Reiki Healing for Everybody

Reiki Healing for Everybody

Learning and practicing Reiki healing with a qualified and experienced Reiki Master and Teacher.


A little history about Dr. Mikao Usui 🙌

He was a Buddhist Monk, born on 15th August 1865 in Japan in the village of Taniai, Miyama-Cho district of the Gifu province, near the present day Nagoya.

Around 1919, Usui started a meditation retreat in Zen Temple in Kyoto which continually lasted for three years.

In March 1922, he decided to climb Mount Kurama, a sacred mountain near Kyoto and spent there 21 days fasting and meditating to accelerate his spiritual opening. Towards the end of this retreat, Usui had profoundly transforming opening. He described this as a great light entering through the top of his head , filling his entire being with light and attuning him too an energy which he called Reiki.

As Usui descended from Mount Kurama, the legendary “four miracles “occurred: He stubbed his toe and it healed instantly, he healed a women’s toothache and he freed the Abbott of a Zen monastery from arthritis. From that time on, he found this healing ability to be greatly enhances without depleting his own energy when treating others. He was filled with joy and gratitude for his new gift and soon went on to initiate others to Reiki and teach the healing methods he developed.

A month later, in April 1922, Usui moved to Tokyo and founded his Usui Reiki Method Society ( Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai) On 1st September 1923, a devastating Earthquake hit the Kanto area and destroyed several cities including Tokyo. Usui and his students offered all the help they could and soon the word spread and Reiki came to attention of many.

It is said that due to the vast people amount of people suffering, Usui treated up to five people simultaneously at any time.

Before his death on 9th March 1926, Mikao Usui had taught Reiki to over two thousand students and had trained twenty Reiki Teaches.


What is Reiki?

Japanese for “Universal Life Energy “

RE= Spiritual, Universal Soul, Universal Consciousness
KI= Vital Energy, Life Force

The Reiki energy is the fundamental Life Force of the Universe, a conscious and intelligent energy that flows through and nourishes all life. Reiki originates from infinite source all there is. It can only do good and its essence of universal love reaching beyond all romantic or religious concepts.

Reiki is the conscious energy essence of Divine Love which is the vital impulse for all beings to come into existence.

Reiki is a beautiful, loving, gentle yet very powerful energy that can facilitate healing.
