Jesus saves

Jesus saves

This page is for women who have Ever struggle with addiction, mental or physical abuse or Depressio


The devil has held you long enough


Your words are your
Reality so speak healing over your life speak blessings over your life speak Financial breakthrough over your life in Jesus name πŸ™


Worry is like rocking in a rocking chair it gives you something to do but it takes you no where


God spoke to me he said I know sometimes you will get off track. I know you will lose your peace, but as long as your realize it and hop back on the peace train that's all that matters!


Quit being against yourself God has given you everything you need to fulfill your destiny you are a masterpiece


When you're angry it's not a good time to make decision. Stay calm it's a sign to the devil that he is not in control. Talk with God when you are angry go to God wherever you're at in your car at work wherever and pray!!!!


Hate your sin don't hate yourself


It's okay to not be okay no one is perfect we all fall short sometimes remember if God is for you who can be against you?


Maybe people don't deserve your forgiveness but you deserve peace 😌


Sometimes I wonder if things in the Unseen Realm are true. But if you think about it it's kind of magical. The story about going to heaven seems far-fetched. But if we look all around us amazing things happen on this Earth. We have trees we have Birds God heals people everyday doctors can't even tell you how they are healed. So why can't we believe that there's a heaven? Is it because how we were brought up? Is it because of what we're taught on tv? Is it because we can't see it? We can't see covid but we know it's there. We can definitely feel it. Just as we can feel happiness and the presence of God we can feel love but we can't see it there's a lot of things that we can't see but we know that it's there. The more I think about it the more I get excited I want to be on this Earth for a long time tell I'm old and gray but I can't wait to feel heaven😍


Sometimes you have to take the high road just to keep the peace ✌


You're family is a gift from God πŸ₯°


Light πŸ™ŒπŸΏ


The Trap that my enemies set up for me they shall fall in themself


For me and my house we will serve the Lord


God promised in Isaiah because you got double dose of the trouble you will get double dose of the favor


πŸ’šYou are beautiful πŸ’š and you will see a miracle in your life todayπŸ’šπŸ’š in Jesus name amen! πŸ™


If there is anything on your heart that's causing pain pray πŸ™ just like God Partners in turning water into wine he will partner with you. Go to God for everything, go to him even in the small thing he will be there for you. I heard a story about a woman bowling and she wasn't doing so well. But she heard a still Small Voice say why don't you pray to me and I'll help you... she replied God why would you care about me bowling. he replied I care about everything you do. that goes for all of us he cares for each of us that much....


We have a God more powerful than anything we face πŸ™


I want to become....

