Kouch to Keto

Kouch to Keto

Brought to you by Lotus Within


It’s Fired up Friday and MB is down 15 pounds in 4 weeks on the Kouch to Keto program with Lotus Within. He’s also a fat burning machine in a sweet GKI of 3.6, reporting improved mental health and consistent energy for his active lifestyle! All this from the comfort of his own home with one on one expert coaching every step of the way.
What are YOU waiting for? Book a FREE consult today and get summer ready!


will have fresh, golden delicious, grass fed GHEE available at the Machete Market Café tomorrow (Sunday) until 2pm! Come find out all the other incredible health benefits of ghee and why you need it in your life every day!


It's and I can not tell you how incredibly blessed I am to be a part of so many amazing health transformations! AH just completed her 12 week online, one on one Kouch to Keto program and is down a stunning SEVEN AND A HALF INCHES on her waist! Hunger, cravings and brain fog are a thing of the past while endless energy, stamina, and restful sleep are her new norm. She feels absolutely fantastic and so will you! Reach out for a FREE one on one consultation to find out how you too can


Let's get people, it's Friday! JH is down FIVE POUNDS this week! ST is down an incredible 4 pounds this week! KA, TL and AH are all down an awesome 2 pounds each as well without dieting, deprivation or hunger! CD lost over 14 pounds on her 30Day Kouch to Keto challenge this month and feels amazing! What an amazing month of April it has been. Can't wait to see all the exciting victories our Kouch to Keto programs bring for May! Are you ready to start a one on one customized program to smash out your goals before summer?? Book a free 45 minute consult today to find out what program is perfect for you.


The Lotus Within April Keto Challenge is burnin it up! CD is down 6.5 pounds this week 🤯 April's challenge is almost half over, so now is the time to sign up for the May challenge if you want all the tools and support you need to acheive these incredible results too at an incredible price! Don't wait, only a little more than a week left to sign up. Message for more details!


Yes it is possible! Without dieting, deprivation, or stepping foot in a gym. Book a FREE consult to find out how.


The April "Lotus Within 30 Day Keto Challenge" is under way and CD is already down FIVE POUNDS, whaaaaat?? Are YOU up for the challenge?? The April challenge is under way but one on one online coaching programs are still currently available but spaces are limited. Book a FREE, 45 minute, no obligation consult today!


Cocina Cetogénico will have COOKIES at Machete’s market this Sunday! Stop by the Lotus Within booth to get your gourmet, low carb, sugar free, diabetic and keto friendly, GUILT FREE treats from 10:00-2:00 while they last! You can also sign up for our 30 day Keto challenge while you’re there.


Let’s get FIRED UP! KA has lost 4.6 pounds on her personalized, one on one Kouch to Keto program this week! She reports sleeping much better, no hunger, greatly increased energy and that brain fog and afternoon crash is GONE! 🥳
Book a FREE consultation to see how these results can be yours!


Just a few spots left for 's April 30 Day Keto Challenge! Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to get the support you need to feel amazing when you slip into those summer clothes this year!
This challenge is perfect for you if:
✔️you want to try keto/low carb to lose some weight and feel great but you don't know where to start
✔️you have experience (novice-expert) in keto/low carb but want to set some goals and need some extra tools and support to reach them
✔️you want to quickly drop some extra body fat in time for summer
✔️you want professional, real person guidance but are on a budget
✔️you want your chance to win expert personal one on one coaching

For a nominal fee of $50USD you will get:
✅a personalized intake with customized macronutrient calculations
✅many of the resources my patient's get in my one on one coaching programs including shopping lists, meal suggestions, recipes, a meal tracking app and much more!
✅weekly group zoom meetings led by myself to offer extra resources, discussion, support, accountability and to answer all your questions!
✅an entry for your chance to win an 8 week Kouch to Keto Program from Lotus Within valued at $360 USD!

I am blessed to have been part of thousands of journeys to weight loss success. Now it's your turn to smash your springtime goals with the tools and support you need. But you have to hurry! Intake for the April challenge ends March 27th so don't miss out! Reach out with any questions or go to www.lotuswithin.ca/plans to learn more and sign up today!

P.S. The photo below is a piece of actual Keto friendly chocolate cake...I know right??!!


Spring is literally right around the corner! Are you dreading pulling out that bathing suit and those short shorts?
Well, who's ready for a challenge and the chance to win BIG?? Come take the 30 day Keto Challenge with Lotus Within! Are you curious if Keto/low carb can work for you but don't know where to start? Been low carb/keto but need some extra support? Join us! You have nothing to lose but the weight!

What you get:
✅ fully personalized macros
✅food lists, shopping list, meal ideas, recipes, meal tracking app and many more tools for success
✅weekly group zoom calls lead by an expert ketogenic nutrition therapist for support and accountability and to answer all your questions
✅your chance to WIN an 8 week Kouch to Keto personalized program with one on one coaching valued at $499!

All this for only $50USD ($65CAD)! What an incredibly loaded deal! Starts April 1st. Must sign up a min of 5 days prior to start so that I can send you your tool box and get your customized macros calculated. Visit www.lotuswithin.ca/plans to sign up or send a message for more information. Let's do this!


Hey people of ! Are you trying to lose some weight, get your blood sugars under control or just simply want to reduce the sugar and junk in your diet and move toward a healthier lifestyle? Are you feeling defeated because there's temptation everywhere you turn, or are you just tired of depriving yourself delicious foods and decadent sweets? Well, I am super stoked to announce that Cocina Cetoégnica is finally making it's debut at Machete's Market this Sunday 10:00am-2:00pm! We'll have a delectable menu of low carb, keto, diabetic friendly foods made with high quality gourmet ingredients to tantilize your taste buds! No sugar, no artificial sweeteners, no crappy oils, and ZERO guilt! Sunday's menu will include a rich butter chicken with cauliflower rice, a crisp and creamy loaded broccoli salad, silky lime curd cheesecake cups and decadent chocolatey cupcakes with a rich butter cream frosting...mmmmm and all under 6 grams of carbs each, what?!! We'll have a limited supply of each, so be sure to get in early before it's gone! Have questions about low carb/keto? Need some support? Be sure to make time for a chat with our expert ketogenic nutrition therapy nurse and be sure to sign up for our 30 day keto challenge that starts on April 1st while you're there! You can also visit www.lotuswithin.ca/plans for more details. See you Sunday!


Are you up to the challenge??

TAKE THE 30 DAY KETO CHALLENGE Set a goal and smash it!

Are you struggling with INFLATION? 26/01/2023

Not only have we not raised our prices in over 2 years, our programs are now ON SALE for a limited time!

Are you struggling with INFLATION? If 2022 ended with you having tight pants and an empty wallet we have the deal you're looking for!


Every single time you eat or drink you are either feeding disease or fighting it. Choose wisely...


We couldn’t be more ecstatic to announce that Lotus Within has won FIRST PLACE in all three categories for our Kouch to Keto and Diabetes Freedom Formula programs this year! What a gift it is to take part in all these incredible and inspiring journeys to health! Is improved health, weight loss or diabetes reversal one of your New Year resolutions for 2023? Link arms with us! Our programs are currently on sale so there’s never been a better time.
Www.lotuswithin.ca Our programs are available with one on one personalized coaching online from the comfort of your own home!


What a testament to the sustainability of this way of life! The results simply speak for themselves. TL joined on the advice of his primary care physician in February 2018. When he came to me he was on more medications than he could carry, an uncontrolled diabetic in chronic kidney failure, close to dialysis, with high blood pressure, neuropathy and a history of several strokes. I'll never forget how he fell asleep several times during the consultation, truly lacking energy and stamina. He committed himself fully to the Diabetes Freedom Formula, quickly lost 60 pounds and 11 inches off his waist. This is amazing but what is truly incredible is he brought his deadly 13.1 HBA1C down to an optimal 5.2 within 6 months, reduced a ton of his medications, and stabalized his kidney function, avoiding dialysis! Through ongoing weekly coaching he has managed to keep all of his weight off and has completely normalized his blood sugars, reversing his Type 2 diabetes and stopping it's deadly consequences in their tracks for 4 AND A HALF YEARS! He is truly an incredible source of pride for Lotus Within and the Diabetes Freedom Formula! Are you or someone you love suffering from the complications of this terrible disease? We can help! Consults are always FREE and available online.

Business | Lotus Within 11/09/2022

Get your votes in by TOMORROW! Your votes mean so much to me and mean everything to someone that is making the decision to get healthy but needs help! Taking a couple minutes to vote makes every difference. Thank you from the bottoms of my heart! ❤️


Business | Lotus Within Please log in or register with an email address and password first. You can vote for more than one business or person in the same category, but only once per business per category, under your registered email address. First choose any category or search for a business Then vote for all your favourit...


It's fired up Friday and our Kouch to Keto clients are ON FIRE!
AH is just half way through her customized, one on one, online coaching program and is already down over 16 pounds and 6 inches off her waist, WHAAAAT?? Feeling fantastic, sleeping well and fitting into her long tucked away "skinny jeans", she reports no hunger or cravings whatsoever! After years of trying everything else, Lotus Within's Kouch to Keto is the only thing that's worked for her and she knows she can continue this amazing lifestyle with ease. She couldn't be more ecstatic!
Programs are on sale but spaces are limited! www.lotuswithin.ca

Back to School — Blowout Sale! 01/09/2022

Are you ready? We've got you COVERED!

Back to School — Blowout Sale! Sound familiar?


Our brand new site is live! Visit now and take advantage of the special offers!


Wowzers!! SH has lost an astonishing 3 inches off the waist in just 3 weeks on the Kouch to Keto Distance program! SH also reports a significant increase in energy while training for an awesomely ambitious half marathon!
Are you ready to smash your goals with one on one personalized coaching from the comfort of your own home??



Need a tune-up, a helping and knowledgeable hand or some accountability? Now is a great time to save $100 with our Loyalty Sale! One on one online live personal coaching to get you on track and smashing your goals!


AMAZEBALLS! NF set some goals in 2021 and smashed them to pieces! Down 30 pounds and in just 8 short weeks she took 5 inches off her waist! Incredible! We couldn’t be more proud to be a part of her journey and can’t wait to see what kinds of goals she blasts out in 2022!
Got your own goals to annihilate? Let us help you! Consults are always FREE! And stay tuned for an announcement on upcoming specials for our distance programs in 2022!


It's Fat Burn Friday!!

AS is down 3" on her waist and 8 pounds in 3 weeks!
TM is down over 23 pounds in 6 weeks!
TL is down 7.4 pounds in 4 days!!
KB is down 13 pounds and 2" on the waist in 2 weeks!
KD has lost 18.4 pounds in 6 weeks!
Amazing! All with no hunger, awesome energy and one on one guidance! Book a FREE consult. Distance options available!
Diabetes Freedom Formula


Some Friday the 13th humour! 😂


What?? TM has lost 17.2 pounds and 2.5 inches off the abdomen in THREE WEEKS on his Kouch to Keto program! Wooohooo! Book a FREE consult! Deadline for 12 week programs is August 1st. Don’t miss out! Www.lotuswithin.ca


Wow! Just 3 weeks into her Kouch to Keto program, KD is down 10 pounds and 4 inches on her waist!! She is finding her groove and loving her new found energy. Way to go!
Don’t miss out on your opportunity to smash your goals, deadline for a 12 week Kouch to Keto is August 1!