CNY Nightmare Family Videos

Videos by CNY Nightmare Family. Welcome to the official page for the CNY Nightmare Travel Softball and Baseball organization

Congratulations, and a huge thank you, to Ed McEwen on winning our Nightmare 12u-Bresadola cash calendar drawing at tonight’s practice. Over 5,000 entrants which is absolutely astonishing.

Thanks to all that supported the girls fundraiser. It helps and is more appreciated than you all know. Come see them play this summer, you won’t regret it ☠️🥎🔥

Other CNY Nightmare Family videos

Congratulations, and a huge thank you, to Ed McEwen on winning our Nightmare 12u-Bresadola cash calendar drawing at tonight’s practice. Over 5,000 entrants which is absolutely astonishing. Thanks to all that supported the girls fundraiser. It helps and is more appreciated than you all know. Come see them play this summer, you won’t regret it ☠️🥎🔥

Results from our 14u cash calendar. This team is going to turn alot of heads this summer. Players and coaches are absolutely crushing it 💪🏼🔥 Thanks to all who keep supporting Nightmare, we appreciate you all , bring on summer ☠️🥎 1st place: Dave Wickes $400 2nd place: Henry Wakefield $100 3rd place: Joe Bach (donated back to team) $50 4th place: Teanna Goudy $20 5th place: Tracey Hargis $20 6th place: Mikey $20 7th place: Jen T $20 8th place: Dave Hunter $20 9th place: Rob $20 10th place: David Bearup Jr $20

Our 10u squads have been working so hard this fall. Fun way to head into our holiday break. Families that work together stay together ☠️🥎 Big shout out to 12u Coach Green for the fun idea!

10u Nightmare having a blast and playing some awesome softball in Webster. Keep it up girls ☠️🥎💜🖤