Remembering Aiden

Remembering Aiden

this page is dedicated to raising awareness and money for charities in memory of Aiden Lewis.

Photos from Remembering Aiden's post 23/09/2023

Spiderman made a reappearance today at the charity fair for Friends of PICU the boys really enjoyed themselves supporting children like they're big brother so much they rarely stayed still long enough for a photo πŸ˜„ and grandma even won at the raffle

Photos from Friends of PICU's post 02/09/2023

Well done to Aiden's auntie's Kim Lewis and Ellie Luna Lewis for completing the 5k inflatable obstacle course this morning, they've raised over Β£300 for Friends of PICU and are now off to compete in their rugby team, good luck!

Kim & Luna raising money for Friends of PICU 01/09/2023

As the summer is coming to a close, Aiden is even more on our minds. Aidens birthday is next month and the fundraising has started early this year. We are so grateful to Aidens aunties who are starting off this year with an amazing event for Friends of PICU tomorrow they will be taking on incredible inflatable obstacle course in Aiden's memory. Thank you so much to everyone who has already donated and if you can, any donation is extremely appreciated, thank you πŸ’š

Kim & Luna raising money for Friends of PICU Help Luna Lewis raise money to support Friends of PICU

Photos from Remembering Aiden's post 28/04/2023

It's crazy how children look up to superheros without realising the strength they have inside that makes it so easy to see that they're the ones with the super powers. Love and remembering our superhero in the sky on national superhero day ❀️

Photos from Remembering Aiden's post 03/02/2023

The boys have been wearing red today in support of Lyndi who is fighting the same condition their big brother had. Since Lyndi's birthday is in heart the first week of heart month she wanted as many people as possible to wear red on her 3rd birthday.

Two years ago, just before her first birthday doctors discovered devastatingly that Lyndi had this extremely rare heart condition and was told she could possible have a year but would likely always need oxygen. Though she does very often need it, Lyndi amazingly does have days when she can manage without and those days are likely spent on the beach or gardening with her mum. Lyndi is still fighting two years on and although she is still in hospital we are wishing her the best of birthdays!!!! β€β€β€πŸŽπŸŽ‰πŸŽˆ

Photos from Remembering Aiden's post 27/01/2023

Please wear red next week! ❀❀❀

Next month is CHD awareness month and we would like to share another little heart warrior's story who is fighting the same condition as Aiden, who will be celebrating her birthday next week.

This little girl is beautiful and brave Lyndi!

On the 3rd of Feb next week she will be turning 3! This is such an amazing milestone, she has amazed doctors all her life and exelled their expectations. In Jan 2021 doctors told Lyndi's mum that there were no more options available and she might be able to live another year. Along with multiple heart defects, Lyndi also has pulmonary veins stenosis the same condition Aiden had.
I've asked Lyndi's mum if it was OK to share her story on here because PVS is so rare we don't know anyone this side of the pond with the same condition and it would be lovely to share some celebrations and share with you this amazing little girl who is kicking PVS in the ass!

Lyndi is now a funny little toddler who loves gardening and the beach and has been beating all odds. Her mum wants to celebrate her 3rd birthday on the 3rd during CHD month by asking everyone to wear red on her birthday in celebration and support of this amazing little heart warrior. ❀❀❀ Lyndi has been in hospital since the 4th November, this was due to testing positive for RSV but since then there has been a huge shortage in diuril in America and has caused Lyndi to stay in longer as she needs alternatives but they don't work as well. Diuril is used by mostly children with heart conditions and defects and is used for hypertension. Hopefully the shortage will be sorted soon. πŸ™

Lyndi is still fighting strong and enjoys many activities, arts and crafts with her mum while she's in hospital.

Her mums goal this year is to run another half marathon on 23rd of April with Lyndi riding along with her in the buggy. It will be her first since having Lyndi and raise money for .

Please wear red next week for this little girl.

Photos from Remembering Aiden's post 01/01/2023

Happy new year to our beautiful boy in the sky who has inspired so much love and kindness in our lives. We will carry you with us as we always do through the new year ✨️

Photos from Remembering Aiden's post 11/12/2022

A big massive thank you to everyone who donated its been a very special day to remember Aiden. I did get one little detail wrong the walk was broken glass not ice so.... did it anyway πŸ˜„ and as if Aiden had control of the weather somehow it snowwwwd! Couldn't help myself and walked on ice and snow outside too, love and remembering Aiden always πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š


We are so grateful to everyone who have supported us once again. Our fundraiser this Christmas has reached its goal thank you so much everyone, less then a week till the event ❄️

Photos from Remembering Aiden's post 17/11/2022

Thank you everyone who helped make this happen, everyone who donated for Aidens 7th birthday! Eveyone who helped organise and shared about the fundraiser. This will help many children in intensive care and their families. This money goes towards new equipment, toys and activities for the children on ward, keeping big smiles on their faces. Or even financial aid for the family while their lives our upside down.


Happy birthday Aiden today you should have turned 7 we miss you with all our hearts and hope we're making you proud πŸ’«πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈπŸ’™β€

Remembering Aiden at Christmas., organized by Caitlin Lewis 21/10/2022

We have another fundraiser in a couple of months, dedicated to raising money for Ronald Mcdonald who supported our entire family at the worst time in our lives ❀

Remembering Aiden at Christmas., organized by Caitlin Lewis Remembering Aiden at Christmas by walking on ice as Elsa. As some may know Christma… Caitlin Lewis needs your support for Remembering Aiden at Christmas.

Photos from Remembering Aiden's post 13/10/2022

Some amazing photos from last week ❀❀


An amazingly talented friend of ours managed to edit the ropes out of the picture looks amazing. Thank you Alexander Short

Photos from Remembering Aiden's post 02/10/2022

We know you would have loved today sweetheart. We know how much you loved superheros, hope you know how loved and missed you are ❀

Photos from Remembering Aiden's post 02/10/2022

Well done Kimberly and Josh! Aiden would have absolutely loved today ❀ thank you everyone who donated for Friends of PICU we will work out how much we've raised soon

Photos from Remembering Aiden's post 29/09/2022

Happy world heart day. A day to celebrate our heart warriors around the world and in the sky πŸ’« these powerful little fighters take on huge mountains and do it all while smiling. I'm always amazed by Aiden and how much he was able to do while fighting a huge battle we didn't know about for so long. We met some incredible children and they're family's and wish them all the very best ❀❀❀


We are so grateful and over the moon to say our fundraiser for Friends of PICU has reached its target and we still have over two weeks to go! Thank you so much for all your support and remembering Aiden around his birthday πŸ’«

Photos from Remembering Aiden's post 07/09/2022

Fancy taking any superhero fans to come see two spidermen abseil down the spiniker tower?
2nd October, Aiden's Dad and auntie Kim will be using their spidey senses to climb down and raise money for Friends of PICU in Aidens memory.


As the summer is ending the leaves will now always remind me of Aiden, the last few months of the year are bitter sweet for our family, as a lot of memories replay in our minds doing things in Aidens memory and supporting charities who supported Aiden has really helped us get through it.

We understand the difficult times this year and only wish if you would donate if you can. Aidens daddy and auntie kim will be abseiling down spiniker tower on 2nd of October for Friends of PICU, where he was treated after his second stent and we met other parents going through the same fears as us.

Although having your child in hospital for any reason is scary, I've never experienced anything like being on the picu ward, the nurses are so kind and dedicated but you lose all sense of time when your child is there. I remember being reminded by nurses to go and eat or get some rest. This charity provides toys and blankets for the children and financial and emotional support for the whole family. They kept our spirits up and let Aiden enjoy the festive times as much as possible, we are so grateful to them.

Photos from Remembering Aiden's post 10/08/2022

With autumn fast approaching, Aidens 7th birthday has been on our minds. We have some exciting fundraising ready to share soon, just waiting for confirmations so be on the look out to hear what we have planned in memory of our fantastic boy and to help brave children like him β€πŸ’™πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈπŸ’«

Photos from Remembering Aiden's post 01/07/2022

2 years ago today Aiden was transferred from Portsmouth hospital to ocean ward in Southampton. Due to covid, only josh could be with him and I was originally told I would see him after his surgery. It was incredible difficult times for our family, logan was only a day old as well and Aiden really wanted to meet him. In the bed across from him on ocean ward was a brilliant little heart warrior and her mum. Yesterday they went to the beach and remembered Aiden and sent us this lovely photo. Its really lovely to know Aiden is still so remembered by so many. πŸ’™β€πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈ

Photos from Remembering Aiden's post 12/05/2022

Happy international nurses day! To all amazing nurses.

We had incredible nurses looking after Aiden on ocean ward, picu and naomi house. We are so thankful for the dedication to not only care, but get to know Aiden. Built friendships with him and supported him with games, distractions and sticker charts with his favourite cartoons and characters.
They also were so kind and supportive to us. Never annoyed by how often they needed to explain stuff and repeat themselves for us to take in all the information. Helping us get the correct help for Aidens care and being a shoulder for us or someone there when you simply need to rant.

One nurse on picu even made Aiden his own planet and worked on it throughout his breaks and gave it to him when he woke up. Nurses are incredible! We're so grateful for everything you do ❀

Photos from Remembering Aiden's post 28/04/2022

Happy international superhero day! Aiden you will always be our superhero in the sky πŸ’™β€πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈπŸŒ  not just from how brave you were but how kind you always were and put others before yourself. Even at Naomi House Aiden would make sure his baby brother had everything he needed before worrying about himself. I was amazed at the level of kindness one little 5 year old could show. We are always so proud of you xx

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