SPARK Joy Coaching

SPARK Joy Coaching

I'm Sara Perry and I'm Your Joy Coach. I believe in order to find and follow your joy, you have to practice.

Sign up for my free Joy Retreat 6/25-6/27

Photos from SPARK Joy Coaching's post 31/08/2024

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

✨COMMENT “TOGETHER” for details and link to join!

Every quantum leap I have made personally and professionally has been when I am working with a group to amplify my accountability and my achievements.🙌

Thats why I’m hosting a 10 week mastermind around the Sōl Digital Wealth Blueprint course to help you transform your hustle into a thriving online business.

Created by powerhouse women leading wildly successful businesses in the online space this course is your secret sauce to not just surviving but thriving in business. Whether you are in network marketing, digital marketing, real estate, e-commerce, or affiliate marketing, this course gives you all the tools you need to crush your goals and achieve financial success.

✨Branding Brilliance: Craft a personal brand that’s as fabulous as you are.
✨Niche Know-How: Find your perfect corner of the digital world and own it.
✨Social Media: Conquer platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, and Etsy, turning followers into fans.
✨Email Marketing: Send emails that people actually want to open.
✨Sales: Sell without feeling salesy. Yes, it’s possible!
✨Content Creation: Make content that captivates and converts.
✨ChatGPT: Leverage AI to do the heavy lifting for you.

You’ll get lifetime access to this course that will continue to expand, update, and grow in value.

The intimate mastermind group includes:
▫️2x meetings a month
▫️exclusive group community for added accountability and support
▫️BONUS: monthly expert trainings
▫️1:1 High Performance Coaching Strategy Session

1. Purchase Sōl Digital Wealth Blueprint Course
2. Apply for mastermind

➡️ DM TO APPLY // Link in bio to grab course!

✨COMMENT “TOGETHER” for details and link to join!

🙌 Join by 9/3 for discounted pricing



Take an area of your life where you want to create different results and ask yourself, what ENERGY am I bringing? How am I BEING in this part of my life?
Are you pushing, controlling, acting from fear or scarcity, or trying to please other’s expectations of you? Are you burnt out or resentful?

What would shift if you brought an energy of trust, compassion, peace, play, joy or courage?
Before we can shift our energy and change our results, we have to first understand our energy.

How can you master your energy if you don’t even know what it is?!

The only way to know is to slow down and connect with yourself in this moment.Consider this your official invitation to slow down and DO LESS. BE MORE.

I promise it’s the fastest path to getting what you want.

More money. More connection. More clients. Better health. Better relationships. More FUN!

It’s all waiting for you when you stop trying so hard to get it. Hear me out.

When we’re disconnected or unaware of our energy, we’re in pure “doing” and on autopilot programming.
And all of this disconnected doing is keeping you out of alignment with your authentic self and blocking you from receiving all that is meant for you.

You’re so busy doing and controlling with full blinders on that you are completely missing it.

Instead of making a To Do list. I invite you to make a To Be list.
How do I want to BE today?
How do I want to SHOW UP today?
How do I want to FEEL today?

Focus on your energy and how you’re being— I want to be confident, calm, full of joy, energized, focused, peaceful, and present— and the aligned action will follow naturally. And the doing gets done— with more focus, clarity, and fun. 

Inevitably when the frustration or funk hits— you now have an anchor to come back to— how do I want to be in this moment? 

And you can choose to come back to your empowered state of being. Your energy is the most powerful influencer you have in creating the results you desire.

✨continued in comments ⬇️

Photos from SPARK Joy Coaching's post 03/08/2024

What if all that love you pour into others— you poured into yourself? What would shift? How would you feel? How would your life expand?

My life transformed with this question. I was so amazing and devoted to loving others but rarely reserved that adoration and attention for myself. The way I talked to myself was not the way I would ever talk to someone I loved. I was my biggest critic and everyone I loved I was their biggest fan! I was an expert at loving everyone except me.

This realization was the beginning of my self love journey and prioritizing falling in love with me first, learning how to truly care for myself and attend to my needs. To cheer myself on and be my own champion.

It’s hard to learn to love yourself. Especially the parts you’ve deemed unlovable. Where there’s shame, guilt, regret, hurt. The real transformation begins when we bring our loving attention to these wounded parts of ourselves that previously we shunned. The dark corners, our shadow selves— the versions of us we’d rather leave behind.

Learning to radically love and accept ALL of it— that is the heart of the transformative journey into self love.

The most important journey we can ever take❤️

I am so honored to be partnering with the Sōl Love Course + Challenge where you’ll be guided through your very own transformative self love journey!

Join us for a unique 28-day experience that will foster a deep connection with your higher self and guide you through a transformative journey of self-discovery & inner peace.

You will learn how to:
* align with your soul’s purpose
* enhance your intuition
* embrace a state of wholeness and completeness
* Learn the foundations of self-love and why it’s crucial for a fulfilling life
* Explore what it means to challenge societal standards and embrace your authentic beauty
* Practice powerful techniques like breathwork, visualization, EFT tapping and other somatic release techniques to release negative emotions and reinforce positive beliefs about yourself!

Comment LOVE and I’ll send you a link to purchase your Sōl Love course + an invitation to join the challenge!


How often do you bring your best self to your interactions? It takes courage to communicate authentically and to bring your full self to be present in the moment and truly be in relationship with one another. Sandra is on a mission to make the world a better place one conversation at a time! It’s an honor to be part of her powerful interview series live this week! Get access for free at: or hit the link in my stories 🙌


My go to prayer, mantra, affirmation, heart song, wish for you and the world.


I’m thrilled to be a featured speaker at the Women's Empowerment and Wellbeing Summit this week! In my interview with host I share why Knowing, Trusting, and Loving Yourself is vital to remaining authentic in a world that often tells us we're not enough. I’m so grateful to be a part of this phenomenal panel of women all discussing how we can truly reach our potential by reigniting our goals and living our best life!

The summit is for anyone who is feeling stuck, and unmotivated, but believes in a life where they can wake up feeling energized, confident, joyful and grateful. It’s the perfect time to reignite that passion and energy you had at the beginning of the year— and truly get after your goals and prioritize your wellbeing.

Join me at the Women's Empowerment and Wellbeing Summit February 20th-March 12th! Sign up for FREE:
✨Link in my stories✨


I’m inviting you to prioritize your joy this week!

Suppose you want to create new energy and generate different results in your life.

Feel more aligned and on purpose in your work.

Create more authenticity and joyful connection in your relationships.

It all starts with prioritizing intentional time to connect with yourself so that you can create a vision for your day and life.

On Tuesday, 1/31, at 4 pm, I'm hosting a Spark Session where I will introduce you to the High Performance Coaching process and its powerful impact on your life.

These sessions are an intentional time to nourish yourself, learn new tools you can implement, and experience the impact immediately.

High Performance is the most powerful process I know for transforming your mindset and daily habits to create meaningful shifts in every area of your life.

Spaces are limited to ensure room for hot seat coaching opportunities for those on the call! Grab your spot for the next Spark Session NOW!


High-Performance Coaching teaches you how to perform at your highest level in a way that promotes balance and sustainability so you can experience expansive joy, vibrancy, courage, and confidence.

At the end of our 90-minute session, you will have the following:

Clarity on which goals to prioritize, the specific impact they will have in your life, and how to navigate challenges that block your growth

Access to new tools and strategies to implement immediately

Access to your High-Performance worksheet, which acts as a road map for your daily action and success

A personalized Spark Joy kit, including a mantra, meditation, and guided journal exercises

I believe deeply in your highest possibility and love creating space for you to connect with that part of you that’s pure possibility and joy.


When you identify the core desire— the feeling at the heart of your goal— you unlock the potential for transformation because now you know your destination. Your plan is rooted in something visceral, an emotional experience, a core part of us — something we can feel!

When you understand how to reverse engineer your goals in this way– by identifying the feeling within the dream— you can start creating that feeling in your life NOW!! It’s a total game-changer! No more putting off your happiness until you reach some far-off marker for success— you deserve to feel confident, healthy, vibrant, and Joyful NOW!!

Want personalized support? Book your 30-minute complimentary coaching call with Sara!


I offer you this blessing for from my heart to yours.✨~Sara


Love when a client shares their coaching experience with me. ✨~Sara


After spending my 20s and early 30s in a constant cycle of hustle and burnout that led to addiction, autoimmune disease, anxiety, and depression— I finally decided to make joy my top priority.

This looked like prioritizing anything that made me feel my best: quality sleep, eating clean, moving my body every day, and (eventually) quitting drugs and alcohol. I learned that simple habit shifts and behavior changes made the most significant impact.

➡️ Here are some shifts I made that are simple to start and powerful to keep up!

✨ I stopped the scroll to read or meditate instead. If I had 15 minutes to lose myself in social media, I had 15 minutes to find myself in meditation.

✨ I reached out daily to connect with people in my life– and ask how they were doing. Nothing gets you out of your head, and problems like focusing on others.

✨ I took “discovery walks,” noticed the landscape around me, and discovered new things every time.

✨ I set a reminder on my phone to take breaks every hour from my computer to stretch or have a dance party to energize myself.

✨ I also created alarms with affirmations to remind myself how great I was doing simply by trying each day.

✨ I started my morning by saying a prayer of gratitude: “Thank you for this breath. Thank you for this day. Thank you for this moment.

I invite you to prioritize your joy and see what shifts for you. Try one of the ideas above, or even better, create your own simply by asking: “what would bring me joy right now?” or “what would bring me relief right now?” Listen to what comes up, and then follow your lead. See what joy you find.

Join us Today from 1-5 4 pm CT for the next Spark Session!

You’ll learn how to prioritize your joy and build a sustainable practice to support your growth and well-being. This free webinar series is an intentional time to nourish yourself and learn new tools!

register now


Here's the link.

Learn about Nourishing Practices to Spark Joy Now.

Spark Sessions are an intentional time to nourish yourself and spark joy in your week!

I’ll teach you practical tools to integrate into your self-care routine or "joy practice" so you can show up as your best self. Whatever that looks like for you.
You'll learn why joy matters and how it’s a powerful tool for emotional resilience. I'll also share Spark Joy Coaching resources that can support you at any stage of your journey to create more clarity, courage, and ease in your daily life.

I believe that recovery and healing journeys are the act of coming home to yourself. Finding and following your joy creates the path that leads you there. Start NOW!

See you soon!


Here’s the thing, I don’t care about your New Year’s resolution, and you shouldn’t either. Release that s**t. Declarations of a “new year, new you” don’t create lasting change.

What matters is how you want to feel. That is the catalyst for powerful transformation in your life

The truth is that any time we set a goal or a resolution for ourselves, it’s not actually about reaching the shiny goal or the grand milestone—it’s about how we expect to feel when we get there! The feeling inside the goal is what we’re genuinely after– the feeling we’re longing for in our life.

If you want to read more about how I deep dive into this Redirection concept, join my community by visiting my new website and following the prompts to subscribe.


I prioritized my joy, and joy became my daily experience. Even when challenging things happened, I had much more space to respond with grace and gratitude. A joy practice doesn’t bypass negative emotions– it allows you to honor them more fully. It gives you a solid foundation for building your emotional resilience, even if that means leaning into feeling s**tty for a while. You learn to ride the waves, one moment at a time.

✨ That is why I always tell people that joy is the best coping tool you’re not using.✨


✨ What would bring me relief right now?
✨ What would feel good right now?
✨ What would bring me joy at this moment?
✨ What would feel supportive?


Joy is a practice. It takes intentionality and repetition. Like anything you want to have more of in your life, you must decide to invest more of your attention and energy in creating it.

So how do you want to feel?
✨ Confident in your work?
✨ Peaceful in your mind?
✨ Energized in your body?
✨ Happy and fulfilled in your relationships?
✨ Pumped about what you get to do today?

How often do you invest in cultivating those feelings? Do they feel out of reach, or are you declaring and claiming them? Are you putting energy into experiencing those feelings?

Imagine how your life might change if you could experience those core desired feelings each day. How would your life look?? What would be different– if you could show up feeling vibrant and energized, joyful, and confident? What would shift in your life? In your relationships or work? ~Sara


In this season of giving, it's extra important for us to prioritize giving back to ourselves FIRST. Protecting your peace is the best gift you can give yourself AND others this holiday season.

No, putting yourself first is not selfish. Your self-care is sacred. So let's take a moment to ground and connect.

Begin by closing your eyes
Place a hand on your heart and one on your core.
Take a deep breath inhaling through your nose for a count of 4.
Hold for 4.
Exhale for 4.
Hold for 4.
Repeat this cycle of breath 4 times.

How do you feel after taking a few minutes to breathe simply?

It’s a refreshing break in your day, and it only takes a few intentional moments to feel rejuvenated and reconnected.~Sara


"One of the best things I did this week was set my alarm and make this a priority for myself. I am so glad to learn about Sara's 30-day course and can not wait to begin this magical journey to JOY." ~VB

I love the shares that are coming from my Spark Session free webinars.

Ready to feel better NOW? I’ve opened my vault of tools, rituals, and joy practices built over the last decade in my new 30 Days of Joyful Recovery course. If you’re ready to prioritize your joy and build a sustainable foundation to support living your best life— this Spark Joy Course is your roadmap to get started. Click here to check out the course!


Grab your spot today here: 12/13/22 at 4pm CT for the next Spark Session!

You’ll learn how to prioritize your joy and build a sustainable practice to support your growth and well-being.

This free webinar series is an intentional time for you to nourish yourself and learn new tools!

I hope you can prioritize some time for yourself and join us!



Grab your spot today here: 12/13/22 at 4pm CT for the next Spark Session!

You’ll learn how to prioritize your joy and build a sustainable practice to support your growth and well-being.

This free webinar series is an intentional time for you to nourish yourself and learn new tools!

I hope you can prioritize some time for yourself and join us!


✨ I borrowed belief until I built my own! My support system believed in the best version of me because that’s what they saw even when I didn’t. I wanted to be that me!


If you missed this week’s free Spark Session, grab your spot for the next one on Thursday, 12/8, at 12 pm CT.

These sessions are an intentional time to nourish yourself and learn new tools. I love connecting with my community this way.

I hope you can prioritize some time for yourself and join us! I’ll share 3 ways to create sober joy (and stay sane!) during the holidays.


When my clients share their transformation ✨💜✨


Curiosity is a mindset similar to a growth mindset. It’s the foundation of a growth mindset. Curiosity says “I want to know more about that”. A fixed mindset says “I already know that” “that’s just the way it is” and “I don’t care to know more”.

Just for today, approach life like a child and ask questions about EVERYTHING


If the idea of being curious and questioning everything sounds overwhelming, that’s valid and totally ok.

Ask yourself why =) AND don’t let that stop you!
Start easy and keep it simple. Here are a few questions that are super powerful. Pick one and try it out over the next week. Particularly if you are feeling challenged by negative emotions.

✨ What would bring me relief right now?
✨ What would feel good right now?
✨ What would bring me joy at this moment?
✨ What would feel supportive?

I invite you to bring your curiosity and growth mindset to my free webinar Tuesday, November 29 at 12 PM central time.
In this free Spark Session, I will teach you 2 Nourishing Practices to Spark Joy NOW!

It all begins with getting curious. Grab your spot and I’ll see you in the webinar on Tuesday!



Available now!

The 30 Days of Joyful Recovery guided experience is for anyone who’s asked the question...

“Ok so I got sober… now WHAT?”

Click here to find out!

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Here's the link. about Nourishing Practices to Spark Jo...
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