Our Planet Needs Vegans

Our Planet Needs Vegans

I've started the journey of transitioning away from mindless lifestyle choices that affect our planet, our communities, and our bodies.

I want to share my transition to veganism, and hopefully, inspire others to follow the same path!


A grain bowl full of protein with delicious rosated vegetables

1 Cup of roasted garbanzo beans (350F for 20 min )
1 Cup of roasted shish*to peppers
2 Cups of walnuts
Chopped purple Lettuce
Chopped purple cabbage
1 Cup of spinach
1 Cup of tomatoes


This photo was taken during our trip to Hawaii!!
Imagine Hawaii's beautiful landscape destroyed because of our collective food choices !!! According to the center for biological diversity "Animal agriculture accounts for at least 14.5 percent of greenhouse gas emissions (more than cars, trains, and airplanes combined). From growing feed crops to livestock grazing to handling the 500 million tons of manure generated by U.S. livestock each year, meat production destroys natural habitats and ecosystems at an alarming rate"
