One of a Kind Books

One of a Kind Books

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Power Attraction, Power Play 29/11/2020

Power Attraction, Power Play There are a million energies in man. What might we not becomewhen we learn to utilize them all? This is the declaration of the poet;and though poetry is commonly motivated by transcendental visions,and therefore more or less impressed with apparent hyperbo...

Healing Inside out and Outside In 29/11/2020

Healing Inside out and Outside In Practicing spiritualwellness is the key toliving a life offulfillment, success,peace, love, prosperity,and joy.All the same, you don’tget to this level ofenlightenmentovernight. It calls fordiscipline, but theadvantages aredefinitely worth theeffort you pu...

Dealing With Loneliness 29/11/2020

Dealing With Loneliness If you are feeling lonely as you are reading this, you are not alone. The reasonwhy I put this book together is because I know what it is like. Loneliness is a topicthat is very close to my heart because I have been through the depths of empty, meaningless...

Defeating Divorce 29/11/2020

Defeating Divorce It has been theorized too many times that men and women arediametrically opposite beings. The theory goes on to say that there aretotally different things that drive both these genders, and there aredifferent things that they are looking for. That is the r...

Bringing the Best out of the Worst People 29/11/2020

Bringing the Best out of the Worst People In any leadership scenario, you are sure to come across the termmotivation. Today’s corporate leaders are quite aware how the rightkind of motivation can serve their purpose in a better way.Quite frankly, motivation has become the buzzword in everything th...

Motivate to Empower 29/11/2020

Motivate to Empower In order to be able to complete a task satisfactorily takes a certainamount of motivation. Besides having the necessary skill andknowledge about the said task this element of motivation is what isgoing to keep the individual on track....

People Empowerment Secrets 29/11/2020

People Empowerment Secrets Knowing company direction is very important to a person making decision…So,how well do you manage your employee to stay focused on 'the bigger picture'?Your main job as a leader is to be a guiding light to others. In PeopleEmpowerment Secrets: How To Motiv...

Total Self Control 29/11/2020

Total Self Control Do you feel like you're losing control of yourself? Are you ready to take charge ofyour own life? By being in charge of your own life you will feel more powerful.Many times people find that they are allowing other people to take charge of theirlives.Someti...


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In this EBook I will try to demonstrate different techniques of yoga.
Especially if you have never tried it before then, this EBook will be the best
thing to start with because I am going to tell you very basic techniques of
yoga. If you want to define yoga then, you will come across different
definitions by different people.
Some people say that it is reunion of outer winds with the inner body and
some say that it is the way of getting inner peace. You will find one thing
common in almost every yoga definition that they talk about inner peace
and inner self in it. This is basic theme of yoga that you have to become
familiar with your inner person.
The basic meaning of yoga is union and you can say that it unites your
body, spirit and thoughts. There are so many techniques in this art of
exercise and all of these techniques are considered very effective but you
should start from basic because if you adopted some advanced technique
from start then, it will become difficult for you and you will lose control
over it.
All of these yoga exercises make you believe that you exist and you exist
with lots of strength and courage. It allows you to gather all of that strength
and courage and accomplish your goal in your life.
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Now, due to the extreme conditions we're facing, increasingly more
and more individuals have to reinvent themselves. This is very
exciting news for the world. We're, by choice or force, being placed on
our true paths. We're living in one of the most exciting times in
human history. It might not appear that way now, but one day you
will look back and realize the magic of this time in your life. We're in
the midst of one of the great economic and spiritual transitions in the
history of the world and I am in the center of it.
Heed these words as you move forward in your life. The world is
based on energy and it always comes back to you. In some cases, it
moves quickly and in other people, it takes a lot more time. You Must
Be Willing to Go Deep Within Yourself. The choices each individual
makes on a moment-by-moment basis create the reality they live. You
are able to go left or right. Each decision comes with its own set of
possible outcomes.
Why are we here? What am I supposed to do with my life this time
around? These are some of the questions I will explore in this book.
You will join me on a journey into a world of conflict and
contradiction. We will explore a world filled with manipulation and
corruption. Your belief system will be challenged at every turn as we
uncover some of the oldest and most powerful myths of this world.
My goal is to help you connect to your true self – to help you move
away from conventional Thinking and create a life definition that
works for you. We all have our own unique definitions for the
elements defining a successful life. Unfortunately, most people spend
their lives defending their life definitions to themselves and to the
people who supposedly care about them the most.
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Every person’s life is a profound mystery. Deep and invisible currents
make us who we are, and the world around us is full of secret
purposes and laws. One reaction to all this mystery is to treat it as a
problem to be solved, and to do everything possible to be informed
and in control. But another way is to bow down in ignorance and
confess our limitations. Religion and spirituality, for eons has been
closely connected and offered creative ways to become individuals of
depth and compassion by embracing spirituality.
The religions have a cherished cargo, but they often fail in their job by
moralizing, intellectualizing, and defending themselves to such an
extent that their real intention is clouded. Today individuals all over
the world are deserting the religions in disgust and anger. Still,
everybody has an instinct for transcendence. Individuals know that
some kind of spiritual life is essential, and so a lot of people are
exploring on their own or joining new churches and communities.
They differentiate between their own personal spirituality they've
found and the religious institution they've abandoned.
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Practicing spiritual
wellness is the key to
living a life of
fulfillment, success,
peace, love, prosperity,
and joy.
All the same, you don’t
get to this level of
overnight. It calls for
discipline, but the
advantages are
definitely worth the
effort you put into it.
So what are a few of
these practices? There
are a lot of them but
these are some of the
most crucial ones.
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You can’t erect walls where
there's no foundation. You
can’t add a roof where there
are no walls. The life-changing
facts about God couldn’t have
been added to my life hadn't a
strong foundation of the Word
been assembled inside of me
while meditating on the
Scriptures. The very amount of
God’s power in a believer’s life
is dependant on how much of
his life is ordered by the Holy
Believers need to learn how to live a life of power as they walk in the
Spirit, forever building upon the foundation of the Word as the Holy
Spirit gives utterance. So trust me when I tell you this: As you study
this book and diligently apply its principles, the day will come when
you review your life and say in awe and wonder, “I’m not the same
individual. I have learned to walk in the Spirit, and it has completely
changed my life forever!”

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An archangel is an angel that watches over the earth and more
importantly, the humans that inhibit the Earth. They are here for us.
Except, they are unlike any other angel we have seen. They aren't your
typical "spirit guide" which could easily take the form of a person and
channel messages to you. Instead, these angels never take the human
form but there are many signs which give off their presence. Get all
the info you need here.

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If you are experiencing hard times in your life, it is very important that you
become familiar with the term “law of attraction,” or LOA. The law of
attraction states that you are basically responsible for all the circumstances
of your life, whether good or bad. You draw everything into your life that
exists. You have the power to create positive circumstances in your life, you
just have to know how to harness the power of the law of attraction.
The law of attraction has to do with every part of your being. Everything
from your thoughts, to your emotion to your actions either adds to this
power or takes away from it.Would you believe me if I told you that it is
possible for you to accomplish all of your dreams and be truly happy in life?
Well it is true and it is much simpler than you probably think. All you have
to do is believe and trust in the universe and use the power of the law of
attraction and you will surely be rewarded for your efforts.
It is important to remember that change almost certainly will not come over
night. It will likely be a while before the full effect of the law of attraction
sets in. From the first moment that you understand the law of attraction
and begin to use it properly your life will begin to come together. The pieces
will begin to fit better and everything will make more sense.
The following chapters of this book will go over the law of attraction and
will help you to better understand it.
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Manifestation Mastermind 27/11/2020

Manifestation Mastermind The art of manifestation may be simple for some people. But, whenthey start their journey to manifest something they desire, they find ithard to make it possible. Get all the info you need here....

The Law of Attraction Bible 27/11/2020

The Law of Attraction Bible The Law of Attraction has become popular in recent times and hasbeen generating a considerable amount of publicity through bookslike The Secret. Get all the info you need here....

Your Desire and the Law of Attraction 27/11/2020

Your Desire and the Law of Attraction If you are experiencing hard times in your life, it is very important that youbecome familiar with the term “law of attraction,” or LOA. The law ofattraction states that you are basically responsible for all the circumstancesof your life, whether good or b...


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