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Photos from SOUTH ASHAN's post 03/01/2022


Any author who reads that question will automatically have their minds directed at either one of these two answers "LACK OF READERS" or "A WAY TO MAKE MONEY WRITING" 💵💵💸💴💶💷💰✍️✍️✍️

These are both really good answers and major problems a lot of authors face in this market where out of a million books published by multiple authors, only a handful become successful enough to solve either or both of those problems.

As an author myself, I know how tiring it can be putting in all the work and sleepless nights, coming up with the perfect drafts, CHAPTER after CHAPTER and then hitting that publish button on those popular Novel platforms only to get a less than satisfying result(number of people who read) and then having to do the same thing all over again the next day.

It hurts when your ideal readers never get to see your work because there are so much other books stopping yours from ever getting to them.

I won't waste any more time and go straight to a solution to the question I asked at the beginning. The answer to the question of LACK OF READERS is that most authors put all their eggs in one basket without knowing that they need to diversify their reach. This means that if you want more readers then instead of publishing in only one Novel platform, the answer is to upload in as many platforms as you can find. IT'S A NUMBERS GAME

The second question of HOW TO MAKE MONEY WITH WRITING?✍️✍️💵💵💸 isn't one that can be answered in a conventional manner because the normal way of doing things is that; as an author you write, gain a plethora of readers over a very long time and then convert those readers into paying ones and that's how it has been for the longest time😪😓😓

FORTUNATELY, I'm here to tell you that there's a way and PLATFORM that answers both questions very well and that platform is called GOODNOVEL. Goodnovel is an online novel publishing and reading environment where authors can get more readers for their novels and at the same time, using their contract program, authors can start getting paid on a monthly basis for works they applied and got contracts for, as well as getting readers who are willing to pay just to unlock your chapters.

Unlike other novel platforms, Goodnovel have a squad of helpful editors whose sole job is to make your works successful as well as an ACADEMY that trains new authors on how to get their skills to the next level.

If you're an author whose reading this and have decided that this new platform is an asset to you then consider yourself a part of the new wave of story tellers and don't waste any time to click the link below and create your very own GOODNOVEL AUTHOR ACCOUNT👇👇👇

I hope to see you there.