Learn With Me

Learn With Me

Guiding you through personal finance and becoming more financially literate one term at a time.

What Are Risk-Weighted Assets?: Understanding complex finance terms in simple explanations 15/02/2021

Do Risk-Weighted Assets sound like something beyond your comprehension? Learn With Me breaks down this term, what it means, and how it benefits you in your day to day life when it comes to personal finance and financial growth.

What Are Risk-Weighted Assets?: Understanding complex finance terms in simple explanations What Are Risk-Weighted Assets?: Understanding complex finance terms in simple explanations

What is The International Finance Corporation?: Understanding complex finance terms in simple explanations 15/02/2021

The International Finance Corporation may sound like a complex and intricate term, but Learn With Me breaks down the meaning into something easy to understand so you can grow your knowledge of personal finance and the economy you live in.

What is The International Finance Corporation?: Understanding complex finance terms in simple explanations What is The International Finance Corporation?: Understanding complex finance terms in simple explanations

What are Up/Down Gap Side-by-Side White Lines?: Understanding complex finance terms in simple explanations 15/02/2021

Up/Down Gap Side-by-Side White Lines sounds like a mouth full of jargon. But Learn With Me breaks down this term so you can understand how it benefits you when investing and looking at complex charts and graphs pertaining to the stock market.

What are Up/Down Gap Side-by-Side White Lines?: Understanding complex finance terms in simple explanations What are Up/Down Gap Side-by-Side White Lines?: Understanding complex finance terms in simple explanations

What is a Time Deposit?: Understanding complex investing in simple terms 15/02/2021

Ever heard of Time Deposits? Certificate of Deposit? CDs...in finance? These terms sound important and useful to know, but what do they really mean? Here is the short guide to understanding Time Deposits, what they are, how they will benefit you, and how to correctly use them. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08WLW7447

What is a Time Deposit?: Understanding complex investing in simple terms What is a Time Deposit?: Understanding complex investing in simple terms


Who using a language learning app to study a foreign language? Have you used Duolingo, Memrise, Lingo Deer, Rosetta Stone? Comment below your experience and your favorite vs least favorite site.

How to Teach a Language: Teach Non-Native Speakers 13/09/2020

Teaching your language to a group of foreigners may be a lot easier than you think. The human brain has the innate ability to process language and understand it. Your students will begin learning from the very first class. Still, it never hurts to know what you’re doing. Here are some useful tips for making the learning process easier. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08H7B42PF

How to Teach a Language: Teach Non-Native Speakers How to Teach a Language: Teach Non-Native Speakers

How To Learn Any Language: Ultimate Language Learning Guide 23/07/2020

Wanna learn a new language? Check out the ultimate guide for beginners that will lead the way through your language learning journey! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B089S38D7D

How To Learn Any Language: Ultimate Language Learning Guide How To Learn Any Language: Ultimate Language Learning Guide

How To Learn Any Language: Ultimate Language Learning Guide 21/06/2020

Here is our first great guide : How To Learn Any Language. Check it out now!


How To Learn Any Language: Ultimate Language Learning Guide How To Learn Any Language: Ultimate Language Learning Guide
