Linen Secret

Linen Secret

The baby's skin is so gentle and it needs soft touches.

We want to offer the best for your baby and your skin - softened linen fabric bedding sets has great advantages - antiallergic, thermoregulatory, moisture absorbing, antistatic and natural!


|| Neutral tones for a harmonious life!

Linen bedding in online store (link in bio)||

|| Neitrāli toņi harmoniskai dzīvei!

It's Your Comfortable Life!
Linen Secret Team ⋒


|| Very tasty bedding set - like cocoa with milk foam!

New in the Shop.

Linen bedding in online store (link in bio)||

|| Ļoti gards gultas veļas komplekts - kakao ar piena putām!


It's Your Comfortable Life!
Linen Secret Team ⋒


|| The light yellow bed set is now available in our online store!

New - 15% off! (link in bio)

|| Maigi dzeltenais komplektiņš tagad pieejams mūsu online veikalā!

Šobrīd - 15% atlaide!

It's Your Comfortable Life!
LinenSecret Team


|| And the day can begin! After sleeping in linen bedding, the child wakes happy!

Now Bedding Sets - 15%

Linen bedding for children now in online store (link in bio)||

|| Un diena var sākties! Pēc gulēšanas lina gultas veļā, Jūsu bērni mostas laimīgi!

Šobrīd gultas veļas komplektiem atlaides - 15%||

It's Your Comfortable Life!
Linen Secret Team


|| Get lost in linen bedding of infinite and unimaginable comfort!

New - 15% off! (link in bio)

|| Iegrimt un pazust lina gultas veļas komfortā!

Šobrīd - 15% atlaide!

It's Your Comfortable Life!
LinenSecret Team


|| Linen bedding is the best choice for the delicate skin of your child!

Now Sale - 15%||

|| Labākā izvēle Jūsu bērna maigajai ādai ir lina gultas veļa!

Šobrīd atlaides - 15%||

It's Your Comfortable Life!
Linen Secret Team


|| Slow holiday mornings, after a good night's sleep!

Linen bedding definitely ensures a good night's sleep!
Linen bedding for children now in Linen Secret online store ||
|| Nesteidzīgie brīvdienu rīti, pēc laba miega!

Lina gultas veļas ir kā pamats kabam miegam!
Lina gultas veļa bērniem jau tagad mūsu interneta veikalā ||

It'a Your Comfortable Life!
LinenSecrer Team


|| We are happy to inform you - Linen Secret online store is open -

Some of our products you will already find on the virtual shelves of the store, but additions will follow!

Stay tuned for more updates! ||

|| Vēlamies Jūs informēt - Linen Secret
interneta veikals ir atvērts -

Dažas no precēm jau atradīsiet veikala virtuālajos plauktos, bet papildinājumi sekos.

Sekojiet līdzi mūsu jaunumiem! ||

It's Your Comfortable Life
LinenSecret Team


➿ 1st MAY ➿
|| On Saturday 1st May we will be opening our Linen Secret online shop! ||

|| Sestdien - 1.maijā - mēs atvērsim Linen Secret interneta veikalu! ||

It's Your Comfortable Life!
LinenSecret Team


➿ 1st MAY ➿
|| On Saturday 1st May we will be opening our Linen Secret online shop!

|| Sestdien - 1.maijā - mēs atvērsim Linen Secret interneta veikalu!

It's Your Comfortable Life!
LinenSecret Team


🤍Hi! My name is Inese! I am a wife and mother of two wonderful daughters and one naughty cat!

I created the brand Linen Secret of linen home textiles because I believe that natural materials in home decor are the basics for a complete harmonious rest, and this is so important in today's fast life.

All our items are handmade with care and is made out of 100% linen fabric.
At the moment we will offer bed linen sets for children, but later they will be available in other sizes.

I am also the creator of the brand Friendly ♡ Baby who offers a linen fabric swing for your babies!

I sincerely hope that you'll enjoy our selection of linen fabrics handmade items!

The Etsy store will open in May. You are welcome!

It's Your Comfortable Life!

Mani sauc Inese! Esmu sieviņa, divu brīnišķīgu meitiņu un palaidnīga kaķa mamma!

Es esmu izveidojusi zīmolu LinenSecret, jo uzskatu, ka dabiskie materiāli mājas dekorā ir pamats pilnīgai un harmoniskai atpūtai, un tas ir tik svarīgi mūsdienu ātrajā dzīvē.

Visas mūsu preces ir rūpīgs roku darbs, kurš gatavots no 100% lina auduma.
Šobrīd mūsu piedāvājumā lina gultas veļu komplekti bērniem, bet mazliet vēlāk būs arī citi izmēri.

Es no sirds ceru, ka jums patiks mūsu izvēlētais piedāvājums!

Interneta veikals tiks atvērts maijā. Esiet laipni aicināti!


➿ Photography ➿
|| Our little, happy model. It is very easy and fun to work with she. She is also smiling everyday. Of course, sleeping in linen bedding is also cool and she admitted that it was terribly good!

Already in May, bed linen sets for children will be available to you - our customers ||

|| Mūsu mazā, priecīgā modele. Ar viņu sastrādāties ir ļoti viegli un jautri. Viņa arī ikdienā ir smaidīga. Gulēt lina gultas veļā, protams, arī ir forši un viņa atzina, ka esot baigi labi ||

It's Your Comfortable Life!
Linen Secret Team


➿ NATURE and US ➿
|| In our family, we increasingly appreciate natural materials and things around us🌿. We also tell and teach our daughters how important the impact of our daily lives on the world around us is! Each of us is responsible for this!

Glad that in today's world, natural is elegantly combined with modern.

Linen bedding, in our opinion, is clearly modern nowadays, and it is natural!
Already in May, bed linen sets for children will be available to you - our customers ||

|| Mūsu ģimenē arvien lielāka loma tiek atvēlēta lietām no dabiskiem materiāliem. Mēs arī stāstām un mācām savām meitām, cik būtiski mūsu ikdienas dzīves ieradumi ietekmē pasauli mums apkārt. Katrs no mums ir atbildīgs par to!

Priecē, ka mūsdienu pasaulē eleganti apvienojas dabiskais ar moderno.

Lina gultas veļa, mūsuprāt, ir ļoti moderna un dabiska!

Jau maijā gultas veļas komplekti bērniem būs pieejami Jums - mūsu klientiem ||

Have a good, good day!
Linen Secret Team


➿ COCOA and MILK ➿
|| Ready for product photography! I adore this gentle color scheme!

Already in May, bed linen sets for children will be available to you - our customers!

Have a good, good day!
Linen Secret Team


➿ SECRET LINEN ➿ comming soon
|| We are glad you have noticed us and have decided to get introduced.

"Linen Secret" is a family company, which start its activity in 2021. The company production and sales of linen bedding sets for babys and kids.

Our assortment will be available soon in the electronic store. ||

Have a good, good day!
Linen Secret Team



|| Babies need sleep to grow and develop well, and the mother's daily life depends on the quality of the baby's sleep!✨
We are a new brend and will soon offer linen bedding sets for your babies!

Coming soon - May!

It's Your Comfortable Life,
Linen Secret Team