Heartened Howls

Heartened Howls

Public and private Forest Therapy walks to reduce stress, boost the immune system, improve mood, get


I saw a White Admiral butterfly yesterday AND today! This beautiful little being drinks from decaying flowers and rotting carcasses - I love a contradiction 🥰🖤


cicada szn, baby!
common, even if you don’t like insects, you have to admit those fresh wings are B•E•A•UTIFUL! I stopped and watched this friend shed their exoskeleton… 🔥


obsessed with this book walk (thanks to , and 🌱🤍) that help people wander the woods and share a story along the way! 📚


you don’t have to know exactly what everything is, its growing conditions, it’s lifespan, if it’s edible, its mom’s maiden name, etc to appreciate it, and feel ~awe~ 💫

slow down and spent some time outside this long weekend! I wonder what you’ll find :)

PS - in this case, I should have spent even MORE time and smelled these mushrooms (Entoloma Incanum), because after my time slowing down and taking them and other little beings in I hit the books, and apparently they smell like mouse p*e 🤪🐀


a little luna moth came to visit 🌙 🦇

like most of our butterfly/moth friends, they symbolize change/growth, transformation, and “seeing the light”, so to speak…but also intuition, inner guidance, and the ~divine feminine~ 🌖

this little guy has no mouthparts, and will only live for a couple more days on all the energy he stored up as caterpillar…godsp*ed, friend! 🫡


I swear I’ve never seen this flower before in my life - apparently it’s a common garden escap*e, and can take over fields almost as easily as the dandelion. Much like the dandelion, I think it’s pretty, it has an animal in its name (“cowslip”), and is non-native.
As cute as these are, it’s important to try and plant native when possible to help your local ecosystem thrive 💜🍃


another beautiful (and mushroom filled!) walk where I was lucky enough to hear a participant say that this was the first time they felt comfortable outside and engaging with the natural world 💚

I’ve experienced some loss lately and was flocked by cardinals (some people believe cardinals to be spirits of those who have died visiting) the whole time - I’ve never seen so many males in one spot! It was pretty magical, and I’m grateful to have shared the experience with a really cool group of people 😎


dandelion fields forever 💛


~ t e x t u r e ~
lamb’s ear, moss, and lichen, oh my!


just your friendly neighbourhood having the best time setting up a in the forest 🤟🏼

still feeling so refreshed from our walk yesterday…we talked about the river reminding us the the ebbs and flows of our lives, the support we felt from the trees and each other, and various animal tracks reminding us of the impact we leave behind once we physically leave a space.

grateful for everyone who came out in the snow sprinkle to wander the woods with me! 🤍


it’s beginning to look less and less like a white Christmas 🎶

as much as I want to see some snow action, I’m once again reminded to live in and appreciate the present - how nice is it to not have to plan and layer to go outside, to still hear the crunch of leaves as animals move around us, and even see some plants breaking the rules and blooming - reminding us how resilient nature is ✌🏻

with so many events in the coming days, focusing on the moment is the goal - the present is a present :)


participants on this walk asked me about the birch bark I always bring to the party 🍵 i told them i feel connected and supported by birch - it feels like a home I’ve never been to, that’s waiting for me to return 💫


i had the absolute best day tromping the woods within the city - listening to the cicadas and feeling the dirt, finding endless mini ecosystems, sharing gratitudes and having open conversation with a group of really wonderful people 🖤

big thanks to for arranging the opportunity to connect with nature, ourselves, and each other!


just a bunch of little steps to jump up and bounce down…🧚🏻‍♂️
such a perfect summer day in the woods 🖤


these are the colours of the summer, and a reminder that some of my favourite things are a little prickly 💟☀️


~happy s u m m e r~
summer has really grown on me - I used to be too focused on the humidity, fabrics sticking to me, the bug bites…but you can’t beat those summer sunsets, the breeze rustling leaves on the trees, or a firefly light show 🧡

looking forward to this beauty of a season, and grateful for the people I get to share it with ✌🏻


it’s been a whirlwind of a spring season, and before I fully move into May, I want to throw a big woosh of love and gratitude to all the visitors from Mexico City I had the pleasure of meeting, listening to the birds with, making nature art, spotting owls, coyote calling, singing Spanish songs that are still stuck in my head, and engaging in nature journaling together. It’s so special to find a home away from home, especially in the forests which can feel so different at first. 🧚🏼💚


some sweet forsythia brightening up a rather gloomy (no offence, mama earth!)

grateful for the air, water, soil, sand, and rocks, the sunshine and the moonlight, the plant magic, all amazing (and some less amazing) creatures, my bffs in the fungal family, the sounds of and in the forest, and being connected through experiences, appreciation, mycelium, energy, and so much love :)


this might be one of the last days of snow on the forest floor…I’m watching it drop off the trees and melt into the stream, and surprisingly going to miss it…
until the next time, winter!
here we go, spring! ☔️


another beautiful walk, another tea party in the woods - complete with a cedar crown made by a grateful participant, and chocolate loonies for our newcomer crew! 🦌


Valentines Weekend Walk - Sunday, February 12 ♥️

Give the gift of nature and self connection to any loved one this (yourself included!)🌲 Come wander the woods, participate in solo opportunities to engage with the natural world, and enjoy a tea party in the forest while sharing experiences!

Where: Claremont Conservation Site
When: Sunday Feb. 12 from 11-2:30pm
Reservation required, limited space available, $35 per person. Please contact for more details or to reserve your place ✨


autumn rolling out the red carpet to prepare for the winter solstice 🍂❄️


had the coziest little tea ceremony today after saying hello to all the birds, noticing the frost in the grass, sharing some gratitude alters, and talking to trees! 🤍

thanks to for the very fitting kettle that held our cedar tea, and to for the cookies that went with it!


saw my first lunar eclipse and had to document that magic moment, even though I only had a phone camera in the 4am darkness 🖤



happy autumn equinox! 🍂

these huge gusts of wind we’re having are bringing about ch-ch-changes - and not just the leaves (or needles?!).

Change can be wonderful and necessary, but it can also be hard. It’s important to sit with any change, and help breakdown how you’re truly feeling…is your ego trying to protect you? Or is imposter syndrome out to get you? What part of the change are you most dreading or looking forward to? Where might that come from?

Welcome AUTUMN, you spicy fella! I’m sad about losing our breezy summer nights and going barefoot in the grass, but ready to embrace the colours and winds of the mad and the wicked 🍂


the Monarch gives such welcome wisdom about change and growth while maintaining the memories and lessons from your past 🧡
🐛 🦋
(did you know Monarch Butterflies can remember their time as caterpillars?! Even after that complete metamorphosis?! ☠️)


it’s been a super busy couple of months, but now we’re back just in time to smell the summer flowers and do a dance in the rain (or for the rain? …please rain!)



the colours after the storm 🌈

Though these thunder and lightening days have been proving difficult to be out on the trails for, there’s really been some beauty in them! The rainbow is a little reminder that after the turmoil comes the calm, the colourful, the magic….🖤


Gentle reminder to slow down this weekend! ✌🏻🐌
Happy Friday, party people! 🤍


the little things in the palest shades

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