Assemble Test Electronic Components

Assemble Test Electronic Components

for grade 12 OCI students


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module 2 answers


module 1 answers


module 1,2&3 post test answers will be posted soon to this page...


How to Test a Capacitor with a Multimeter

1. Using a Digital Multimeter With Capacitance Setting
Testing capacitors with a digital multimeter that has a capacitance meter feature is one of the easiest and most common ways. In modern digital multimeters, you can find a capacitance meter as well as a voltage meter. Similarly, this method works on tiny SMD components as well. The following instructions demonstrate how to use your digital multimeter to test an AC capacitor.

• Be sure to remove the capacitor from the circuit and fully discharge it prior to measuring its value.
• In Multimer, the capacitance value is displayed in Farads as the farad is normally expressed in microfarads (F).
• Turn the k**b on your multimeter to “capacitance” mode.
• Connect the multimeter probe to the capacitor terminals. In polarization, connect the positive terminal to a red multimeter probe and the negative terminal to a black probe.
• Write down the actual reading after checking the multimeter on a piece of paper.
• The capacitor needs to be replaced if the printed reading and measured reading are significantly different or if both readings are zero


Testing Transformer

A Transformer is checked for continuity just like a wire.

Set the Ohmmeter range in x10 ohm

Attach the test probes (any direction) to the terminals of the primary transformer. The pointer should deflect.

Set the Ohmmeter range in x1 ohm

Attach the test probes (any direction) to the terminals of the secondary transformer. The pointer should deflect.

Defective Transformer
1. The resistance of the primary or secondary windings is very low that the pointer almost rests at zero ohm, the transformer winding is SHORTED.
2. The resistance of the primary and secondary windings is very high that the pointer does not deflect at all (infinite resistance). The transformer winding is OPEN


Testing Diode
1. Set the ohmmeter range in 1x or x10. Connect positive probes of the tester to the anode (A) of the diode and negative probe to the cathode (K) of diode. It should be no deflection or infinite resistance, as shown below.

2. Reverse the test probe. Connect the positive probe to cathode (K) and negative probe to anode (A). The tester should deflect but not rest at zero ohm as illustrated below.

Defective Diode

1. The tester pointer won’t deflect even the probe is reverse. diode is OPEN.
2. The resistance reading deflects and measures the same in both directions.
diode is SHORTED.


Testing Resistors

1. Read the indicated color code on the resistor. If the resistor can’t be read due to discoloration or burnt body, replace it with the same resistance and wattage as schematic diagram illustrates.

2. Calibrate the ohmmeter .

3. Set the Multi-tester to ohmmeter range: x1, x10, x1k, x10k, etc., depending on the resistance value of the resistor. Probably higher ranges first until you have a clear reading.

4. Place the test probe to the two terminal lead of the resistor as shown above. Don’t touch the both test probe lead simultaneously while testing. But holding just one test probe lead is OK.

Good Resistor
The meter reading should be close to the rated value of the resistor depending on the tolerance of the resistor.

Defective Resistor
1. The tester pointer does not deflect at all. The Resistor is OPEN.
2. The resistance reading has big difference to the resistor rated value. The resistor is OUT OF TOLERANCE.


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