Char Winnen Ed.D.

Char Winnen Ed.D.

I help people with chronic gut health issues find relief and enjoy food without bathroom worries.


Have a Wonderful Day!


10Xing Your Business Isn’t for Everyone—But It Could Be for You!

When I first read, "Wherever you are now, going 10x from here will require a total remodeling both of yourself and your business," it hit me hard.

I realized that the success I envisioned wasn’t about just working harder—it required doing things differently.

As a leader, I needed to not only inspire but also leverage social media to connect with a broader audience.

This journey has involved learning new skills, embracing digital tools, and crafting a social media strategy that amplifies my message and attracts the right people.

But here’s the truth—not everyone is willing to put in the effort to 10X their business. Are you?

Start today by committing to one change. Maybe it’s exploring new ways to use social media to expand your business, or if you’re already active online, learning how to create scroll-stopping posts that attract new customers or team members.

If you’re serious about 10Xing your business, type “10X” in the comments, and I’ll share with you where you can learn the skills needed to elevate your business using social media.

It’s working for me, and I’m confident it can work for you too.

I can’t wait to hear about your successes!


Life's Too Short to Spend in the Bathroom—Transform Your Gut, Transform Your Life!

I used to feel like my life was ruled by my gut. Every meal had me worried about when the next bathroom trip would be. It was exhausting, embarrassing, and downright frustrating.

Can you relate?

I realized that life is too short to be spent like that. So, I decided to make a change.

The key wasn't just finding something that helps your gut; it was finding something that transforms it.

That's when I discovered a solution that not only eased my symptoms but also revitalized my whole digestive system.

Are you ready to stop managing your symptoms and start transforming your gut by addressing the underlying cause of your gut problems?

Comment “Transform” below, and I'll share what worked for me!


They Said She Couldn’t Learn A Thing!

In The Gap and The Gain, there's a powerful story of a young child with a rare brain condition, one that led doctors to believe she could never learn anything. Her brain was "smooth," they said, incapable of forming new connections.

But her therapist saw something different. Slowly, painstakingly, the little girl began to learn. It was a glacial pace, almost imperceptible. But progress, no matter how small, is still progress.

Learning something new can feel like an uphill battle, especially when it’s slow and challenging.

But every tiny step forward is proof that you can, in fact, learn and grow. It’s the spark of hope that fuels motivation, the reassurance that you’re not stuck—you’re moving, even if it’s inch by inch.

Without hope, motivation crumbles. But by acknowledging even the smallest achievements, you give yourself the gift of perseverance.

Have you ever doubted your ability to learn something new, only to discover you were making progress all along? How did that realization feel?


How to increase your productivity…

Stop multitasking.

The key to increasing your productivity is to focus on one task at a time.

Switching back and forth between tasks costs time, according to Dr. David Meyer. For simple tasks it can take 25 percent more time and for complicated tasks well over 100 percent

The key: focus on one task and complete it before moving to the next task. You will find it takes less time when you focus than when you constantly switch between tasks.

So how do I approach this to my business? I have so many things I want to get done. I am finding that if I focus on one thing at a time, I am more efficient and I get more done then when I switch back and forth.

Do you agree? Comment. I would love to hear your thoughts on multitasking.


Did You Know To-do Lists Can Undermine Your Success?

We’ve all been told to do it—make our To-Do list to be successful.

Can you relate?

But have you ever felt like your to-do list is never-ending, no matter how much you accomplish?

It might be more than a productivity tool—your to-do list could actually be the reason you are not successful.

Here’s How…

A To-Do list is…

1. Simply a list of things you need to get done. The first thing on the list is the first thing you thought of.

2. Not prioritized for your success, but leads in all directions away from what you really need to do to succeed.

Take time to reflect on what will make a real difference in your business. Then make a list of one or two things that will actually lead to your success aimed in a specific direction.

Then choose the one item on your list and complete it first ignoring those things that will distract you from your success.

Leadership is about identifying the one thing that will create your success or your team’s success.

Do you agree? I would love to hear your thoughts.


Choose Joy, No Matter What

Life throws curveballs, but I've learned that in every situation, I have a choice. A few years ago, I faced a tough period with my health. Amidst the uncertainty, I discovered a powerful truth: I could choose joy.

Even today with a major headache, I still chose joy. Being joyful isn't about your circumstance. It comes from within--grounded in faith and gratitude.

Joy isn't about ignoring the struggles; it's about embracing a mindset that no one can take from you. It’s the anchor that keeps you steady, the light that shines even in the darkest times.

Today, I encourage you to make that choice. Choose joy. Hold onto it. Let it empower you.

Share this with someone who needs a reminder that joy is always an option. 🌟✨


Three things You Need To Know About Collagen

1. Collagen is a structural component of every cell in your body.

2. Beginning in our early 30’s we start losing collagen at a rate of 1% per year.

3. Fine lines and wrinkles are a sign your body is breaking down collagen faster than it is replacing it.

No worries, you can replace the collagen you are losing by taking an effective collagen supplement that replenishes collagen while also suppressing collagen breakdown.

That’s what I am doing. I started on my collagen supplement and within a week, I started noticing my fine lines and wrinkles were fading away. Not only that, my skin started getting that youthful glow.

To learn more about my favorite collagen supplement, drop a 😊 in the comments section.


What’s your favorite book on leadership?

There are many great books available on leadership. I believe Success Principles by Jack Canfield lays down foundational principles required for developing the leader within.

And, yes it will take time to read and apply all the principles covered in the 67 chapters of this book. But the journey is well worth it, if you decide to apply these principles to your life.

What is your favorite book on leadership?


Three Tips to Reduce Lectins in Your Diet

On Tuesday, I shared how lectins, plants' natural defense mechanism, can contribute to a leaky gut.

I used to struggle with digestive issues, gas, and bloating every time I ate green peppers or tomatoes. It wasn’t until I read Dr. Gundry’s book, *The Plant Paradox*, that I learned these foods are high in lectins.

Here's what I do to reduce lectins and enjoy my favorite foods again:

1. . Soak and Rinse: Lectins are water-soluble, so soaking and rinsing foods multiple times before cooking can remove most of the lectins.

2 Peel and Deseed: I peel and deseed green peppers and tomatoes. This simple step has made a huge difference for me, and I no longer experience digestive problems when I eat them.

3. Pressure Cooking: For certain foods, pressure cooking is necessary to destroy lectins. This method ensures your meals are lectin-free and easier on your gut.

Try these tips and see if they make a difference in how you feel!

For more information on how to restore your digestive health problems, type FREE in the comments section and I will send you a copy of the 4-Steps to Restoring Your Digestive Health.

This detailed checklist is based on my journey to restoring my digestive health.

Share this post to someone you know and follow me on Facebook.
To your health!


You Don’t Have To Be A Millionaire To Make A Difference: You Just Need To Be YOU

For a long time, I thought I had to be rich to make a difference in this world. But then I realized there are little things I can do to have a positive impact on someone else’s life.

Are you waiting for your “ship to come in” before you feel you can make a difference?

The visual lists 21 different ways We can make a difference in someone else’s life.

In giving to others, we often find that we receive far more in return.

When we positively impact others’ lives, we often experience a sense of wellbeing, fulfilment, and purpose.

Acts of kindness and generosity also strengthen our connections with others, building a supportive community around us.

Can you think of any other way to make a difference than what’s listed? Let us know in the comments.

What on the list are you willing to do today? Comment


I can’t believe I did this…

Yesterday I went to Trader Joe’s to pick up a couple of items and passed the fresh ears of corn display. The smell of the fresh non-GMO corn got to me and I purchased an ear.

What’s so bad about that you ask…Corn is in season now!

Corn is a high lectin food. Lectins are proteins plants produce to ward off predators. (I guess we are one of those!)

The Lectins act like barbwire in our gut wedging between the cells lining our GI track causing a leaky gut. This allows toxins to enter our system causing havoc with our health.

Some of the symptoms of a leaky gut are…
· Gas and bloating
· Skin problems including ache and rashes
· Brain Fog and Mood swings
· Joint pain
· Inflammation

So now, I will have to deal with a leaky gut again! And I know what to do. Do you?

IF you would like to learn what I did to restore my digestive health after 25 years of having heartburn, hyperactive bowel, gas and bloating, then type “GUT” in the comments to obtain a FREE COPY of the 4-Steps to Restoring Your Digestive Health.

If you don’t start now, your digestive health will only get worse. I know, that’s what happened to me. So start today to repair your GI track issues. Type “GUT” in the comments.


Flip The Script: Turn Fear Into Fearless Leadership

This weekend I attended the Digital Networker Live Workshop and Conference. I learned so much.

One quote stood out…"Fear is a misuse of our imagination."

This quote resonated deeply, especially when it comes to trying new things and learning new skills. That was what the workshop was all about! Learning new skills.

I remember when fear held me back from learning to create videos on social media. My mind conjured countless worst-case scenarios, what would people think? What if they were terrible? Would I be ghosted? What would my friends think of me? What if they didn't work?

It wasn't until I recognized that my imagination was being hijacked by fear that I could reclaim my vision and push forward.

As leaders, we often face situations that evoke fear—fear of failure, fear of the unknown, fear of trying something new, fear of stepping out of our comfort zones.

But what if we redirected that powerful imagination towards envisioning success instead?

Imagine harnessing our fears and instead visualizing achieving your goals, leading with confidence, and inspiring those around you. Picture the positive outcomes, the breakthroughs, and the growth.

Fear can paralyze, but imagination can propel. Let’s choose to use our imagination to fuel our dreams rather than our doubts.

**Take Action:**

- Reflect on a recent situation where fear held you back. Reframe your fear by choosing to focus on succeeding instead.

- Start a journal where you replace each fear-driven thought with a vision of success.

- Share your journey with your team and encourage them to shift their focus from fear to possibility.

Remember, as a leader, your imagination is a powerful tool. Use it wisely.

Share this post with your team and team leaders.


You don't need a new day to start over, you just need to start.

How many times have I said to myself, I will start tomorrow?
Unfortunately, too many times. I just did it today—I will start (fill in the blank) tomorrow.

Can you relate?

But then I realized the best time to start over is right now! ✨

Every moment is a fresh opportunity to take a step towards your goals.

Whether it's embracing healthier habits, tackling that project you've been putting off, or simply choosing to be kinder to yourself—start now.

Don't wait for the perfect moment, create it! 💪🌟


It's Mid-Year: Do You Know Where Your Dreams Are?

As a kid growing up in southeastern Wisconsin, I'd always hear on the news, "It’s 10:00 PM, parents, do you know where your children are?"

Well, it's mid-July, and the year is half over! Are you taking the time to reflect on what you've accomplished so far this year?

I know I often get caught up in focusing on what I still need to do and forget to celebrate what I've already achieved. What about you?

Take a moment to reward yourself for what you’ve accomplished. Reflect on where you’re going and what steps you need to take next.

Share one of your proudest achievements in the comments below! Let’s celebrate our wins together. 🎉✨


What do you do when feel stuck?

This past week I have been feeling stuck! It seems like everything I have tried hasn’t worked!

We all have those moments when we feel stuck, right?

Whether it's with work, personal goals, or just finding inspiration, I'd love to hear from you:

🤔 What do you do when you're feeling unmotivated or stuck?

Do you take a break and recharge? 💆‍♂️ Set small goals to keep moving forward? 🎯 Seek inspiration from others? Ask for help? 🌟 Or maybe you have a totally unique approach that works wonders!

Share your tips and tricks in the comments below. Let's create a community resource for staying motivated and inspired! 🚀✨

Can't wait to hear your thoughts! 💬


Leadership: Saying Goodbye To Broken Promises And Hello To Building Trust

Trust is such a crucial foundation in any relationship—whether it's with friends, colleagues, or clients.

One thing I’ve realized is how important it is to follow through on what we say we’ll do.

It’s not just about completing tasks; it’s about integrity—making sure our words match our actions.

Think about it: have you ever promised something knowing you couldn’t meet the deadline?

It happens to all of us, right? But here’s the thing—I believe honesty plays a huge role here. If I can’t meet a deadline, I feel it’s better to be upfront about it rather than letting someone down.

So, which do you think is better:
1. Someone who says they’ll do something but doesn’t follow through on time

2. Someone who acknowledges the request, says they’re willing to help, but also lets you know upfront if they can’t meet your timeline?

I think the second option shows respect and sets clear expectations. It’s not about avoiding commitments—it’s about being realistic and reliable.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments.


The 4th Of July!

Enjoy your time with family and friends on this Independence Day!


What No One Is Talking About: Collagen the Missing Link To Digestive Health

You are probably aware that taking a collagen supplement is great for reducing fine lines and wrinkles. That is what most people talk about.

But did you know that collagen can also improve your digestive health?

I started taking a collagen supplement to help with my skin, but I noticed an unexpected benefit: my digestive health improved significantly.

I had struggled with bloating and irregularity for years, but after a few weeks of taking collagen, I felt a noticeable difference.

I also had more energy along with my improved digestive health. It was a game-changer for me, and I knew I had to share this discovery.

Did you know...

Collagen forms the structural framework of every cell in your body. As you age, your body starts breaking down collagen faster than it replaces it, impacting cellular structure.

The lining of your GI tract is only one cell thick. Those cells are held together by “tight junctions,” which prevent toxins from slipping through between the cells.

When you start seeing fine lines and wrinkles appearing on the outside, know that the tight junctions in your GI tract are also being weakened, allowing gaps to form resulting in a leaky gut. Yikes!

The good news? Restoring those tight junctions is as easy as taking a collagen supplement.

Collagen is packed with amino acids like glycine and proline, which are essential for repairing the intestinal wall.

These amino acids along with Type I Collagen help to strengthen and repair the damaged cell walls and the tight junctions thus preventing toxins from passing through and causing inflammation.

Beyond digestive health and skin rejuvenation, collagen supports joint health, strengthens hair and nails, and enhances muscle recovery. It's a versatile supplement that contributes to overall well-being.

When selecting a collagen supplement, look for one that contains many different types of collagen.

If you need help in selecting an effective collagen supplement, type GUIDE in the comments for a FREE copy of my Guide To Selecting A Collagen Supplement.

Ready to transform your digestive health and rejuvenate your skin? Start incorporating collagen into your daily routine today!

Type GUIDE in the comments for a copy of my FREE Guide or click the link in my bio to learn about my favorite collagen supplement that helped restore my digestive health along giving me back my youthful looking skin.

Don’t wait—take the first step towards a healthier, more vibrant you!


Don't Let Burnout Steal Your Progress!

Ever feel like you're putting in all the effort but getting nowhere?

It happens to the best of us, even leaders.

I remember leading a team, pushing myself to the limit, only to feel drained and defeated.

But then, I took some time to reflect on what we had accomplished so far. Then I realized that tracking our progress was a game changer. 🎯

As a leader, recognizing and celebrating your small wins not only boosts your morale but also inspires your team. When you see how far you've come, every step forward feels like a victory. 👏

Don't let burnout steal your joy and progress. Start tracking your journey today and celebrate every milestone!

✨ Ready to keep moving forward?

Comment "Track" if you're ready to celebrate your progress!🌟


What’s the Real Cost of Your Collagen Supplement?

Have you looked at the price of collagen supplements and wondered why they vary so much?

It’s so confusing, especially since they all claim to have collagen peptides.

I decided to dig deeper and see how long it actually takes to start seeing the benefits based on each company's recommendations.

The table shows what I found...

**Here's the bottom line...**

The initial price tag doesn't tell the whole story. The real value lies in how long it takes for you to see results and how much you'll spend to get there.

Ready to invest in a supplement that gives you the best bang for your buck?

Type BEST in the comments or Message me to find out which collagen supplement stands out from the rest!


Uncover the Secret to Digestive Health: Collagen!

Are you experiencing more frequent digestive issues as you age? If so, you’re not alone. And if not—just wait!

As we get older, our bodies start breaking down collagen faster than we can replace it, starting as early as our late 20s. By our early 30s, we’re losing collagen at a rate of 1% to 1.5% per year.

But what does this mean for your digestion? Let me explain.

Our GI tract lining is incredibly thin—just one cell thick—to efficiently absorb nutrients.

But when these cells aren’t tightly bound together, toxins can slip through, causing inflammation throughout the body. This is known as “leaky gut.”

What keeps these cells tightly bound?

Collagen! Type 1 Collagen is crucial for maintaining the tight junctions that bind the cells lining our GI tract.

When you notice fine lines and wrinkles on the outside, it’s a sign that collagen loss is happening on the inside too, compromising your gut’s integrity.

The result? Symptoms like digestive upsets, brain fog, poor sleep, and skin problems. But don’t worry—it’s not all bad news.

You can restore your gut health by replenishing your collagen levels with an effective supplement that:

- Replenishes collagen peptides
- Boosts collagen production in your body
- Reduces collagen breakdown

(By the way…watch those wrinkles rapidly fad away as well!)

Ready to take action?

Type **GUT** in the comments to learn more about my favorite collagen supplement.

Or type **FREE** to get access to my free Guide to Restoring Your Digestive Health.


Here’s A Leadership Challenge For You!

In the realm of personal leadership, hope is the spark that ignites our dreams. But remember, dreams remain dreams without action.

✨ **Hope** gives us vision. It inspires us to see beyond current circumstances and believe in a brighter future.

💪 **Action** is the force that transforms that vision into reality. It’s the daily steps we take, the decisions we make, and the resilience we show in the face of challenges.

As a Leader, Are You Ready to Turn Hope into Reality?

Combine hope with decisive action, and you create a powerful momentum towards your goals.

👣 Start today. Identify that first step. Then take the action to make it happen! Leadership begins with leading yourself.

Remember: Dreams happen when we step out of our comfort zone!

Share this post with a friend or business partner.


What Do Termites And Collagen Have In Common?

Did you ever think about what happens when termites invade your house’s framework?

Those tiny pests eat away at the framework weakening the structure over time. It’s a subtle, slow process, resulting in sagging ceilings and floors. Over time your house structure becomes weak and unstable.

The same thing happens to our body as we age.

We lose 1 to 1.5 percent of our body’s collagen each year beginning in our late 20’s.

Collagen provides the structural support for our skin, blood vessels, bones, and connective tissue.

Just like termites, the loss of collagen is invisible but relentless.

Imagine waking up one day realizing your health has been compromised. Wrinkles, joint pain, and brittle bones start to creep in, and you wonder where your youthful energy and vitality went.

Even worse, our blood vessels are also weakened leading to the possibility of a stroke or an aneurism. Yikes!

But here’s the good news: Just as you can take steps to protect your home from termites, you can take proactive steps to maintain your collagen levels and your health and vitality.

Here’s how: Choose a collagen supplement that replenishes collagen while also causing your body to increase collagen production and decrease the rate collagen is lost. It can also reverse some of the damage due to collagen loss.

(This is the collagen supplement I take every day!)

Start today! Invest in your health and vitality.

Drop the word DAILY in the comments to learn more about my favorite collagen supplement.

Or, if you prefer, drop the word GUIDE to get my Free Guide To Choosing An Effective Collagen Supplement.


Break Free: Embrace Your Personal Juneteenth

On June 19th, 1865, the last enslaved African Americans in Galveston, Texas, learned they were free – two and a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation.

Juneteenth is a powerful reminder of the struggle for freedom and the importance of liberation.

For many of us, the chains of slavery have taken on different forms.

We find ourselves enslaved by past events, negative experiences, and limiting beliefs.

I remember a time when I was trapped by my own thoughts, focusing on the setbacks and failures that seemed to define me.

Every day felt like I was reliving the past, unable to move forward. Can you relate?

But then, I realized I was holding the key to my own freedom.

Just like the news of emancipation reached those in Galveston, the moment I acknowledged my power to change was the moment I began my journey to freedom.

Here’s what I did to break free:
1. **Recognize the Chains**: Identify what’s holding you back. Is it fear, regret, or a negative self-image?

2. **Acknowledge Your Power**: Understand that you have the strength and ability to change your story. As Jim Kwik states, "One step in a different direction changes your destiny."

3. **Take Action**: Make small, consistent steps toward your goals. Celebrate each victory, no matter how small.

4. **Surround Yourself with Support**: Connect with those who uplift and inspire you.

Freedom isn’t just a historical event – it’s a personal journey.

Embrace your Juneteenth today. Break free from the past and step into the life you deserve.

**Take the First Step Today**: Start by acknowledging one limiting belief you have and write down one action you can take to overcome it.

Share one action you plan on taking today in the comments and let’s support each other in our path to freedom.


Are Your Decisions Experiments?

Ever found yourself paralyzed by indecision? I know I have! 🙋‍♀️

This weekend, I listened to an inspiring presentation by Steven Bartlett—a name I hadn’t heard before.

He’s a 30-year-old CEO of four businesses, and his approach to decision-making left me speechless.

Steven shared his secret: Treat every decision like an experiment. He views each decision as a trial knowing that almost all decisions can be reversed.

If it doesn’t work out, he pivots and tries something new.

“We make the best decisions we can with the information we have at the time,” he says. “We can only be 100% certain when we look backward.”

His bottom line… “The biggest cost in business and life is the time it takes for you to make a decision.”

So, what decision are you wrestling with? Take a leap—just do it!

Are you ready to embrace decision-making as an experiment?
Comment below!


What Kind of Difference Do You Want to Make?

When I saw this quote by Jane Goodall, "What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make," it reminded me of the difference I want to make.

I started my health and wellness business because the products have made a significant difference in my own health.

But my mission goes deeper. My brother passed away from ALS—a devastating disease. This loss fuels my passion to help others.

I truly believe that the products I represent can help ALS patients reverse some of their symptoms. There's evidence to support this!

And, these products are also effective for other neurological disorders.

My ultimate goal is to raise $1,000,000 for ALS research, focusing on identifying the causes and finding effective treatments.

That's my story. Now, I want to hear yours. What kind of difference do you want to make? Share in the comments below. Let's inspire each other! 🌟


What do you say to yourself when faced with a difficult task?

Good morning! 🌞 When I looked at my garden, my raised beds were full of weeds.

We’ve been experiencing rain almost every day—downpours!

Between attending workshops and the rain, the weeds got out of control this year. On the bright side, the weeds should be easy to pull as the ground is saturated.

Even so, I felt overwhelmed. And then, the voice in my head kept repeating, “Inch by inch, anything’s a cinch.”

I tackled the first bed—I could even pull the thistles out by their roots! I’ve never been able to do that before! What a great feeling—getting the weeds pulled and the beds ready for planting.

Have you ever tackled a task when you felt overwhelmed? What did you say to yourself as you worked through it?

Once completed, how motivated were you to tackle your next difficult task?

By completing our difficult tasks, we learn we can do so much more than we originally thought. Do you agree?

Share your experiences below! 👇 Let's inspire each other to keep pushing through! 💪

Videos (show all)

Is Your Collagen Supplement Doing What You Think It Is?1. If your collagen supplement is effective, you should start see...
Choosing and Effective Collagen SupplementThe enzyme method breaks down the collagen into uniform peptides that your bod...
Drop your thoughts in the comments or DM me directly.Let me know your questions or concerns you have when choosing a col...
Collagen Supplements for Fine Lines and Wrinkles...Incomplete proteins, on the other hand, lack one or more of these cru...
Inflammation the Root Cause of Your Digestive Problems?Heartburn, hyperactive bowel, IBS, brain fog, mood swings... soun...
6 Signs Your GI Track Needs Some TLCAny one of these signs means your GI track needs care.If you don’t do something now ...
Am I Too Old to Benefit from Collagen Supplements? The Surprising TruthAs I approached my 50s, I noticed the subtle sign...
Stop Sabotaging Your Collagen Supplement!My favorite breakfast is a couple of fried eggs with toast and coffee.Wait, wha...
We all face choices...When comparing supplements that will improve our health. #collagen #collagensupplment #collagenpep...
What do you say to yourself when faced with a difficult task?Good morning! 🌞 When I looked at my garden, my raised beds ...
What's important on the Collagen Supplement Label... How collagen is made...Method 1:  Acid hydrolysis breaks the large ...
Manufactures don't want you to know which way their collagen is made.There are two major ways collagen is produced.  One...