Health Revived

Health Revived

Health Revived is an online educational platform that shows people how to reverse chronic disease li

We use a scientifically proven way to get to the root cause of disease and allow the body to heal itself. At Health Revived we discuss the necessary lifestyle, dietary, and supplemental changes that need to take place and explain the why behind why it is necessary to make these changes and how we have been mislead in the past. Your body is designed to heal and you deserve to be healthy and to live a glorious life as a Reviver!


Self can sometimes be a bad word or associated with being shellfish but I feel it is quite the opposite.
On this beautiful Sunday take in some of these self help tips and make your day that much better no matter where you are and what you may be dealing with.


This is an important thing to remember!
So often when we are making changes in our life, especially in our health, we feel like we need to be perfect.
The problem with this is that we are Human. Yes that’s right… you’re human! Because of this you are allowed to make mistakes and be im-perfect!
Life is about progress NOT perfection especially in your health journey.
Anyone who says that you have to perfect all the time is setting you up for failure.
Of course the closer you are able to follow instructions the better results but it every time you slip up or out of line you quite… nothing is going to work.
Allow yourself to be happy and healthy even amongst the mistakes!


One of the biggest frustrations in chronic disease is… what is the best diet?
If only it were that simple. You need to know how YOU, as an individual, is functioning and not just the diagnosis you have been labeled with and given.
We are all different and when you know what is going on, you can get to the root cause, and determine (based on your information) what is the best lifestyle change and diet is right for you at that time.
Don’t guess, test!
We offer a second option review of labs you may have and, depending where you live, may even have the option to direct you on where to get those labs.
Start understanding your health and get to the cause, finally meeting your health goals!


Todays fat burning tip of the day!

Low carb and keto are very popular in the fat burning world right now, but what does that mean?
In order to be “low carb” you need to start counting your carbs and be below 50g of carbs per day.
That keeps insulin low, which is a fat storing hormone, and allows you to burn your fat instead of store it and see those extra pounds come off.
Start paying attention to those carbs, keep them below 50g, watch the fat burn!!
Have a great day Revivers!!
Follow for more!


This is a crazy stat when you really take in what it is saying! We consume so much additional sugar than we used and are confused why we have more chronic disease related to sugar?!
This doesn’t even include the artificial sweeteners that are in so many foods, drinks, etc.
Start reading the labels and understand what you are putting in your body.


How many of us have found ourselves standing at the fridge looking for something to snack on?
I know that I have, countless of times. We are not alone in this practice, so much so there is a word for it in Japanese!!
When reversing and getting rid of insulin resistance/type 2 diabetes it is important to pay attention how often you are spiking insulin. Insulin spikes when we eat... and unconsciously putting things in our mouth to cure it's "loneliness" only makes this worse.
If you find yourself at the fridge wondering how you are going to spike your insulin next, ask yourself... am I actually hungry?
If so... eat
If not... don't
I bet that more often than not you are just eating to fill the time, distract you from work, or another way to procrastinate what you actually need to do... like following Health Revived to learn how to reverse insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. 😁
Anyway, this was a cool word that I came across and thought it could be a good learning point.
Be Healthy, Be Happy

Photos from Dr. Caitlin Czezowski's post 05/06/2022

This is good stuff!


Just too good not to share! The conversation on vs is a big one but I’m going to leave this right here and I’m sure you can figure out my opinion. 😎

What is your why? 03/06/2022

Knowing your “why” is so important in making health improvements and meeting your goals in life. There are bound to be tough times but knowing your why will get you through.
I love short motivational videos so I created one to hopefully help you make the decision and put the effort in to find your WHY.
Also feel free to subscribe to the new Health Revived YouTube page where I will be posting lots of good stuff moving forward to help you meet your health and life goals. 😎

What is your why? What is your why? Knowning this is very important when looking to make changes and improvements in your life... especially with your health. Know what your W...

Photos from Dr. Caitlin Czezowski's post 02/06/2022

The liver is so important and essential for blood sugar management.


Such great information!

The view out my side door 😍

Why am I posting a picture about the sunset and what does it have to do with detox?

Watching the sunrise and sunset helps set our circadian rhythm.

The blue hues of the sunrise helps wake us up and provide energy for the day. It reduces melatonin

Whereas the oranges and yellows of sun set helps the body produce melatonin (sleepy time hormone.)

Sleep is so important. That’s when our brain detoxes.

At night the space between our brain cells increase allowing the toxins within the brain cells to be flushed out.

If we are not getting adequate sleep our brain doesn’t detox.
This means we can suffer with:
- brain fog
- fatigue
- memory loss
- problems falling asleep or staying asleep
- Hormone dysregulation
- anxious
- restless
- irritable
- depressed
- moody

So if your struggling with sleep try watching the sunrise and sun set daily and see if that helps.

For more tips on sleep make sure to follow and comment Sleep 😴

5 Stages of Burnout 28/04/2021

Something we all need to hear!

5 Stages of Burnout Are in one of the stages of burnout? Whether it is emotional burnout or physical burnout, this is an episode of Women N Wellness with Dr. Caitlin that we al...

Effects of Fluoride, Xylitol, and Sugar on more than our teeth. 09/04/2021

Short but powerful clip from the recent podcast with Women N Wellness with Dr. Caitlin on the effects of oral health on our general health.
In this clip they touch on Xylitol which I feel is an overused and misunderstood ingredient... check in to hear why...

Effects of Fluoride, Xylitol, and Sugar on more than our teeth. This is a clip on Fluoride, Sugar, and even Xylitol is from a great interview on Women N Wellness with Dr. Caitlin about the effect of our oral health on our...


Important concept when you start thinking about fasting and getting the most benefits.

What on earth is fast flexing?

This is a term I have come up with to explain the importance of changing up your fasting techniques.

Think about it. We change up our workouts so that our bodies don’t become used to doing the same thing day in and day out, resulting in plateaus.

So why would we do the exact same thing day in and day out with our timed eating?

Our body gets used to repetition.

So much so that it begins to anticipate what you are going to do

When our body gets used to how we are fast our health benefits plateau and in some cases even regresses.

This is why it’s important to change up what we do:
- daily
- weekly
- monthly
- seasonally
- even yearly

To see examples of 2 free fasting guides that I recommend, click the link 👇🏼


I feel that being there for people is even more important this year than many in the past. It can be easy to be overwhelmed by everything we “need” or want to do during the holiday season and can get very self focused.
This photo represents what I feel the holiday season, no matter what you celebrate, should be!
Last month of the year 2020... set yourself up for success in 2021 starting now and finish strong!

Intermittent Fasting As A Woman. How We Have To Fast Differently. 02/12/2020

Intermittent Fasting (IF) is certainly one of my favorite tools and you will be seeing some great info coming soon about that...


For women IF can be a very different approach then us men. I am not a woman but am married to a great one =) and she recently release a podcast covering some of the differences to fasting as a woman.

Dr. Caitlin Czezowski

Check it out...

Intermittent Fasting As A Woman. How We Have To Fast Differently. Ever wonder why it’s so much easier for our male counterparts to intermittent fast? It’s not just easier for them, they also tend to see the benefits a whole...

Holiday weight gain and tips to keep sugar low during the holidays and special occasions. 28/11/2020

Newest Video is up. =)

Building some steam and excited to share more.

Holiday weight gain and tips to keep sugar low during the holidays and special occasions. Make sure to subscribe and hit the bell! Thanksgiving just passed in the US and on average, people will gain 10 pounds between now and the New Year. To add ...


So excited!!


Important time of year to be planning, especially in 2020... who would be interested to see how we get set up?

Thanksgiving is coming up. And is #2 for us 🤩
So I will happily share what we ate at our big Canadian Thanksgiving dinner (in October) which had all of the fixings.

This week it’s just my hubby and I so it’s going to be much smaller but never the less delicious, and higher healthy carb (feast day).

So if you want to learn how we navigate the holiday while still enjoying the food without gaining the holiday weight drop a 💣 in the comments

Also please share this out as SO many people are trying to figure this out.

I will be doing videos starting tomorrow 😍
See you then


Great graphic to plan for Thanksgiving.

Turkey day is just around the corner.

Here’s how long you need to thaw your turkey based on its size.

Don’t get caught (like I did one year) with a still partially frozen turkey 🥶

If you want a great healthy recipe book that tastes great click the link 😉

What size turkey are you all getting?
I had an 18 pounder 😳

7 Early Signs of Insulin Resistance and Diabetes and some Tests to Ask Your Doctor For. 16/11/2020

Up to 80% of the US can be Insulin Resistant! Wow... do you fall into that percentage?
Here are the early signs to pay attention too.

7 Early Signs of Insulin Resistance and Diabetes and some Tests to Ask Your Doctor For. Download your Free Recipes Today... 80% of the US population is possibly insulin resistant or pre-diabetic? And ev...

"Everything in moderation" is a Hoax! 3 things to improve your health and blood sugars. - YouTube 07/11/2020

Finally posted my first Youtube video! I look forward to improving my skills here but this information needs to get out there.

Love for you to check it out, share it, and subscribe. =)

Today I talk about the lie we tell ourselves with "Everything in Moderation."

"Everything in moderation" is a Hoax! 3 things to improve your health and blood sugars. - YouTube Download your Free Recipes Today... whole idea of "everything in moderation" is a Hoax!! But there are three thing...


Happy Halloween... if you’re going to splurge, do it smartly.

With Halloween right around the corner, let’s talk candy 🍭

Do I eat candy or sweets?
YES, absolutely. 🤪
But I have some rules more like guidelines when I indulge.

I avoid the following, because....

❌Artificial Colors: Have been linked to attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), chromosomal damage, and thyroid cancer, among other conditions.

❌Artificial Sweeteners: are made with chemicals known to be neurotoxic and carcinogenic, affecting: brain function, weight gain and lowered levels of serotonin (which regulates your mood, sleep cycle, and digestion)

❌Artificial Flavor: have been known to cause High blood pressure & DNA mutations.

❌Preservatives: are known to disrupt your endocrine system and contain cancer-causing compounds.

❌Partially hydrogenated Oils: increase the body’s LDL (“bad”) cholesterol while decreasing HDL (“good”) cholesterol; they also increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes

❌Caramel Color: is made from ammonia and contains the chemical 4-MEI, which is classified as a possible carcinogen

❌Soy: Drives estrogen dominance, can be cancer causing, drive endocrine disorders and majority of it is GMO

❌Wheat: Is GMO, it disrupts the gut lining which can cause a plethora of problems ranging from digestion, skin, hormones.

It’s no wonder our kids are bouncing off the walls, having a hard time sitting in class concentrating and why our immune systems plummet after Oct 31.

Better choices:
- dark chocolate (the darker the better) 😋
- organic and non GMO
- sweetened with natural sweetness like maple, honey or fruit juice

For all of the parent out there have you heard of the switch witch? Let me know 👇🏼



“Change is the essence of life. Be willing to surrender what you are for what you could become.”


Happy Tuesday everyone!! Today is a good day... you know how I know? Because we are the only ones that can determine this. Things may be hard and there may be some pain in your life, but ultimately it is up to you to BE HAPPY! It can be that simple... start paying attention to the thoughts in your head and decide that no matter what is going on in your life, choose happiness. =) Be Happy, Be Healthy.

Photos from Ben Azadi's post 20/06/2020

The amazing Dr. Caitlin sharing some knowledge on an awesome podcast with the one and only Ben Azadi!


The very smart Dr. Caitlin was featured on an online summit and they are letting you watch for free. Plus a shot of our silly pooch, Chyra. =) Check it out.

I have something exciting to share.... What we Crave!

Register 👇🏼

Timeline photos 15/05/2020

Oh come on this is just funny! 😁 I am not the biggest follower of “bands” but do enjoy my music. They may be the Cure and I can tell you rocking out to your favorite song certainly has its benefits... health and otherwise!

Videos (show all)

Todays fat burning tip of the day! Low carb and keto are very popular in the fat burning world right now, but what does ...
Why Carbs?