Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy Lifestyle

Health Lifestyle movement & community - sign up and become a healthier and happier YOU

www.healthyl Sign Up and start your journey on becoming a healthier you

We believe that getting healthy is simple and easy with daily healthy habits. Healthy Lifestyle Program is a FREE 3 week program for everyone who wants to improve their health and well being by incorporating various aspects of health:

Exercise - Nutrition - Mindfulness

Kicking off on the 1st of every month.


How much of these are you incorporating into your daily life?


Your habits will either make time your enemy, or your friend.
My advice to all of you thinking about getting started with a health journey is to focus on your daily habits, not on the end goal. I had NO IDEA I would end up where I am today, I just focused on trying to make better choices every day, really working hard on developing a better mindset and support system, and I just tried to get 1% better. I know it doesn’t sound glamorous or hardcore but surprise surprise, little wins add up to incredible progress. Though it may seem like overnight success, it sure isn’t! 👸👸
So please don’t be fooled by quick fixes and those “try this one thing” trickery plastered all over the internet. ✖️✖️
The change that you see me doing took years and in another few years I truly hope to continue to grow and change.
Here’s my tips:
✅ Keep a journal to put your thoughts and feeling down in words
✅ develop a support system of like minded souls that are going in a similar direction, and virtual friends count! 💖
✅ start with a few great daily habits that will pay off with energy and confidence right out of the starting gate, liking drinking at least 2 liters of water a day (I drink 3), eating protein with every meal (I aim for 30g per meal) and getting more sleep (I get 8 hours).
✅ work on mindset as well, by meditating or reading books like “Think Like a Warrior”or doing a criticism “fast” (no criticism for a whole day!😜)
✅ get some exercise in!! Maybe it’s a 30 minutes daily walk. Maybe it’s a 30 minutes body weight circuit. Maybe it’s my App. It’s up to you, but commit to taking better care of this vessel you’re in, the human body. The more physical energy you have, the better quality of life you will have. Trust me, I learned that myself and being on the better side of things, life is coming up roses!🌸
I hope this message helps some of you get started with resolve today. We can all change the quality of our lives if we want to. Please don’t ever buy into a negative belief about yourself.
We CAN do amazing things! We can do amazing things TOGETHER. That’s truly the wonderful power of the human spirit.
With love, Joan


Do not take your good health for granted. Be selfish about your health.

Tired -> Nap
Sad -> Music
Stressed -> Walk
Cant focus-> Cut screen time
Angry -> Exercise
Burnt out -> Read
Anxious -> Meditate
Feeling lost -> Pray
Overwhelmed -> Take a break
Restless -> Yoga
Nervous -> Deep breaths
Unmotivated -> Set small goals
Insecure -> Self-affirmations

How fasting like Chris Hemsworth may extend life by stopping ‘zombie cells’ 19/02/2023

Fasting ftw 🥳

How fasting like Chris Hemsworth may extend life by stopping ‘zombie cells’ Actor Chris Hemsworth fasted to stave off ageing for his Disney+ Limitless series. Studies on mice show intermittent or periodic fasting, and temporary dietary restric...


The benefits of Autophagy

Source: .mindypelz


We are on our way into the last stretch of 2022! Rather than only focusing on the start of 2023 to make big/macro changes (aka "resolutions"), you might want to start small/micro changes into the next month to create significant shifts in body, mind, and spirit to help you enjoy your holiday season. To the power of lifestyle!

Timeline photos 21/10/2022

Berries may slow brain aging by as much as two and a half years. Eating just one cup of blueberries a day has been shown to improve long-term memory in older adults. You can even correlate the cognitive improvements with enhanced brain activation by using state-of-the-art brain scan technology to actually visualize the improved blood flow to those same regions of the brain caused by the blueberry consumption.

A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study on children compared about one cup of blueberries to two cups and none at all. What did the researchers find? Blueberries improved cognitive performance, and the more berries, the better. And, the improvements weren't seen after 12 weeks of eating berries, but within hours of just a single meal with blueberries.

If you eat blueberries week after week, you also get chronic benefits, such as reduced artery stiffness and a boost in your natural killer cells, which are one of your body’s natural first lines of defense against viral infections and cancer.

Berries are some of the most healthful foods we should include in our daily routine. This is why they have their own special category in Dr. Greger’s Daily Dozen checklist. Download the free Daily Dozen app today, and start ticking off your daily servings of berries.

Learn more and see the study references on
"Benefits of Blueberries for the Brain" at
"Benefits of Blueberries for Artery Function" at
Daily Dozen at

At any age, a healthy diet can extend your life 20/10/2022

At any age, a healthy diet can extend your life No matter how old you are, or how much junk food you consume, it’s never too late to start undoing the damage caused by a poor diet.

People demand trendy foods to be healthier, more nutritious 28/09/2022

People demand trendy foods to be healthier, more nutritious!

People demand trendy foods to be healthier, more nutritious Plant-based food items are trendy right now.

Grab your FREE TICKET now! 14/09/2022


Grab your FREE TICKET now! Live healthier, happier, longer. Reverse chronic diseases. 37+ Trusted Experts. Evidence-based protocols.

Grab your FREE TICKET now! 09/09/2022

Grab your FREE TICKET now! Live healthier, happier, longer. Reverse chronic diseases. 37+ Trusted Experts. Evidence-based protocols.


Right? 🤣

10 Ways to Induce Autophagy: When Does It Start? 05/06/2022

Find out about autophagy and how it can improve health:

10 Ways to Induce Autophagy: When Does It Start? How to Induce Autophagy: ✅ When does it start? ✅ And stop? ✅ Which foods promote autophagy? ✅ And what are the benefits?

Timeline photos 30/05/2022

Meditation is like any other skill. You’ve got to put in the time and effort, but it gets easier once you make it a daily habit and begin seeing the benefits. Trust me: It changes everything.

I really got passionate about meditation as an adult, attending 10-day retreats where I meditated up to 12 hours a day. I studied Buddhism in college, and meditation remained an integral part of my life.

As you probably know too well, real-life can interfere with creating time for oneself or even the inclination to meditate, and for me, eventually, it fell by the wayside.

Just thinking about the zillion tasks I juggle every day makes my head spin: Managing a Functional Medicine clinic at a major hospital, seeing patients at my own practice, writing books, and attending to tons of other work obligations. I balance these duties with regular exercise, eating healthy, and sleeping 8-10 hours every night.

So OK, no jury in the world would convict me when I say I don’t have time to meditate, right?

Until one day my good friend, Emily Fletcher, called me out on the “I don’t have time to meditate excuse”. In saying that, she said, I was only fooling myself. Even though I felt pretty good, she mentioned that meditation could help me feel better, be better and become happier.

Over the past several years, as Emily helped rekindle my meditation fire and gave me a mantra to work with, I experienced a profound, “supercharged” difference. I felt happier, calmer, less anxious, and more energized or filled with energy. Before, I felt tired at the end of a long day; now I find I am alert and far more productive.

Recently I meditated on the plane and arrived in the most alert, focused, and calm state I’ve felt in ages. Who needs Starbucks when you feel this good?!

You’ll quickly discover that once you calm your mind, it is so much easier to make smarter choices about food and exercise. Your relationships get better. Literally, everything in your life improves.

If you’re not sure where to start, try out a few meditation apps or videos and see which works best for you. You can also start by closing your eyes, and breathing in and out for a couple of minutes.

Flat Belly Workout: Express Belly Blast (by Ellen Barrett) 27/05/2022

Check out this great free exercise by Ellen Barrett to improve core muscles and overall fitness level. Easy to do and for every level 🙌

Flat Belly Workout: Express Belly Blast (by Ellen Barrett) Flat Belly Workout: Express Belly Blast (by Ellen Barrett)🔔 Subscribe to get more and watch new video at once!💭 Share your ideas and results in comments!👋...

Timeline photos 22/05/2022

Dr. Frank Lipman joined me on The Doctor’s Farmacy to share the most effective fasting method, and why fasting is so powerful when it comes to longevity and healthy aging.

We also discuss the important role of mitochondria in aging and disease, and what we can do to boost mitochondrial function. Dr. Lipman shares supplements he recommends for longevity, and some promising anti-aging treatments as well.

You can listen to the full episode here:

How sugar affects the brain 16/05/2022

How sugar affects the brain When you eat something loaded with sugar, your taste buds, your gut and your brain all take notice. This activation of your reward system is not unlike how bodies process addictive substances such as alcohol or ni****ne -- an overload of sugar spikes dopamine levels and leaves you craving more. Nico...

6 Stategies to Successfully Clear Your Mind | Tony Robbins 01/04/2022

Check out these strategies to clear your mind 🧠

6 Stategies to Successfully Clear Your Mind | Tony Robbins Learn how you can clear your mind when under immense stress at work. Take steps towards achieving all your business goals with these crucial tips.

Leafy Greens: Liver Purifier 15/03/2022

Leafy Greens: Liver Purifier Medical Medium: Leafy Greens: Liver Purifier - now at


Success is like an iceberg 🧊 Do you agree? 👇

Timeline photos 31/01/2022

Get moving daily 🏃‍♀️👟💨

We all know that movement is good for us. But did you know it also is great for your gut? and not just improving the motility .....

✅ physical activity increases your breathing rate which moves your breathing muscle (diaphragm) - this massages the transverse colon and can help regulate peristalsis
✅ exercise has been shown to improve mucosal immunity by increasing secretory IgA - this is important to keep invaders at bay.
✅ positive microbiome changes include increased production of the short chain fatty acid Butyrate -- butyrate has enormous health benefits including helping to reduce gut and brain inflammation
✅ exercise increases blood circulation and lymphatic flow. For a visual on this, imagine a clean running river after all the stagnant water and debris has been cleared.

so pick something that you love doing- that is the key for creating a healthy exercise habit. Walking, running, dancing, cartwheeling on the beach - anything to get your heart rate up for 20 minutes several times weekly. Enjoy

Meet Betty Holston Smith, the 79-Year-Old Competing in 100-Mile Races 31/01/2022

Meet Betty Holston Smith, the 79-Year-Old Competing in 100-Mile Races 79-year-old Betty Smith has logged over 100,000 miles, 85 marathons, 29 ultramarathons, and countless half-marathons. Learn her diet and running tips here.


Researchers at the London School, Harvard, and Stanford compared exercise to pharmaceutical interventions and found that exercise often worked just as well as drugs for the prevention of diabetes and the treatment of heart disease and stroke. Exercise is just one of four lifestyle behaviors found to significantly extend our lifespan. Exercise is medicine.

Dr. Greger's Daily Dozen recommends 90 minutes of moderate-intensity activity, such as brisk (four miles per hour) walking or 40 minutes of vigorous activity (such as jogging or active sports), each day.


Fresh Start: Go Plant-Based in 21 Days! 28/12/2021

Learn how to go plant-based in 21 days. Sign up below 👇🍏🍅🥑🥬🥦

Fresh Start: Go Plant-Based in 21 Days! Join the Forks Over Knives Fresh Start: a free 21-day program to help you go plant-based. Sign up today!

Woman’s weight loss trick revealed after she shed 58 kilograms in ONE year 27/12/2021

Amazing progress and great tips on losing weight

Woman’s weight loss trick revealed after she shed 58 kilograms in ONE year ‘You just don’t see yourself gaining the weight as it’s happening...’

Can Alcohol Cause Cancer? | 21/12/2021

Can Alcohol Cause Cancer? | If even light drinking can cause cancer, why don’t doctors warn their patients about it?

'World’s Oldest' Person Dies At 124: Family Says Vegetables Were The ‘Secret’ 01/12/2021

Eat your veggies 😁🥬🥦🫑

'World’s Oldest' Person Dies At 124: Family Says Vegetables Were The ‘Secret’ Francisca Susano, the "oldest person in the world," has died at 124. Her vegetable-rich diet has been called the "secret to longevity"