

Having issues with your current streaming platforms?

Check out GigStream, a worldwide platform that offers white label streaming solutions with 24/7 personalized technical support for each event or client.


Layout 4: Networking Lounge

This layout includes 10 Zoom Rooms that display occupants below the room name.

Attendees in zoom or webinar lobbies can know who is in each room before they enter!


Layout 3: Donate Module + Q&A

This layout adds live Q&A capabilities to the donation features of Layout 2. Now you can answer potential donors' questions in real time and boost the potential for giving!


Layout 2: Donations

Live Video stream with a Donate Module that includes credit card payments and customizable Quick-Donate buttons! (default: $50, $100, $250 and $500)

Layout banner “blinks” when speaker mentions “donate, pledge, contribute, give, etc”

This setup gives people a way to donate right there on your page!


Timeline photos 22/03/2021

How do I protect my company’s image?

Misrepresentation doesn’t just affect you. It speaks volumes to your clients about how much you care about them. To maintain customer loyalty and uphold your reputation, take the following precautions:

- Choose a streaming platform that cares about what you do.
- Consider whether or not the streaming platform’s values align with your own.
- You want a level of personal connection, not just a business arrangement.
- Does this platform have something to lose if it misrepresents your brand? Pick a company that puts its image on the line alongside your own.

Timeline photos 21/03/2021

How can I maximize my livestream?

- Get the word out. Advertise your event beforehand in order to drive traffic to your website.
- Once people are on your site, you want to build anticipation. Design an event website that gets people excited for the big day.
- Embed your livestream in your website for ease of access.
- If possible, provide remote support for audience members on the day of the event so they don’t feel stressed about the technical side of attendance.

Timeline photos 20/03/2021

Should I make my content exclusive?

Keep in mind that your presentation could get lost in the noise if you use a public streaming platform, no matter how much care you put into it. Ask yourself:

- What do I have that no one else does?
- How do I create an element of mystery that draws people in?
- How do I show that my content has value?
- Is my content less desirable if it’s out in the open?
- Are people willing to pay extra for an exclusive membership? How do I optimize payments for my content?

Timeline photos 19/03/2021

How can I control attendance?

Part 1: Anticipate Your Audience
- The best way to gauge your audience is to make your event private. The last thing you need is a random attendee disrupting the event flow.

Part 2: Guarantee Attendance
- Once you nail down your guest list, consider how to make your event convenient for your guests to attend.
- Plan out your event website with your specific viewers in mind.
- Promote your event clearly and often prior to the big day.
- Ask yourself how you can accommodate attendees that need extra technical assistance. Let your audience know about available resources and make sure they are readily accessible.
- Eliminate potential issues on your end so the event goes as planned. You don’t want technical difficulties to ruin the experience.

Timeline photos 18/03/2021

How do I avoid an “average” presentation?

- Put special effort into making your presentation unique.
- Brainstorm what you can do to grab people’s attention. Make your presentation eye-catching.
- Your content must both attract viewers and keep them engaged.
- Tease your audience. If you’ve already impressed them, they’re going to want more. Ensure that the customer returns by hinting at additional content.

Timeline photos 18/03/2021

Today we're discovering as much as we can about hybrid events: the types, cost, needs and more!

The future of our industry will be filled with this type of events. Like it or not, it's the future. Be excited about it and learn, learn, learn. The more you know, the more valuable you will be.

It's the way of the future and we're going to ride the wave!

You reach all of our guests directly at the following places:

Lynn Edwards - Proper Planning

On LinkedIn - Lynn Edwards

Lyn Stout - Bond Events

LinkedIn - Lyn Stout

Tiffany English - VelvetStyle Events and Marketing

LinkedIn - Tiffany English

Sarah Buchbinder- Meetings Made Easy

Email - [email protected]

linkedIn -Sarah Buchbinder

Joe Mac @ [email protected]

Timeline photos 17/03/2021

How do I eliminate distractions from my event?

Firstly, you need to have engaging content that keeps your attendees focused. It’s easy to get distracted if the message is boring anyway. You want them on the edge of their seats.

With that being said, consider whether or not you should pay for your attendees’ attention. Ask yourself the following questions:
- Are the videos popping up in the sidebar even related to my content?
- Is my presentation engaging enough to compete with a well-placed ad?
- How long is the average attention span of my viewers?

If you can’t expect your audience to stay focused for long, you need to maximize the limited window you’re given.

Timeline photos 16/03/2021

Is the delivery capacity of my current streaming platform sufficient for my needs?

In order to answer this, you need to know where you want to put on your event. To figure this out, ask the following:
- Where are my attendees located?
- Do I want to expand my reach?
- Would my message be different if I could reach more people?

Next, turn your attention back to your current streaming platform’s capabilities. Based on your answers, does the streaming platform you currently use limit your vision?

Timeline photos 15/03/2021

How do I guarantee that my event is properly branded?

- Decide how you want your attendees to see your company.
- Find a platform that will showcase the company’s values.
- Know what makes your brand stand out against the competition.
- Experiment. See how the voice of the brand carries on different streaming platforms.
- Decide if ads could reflect negatively on your company.

Timeline photos 14/03/2021

Do I have sufficient knowledge/skill to put on my event?

If you feel like you don’t know enough to do this on your own, take the following steps:

- Figure out what you don’t understand about the event process. This tells you exactly what type of assistance to look for.
- If you are the presenter, assess your familiarity with the technical aspects of your presentation. If you feel shaky in any area, it’s ok to seek out experts who can guide you through the presentation process.
- Be honest with yourself. Is someone else better able to make your presentation look professional? In order to put on an attractive presentation, you might need to put it into more skilled hands.
- If your event involves pre-recorded content, you need to ensure that it is submitted successfully. If you don’t know how to export your content, find the help you need.
- Have a backup plan in place in case something goes wrong. Find a support team that can both anticipate potential issues and solve unforeseen problems as they arise.

Timeline photos 13/03/2021

How do I find a streaming platform that offers enough support?

To put on an excellent event, you need backup. Here are some things to consider when researching streaming services:

- Decide if you work better with remote assistance or in-person support. It’s important to know the type of help you need before you start looking.
- Make sure you can easily contact the streaming platform you choose. If you have to jump through multiple hoops in order to get help, that’s a sign that you should look elsewhere.
- When considering a streaming platform, find out how good its team members are at troubleshooting. You need a support team who can deal with any issue thrown their way.
