうは ばいかいごを つかわないようにします。
このように ルールを きめると、 わからないときでも できるだけ じぶんで かんがえることが できるように なりますし、
ゲームのように たのしむことが できるので おすすめです。
With an indirect method, the learner receives explanations using an intermediate language (such as his or her native language) so that he or she can understand.
With a direct method, the learner receives explanations in Japanese only.
If your native language is English, you may worry about whether it’s better to temporarily get explanations in English or to get explanations in Japanese. In this article, I will explain the pros and cons of both methods.
Indirect Method – Pros
-Explanations are definitely easier to understand.
-Learners can understand in a short amount of time.
Indirect Method – Cons
- It’s easy for learners to develop a habit of always thinking in their native language.
-It’s hard for learners to develop a habit of reasoning based on the Japanese they know.
-There may be many instances of not understanding when having an actual conversation in Japanese.
Direct Method – Pros
-Learners will develop a habit of reasoning based on words they do know even if there are words they do not understand.
-Lessons can be taken in a form that closely resembles an actual conversation in Japanese.
Direct Method – Cons
- Learners will sometimes misunderstand.
-It may take a while before the learner can understand.
The indirect method is less stressful because beginners cannot understand explanations in Japanese. However, the advantage of studying using the direct method from the beginning is that learners are better prepared for a real conversation because they have been listening to actual conversations in Japanese only. In other words, the difference is whether you consider speaking only in Japanese as “stressful” or “good training.”
I recommend the following approach for people who want to become used to Japanese as quickly as possible, but who also want to use their lesson time efficiently.
・First, tell your instructor ahead of time not to use an intermediate language unless you request otherwise, and basically use Japanese only.
・Then, ask your instructor for explanations in an intermediate language only when you can’t understand no matter how hard you try.
However, make an agreement with your instructor not to use an intermediate language more than three times per lesson.
(It doesn’t matter if you agree to five times or ten times, it’s just seems best to use an intermediate language as little as possible.)
・Then, do not use an intermediate language more than the agreed number of times no matter how frustrating it becomes.
I recommend this approach because, by sticking to these rules, you will develop a habit of thinking for yourself as much as possible even when you don’t understand and you can enjoy your lessons like a game.
Japan Online School Blog
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Cancellation of the test in 2020 (July) in some overseas host cities
Cancellation Announcement of the 1st JLPT in 2020(July) in Japan
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2020年第1回(7月)日本語能力試験 海外における実施中止都市について
Topics | JLPT Japanese-Language Proficiency Test The Official Worldwide Japanese-Language Proficiency Test Website is operated by the Japan Foundation and Japan Educational Exchanges and Services.
8 points to make your trip to Japan more fun
るるぶ 東京 https://amzn.to/2WlcdDU
るるぶ 大阪 https://amzn.to/35SP8vt
るるぶ 北海道 https://amzn.to/3bjnvwE
るるぶ 沖縄 https://amzn.to/3cvfYwk
It's difficult to travel right now, but when the coronavirus is over, I hope that many people will enjoy their trip to Japan. In this article, we'll introduce eight points to help you plan your trip to Japan and make it even more fun.
First of all, there are five points to make a plan for your trip to Japan.
1. Decide on a theme for your trip.
2. decide on a budget and number of days
3. Decide where you want to go.
4. make a list of things you want to do
5. try to make a real schedule
Let's take a closer look. The order of 1 to 4 may be back and forth. You may have to rework your plan a few times, but it's still a process of making a better plan, so enjoy it.
1. Decide on a theme for your trip.
If you're new to Japan or have never traveled to Japan before, you can use "Tokyo and Osaka" as a theme for the cities you want to visit. If you are a repeater, for example, you may want to have a specific theme such as "I want to compare delicious sushi," "I want to go to many hot springs," or "I want to take a good looking photo for Instagram. Once you've listed a few, think about those priorities.
2. decide on a budget and number of days
Deciding on a budget and number of days is a necessary step to make it a realistic plan.
3. Decide where you want to go.
It's normal to want to go to as many places as possible. Decide where you can realistically go with your purpose, budget and days.
4. make a list of things you want to do
Decide specifically where and what you want to do and make a list. If there are too many to list, consider those priorities as well.
5. try to make a real schedule
Find out where to stay, how to get there, how long it will take, and how long it will take to do the things you want to do. In Japan, trains and planes often go as planned, but make sure you have plenty of time on your schedule.
These are the basic points.
Next, I'll give you three tips to make your trip to Japan more enjoyable.
6.Look up not only on the web but also in guidebooks.
Research can be done on the web, but it can be time consuming to look up each site one by one. So I buy a guidebook that allows me to look up information efficiently. Looking through guidebooks with my family and thinking, "Oh, I want to go to this store too! The price is also cheap at around 1,000 yen per book.
FYI, "Rurubu" and "Mappuru" are the most famous guidebooks in Japan. Both are designed for Japanese people traveling in Japan, so there is only a Japanese version, but it has detailed information on it. There are a lot of photos, so even those who are not confident in their Japanese will find it helpful.
Rurubu Tokyo https://amzn.to/2WlcdDU
Rurubu Osaka https://amzn.to/35SP8vt
Rurubu Hokkaido https://amzn.to/3bjnvwE
Rurubu Okinawa https://amzn.to/3cvfYwk
7.Ask a travel planning professional.
If you're not good at planning or don't have the time for it, you might want to hire a travel planning professional. COCONALA is a site that deals with the skill sharing economy business and there are also people who can help you plan your trip.
This person will make a plan for 2 nights and 3 days for 1,500 yen anywhere in Japan.
This person will plan a trip to Hokkaido for 3 nights and 4 days for 3,000 yen.
8.Make an album after the trip.
When we travel abroad, we make an album for each trip. Photo data taken with a digital camera or mobile phone is a rare opportunity for the whole family to look back at it. It's a great way to keep an album to enjoy your family's time together and memories of your trip.
If you are a Japanese language learner, try to look up information in Japanese as much as possible.
Talking to your Japanese teacher about your travel plans will be a good practice for you too!
Japan Online School Blog
http://www.j-os.com/ja/blog/ (日本語)
http://www.j-os.com/en/blog/ (English)