Glenda Cutinha Online

Glenda Cutinha Online

Helping you achieve your goals and live the Life of Your Dreams through an Online Business.

Photos from Glenda Cutinha Online's post 11/11/2023

I always forget to stop and think for a minute before saying yes right away to a question…. Result - 6.45am Meet & Greet at the airport on a Saturday morning 🤦🏻‍♀️ oh well might as well enjoy breakfast while I’m up 😂


Nice to see even machines know when to speak up for themselves and have ME time 😂

Photos from Glenda Cutinha Online's post 05/11/2023

Spent a wonderful evening watching the Lions take on and defeat the Stampeders 40-31 to advance to West Final against the Blue Bombers… Go Lions!!!


Sometimes on a cold day a warm Aussie Kangaroo meat pie with some mashed potato, mushy peas and gravy helps warm the soul 😊

Photos from Glenda Cutinha Online's post 21/10/2023

On a picturesque day like this nothing better than some fish and chips by the sea 😊

Photos from Glenda Cutinha Online's post 21/10/2023

It’s always nice when you enjoy some amazing food and awesome company

Photos from Glenda Cutinha Online's post 21/10/2023

Was on a tub believing I would reach at 5.50pm in Salt Spring on it. Now realizing I am on a milk run and my ferry is delayed with no expected time of arrival or whereabouts… maybe the crew got tired of rowing to shore 😂


Sometimes you just need to get away from it all…. Island life here I come!!

Photos from Glenda Cutinha Online's post 31/07/2023

Took a walk through the shoreline trail at Rocky Point Park. Love exploring different parks in BC.

Photos from Glenda Cutinha Online's post 03/06/2023

Vancouver’s oldest neighbourhood, Gastown was named after Captain John ‘Gassy Jack’ Deighton. Today, the district retains its historic charm and independent spirit.

It seamlessly combines old with new and history with the way forward. As you walk down some of the cobblestone pavements you will come across the world’s first steam clock and many of the city’s hottest restaurants.

At the corner of Abbott and Water Street, be sure to say hello to Sam Logan. One of our resident artists who is celebrating 30 years of displaying Original Art to Art-lovers from around the world in Vancouver's Historic Gastown.

Photo credit: Steam clock by Lee Rivett, Sam Logan by Jeff Veniot

Photos from Glenda Cutinha Online's post 03/06/2023

On moving to Vancouver 5 years ago, I was told to look up and walk as you never know who you might bump in to… so glad I listened as on one of our recent Vancouver city tours, I had the opportunity and great honour to meet Nancy Stibbard.

Among her many achievements in both Alberta and British Columbia is the Capilano Suspension Bridge, which Nancy purchased in 1983 from her father. In under 10 years, she took the park and transformed it into a world class attraction and continues to expand on it, with award-winning experiences.

In 2014, Nancy added Stanley Park Pavilion and Prospect Point to her portfolio. Both of which have been renovated to become hubs of social activity within Stanley Park. Definitely make sure to check them out.

Thank you Jeff Veniot for a lovely day and pics. .park.vancouver

Photos from Glenda Cutinha Online's post 20/05/2023

While on a recent trip up to Squamish I came across the Wabco Haulpak Truck… capable of moving mountains 😊 ….

This truck was a prototype for a new scale of rock-hauling trucks - the super-scale. It was the first of its kind used in North America, at what is now the Highland Valley Mine near Kamloops, BC.

Today even larger trucks haul ore and waste rock in vast open pit mines to feed our unending need for mined resources. (Information source: Britannia Mine Museum)

I was so surprised and grateful to see one of these trucks not only because of how amazing they are, but also cause I felt connected to my brother Chester, who was learning to drive a similar vehicle in Australia and is now certified competent to drive one of them. So proud of him!!

Photos from Glenda Cutinha Online's post 07/05/2023

Having fun at the space centre

Photos from Glenda Cutinha Online's post 27/04/2023

From gremlins to nurses this city has numerous beautiful structures with interesting stories behind them.

Photos from Glenda Cutinha Online's post 25/04/2023

Having a bit of fun today while in Richmond


Do you know??!… Although Vancouver has a reputation for rain, and is often referred to as “Raincouver” it actually ranks as the 9th rainiest location in Canada 🌧️🌈


It’s my favourite time of the year to walk around Vancouver and see the Sakura also know as cherry blossom trees which remind me of my friends back in Japan…

The city is home to over 40,000 cherry trees. The ones seen in Stanley Park around the war memorial were a generous gift from Japan in the early 1930s as a thank you to Japanese-Canadian soldiers who served in the First World War.

In the 1950s more trees were sent over and those are the ones you see planted around the city. Check out the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival website for more information on events and where you can find the blossoms.


Checking out Overflow IV by Jaime Plensa in downtown Vancouver


Nobody said it was going to be easy to change bad habits but it does help to plan, prep and be aware. Which I am working on 😊

Planning my meals for the week helps me get with grocery shopping and knowing what I’m going to be eating when.

Meal prepping helps me save time and reduces stress

Being aware of what my triggers are means that I can catch myself when I’m about to make an unhealthy choice.


Some days you just have to create your own sunshine or maybe look for some colour among the grey 😊

Photos from Glenda Cutinha Online's post 22/01/2023

Many call it the “Terrible Twos”. As a non-parent I wouldn’t know. What I do know is I get to learn from my nephew as he explores and discover new things on his journey through life.

I get to see the world through his eyes. Where everything is so shiny and bright. I am reminded to be grateful for even the small things.

To ignore things that don’t matter, to laugh at silly things, to smile and wave at people I pass on the street. To run up and hug people I love. Most of all to love unconditionally. Happy Birthday Axel !!


There are times I get so caught up with all the things I have to do in the day and people I want to help that I am the last thing I think about.

I know from experience when I keep going like that I end up with having nothing left to give. Self awareness helps and checking in regularly with myself.

I make sure to make time for ME. To have compassion and love for myself and celebrate my WINS for the week no matter how small. To surround myself with people who are supportive and encouraging and to let go of things that don’t serve me.

I MATTER, I AM ENOUGH and I AM DESERVING of all good things out there. So do YOU!!


One day, the frogs decided to organize a competition to climb to the top of a very high tower.

The race started. No one in the crowd really believed that the tiny frogs would reach the top of the tower. They shouted, "Oh, way too difficult!!! They will NEVER make it to the top" and "Not a chance. The tower is too high".

In the end, all but one lost their hope and gave up. The last frog left in the race managed to reach the top with great effort and struggle.

Everyone wanted to know how this one frog managed such a great feat. His secret? This little frog was deaf!!

Always be deaf to people who say you cannot make your dreams come true. Don’t listen to people with negative thoughts. Not even that little invoice your head which tries to protect you. You got this!!


When I turned 16 or 18 I got my second ear piercing. For the next few weeks I wore my hair down to hide it from my dad…. better to beg forgiveness than ask for permission 😬.

Recently a couple of things led to it being closed partially. Freaking out, thinking I had lost the hole and focused on the problem made me sad. Eventually I asked the right questions and realized I needed to go to a professional for help. Thank you … Remember focusing on the solution not the problem will be a better use of your time.


Went for a free intro Pilates session. Wasn’t sure what to expect, but thoroughly loved the full body workout, the energy in the room and the instructor. Also it was gentle on my body which is slowly getting back to exercising and over injuries.


I used think I was lazy but I am NOT lazy! I just have lazy habits which leads to dishes piled in the sink sometimes or clothes not put away cause I choose to binge watch Netflix when I come home from work.

When I introduce good habits in consistently like putting away my things or going for a walk, my home and self are in a much better space and energy which affects other areas of my life too. I get so much done, I am on top of things and even my relationships are better. Think about it, what is one good habit you could start today?


Do you remember how you feel the day before you go on vacation, you’re probably counting the minutes till you get out of the office or even imagining already being at your destination.

Now fast forward to the last day of the trip. How many of us are already living into our future and not looking forward to going back to our lives.

Some of us even totally miss out on enjoying our last day and being 💯 there in the moment. We can change all that in a split second, by changing the story we tell ourselves. So go on, tell yourself a really good one and make sure you’re the hero in it! Why not ?!😊


It sounds simple but not always easy! My not so nice friends - Doubt and Fear always come to visit and rarely leave quickly.

So this is when I have to remember look Fear in the face and say time to go buddy! I got things to do. That’s when I gain new friends Strength, Confidence and Courage.

Now Doubt has been a long time friend and it always tries to protect me. That’s when I kick it off my couch and push it out the door. I let it know I’m okay with failing and I am going to keep failing as many times as it takes and as quickly as I can till I succeed!


I took a break over the last year from watching my food intake / exercising to focus on healing.

Now I am ready to take my health back and have signed up with a fitness coach for a 6 months program. Super excited to see the transformation. Will keep you all posted.


I love when I’m able to wake up early and get a head start on my day… also means I have more time to enjoy my favourite breakfast!


Some mornings when I stare at my scale it feels like this 😂


Shush! Don’t tell me boss lol… 😁


I think many of us become trapped in the mindset of focusing on making a living for survival and working really hard to make money to achieve various goals.

Very rarely do I hear the words, happiness, fulfilment, passion and joy when people mention what they do to making a living.

If you are doing what you want to, then work is a JOY otherwise it may seem like a CHORE. I am truly grateful as I believe in the power of choice. Now it’s a different story whether I like my choices or make the one I truly want, but at least I know I have options and so do you.

Photos from Glenda Cutinha Online's post 08/01/2023

I wrote down 100 things I was grateful for. I wasn’t sure what would happen during the process. I took all my different coloured pens, ordered my favourite avo & egg on toast and began to write….

It definitely was interesting and eye opening. I went through different emotions through it and in the end came out smiling and truly grateful.

What are you grateful for today?


When I start to feel low and not my usual happy chipper self. I know one OR all of the following is missing in my life…

1. Work/life balance
2. Doing things I love & enjoy.
3. ME time.

Don’t forget to put YOURSELF first!


Super excited to see what adventures are round the corner for me and where they take me… Have you got any thing exciting planned this year??

Photos from Glenda Cutinha Online's post 14/06/2022

After a long day and a long walk with a friend, it was nice to just stop and take some random pics


This is how I look Monday morning.... the struggle is real 😁


Okay, so it only took me three weeks to get over my fear of making a mistake and put the first screw in but I got it done and love the finished product.


Okay so sometimes this happens when I try 😁

Videos (show all)

Waiting to get to my final destination !!
Learning from successful online entrepreneurs and having fun!!
Thank you so much …
The A to Z for Making IT Happen - Episode 9 #my2cwithgc
The A to Z for Making IT Happen - Episode 2 #my2cwithgc
The A to Z for Making IT Happen - Episode 1
Day 10 of 10 Go-Live Challenge - Thank you
Three things I really love most about my online business