St. Philip Benizi Parish

St. Philip Benizi Parish

For now we are on the first phase sa atong project, any donation for our project is appreciated..


Maayong gabii sa tanan.

Ang presider sa atong misa ugma sa 40th Anniversary sa parokya mao ang atong Obispo. 10:30am.
Salamat sa tanan


Salamat aning una nga nangabot nga mga donations para premyo sa atong raffle draw sa pagsaulog sa 40th anniversary sa atong parokya..

Salamat :
Mrs. Myla Vallecer
Mr. Marcial Campoy


August 23
St. Philip Benezi
Illustrious Promoter of the Servite Order

Heavenly Father,
through Saint Philip,
you cared for the first Servants of Mary
increase their number
and give them a rule of life
grant that we, like Philip,
In faithful service to the Blessed Virgin
may zailously proclaim your kingdom.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ,
your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever.

St. Philip Benizi,
Pray for us.


Mary's Servant of Peace
St. Philip Benizi OSM
9th Day

The most critical test endured by Philip Benizi as a Prior General was adoubtedly that of the threat to the Servites' survival posed by the Second Council of Lyons in 1274. Forbidding the foundation of new religious orders, and absolutely suppressing all mendicant institution not yet approve by the Holy See. Philip quickly took action by summoning to Monte Senario the priors and other delegates of the Order to seek their counsel and to formulate a response to this threat of extinction. Philip also took legal and deplomatic action on the Order's behalf by seeking the advice of lawyers in the Roman Curia regarding the Servites position in Canon Law in the light of the Council.
In many respects, the lack of the definitive legislation and its ambiguous position in the Canon Law saved the Servite Order from suppression. Final approval of the Order was granted by pope Benedict XI in the Bull Dum Levamus of February 11, 1304. This happy conclusion to the years of uncertainty and struggles stands as a tribute to the prudent care with which he directed the Order's affairs.

***Mary's Servant of Peace (1986)***
Stewart Foster OSM

Pray for us, o prudent Servant, St. Philip Benizi,
that we maybe made worthy of the promises of Christ....


Mary's Servant of Peace
St. Philip Benizi OSM
8th Day

Philip has traditionally receive veneration as a peacemaker amidst the volatile political struggles in 13th century Italy. And none more so than those in which his native city was engaged. In 1272 Pope Nicholas III granted special powers to Cardinal Latino for the pacification of certain warring cities. The cardinal is said to have sought Philip's assistance, sending him to Florence and Pistoia. In 1282-83 Philip is also said to have acted as Pope Martin IV's representative at Forli. Nevertheless, another symbol associated with Philip, and often present in artistic representation of the saint, is the lily a sign of the peacemaker.

Several holy men and women in yhe Servite History testify to the part played by Philip in drawing vocations to the Order.

Bl. Joachim of Siena was received into the Order ny Philip in 1271-72.
Bl. Bonaventure of Pistoia a Ghibelline leader converted in 1276 from a life of warfare and violence.
Bl. Andrew of Borgo inspired by Philip turned from soldiering , sought admission to the Order.
Bl. Ubaldo of Borgo a Ghibelline supporter was also converted in 1278 and became a close friend of Philip.
St. Peregrine Laziosi (1265- 1345) a Ghibelline stronghold and Philip's attacker was converted and later received into the Order.
St. Juliana Falconieri foundress of the Third Order Mantellate sisters, was place under Philip's care by her uncle St. Alexis in 1284.

***Mary's Servant of Peace (1986)***
Stewart Foster OSM

Pray for us, o peacemaker, St Philip Benizi,
that we maybe made worthy of the promises of Christ.


Mary's Servant of Peace
St. Philip Benizi OSM
7th Day

In 1267-68, Philip made a visitation of the Order's house in northern Italy. In the Church of Blessed Mary in Arezzo, Philip begged the Virgin Mother to provide for the friar servants who were starving, as all crops had been destroyed by warring in the countryside. Suddenly, a knock on the church door revealed baskets of bread that helped revive the starving friars. This tradition gave rise to the custom of the blessing and distribution of St. Philip'sBread on his feast day, a custom still honoured by the Order

***Mary's Servant of Peace (1986)***
Stewart Foster OSM
Pray for us, o faithful Servant of Mary, St Philip Benizi,
that we maybe made worthy of the promises of Christ.


Mary's Servant of Peace
St. Philip Benizi OSM
6th Day

Montaccianico was the seat of the powerful cardinal Ottaviano degli Ubaldini (1240-44) Bishop of Bologna. In the death of Pope Clement IV in 1268 a group of cardinals including Ubaldini, declared Philip a worthy successor to the papal throne. Cardinal Ottobono Latino, Protector of the Servites, is then said to have proposed Philip as a candidate for the Papacy at the Conclave of Viterbo (1268-71), having heard of his miraculous works-including the incident at Gagliano. Upon hearing the proposal Philip hid in a cave on Monte Amiata, near Seina. For three months he existed on vegetables alone, and through his prayers a thermal spring appeared that he might quench his thirst. Artistic representation of St. Philip Benizi commonly depict the papal tiara resting at his feet.

***Mary's Servant of Peace (1986)***
Stewart Foster OSM

Pray for us, o faithful Servant of Mary, St Philip Benizi,
that we maybe made worthy of the promises of Christ.


Mary's Servant of Peace
St. Philip Benizi OSM
5th Day

St. Philip Benizi has always been honoured as a profoundly humble friar and a man of great simpilcity. One of the several examples of his humility related by the earliest account of his life recalls Philip's encounter with a l***r in the village of Gagliano whilst he was travelling towards Bologna on a visitation of the Order's house. Philip gave his tunic to the l***r, where upon the man was cured. As in the Gospel story of Jesus and the l***r, the man ran after his healer to thank him, but Philip exhorted him to give glory to God and to tell no one about the miracle. However, the man entered the nearby citadel of Montaccianico and spoke of his healing.

***Mary's Servant of Peace (1986)***
Stewart Foster OSM

Pray for us, man of great simplicity, St Philip Benizi,
that we maybe made worthy of the promises of Christ.


Mary's Servant of Peace
St. Philip Benizi OSM
4th Day

For nearly four years Philip lived as a laybrother, until such time as God chose to reveal his wisdom and learning. In 1258 he was sent on a visit to Seina. On the journey Philip and his companion meet two Dominican Friars who were on their way home from Germany. unfamiliar with the black habit of the Servites the Dominicans were curious as to whence Philip and Victor came, and to which religious order they belonged. In reply Philip uttered his famous declaration: " If your question is about our place of origin, we are the sons of this land. But if you wish to know our status, we are called Servants of the glorious Virgin, the habbit of whose widowhood we wear. We lead the life instituted by the holy Apostles, and follow the rule of the saintly doctor Augustine."

At length, having returned to Florence, Philips's eloquence is said to have been reported to his brethren and the young lay brother was duly sent for clerical studies. He was ordained shortly thereafter. On 5 June 1267 the Servite General Chapter, then assembled in Florence, elected Philip Benizi successor to fra Manettus as Prior General of the Order. The fifth friar to hold this office, Philip was not yet thirty-four years of age.

***Mary's Servant of Peace (1986)***
Stewart Foster OSM

Pray for us, Servant of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St Philip Benizi,
that we maybe made worthy of the promises of Christ.


Mary's Servant of Peace
St. Philip Benizi OSM
3rd Day

Upon entering the Abbey church of Fiesole, Philip heard the following words spoken to him by the figure of Christ in the crucifix: " Go to the high hill where the Servants of my Mother are living and you will be doing the will of my Father." Philip received a vision in which he saw himself in a desolate place, on a hazardous and deserted road. His cries for help were eventually answered by the appearance of the Blessed Virgin, who was borne upon a four-wheeled chariot fashioned in gold and drawn by a lion and a lamb, with a dove hovering above. On the following night the virgin appeared to him in a dream. She bade him seek out her Servants.

Philip sought counsel from fra Bonfilius, Prior at Caffagio and also one of the Seven Founders. Accordingly on 18 April 1254, Philip, having joined them at the table, was admitted by the friars at Cafaggio into the Servite Order as a lay brother.

***Mary's Servant of Peace (1986)***
Stewart Foster OSM

Pray for us, model of humility, St Philip Benizi,
that we maybe made worthy of the promises of Christ.


Mary's Servant of Peace
St. Philip Benizi OSM
2nd Day

St. Philip Benizi was born on August 15,1233, the feast of the Assumption of Our Lady. An early historical source also ascribes to this date the Seven Holy Founders' first vision of the Blessed Virgin, thus the foundation of the Servite Order (Servites). The order to which Phillip seeks admittance as a laybrother in the year 1254.

***Mary's Servant of Peace (1986)***
Stewart Foster OSM

Pray for us, most humble servant, St Philip Benizi,
that we maybe made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Photos from St. Philip Benizi Parish's post 13/08/2021

Mary's Servant of Peace
St. Philip Benizi OSM
1st Day

There is one figure in the early history of the Servite Order whom friars in each generation have honoured with special devotion and regard: Saint Philip Benizi, fifth Prior General (1276-1285) of the Order of the Friars Servants of Mary. Through the holiness of his own life and by the care with which he guided the affairs of the Order during the difficult era in its history, when its very survival was threatened, Philip has laid claim to a unique place in Servite tradition.

***Mary's Servant of Peace (1986)***
Stewart Foster OSM

Pray for us, illustrious promoter of the Servite Order St Philip Benizi,
that we maybe made worthy of the promises of Christ.


Maayong hapon..

Ugma Dominggo ( June 20), aduna kitay 3 ka misa para malikayan ang pagtapok.


Palihog pahibalo sa nga silingan, kuban sa zona/tolda.
Daghang salamat..

Pahimangno sa pagsoot og face mask


Maayong buntag sa tanan..


Karong Dominggo (June 13), WALA sa kitay misa publiko sa simbahan sa parokya aron lang paglikay sa katawhan sa pagkaylap sa covid..apan dunay misa Live Streaming sa atong FB page alas 6 sa buntag. Kung dunay mga pamisa sa kalag ug pasalamat ihatod lang sa kumbeto. Palihog og pahibalo sa mga kasilinganan ug mga kauban sa tolda/zona. Padayon kita sa pag-amping ug pag-ampo.
Daghang Salamat..
San Philip Benizi I-ampo mo kami.

Photos from St. Philip Benizi Parish's post 08/06/2021

Ikaduha na ka tuig karon sa pagdawat nato sa Relic sa atong patron si San Philip Benizi. Mapasalamaton kita kanunay sa iyang pangaliya para sa arong parokya ug sa atong mga tagsa2 ka mga pag-ampo.
San Philipi, I-ampo mo kami kanunay nga
Mapalayo ang tagsa2 ug ang parokya sa covid.


Maayong hapon sa tanan.

Kagahapon ako gipahibalo dinhi nga naay misa karong hapon para sa anniversary sa pagdawat sa relic. Apan tungod sa sitwasyon sa atong palibot karon regarding sa Pandemic, DILI lang sa nato saulugon ang misa karong hapon. Aron pud paglikay sa daghan nga pagkaylap sa sakit. Apan padayon gihapon kita sa pangamuyo ni San Philip Benizi nga malayo kita sa daghang sakit. Palihog pagibalo sa mga silingan ug kauban sa tolda/zona.
Daghang Salamat


Maayong Adlaw sa tanan.

Ugmang Adlawa 2nd Anniversary sa pagdawat nako sa RELIC ni San Philip Benizi didto sa Italya..ang misa ugma sa 5:15pm. Adunay hamobo nga veneration sa Relic alang sa atong pagpadayon nga pangamuyo ni San Philip para sa atong mga panginahanglan labi na gyud alang sa atong parok nga malayo ug maiway kita sa sakit nga Covid.
Padayon kita sa pagbantay sa mga health protocols.
Daghang Salamat


Maayong Buntag sa tanan..

Isip pagsunod sa Bag-ong EO sa IATF sa atong probinsya nga 10% sa mass gatherings; mohimo napud kita og 3 ka misa dinhi sa atong parokya aron malikayan ang pag-doot sulod sa simbahan..
Mao kini ang oras sa atong mga misa:


Sa kanunay nagahagit sa pagsuot og face mask ug pagtuman sa social distancing. Palihog og pahibalo sa mga silingan ug kauban sa zona/tolda.
Daghang Salamat

Photos from St. Philip Benizi Parish's post 12/05/2021

Maayong hapon sa tanan.
Mao ni update sa atong on-going church project. Padayon ang atong pagpasalamat sa mga kaayo; pag-ampo ug suporta financial alang sa kalampusan sa atong project.

Photos from St. Philip Benizi Parish's post 10/04/2021

Maayong Hapon..

Update sa atong on-going chuch construction. Sugod na buhos sa mga poste!!!

Makanunayon ang atong pasalamat sa inyong mga suporta ug pag-ampo alang sa kalampusan sa atong project.


Ingon ani ka lig-on ang poste (20mm steel bars/12pcs each post) sama ka lig-on sa atong pagsalig sa Ginoo nga mahuman ni uban sa pangama ni San Philip Benizi..😇😇😇

Photos from St. Philip Benizi Parish's post 08/04/2021

Maayong Buntag..

Update sa atong on-going New St. Philip Benizi Parish Church as of today / April 8, 2021



Reminder for today!

Misa sa Panihapon sa Ginoo magsugod 5pm.

Daghang Salamat


Goodmorning sa tanan..

Activity for today Holy Wednesday:::

6pm - recollection with Card. Tagle ug duna pud pagpa-KUMPISAL from 6-8pm..

See you and xperience God’s love and mercy..


Maayong Buntag!!!

Nag text ang doctor sa mata nga ang release sa mga eye glasses unya pang 1pm dinhi sa parokya..palihog pahibalo sa inyong mga kaila nga nagpa check up last time, daghang salamat

Photos from St. Philip Benizi Parish's post 01/02/2021

Maayong Gabii sa Tanan.

Ugmang Adlawa mao ang Fiesta sa Paghalad sa atong Ginoo sa Templo ug sulod sa Misa ang pag-BENDITA sa mga KANDILA.

Atong Misa sa naansan nga oras 5:30am.

Daghang Salamat


Maayong Hapon sa tanan.

Ugmang adlawa balik na pud kita sa regular nga schedule sa atong misa sa parokya. DUHA nalang kita ka misa sama sa naansan. 5:30am ug 7:30am.
Palihog pahibalo sa mga silingan.

Daghang Salamat


Maayong Adlaw sa tanang parokyano ni St. Philip Benizi,

Ako nagapahibalo nga ugmang adlawa (Dominggo), 3 ka misa ang atong pagasaulugon dinhi sa atong parokya isip pagsanong sa Health Protocol nga gipagawas sa atong probinsya og usab sa pahimangno sa atong RHU dri sa lungsod sa Osmeña. Kini alang lang usab sa dugang pag-amping og paglikay labi na duna kitay giisip nga mga 2nd degree contacts sa positive sa covid 19. Dili kita mag panic apan ang pag amping atong buhaton.
Sa maka usa pa, akong pag hangyo sa pagsunod gayud sa PAGSUOT SA FACE MASK ug PAGBATON SA SOCIAL DISTANCING.
Ang mga oras sa atong misa mao kini. 5:30, 7:30 ug 9:30 sa buntag. Ako nagahangyo nga molugar lang kita aron malikayan ang pag daghan sa manimbahay sa 1st mass ug 2nd mass. Og kadtong gi adviced nga mag HOME QUARANTINE gihangyo usab nga DILI lang usa motambong sa misa.
Og sanglit ugma mao usab ang fiesta sa Sto. Niño, kung duna kamo mga imahen sa Sto. Niño pwede ninyo dad-on aron atong blesingan.
Sa kanunay ako nangayo sa inyong pagsabot, pacensya ug cooperasyon.
Palihog og pahibalo sa mga kasilinganan.
Daghang Salamat.


Maayong Buntag sa tanan...Ang Kalinaw sa Ginoo maanaa kaninyo.

Ugmang adlawa (dominggo Nov. 29) mao na ang UNANG DOMINGGO SA ADVENTO. Aduna na kitay misa sa atong parokya sa naandan nga mga oras. APAN GIHANGYO nga ang mga UNDER QUARANTINE - DILI lang usa mosimba- kini ubos sa pagpahimangno usab sa atong concerned agencies sa lungsod. Alang sa mga dili makasimba nga nag quarantin pa; ang atong 2nd mass (7:30am) LIVE sa atong FB Page para usab kaninyo. Kung dunay mga pamisa pwede ra ipadala.
Nagahangyo ako sa atong mga pagsabot niining mga hagit sa atong panahon uban sa atong mga pag-ampo.

Palihog ko sa pagpahibalo sa mga KASILINGANAN. Daghang Salamat.

Fr Dodo
