Atoya Follins - The Work Then Werk Movement

Atoya Follins - The Work Then Werk Movement

Creator of A motivational lifestyle brand, The Work Then Werk Movement. Author of Girl, You Have Pur


Purpose After 35 is a LIVE Instagram series where women over 35 share their journey of chasing purpose.

Today's guest is a domestic abuse survivor who take her pain and flipped it into purpose. She now helps other women who have suffered abuse regain their purpose and their power.

A much needed conversation of pure evidence that no matter your past circumstances - you STILL have purpose and it is never too late.

Meet Twahan Harris - founder of The Butterfly Society.

Photos from Atoya Follins - The Work Then Werk Movement's post 16/10/2020

Purpose After 35 is back with a double dose yall! These twin beauties and will be sharing with us how it is never too late to build your brands, grow your business, and chase your purpose!

Teralyn is the owner of one of the hottest hair salons in the city and and Geralyn is killing the real estate game.

Join us live this Saturday as 12 noon to. This is going to he good!


Good Morning! As the weather begins to change - many of us will be drinking our tea, grabbing our warm blankets, and curling up to read Girl, You Have Purpose.
This book is for the woman who has placed everyone's needs before her own and has found herself loss, confused about her life's purpose, or confused about her next step to live life full and fulfilled.
Somewhere along the way you began to operate in protocol versus purpose and deep down inside you are STILL wondering what God wants you to do with your life.
I know. It's a sensitive subject but sis - I got you! I've been there that's why I wrote the book!
Grab your copy of the book at

Yes, there are only a few months left in this year - but you can STILL take control of your purpose and your power right now! 😘
The sooner you gain understanding...the sooner you can truly be happy and your level up begins


Sis - the old me that didn't understand her purpose and spent a lot of time operating in the gray would not post the replay of this video. The sound/feedback on my end was HORRIBLE today! But the new me, the one who knows God's plans for her life - she understands that purpose will never be easy and that there will be bumps in the road - BUT you still have to SHOW UP because there is a message someone needs that is directly tied to you!

Candice Mattox from came through and BLESSED the tribe. From speaking about postpartum complications, feeling like mothering was her only purpose, to delayed success - sis provided ALL the receipts that is never too late to chase your God given purpose.

Push through the sound issues and checkout our chat! I promise there are definitely gems in the message specifically for you!


participated in last Sunday's self doubt webinar and was able to walk away ready to slay her goals and to better plan for ex*****on of her purpose.
I'm realizing that so many of us are not walking in our gifts and assignment because its buried beneath a bunch of other "stuff" - doubt, confidence issues, trauma from past relationships, the opinions of others, etc.
Join my elist at Through upcoming webinars we'll be peeling back the layers to reveal everything you need to walk in your power.


After attending the Slaying Self Doubt webinar, Donna realized that doubt is sometimes masked as procrastination. We often put things off because we aren't confident that we can reach the goal or complete the task.

In order to level up sis - we have to first be honest and call a thing a thing! Procrastination = self doubt.

If you are not on my e-list - be sure to click signup at The replay will be available soon. In this season - we level up!


Sis - Yesterday for our Purpose After 35 Instagram live series - I spent time with the lovely . Yet another example that it is never too late to walk in purpose even after that age of 35.

Listen - time isn't promised to any of us yall. It's truly time to do YOUR work. There are people waiting on you. Literally waiting on you to walk in your purpose and your power.

Hold my hand. In this season - we LEVEL UP!


Sis - 2020 is not cancelled! I REPEAT 2020 is not cancelled - but it will be if you don't adopt a growth mindset and move beyond the doubt that you have in your talent, your abilities, and your secret sauce.

Ready to push through? Good. Join me for a live webinar to learn how to Slay Self Doubt and up the ante on your self esteem!

Secure your seat here:
See you inside!


Raise your hands if you have ever been afraid to walk in your God given assignment. 🙋🏽‍♀️
Sis, now is the season TO DO IT AFRAID! There is a space in this world that was created just for you. There is a void that only you can fill. Your purpose is the road to someone else's breakthrough.
I have been in your shoes. Scared. Afraid. Doubting my talents and abilities. It's over! I'm woke now.
Join me for a live webinar on Sunday, Sept 6th. I'll be giving you the tools to slay self doubt and up the anty on your confidence. Grab your seat at

I can't wait to see you!


You've seen the flyer but haven't secured your seat. You may have even liked the post but didn't think a self doubt webinar could benefit you. It can sis - let me explain.
Let's be honest and call a thing a thing. We have ALL experienced self doubt at some point in our lives. We've gotten good at masking it as procrastination, being busy, not being interested, etc. - when the truth of the matter is - we didn't believe we could actually do or achieve a certain thing.
Nothing changes unless something changes. You ready to show up and slay doubt - the very thing stopping you from walking in your purpose. Are you ready to shift your mindset and take ownership of the level up in your life?
Yes? Good. Meet me Sept 6 @2 CST. Register at

If you're on my email list - check your messages - there's a goodie there for you! See you inside side sis. Let's work.


Sis, the thing is this - walking in purpose is not for the weak. There will be times when you don't feel confident and want to fly below the radar, times when you don't feel worthy, or even times when you just flat out don't feel like it!

BUT - then there's this thing. This repetitive pull, nag that just won't leave you alone and you have to SHOW UP!

I commend all of you who are showing up in purpose and power even on the days that you don't want to.

To my bews who may not be showing up because you are constantly doubting yourself. I got you! Been there. Done that. Wrote the book! It's time to slay self doubt and get to a place where you KNOW that you have what it takes.

Registration is happening now for my Slay Self Doubt webinar on Sept 6 at 2 PM CST. Click the link in my bio ⬆️⬆️ to secure your seat. You were made to conquer hard things! See you inside..


The most important thing you have now that you didn't have in your 20's is wisdom!
Use it and stop letting the world make you feel like it's too late to live the life you want and deserve! Go get your stuff sis! It is NEVER too late. Am I talking to you?


I know we are hearing all the talk about self care. It's a real thing sis and it produces real results!
One of the reasons why you are running in circles is because you cannot hear the direction for your life.
Check your self care routine. How you show up for yourself has a lot to do with how clarity for your life shows up for you!


Imagine taking a leap of faith, doing something you absolutely love, and then BOOM the universe starts speaking to you about your REAL REAL calling.
The random leap for me was becoming a Beachbody health and fitness coach. While I thought the assignment was helping women get their physical health in order - His plan was waaaay bigger.
His plan led me to hold the next woman's hand and let her know that sis - you don't have to do this ish alone! It lead me to creating a tribe of dope boss babes who personally level up and live their best lives on AND off the gram! 👑 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
The Work Then Werk Movement is not just another brand - it's an assignment that I am so blessed to walk in each and every day. You see I do this empowerment thang for real. 😜 Don't go into 2020 leaving pieces of your purpose on the table.

Connect with me and let's get this thang popping! Click here and download your FREE purpose worksheet.

This is a very quick little tool that will get you thinking about your unique gift.


Girl, gone are the days when we show up cute with nothing to say. Or when they expect us to look like queens but not act like one. Today I am reminding some and giving permission to others to show up and OWN the conversation
Teach the people. Operate in your gift! Your purpose will create impact with those who are assigned to rock with you. Show up! Show up and .
Hold my hand sis and in my upcoming book - Girl, You Have Purpose, I'll be showing you how. Click the link in my bio for additional book info! See you on the inside of my exclusive e-list. 💕


Sis - meet tribe member, mom, and BI manager Alva. Sis gave us ALL the feels in the new paired with this bomb inverted bob! 😘 ⠀⠀
The Work Then Werk Movement is a motivational lifestyle brand that motivates, encourages, and empowers women all over the world!! Through workshops, relationship building opportunities, and consistent doses of positivity - we over here getting our life!

Head to and grab your shirt girl! Join the tribe and let's work!


Girl, The Work Then Werk Movement is a motivational lifestyle brand that motivates, encourages, and inspires women to discover their gifts, walk in their purpose, and receive the things that they affirm.
When I first started the hashtag - I had no idea where this thought process would lead. I am so thankful for my tribe who rock with me all over the world. Thank you for giving me permission to pour into your lives and hold your hand.
Hadn't joined the tribe yet!? Girl - we're waiting on you. Visit, signup for my e-list, and grab a 👕.


Before I could complain about how exhausted I was this morning - I thought about the fact that quitting is not an option.
Here's the thing! Today may be the day that God decides - it's time! Time that everything that has been in your head be in your hand. Time that your family goes from just enough to overflow. Time that your purpose becomes clear and creates impact on levels you can't begin to imagine.
Finish the race sis! Slow and steady. Don't quit!


Some of you have been waiting for something "big" when actually waking up is big all by itself. Nevertheless - He is about to EXCEED your expectations. You've been praying, crying with faith, and believing that there is more for your life. Your purpose, divine assignment, and level up is about to be crystal clear! Happy Sunday sis.


- such a great time talking about affirmations with these ladies at Mix, Mingle, and Meditate - I had to throw it back early on this one!


This quote makes me chuckle. Mainly because honestly we should all be cheering for the next women to win. When one wins - we ALL do! You get it now? Even if you're not congratulating - please don't hate.
The Work Then Werk Movement is a motivational lifestyle brand that is committed to connecting women in purpose, motivation, and encouragement through empowering events, relationship building opportunities, and more. Click the link below, grab my newly designed , and join the tribe! Let's work.

Photos from Atoya Follins - The Work Then Werk Movement's post 09/09/2019

Mix, Mingle, and Meditate on yesterday was amazing. I shared with these queens the 4 Step Affirmation Cycle from my upcoming book, Girl You Have Purpose.

They are now ready and equipped to actually RECEIVE the things that they affirm!

Thanks for a phenomenal opportunity to speak to your tribe.


Sis - have you ever wondered exactly what it means to werk?! It means that the grind has been real and you have wifed, mom(ed), built, and glowed (YES GLOWED) the hell up in the most important areas of your life. Now it's time to pat yourself on the back. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Congrats sis! You killing ish and making it look easy! Feeling a little gangsta this morning because doing it all ain't always easy - but when you can manage it - it's always worth it.
If you have not gotten your 👕 - girl BYE! Click the link below and get in on this energy! It's up! ;)


So excited to be a guest speaker at Mix, Mingle, and Meditate with ! Join us this Sunday as I share the 4 Step Affirmation Cycle from my upcoming book, Girl You Have Purpose...

If you're wondering why the things you affirm aren't showing up in your everyday life - be here! See you soon. Link to register below:


I can remember being in a space where I thought the only way I REALLY mattered was if someone else told me. I let validation from others hold way too much weight.

What I've learned is that the approval of friends and family is great - but it's totally not what's most important. What's most important is what YOU believe about yourself and know to be true.

Everyone won't understand your purpose nor your passion to pursue it. That's ok - do it anyway. Those who are meant to rock with you will. Those that don't - let em miss out!

In my upcoming book - I'll be sharing more gems like this that will help you live an unbothered and fulfilled life.


Here's the thing - when we are in the middle of a storm it's hard to find anything of value in it - but 100 times out of 100 we make it through stronger than we were seconds before. Today I encourage you to change the way you look at tough times.
In Chapter 3 of my upcoming book, Girl You Have Purpose - I explain how being in alignment with His plans for your life will cause what you PERCEIVED to be a loss to actually be a whole win. Girl you coming out with no smoke!

Click below and join the waitlist for the book sis. Let's work!


Each year, The Work Then Werk Movement hosts MS Fit Chicks - a free community event geared towards health and fitness! We also provide networking opportunities through vendor tables for other boss babes in business! Checkout what the owner of Chae Shoetique had to say about her experience!


Two years ago - I created a motivational lifestyle brand - The Work Then Werk Movement. Women are in position to take their lives to the next level and I am committed to helping and showing them the way. Checkout this video to see how it all began!


Hey girl hey! Listen - there are a few new faces so I figured I would use the good manners that my mom taught me, introduce myself, and say hello.
So I am Atoya. I'm a Mississippi girl who moved to Louisiana, met a dread head HBCU grad and ended up moving into his house, having his babies, and adopting his last name. Yeah I know. I didn't see any of it coming. Now - I'm in love with my two little people (a boy and a girl) and girl let's not even start on how I feel about my man! God came all the way through! ⠀⠀
I love people. Like really love people and I get a rush from encouraging others. It took me a while to realize that I've been doing that in some capacity every since I was a little girl. We now live in a climate where depression, anxiety, and many other mental health issues have put a demand on my life to pour into others.
So I use my own life's experiences to help women get off the sidelines and start to love, NOT JUST LIVE, life by getting to the real money, their purpose. If you're like me you get tired of people telling you what to do but not tell you how to do it. So ya girl wrote a book. It'll be released real soon. Enough about me. Who are you??? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
And sis - below is the link to join the waitlist for the book!! It's headed your way Fall 2019.

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