Hon. Amadu Hamza

Hon. Amadu Hamza

Municipal Chief Executive for Bawku


Dear people of Bawku,

I bring to you warm wishes and glad tidings on the occasion of Eid-ul Adha.

I wish you and your families a very happy and peaceful Eid al-Adha. May Allah accept your good deeds, forgive your transgressions and and ease the suffering of all peoples around the globe.

May happiness and Peace embrace our dear town of Bawku in particular and Ghana in general.

Eid Mubarak.


Grateful to the staff and management of Zahra radio.

Happy birthday Hon. Amadu Hamza.


May the blessings of the day fill our hearts and homes with joy, peace and happiness.

Barka Da Sallah


Ramadan Mubarak 🙏

May the divinity of this holy month of Ramadan bring an everlasting peace and prosperity to Bawku and fill our homes with joy and happiness.



May the divinity of this holy month of Ramadan bring an everlasting peace and prosperity to Bawku and fill our homes with joy and happiness.



Happy 78th birthday Boss.

May God grant you an uncommon wisdom and a remarkable vision as you lead our Dear country.




Dear All,

I extend to you my Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a Happy New Year.
May peace, love, and prosperity be our companions as we step into the new year.

Even in these difficult times, we must keep our optimism and pray for better tomorrow. As we bid adieu to 2021, It's my hope that the new year brings all of us peace and happiness.

May 2022 and beyond turn out to be the best year in our lives and in the life of our Dear Bawku town.




I listened to an interview granted on source fm by one Mr. Abugrei A Haruna during their 7Pm local news segment on 27th December 2021. He was introduced by the host of the programme as the Spokesperson for the Kusaasis Youth Movement.
In the said interview, Mr. Abugrei A. Haruna made a wild allegations against me to the effect that, I commanded the security agencies in the Municipality to kill the Kusaasis and protect the Mamprusis. I immediately made a call to the station and debunked the allegations on me and also called on him to retract those frivolous comments.

Ordinarily, such baseless allegations would have past without the glory of a response, but for my position as the Chief Executive of the Municipality, it is imperative I set the records straight on those allegations.

Let me state on record and as a matter of fact that ;

1. I have not and would never ask the security to kill one person or the other. I don't even have that power to dictate to the security forces on how to go about their work.

2. I have no interest in the death of any individual in the Municipality. Be it a Kusaasi or a Mamprusi or any other tribe. So I find it rather preposterous that such an allegation is levelled against me. I will therefore entreat the good people of Bawku to ignore such unsubstantiated allegations and treat it with the contempt it deserves

3. As the Municipal Chief Executive, it's my responsibility to be fair to all manner of persons, and this is exactly what I have done since assuming office and would continue do so as far as I remain the in office.

4. I want to reiterate my commitment for peace and development in our Municipality and I will stop at nothing to achieve that. I will continue to work hand in hand with the major stakeholders in the peace process in Bawku including ethnic groups like the Kusaasis whom I have enjoyed a tremendous support from ever since I became the Municipal Chief Executive.

Let me call on Mr. Abugrei A. Haruna and like members of our society, particularly the youth to give peace a chance and to understand that violence is not the solution to our problems. And for Mr. Abugrei A. Haruna to retract the unfortunate statement made against me on source fm. And to understand that this is not the time to play the blame game but a time for level headedness and sober reflection.

Let me by this statement invite the good people of Bawku especially the youth to join me in my quest towards finding a lasting peace in Bawku.

Finally, I want to commend the security forces in the Municipality working day and night to ensure that peace is maintained in Bawku

Thank You.


Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas and a prosperous New Year!

to peace and a blessed 2022

Photos from Hon. Amadu Hamza's post 22/12/2021

This morning, I attended a short ceremony at Kpalgu to handover the rehabilitated Azorka Dam to the people of the Kpalgu and Kpalwega communities.

As the Agriculture hub of the Municipality, the importance of the Dam to the livelihoods of the people of the two communities cannot be over emphasised. The rehabilitation of the Dam is in line with the quest of the Nana Addo/ Bawumia Government to put Agriculture back on the path of sustainable growth and also achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 2.

I congratulated and thanked the chiefs and people of the two communities for cooperating with the engineers through out the period of the rehabilitation, I also urged the people of the communities to take very good care of the Dam.

In attendance were officers from the Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation led by the Chief director of the Ministry, Madam Cynthia Asare Bediako.

Also in attendance is Mr. Peter Dery, Director of Environment, Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation.

Photos from Hon. Amadu Hamza's post 18/11/2021

I spent my day today visiting the examination centres in my Municipality, to observe the ongoing Basic Education Certificate Examinations (BECE).

I interacted with the pupils, teachers as well as the Exams Officials and commended them for maintaining a serene environment for the exams and also encouraged the pupils to remain steadfast in their studies and abide by the rules and regulations of the examinations. It's only by doing so that they can come out with flying colours and take advantage of Government's flagship Free SHS policy.

I was impressed with what I saw today and I'm upbeat about the success of the pupils.


I spoke with Ghana Districts TV on the sidelines of a workshop training organised for MMDCEs by the minister of Local government.

I emphasised on the need for peace and unity in Bawku Municipality. I also touched on the poor roads network in the Municipality.

Kindly click on the link below to watch my interview




Wishing all candidates in the Municipality the very best of luck.
You have worked hard for this exam. So give it the best of your effort.

Photos from Hon. Amadu Hamza's post 12/11/2021

Earlier in the week, I received a delegation from the office of the president led by the national coordinator of the special development initiative, Napaga Tia Sulemana and officials from the Northern Development Authority(NDA). They were in the municipality as part of a familiarisation tour by the national coordinator of the special development initiative to inspect projects under the infrastructure for poverty eradication program (IPEP) projects. Whilst here, the team inspected a water system at the Municipal Assembly complex, 10 seater water closet facility at the Bawku Central market and active small earth Dam at Tampizua community.

I also had an audience with a delegation from the family of the late Sheikh Muhammad Khalifa, they were in my office to officially inform me of his demise. We also discussed plans and preparations towards his forthcoming Adua. I pledged my support to the family towards organizing a befitting Adua for the great servant of Allah.
