

We help people build side hustles while working full time. We empower people with profitable business


If you are using Vodacom don't sleep on the vodapay app...y'all.
You can get up to 50 gig of data for R240.
You can also get 1 gig per day for R1 or R5 all depending on your profile


Good day beautiful people.I would like to apologize for dissappearing for so long.It has been a rollercoster of events and since i am a solopreneur there was no one to handle the facebook side of things.I got sick with covid in 2021 and it got hectic at work.

i would like to begin the new year by rescusitating the business.

may this be our most productive year


Not all hope is lost when you work a low paying job.You can use the skills and knowledge that you learn from your job to start a side hustle. Show enthusiasm and be inquisitive.


of the day


most people do not know how to navigate through apps,you can set up a social media page and teach them.All you have to do is make sure you have a huge following. You can achieve that by making videos of valuable content.

Even has an affiliate marketing programme where you can get $36/month. This idea is not limited to apps only. You will be surprised to see how many people don't know how to use things you consider a norm.

1.using ATMs/withdrawing/e-wallet
2.using bank apps/setting up scan to pay
3.information on certain services needed by people can set up a paid WhatsApp video group and have a mini online webinar to teach other people

you don't need to get paid through affiliate marketing only,you can even sell your courses once you have established yourself as an expert.


you can just put a # before any topic you doing research on and you will get different types of infos. #(hashtag) is a google of of its own.use it on facebook and instagram


Money is everywhere it just needs you to be a conniving bitch

we are living in an era of free knowledge and information but even as freely as it is available there is still a remnant of people who are clueless about what is freely out there.

what information do you know that few people know and that can can get them out of poverty or make their lives or health better?


Business idea of the day: plumbers; electricians; mechanics; carpenters (all technicians)

Jobless/part-time technicians or someone in your family is jobless but has these skills:

I am going to make an example using plumbing:

1.create a Facebook/YouTube/WhatsApp group/tik-tok page as a plumber where you teach basic plumbing skills.
2.most people face plumbing problems, and they are clueless on what they can do to salvage the situation.
3.a pipe can burst in the middle of the night and someone would not know that they must switch off the valve stopper to stop the water.
4.a zinc can be blocked, and they would not know what to do. you can make a video page where you teach people how to solve basic plumbing problems in their houses.
6.this post is for all technicians. Depending on your expertise you can teach people how to fix a kettle, install a light bulb, change a car tyre etc.
7.the more noise you make about a particular subject on social media the more you are building authority as an expert on that subject and the easier people can trust you.
8.once people trust you then you can start charging them if they ask for extra information. can point out services which you will charge for can even sell your videos on Udemy or charge for online consultations.
11.other technicians can even consult with you and you charge them. can even do affiliate marketing for big brands or hardware companies and you can get paid some nice moola. would have established yourself as a plumber thereby you can have services where people call you to fix in their homes. Bizniche page and consult with us if you do not know how to sell and market your services.


It is true that information is for free but if you want it nicely packaged and orderly put then it's not for free


What is keeping you broke?
Did you know that in the bible it says that God feeds the birds? But wait it does not say God throws food in their nests..

it also says God fed the Israelites with manna. Like they absolutely did not have to worry about working for food..but wait it does not say God threw the manna in their houses..infact God threw the manna at a designated place and they had to wake up early to fetch it and if you woke up late then you would not have gotten anything..

where am I going with this? We live in a south Africa where people think that spirituality is a substitute for hard work…people keep telling themselves that it’s gonna be okay..but the reality is how many people( including yourself )have kept telling themselves that and their financial lives are not getting any better..

we also live in a country where people expect to be “spoon-fed” , more especially ladies …they want to find a man who will “rescue them from poverty” or they are wating for their friends and relatives who work to say hey chomma they are looking for people at pnp clothing…then they suddenly prepare their cvs…
it is amazing that most people are looking for Jobs but they don’t even have an up to date cv…yet every month they have money to do fancy hairstyles,nails,to buy junk food and alcohol.they have money to buy all the unnecessary stuff but don’t have money to go around dropping their cvs in town or to even update it.

Anyhow faith is not a substitute for hardwork ..we have to trust God but also work hard..we do our part and God will do his part


Going out of fashion are the days where ladies will have to depend on a man and where men will be standing in the streets doing nothing.
South Africa has money lying around and people are simply sleeping on themselves. I frankly do not believe in being broke anymore and neither should you. Having one job is not even enough and the norm is to have multiple streams of income.
This page is about empowering people with profitable business ideas, profitable means of making a living and guiding them on the steps needed for that. We also work with small business owners to help them make crazy sales.
At Bizniche we believe that if your business is online then you have no excuse as to why you are not making money. We help businesses to leverage the power of social media in achieving crazy sales.
We also believe that if you have a smartphone and laptop then you absolutely have no excuse in being broke.
