pensieri sfocati

pensieri sfocati

Quando le parole e la musica si fondono il Sole e la Luna si incontrano


In recognition of and , here is a duo of monumental rock stars from the ‘60s who helped define a generation of music - Miss Janis Joplin and Miss Grace Slick!

Stream music by Janis Joplin, Jefferson Airplane, and more here:

Photo by Henry Diltz.


Non voglio definirti un giorno di festa, ma pensare che sia lo spunto di riflessioni di crescita.. ❤️

pensieri sfocati Writer


Black Sabbath - The Ballet is coming. Eight Sabbath classic songs – ‘Paranoid’, ‘Iron Man’, ‘War Pigs’, ‘Black Sabbath’, ‘Solitude’, ‘Orchid’, ‘Laguna Sunrise’ and ‘Sabbath Bloody Sabbath’ – reorchestrated by the Royal Ballet Sinfonia and used as a musical backdrop for choreography by Pontus Lidburg, plus additional choreography from Raúl Reinoso and Cassi Abranches. The work will premiere at the Birmingham Hippodrome in September, with tickets going on sale now. It’ll then tour to Theatre Royal Plymouth and Sadler's Wells in London, later in the autumn with dates tbc.

‘Black Sabbath – The Ballet’ is at Birmingham Hippodrome, Sep 23-30.


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Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about un-becoming everything that isn’t really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place. Paulo Coelho


La notte più è nera più diventa bianca. Ombre e luci si alternano fondendosi.
Allo stesso modo l'essere umano si manifesta, fra certezze e contraddizioni, fra tasti bianchi e tasti neri, suoni acuti e gravi.
In una danza infinita nella tempesta della vita.

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