Maternal Quality Indicators Group
MQI: Maternal Quality Indictors Group is a team qualified researchers and medical professionals at th
Queremos saber cómo ha influido el COVID-19 en la experiencia de parto. Queremos entender estos retos y comunicárselos a los centros de parto y a los proveedores para darles la oportunidad de mejorar su atención.
Haga la encuesta --->
Have you given birth during COVID? We want to hear how the pandemic has affected your experience.
The anonymous results will be used to communicate your unique challenges to childbirth facilities and providers to give them an opportunity to improve their care.
Complete the survey here. -->
[Image description: An illustration of four people, a pregnant woman with fair skin and long brown hair and a pregnant woman with brown skin and dark brown curly hair, both with her hands on her belly, along with two women holding babies, one with brown skin and long brown hair and the other fair skin and a burgundy head scarf. All are wearing masks. The MQI and CBEX study logos are in the corner.
Text reads: Was your childbirth experience impacted by COVID-19? Take the Survey. URL: For questions, please contact Samia Saeb, MPH CCRP at [email protected].]
Every family's pregnancy and birth story is unique.
What changes has COVID brought to your community? Here's a roundup of stories of how some people have been affected.
Giving Birth in Coronavirus Times | Everyday Health The COVID-19 pandemic has made pregnancy and birth more risky. Here, experts explain what's safe and what's not, and three mothers share their stories.
Have you given birth during COVID? We want to hear how the pandemic has affected your experience.
The anonymous results will be used to communicate your unique challenges to childbirth facilities and providers to give them an opportunity to improve their care.
Complete the survey here. -->
[Image description: An illustration of a pregnant woman with brown skin and dark brown curly hair, with her hands on her belly. The MQI and CBEX study logos are in the corner.
Text reads: Was your childbirth experience impacted by COVID-19? Take the Survey. URL: For questions, please contact Samia Saeb, MPH CCRP at [email protected].]
What is it like to give birth right now?
Two families share their stories:
OUR MISSION: Childbirth Safety and Quality.
Our objective is to develop meaningful childbirth indicators that have the potential to improve childbirth safety and quality.
MQI, the Maternal Quality Indicators Group, is based at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and has been involved in the development of hospital-level indicators of safety and quality of childbirth services since 2002.
MQI's Current study: implementing the Childbirth Experience Survey (CBEX) in CA hospitals to learn about women's expectations and satisfaction with their childbirth experience. Follow us to learn more!
The MQI Group partners with hospitals and collaborates with state and national agencies to propose innovative childbirth measures and rigorously tests the measures using administrative and primary hospital data. Working in collaboration with colleagues at UCLA, the MQI group has partnered with the California Department of Public Health Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Branch (CDPH MCAH), publishing numerous academic manuscripts and reports
Hi Facebook family! We are MQI: Maternal Quality Indicators Group
We are a group of qualified researchers and medical professionals at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Cedars Sinai Medical Hospital. Our main goal is to develop measures to improve your childbirth safety and quality
Follow us to learn more about our current research studies and how they can help improve your childbirth experience