Attitudinal Healing Portugal

Attitudinal Healing Portugal

Centro português de Attitudinal Healing.

6 Steps to Release Relationship Hurt 19/08/2022

Relationships are a huge part of our lives, and authentic, meaningful connections have a significant impact on our overall health, well-being and happiness.


This FREE eBOOK on the "6 Steps to Release Relationship Hurt" is going to teach you how to:

- GAIN CLARITY 💡- on how you communicate in your relationship
- GAIN FREEDOM 💫- ending the cycle of bringing past relationship hurt into your current relationships
- OBTAIN PEACE OF MIND ☺️ - when you are calm you can think more clearly and are able to communicate more effectively with the other person

This is a PROVEN 6-step process that has helped so many people release the hurt and move forward with their lives.

Hope you enjoy the eBook. 😊

Feel free to share your thoughts!

6 Steps to Release Relationship Hurt This eBook is going to take you through a proven 6-step process, on how you can release past and current relationship hurt that is stopping you from feeling capable of moving forward with your life.


Hi Everyone, I hope you are well😊.

I've just launched a new business page on Facebook 🤩 focused on group and one-on-one coaching. You are invited to follow the page.

The link is:

Jeannie Martins Empowering women to move beyond breakup pain


O que é?

É um caminho espiritual que procura adotar uma atitude desprovida de julgamento em relação a nós, aos outros e ao mundo. Ajuda-nos a escolher conscientemente abrir mão de atitudes receosas, e permite-nos reciclar e reprogramar o instrumento de mudança mais poderoso que temos, a nossa mente.
É possível ter um único objetivo, a paz interior; e uma única função, a prática do perdão. Ao fazê-lo podemos aprender a curar todas as nossas relações, experienciar paz interior e abrir mão dos nossos medos. Quando conectamos com a nossa energia interior, Attitudinal Healing pode tornar-se uma força criativa nas nossas vidas.