Hangar Homes

Hangar Homes

Hangar Homes are a new concept in the UK, although they've been around for years in the USA For more information please visit the website.

Hangar Homes Ltd specialises in developing residential and mixed-use (commercial & residential) hangars on small, non-commercial, General Aviation (GA) airfields. These homes incorporate a light aircraft hangar with airside access and a double garage/workshop and entrance hall/office with roadside access on the ground floor, and a 3 or 4 bedroom apartment upstairs with open-plan living, dining and kitchen area and balconies on either side.

Airbnb for pilots: holiday with your aircraft : 05/07/2024


Airbnb for pilots: holiday with your aircraft : 'Fly-in Holiday Rentals'... effectively an Airbnb specifically for pilots looking to fly on holiday to Enniskillen, NI

Solent Aeropark - Planning Appeal Dismissed 20/02/2024

With the planning appeal dismissed (for no good reasons) I’m going to concentrate on Enniskillen and Isle of Man Arroparks before trying again for Solent, but this time with the concept adopted elsewhere and with a new leader at FBC.

Solent Aeropark - Planning Appeal Dismissed


Unsurprisingly, the High Court concluded what was obvious; that Fareham Borough Council (FBC) acted unlawfully by denying access to the site on Solent Airport for a badger survey that was requested by the planning officer, and without it the planning application for Solent Aeropark would certainly fail. This completely avoidable action by FBC has wasted 18 months and an estimated £100,000 of tax-payers' money defending an untenable position in law (and common sense), when there was a simple, no-cost, solution of allowing the badger survey.

Having now been granted access to the site, the ecologist found no badger setts on it, something that the planning officer would have known when visiting the site prior to determining the planning application. Therefore it is clear that FBC, as both landowner and planning authority, used the badger survey to make sure that planning consent would be refused, which could now be reversed by the Planning Inspector on appeal.

The key question is why are FBC objecting to Solent Aeropark, which would provide 9 Mixed-use Hangars for aviation-related businesses, that would help to safeguard the airport (as each requires access to an active runway), and make it more sustainable (as each would pay the airport operator for airside access), on a site designated for Swordfish Business Park which would blight the local houses, unlike Solent Aeropark.


Isle of Man Airport are considering having Mixed-use Hangars (commercial + residential use) on the area shown. Over the road from a lovely small harbour and walking distance from a golf course and fabulous beach, Manx Aeropark has to be one of the best locations in the UK to live and run a business from, not least because of the Isle of Man's attractive tax status with 0% Corporation Tax, 0% Inheritance Tax and only 10% Standard (20% Higher Rate) Income Tax. If this development goes ahead, it will become a 'game changer' for having these types of Hangar Homes in the UK, not only on General Aviation (GA) airfields but also on regional airports like the Isle of Man, which operates a number of scheduled flights to major airports in the UK and elsewhere. What is more, If these unique units work well there, then they certainly will at other aspiring regional airports such as Solent, Shoreham and Plymouth (if it reopens), who have objected to any residential use on the airport. In the light of the Isle of Man, and the 55 other commercial airports worldwide that already accommodate some residential use on them, these objections will ring hollow. Before moving forward on this exciting development, the Isle of Man Development Corporation need to know the level of demand from businesses (not just aviation-related) that would use a light aircraft from one of these units. If you want to be kept informed about this exiting development, then please provide your name and details via the Contact Form: http://www.hangarhomes.co.uk/contact.html


The Planning Appeal has now been submitted for Solent Aeropark, within the 6 months period allowed since the planning application was refused by Fareham Borough Council (FBC). Unfortunately, the Judicial Review (JR) is yet to be heard in the High Court to determine whether or not FBC acted unlawfully by denying access to the site for a badger survey, that was requested by their planning officer. To that end, a request has been made to the Planning Inspectorate to withhold determination of the appeal until after the result of the JR and badger survey, which directly and indirectly accounted for 6 out of the 13 reasons for refusal. It will be interesting to see what the Planning Inspector makes of the actions of FBC in obstructing the planning application and whether the 7 other reasons for refusal will be overturned.

UK's first aeropark likely to be built at Enniskillen : 23/11/2022

Good article in Flyer about Enniskillen Aeropark

UK's first aeropark likely to be built at Enniskillen : The UK's first aeropark is likely to be at Enniskillen Airport in Northern Ireland.


Enniskillen Aeropark - https://mailchi.mp/ae127de1bcd5/enniskillen-aeropark


Solent Aeropark - Judicial Review - https://mailchi.mp/299c180dca68/solent-aeropark-judicial-review


This is not about badgers, because the Council knows there are no badger setts on the site. That is the real reason why they are refusing access to the site because a survey will prove this, and why they are desperate to have the planning application determined before the result of the Judicial Review.


Solent Aeropark - Badger Survey - https://mailchi.mp/8b133a1f82e0/solent-aeropark-badger-survey


It looks like this matter over the badger survey is going to court. How bonkers is that!!

Solent Aeropark - Badger Survey 24/09/2022

The Local Government Ombudsman agreed with Fareham Borough Council that refusing access to the site for the badger survey was lawful under Property Law. However, this issue is NOT about Property Law, but PLANNING Law, in which case the actions of the Executive Leader, Councillor Sean Woodward, was UNLAWFUL in obstructing the planning application by denying access to the site for the badger survey that was requested by the planning officer and without it would recommend refusal. Having explored all other non-legal avenues without success, the only option left is for a judge to decide in court whether or not this issue relates to Planning or Property Law, which will determine the outcome. At best there is a 50/50 chance this issue falls under Property Law, although that is optimistic, but why risk losing in court, which could cost upwards of £100,000 with damages and legal fees on both sides, when it costs NOTHING for the Council to allow the badger survey? Such action is IRRESPONSIBLE for any Council to risk local tax-payers' money in the present economic climate, when a simple, no-cost, solution is available by allowing the survey for badger setts on the site, which are unlikely because it is mowed grass.

Solent Aeropark - Badger Survey

Solent Aeropark - Badgers 06/07/2022

A formal complaint against Fareham Borough Council (FBC) was lodged last month for refusing access to the proposed site for a ground survey on badger setts, which are unlikely to exist because it is mowed grass, but the planning officer has insisted on this and without it will recommend refusal. FBC's own guidelines for planning states that "It is fundamentally important that the planning system should not only be fair, but should be seen to be fair". This was ignored by FBC who took the view that they were acting within their guidelines, although how they came to that conclusion is inexplicable. FBC, as landowner, can refuse to sell the site if the planning application succeeds, but requesting the badger survey and not allowing it to be conducted, clearly demonstrates that they are not following their own guidelines with regard to fairness and impartiality. The matter has now been passed to the Local Government Ombudsman to look into and also the Minister responsible for Planning who will hopefully reverse FBC's decision and allow the badger survey

Solent Aeropark - Badgers


Fareham Borough Council (FBC), who are both the Local Planning Authority (LPA) and the landowner of Solent Airport, are doing everything they can to obstruct the planning application for 9 Mixed-use Hangars on part of the site they have earmarked for Swordfish Business Park. They have now demanded that a ground survey for badger setts be done for the site, because they are a protected species, but FBC will not allow access to the site, thereby making sure that the planning application fails. The LPA knows that the site is all mowed grass, which would preclude badger setts, but still insists that the ground survey is conducted, knowing full well that FBC will not allow this. Therefore, the planning application has been put on hold whilst legal avenues are explored to force FBC to allow access to the site so that the ground survey, that the LPA have requested, can be done.


Whilst the revised scheme shown for Solent Aeropark addressed most of the planning officer's concerns, he now feels that the hangar takes up a disproportionate amount of room on the ground floor commercial space and therefore could reduce employment on the site. This would be the case if the business was not aviation-related, but if it was, then the hangar is essential for the business, as they are elsewhere on the airfield. So as to comply with the planning officer's concerns regarding the hangar, a planning condition will require all the businesses on Solent Aeropark to be aviation-related. Also, the planning officer was concerned that the development was only slightly more commercial than residential with a split by area of 53% commercial to 47% residential use. So as to increase the commercial element further to make the development unequivocally 'Employment-led' rather than 'Residential-led', the 4th bedroom upstairs will be replaced with the owner's private office, making the overall floor area 60% commercial to 40% residential.

Developer flies in face of Hangar Homes refusal - The Gosport Globe 30/06/2021

Good article in the Gosport and Fareham Globe:

Developer flies in face of Hangar Homes refusal - The Gosport Globe By Kirsty Dawson UNDETERRED by having his plans rejected, the man behind the innovative Hangar Homes is to take a new course in order to get his project off the ground at Lee-on-the-Solent. Peter Day, Director of Hangar Homes Ltd, continues to have his proposal to build modern, aviation related home...

Hangar Homes tries again at Solent Airport : FLYER 10/03/2021


Hangar Homes tries again at Solent Airport : FLYER Hangar Homes developer Peter Day is persisting with his plan for Solent Airport by submitting a new planning application for six mixed-use hangars and a heritage hangar/centre.

Hangar Homes appeal turned down for Solent : FLYER 08/02/2021


Hangar Homes appeal turned down for Solent : FLYER The planning appeal for permission to build six ‘hangar homes’ at Solent Airport has been turned down.

Hangar Homes appeals over Solent Airport plan - FLYER 28/07/2020

Hangar Homes appeals over Solent Airport plan - FLYER Hangar Homes proponent Peter Day has lodged an appeal with the Planning Inspectorate for his plans to build six mixed-use hangars and a heritage hangar/centre…

Photos from Hangar Homes's post 09/07/2019

It is good to get some high-profile support for this unique development of 6 live/work hangars, aimed at aviation-related businesses, and a Heritage Hangar/Centre on Solent (Daedalus) Airport.

Photos from Hangar Homes's post 30/05/2019

A resubmission for 6 live/work hangars on Solent (Daedalus) Airport, aimed at aviation-related businesses, has been lodged with Gosport Borough Council, which would safeguard the airfield for flying operations and help to make it more sustainable as each unit would contribute financially to the airport operation for airside access. If planning permission is granted, and allowed by Fareham Borough Council, who owns the land, then a complimentary Heritage Hangar/Centre would be built in consideration for the land to build the live/work hangars, which is unsuitable for conventional homes or businesses. Also, one of the units would be used by Hangar Homes Ltd and Velocity UK, who would work with CEMAST to help build the stunning Velocity kit aircraft.

Photos from Hangar Homes's post 12/08/2018

The Velocity kit aircraft is now almost ready to be shipped from Sebastian, Florida to Belfast, where it will be assembled by the engineering students at Belfast Metropolitan College, the first in the UK. Last month, I spent 3 days at the Velocity facility along with Andy Draper from the Light Aircraft Association (LAA), who will inspect the kit throughout the build process, and Jim Stott of Belfast Met, who will be overseeing the build. The visit gave Andy and Jim a real insight into the Velocity and its flight capabilities, which they both experienced with Velocity's instructor. When approved, hopefully before next summer, Hangar Homes Ltd. will become the exclusive agent for Velocity in the UK and Ireland.

Pictured is L-R, Andy Draper (LAA), Peter Day (Velocity UK) and Jim Stott (Belfast Met) and the Velocity kit aircraft

Help our General Aviation airfield today! 01/05/2018

It took 4 months for the Immigration Department (Border Force) to state the obvious about the 'security' of live/work hangars on Solent (Daedalus) Airport, but at least the matter is now settled for hangar homes on all GA airfields in the UK.


Help our General Aviation airfield today! Immigration Minister gives green light to ‘hangar homes’ ← PREVIOUS POST NEXT POST → The Immigration Minister has confirmed that UK Border Force “would not ordinarily object” to the development of so-called ‘hangar homes’ on aerodrome sites, in a letter to the All-Party Parliamentary...


Exciting news. I've ordered the Velocity SE kit aircraft and signed the exclusive agency for Velocity in the UK and Ireland at Sun & Fun in Florida with the CEO of Velocity. When built, the Velocity will be a great aircraft to visit suitable airfields for hangar homes.

Sign the Petition 17/03/2018

Some of you may want to sign the petition below. It will help to keep Daedalus (Lee-on-Solent) as a GA Airfield, which most of the local residents, flying and business communities want.


Sign the Petition Fareham Borough Council: Keep PNGC at Daedalus Airfield


Latest news on Hangar Homes at Lee-on-Solent Airfield on page 2 of the Gosport Globe


Councillors vote in favour of hangar homes at Solent - FLYER 10/02/2018

Councillors vote in favour of hangar homes at Solent - FLYER Peter Day’s planning application to build five ‘live/work’ hangar homes on Solent (Daedalus) Airport was recommended for refusal by Gosport Borough Council’s Planning Department at…


Latest News on the Lee-on-Solent planning application. Checkout Page 3 of the Gosport Globe:http://www.gosportglobe.uk/downloads/2018/globe-003.pdf


Videos (show all)

Hangar Homes Promotional Video
