DJ & RA Bochatey Foundation

DJ & RA Bochatey Foundation

Education is the way to Opportunity, Stability, Happiness, Peace, and Freedom.

The Bochatey Foundation, a non-profit, helps people of all backgrounds expand their knowledge, gain education, and continue learning in order to change their future.

How a Maine 8-year-old inadvertently became a fashion trendsetter 16/03/2024

How a Maine 8-year-old inadvertently became a fashion trendsetter Most 8-year-old boys don't get dressed to the nines. But James Ramage of Chelsea, Maine, loves to dress for third-grade success.

Dueling Banjos - by the Petoskey High School Steel Drum Band. Bellaire, Michigan July 2023 11/02/2024

This is the result of music in public school: Confidence, cultural diversity, smiling, community involvement, respectful pride, joy . . .

Dueling Banjos - by the Petoskey High School Steel Drum Band. Bellaire, Michigan July 2023 These high school kids are amazing!!

Helping Parents Raise Kids That Become Great Adults 11/02/2024

Helping Parents Raise Kids That Become Great Adults đź“š millions of books sold!

Library of Congress and American Library Association Announce New Educational Book Series 10/01/2024

The Library of Congress just announced it will be providing teaching materials for grades 6-12 to all, including home schoolers, using it's vast archive.

Library of Congress and American Library Association Announce New Educational Book Series The Library of Congress will co-publish a new educational series titled “Discover and Learn with the Library of Congress” in association with ALA Editions.


We are free because of you.
Thank you to all of our Veterans.


The tallest tree in Wales, damaged by a storm and slated for removal, was given a new lease on life by chainsaw artist Simon O'Rourke. He transformed it into a symbol of the tree's final effort to reach the sky. 🌳🌿
đź“· Simon O'Rourke - Tree Carving


Our Culinary students and college students are sharing recipes. I thought you would all like to participate. Here's my favorite. LEMON BLUEBERRY CRUMB CAKE
In a greased baking pan mix 1 pkg of lemon cake mix with 1 small package of vanilla instant pudding (sugar free works great too). Make a well in the center and add 3 eggs plus 1 can of lemon-lime soda. Mix dry and wet together well. Stir in 1 3/4 cups fresh or frozen blueberries. Top with crushed lemon snaps or lemon sandwich cookies. Bake for 45-50 mins on 325 degrees.

The original recipe says that it serves 15-20, but we devoured it in about 8-10 servings. Icing is purely optional.
Happy Baking!

Photos from Mirror Image Arts's post 03/10/2023
RE@CH Media Festival 29/06/2023

Seeing through the eyes of today's youth. Art/media/video created for The Clubhouse Network awards. A national effort to provide computer equipment, training and a safe place for young people to hangout, learn, and be productive; express themselves; and be mentored. Feel free to vote for your favorite.

RE@CH Media Festival The Clubhouse Network’s Global RE@CH Media Festival is the signature showcase of Clubhouse member-created media from around the world. The Festival encourages youth to express themselves about issues that are important to them by creating media that gives voice to their ideas, feelings, and concer...


An American Creed
I do not choose to be a common man. It is my right to be uncommon if I can. I seek opportunity -- not security. I do not wish to be a kept citizen, humbled, dulled, by having State look after me. I want to take the calculated risk; to dream and to build; to fail or succeed. I refuse to barter incentive for a dole. I prefer the challenges of life to the guaranteed existence; the thrill of fulfillment to the state calm of utopia.
I will not trade freedom for beneficence, nor my dignity for a handout. I will never cower before any master nor bend to any threat. It is my heritage to stand erect, proud, and unafraid; to think and act for myself; enjoy the benefits of my creation, and to face the world boldly and say:
This I have done!

The American Creed was written by William Tyler Page. The American Creed was written in 1917, upon America's entry into the First World War, and accepted by the United States House of Representatives on April 3, 1918.

Kettering Conversations with Democracy Innovators: Willis “Bing” Davis and Sharon L. Davies 18/04/2023

How can Art rebuild people and a community? Just ask Willis “Bing” Davis...

Kettering Conversations with Democracy Innovators: Willis “Bing” Davis and Sharon L. Davies Kettering Conversations with Democracy Innovators highlight individuals who can share transformative ideas and insights into democratic innovation. In this s... Twitter 14/04/2023

Resources for Homelessness. Plz forward as needed. Twitter Being homeless or at risk of being homeless can be scary and affect many parts of your life. Between finding somewhere to stay at night, getting food, and medical care, it can be a lot to handle on your own. In this article, we will share some valuable resources to help you with housing, healthcare,...

All Together Now Festival | Education Through Music 12/04/2023

Please join us celebrate Education Through Music students at the Newman Center (DU campus).

All Together Now Festival | Education Through Music May 11, 2023. A selection of students from all of our schools will join together for a full day of rehearsals, workshops and music performances.

Welcome 30/08/2022

Scholarships at Regent University.

Welcome Whatever your passion, whatever your goals, Regent University is offering a scholarship for new online students to help get you there. Choose from 150+ areas of study that you can complete at home in the subject areas employers demand.


A Prayer to Renounce fear completed . . .
I renounce the fear of loneliness, for we are promised, “Our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.” And also, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” And again,
“Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”
I renounce the fear of intimidation, for Jesus said, “If the world hates you, know that it has hated Me before it hated you. In the world you will have tribulation, but take heart; I have overcome
the world.”
Provided by DR Erwin Lutzer & Moody Ministries


A Prayer to Renounce Fear cont . . .
I renounce the fear of death, for I affirm with the Apostle Paul, “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Thank You for the promise, “death is swallowed up in victory.”
I renounce the fear of martyrdom, for Your Word declares, “Do not fear those who are able to kill the body, but fear Him rather who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”


A Prayer to Renounce Fear cont . . .
I renounce the fear of Satan, for Your Word says he has already been conquered “by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.”
I renounce the fear of saying “goodbye” to a terminally ill loved one, for Jesus promised, “Let not your heart be troubled…In My Father’s house are many rooms; I go and prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to Myself, that where I am you may be also.”


A Prayer to Renounce Fear cont . . .
I renounce the fear of losing my property and possessions, for Your Word says, “I have learned in whatever situation I am, to be content…I know the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need; I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”


A Prayer to Renounce Fear cont...
I renounce the fear of rejection, for David wrote in Your holy Word, “For my father and mother have forsaken me, but the Lord will take me in.”
I renounce the fear of witnessing about Christ, because as Your Word warns, “The fear of man brings a snare.”
Therefore, I choose to fear You more than I do any human being. I affirm, “The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me?”


A Prayer to Renounce Fear cont...
I reject the fear of evildoers, for Your Word says, “Though an army encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; though war arise against me, yet I will be confident…For He will hide me in His
shelter in the day of trouble; He will conceal me under the cover of His tent; He will lift me high upon a rock.”


Today we start a prayer series: A Prayer to Renounce Fear
Father, help me to agree with you that I am not subject to fear, but am a child of your love.
I reject the fear of the future, for I believe that the future is in Your hands. . .


Classical education is available for k-12. If you are concerned about public education and why it isn't working, please view a better answer for your children and grandchildren.

Tele-Townhall On December 9, 2021, Hillsdale College hosted a Tele-Townhall on "Reviving American Classical K-12 Education," featuring Hillsdale College President Dr. Larry Arnn, Assistant Provost for K-12 Education Dr. Kathleen O'Toole, and hosted by Hugh Hewitt. We invited thousands of Americans from across ...


If you are looking for a worthy place for your YearEnd Donation $$, I suggest,

They are striving to change New Orlean's desperate culture one person, one child at a time by mentoring Respect, Belief, and Wisdom through various programs. At the moment they are struggling mightly to recover from Hurricane Ida and continue that mission. Any help you can give would be appreciated and multiplied many times. Thank you.

RESPECT, BELIEF, WISDOM  Positive Minds Positive Movement FAST Academy is a “Prison prevention & reform program” completely dedicated to helping young at-risk student athletes with the mentorship and support they need through our fundamental achievement success training program. 


STEM Talent Grant of $2million has just opened for programs developing work skills to support our future economy. Deadline is October 12, 2021.


It's Build a Back-Pak time. That means someone near you needs school supplies. It's a great way to make a big difference with a small investment. The Bochatey Foundation is donating a pile of back packs and school supplies this year around Denver through A Precious Child. We are also delivering school supplies to Junior & Senior Highers in Leadville, Colorado. Use the Donate button above to help us provide learning tools to those who have to choose between notebooks and soup.

IRS webinar: Applying for Exemption 29/05/2021

If you are looking for funding but not yet registered with the IRS as an Exempt Organization, the IRS is giving a free webinar June 23rd @ 1:00 EDT.

IRS webinar: Applying for Exemption

Kid-Friendly Exercises to Promote Brain Balance 18/03/2021

Exercises to Balance your Brain for you and your kids.

Kid-Friendly Exercises to Promote Brain Balance Try these brain building exercises to help children with ADHD, learning differences and other academic, behavioral or social issues.


Native American Educational Scholarships available!!! App Deadline is May 1, 2021. In order to get recognized and change the world, you need a good education. Like Deb Haaland, who will most certainly become secretary of the interior, the first Native American woman selected for the position.

Please apply by May 1, 2021 for SWNAF Scholarships: High School Summer Programs, Art/Vocational School, College/University and Graduate School.
(Please share this post.)

Timeline photos 18/02/2021

NEWS: Danielle Allen, winner of the Library’s 2020 Kluge Prize, will host a series of events this spring at the Library to explore ideas and actions to strengthen America's democracy in the new campaign "Our Common Purpose: A Campaign for Civic Strength."


Timeline photos 24/01/2021

A very good read! Amazing insights about how we each need to help our government and communities return to healthy normal.

DOWNLOAD → Kettering Review Fall 2020: The Public Sphere in Dark Times by Noëlle McAfee
Using the work of Habermas as a lens, McAfee explores how the happenings in the public sphere might interact with and influence political life in the institutional sphere.

Opening Hours

Monday 00:00 - 23:30
Tuesday 00:00 - 23:30
Wednesday 00:00 - 23:30
Thursday 00:00 - 23:30
Friday 00:00 - 23:45
Saturday 00:00 - 23:45
Sunday 12:00 - 23:45