Human Design with Kybor

Human Design with Kybor

Meet Kybor Garner, your seasoned Human Design guide with 7 years of expertise.

Unlock your true potential, break free from patterns, and discover clarity and purpose on your journey to self-discovery.


In looking in all of this chemistry, we see clearly how choiceless we are, all of these formulas are there within us: they are all working. You know, there is nothing we can do about it. We have to deal with the questions, we have to deal with the answers, we have to deal with the stress, we have to deal with all of that stuff, because it’s us. I take great pleasure in mechanics, because I love the vehicle.

These vehicles are incredible. And the deeper I go and the more I know The more in love I am with the experience and the privilege of being allowed to be alive. It’s an incredible gift. And that the most mundane of things in this live is a privilege. And you can see that inherent in our genetics is not some great call for us to wake up. It isn’t, it’s not there, I’ve looked: where is it? is it there, no it’s not there. It’s not. It’s for us to go through experience, to live through the experience of what it is to incarnate in these forms, and to do the best we can with that.

And within the limitations of what we are. To stay in the dance, to wait and see what will happen, that life is here for us, that the promise of life is waiting for us.

And all we have to do is enjoy the ride. You know: follow your Strategy, it’s an honest way and a clean way to be able to experience this vast diversity of what it is to be us and take pleasure in it.

- Ra Uru Hu


Think about your spiritual experiences, your esoteric experiences. It is great to sit around and hug the light, but you know what it means? Until you come to a point where you can let go of this mind trying to figure out what’s important for you, only then does the light matter anyway. There is no light as long as you are running around trying to find inner authority in your mind.

It just doesn’t work. But you must recognize that the mind itself is a holy thing and it is an incredibly powerful thing. It must be satisfied or it will never let go of you, never. It will torture until you die, because that is what the mind can do. That is what it does to us – it tortures us till death, “Could of, should of, might of, would of, why not, how come.” On and on and on and on. Until you get to that point that you can release your mind from that, you still have to deal with suffering in this life.

The moment that your mind is satisfied, the moment that your mind is just a little corporal working in the office doing research, everything is great. The maia machine is only there to add up all the numbers and to know what the formula is. Once you know the formula, you’re liberated and then you can deal with the spirit.

- Ra Uru Hu


When we first get involved with Human Design, we “treat” Human Design as a form of Astrology.

“I’m a certain kind of person because I’m a Generator”, “I’m a certain kind of person because I have this gate”, or “I’m a certain kind of person because I have this detriment”. You take it all personally. We think that these things are an influence upon us.

And that if we have a detriment, and, or as soon as a detriment is lying in our Design, that we have a detriment. Oh it’s very necessary for us to go through that. And to transcend it, to come out the other side of that, and realize that the design does not determine who you are. You are free.

You are an eternal being. Your design is not telling you who you are. What your Design tells you is what your Vehicle is and how your Vehicle works. It’s not personal at all.

Genoa Bliven
- via Jan van den Berg


And you can only transcend conditioning - not mental: mechanical - by honoring your strategy. There is no other way.

And remember the reason that that works is that strategy is only about decision-making. The not-self makes decisions in the open, in the conditioned area.

Think about that. l was making all of those emotional decisions. Not from my emotions. They weren’t mine. It’s not like that was clear for me. It’s not like l was an emotional person. Not only that, but l was making emotional decisions based on being up and down in a wave, that was amplified for me.

My joke about waking up in the morning with my emotional wife. l wake up in the morning and she’s in a bad mood. Boy am l in trouble! I’m in a worse mood. And she says “What’s wrong with you?”. She wakes up in the morning in a good mood, I’m in twice as good a mood and she says “What are you in such a good mood for?”.

- Ra Uru Hu


The word - fractal has an interesting appeal, doesn’t it? From the moment that I began using that expression for the connection of human beings to each other there have always been these determined questions as to what it really is. I talk about fractal lines and fractal lines go back to the beginning, because there is no other place to look for as a start. And something to realize about the nature of the fractal is that it is along that fractal that you are always going to have either your deepest receptive or your deepest externalized impact on the other. It‘s something interesting to think about.

And when we are looking at fractals within the context of this knowledge we‘re talking about crystals of consciousness, that the crystals of consciousness are, in fact, the source of how we discover or how we first get to see, in that sense, the development of what a fractal line actually is.

Within the cosmology of Human Design there are the originating crystals and the thematic of the shattering of these crystals. It is the shattering that is the real Big Bang in a sense, except the bang isn’t because they bang into each other, it’s because they separate, which is quite a different thing. Nonetheless, it results in shattering. And it is this shattering of these so-called prime crystals; it is where we first come to grips with the fractal.

What that means literally, and I will show you later as we move along, what it means is that the beings that are wandering around on this plane right now, we’re nearly 7 billion of us on Earth, humans anyway, that there are beings that are endowed with crystals that you have a specific connection to along a line of connectivity. And that line of connectivity is caught in the movement in space. And the way in which that connectivity gets to be lived out, in terms of personalizing that, is that first of all it starts with the base.

- Ra Uru Hu


Remember something about what it really is to be a nine-centered being, the advantage the nine-centered being has over the seven-centered being.

The seven centered being was limited in its POTENTIAL FOR COGNITION.

That is, it was left-oriented. We have both left and right as a transitory form.

Everything about the architecture of the nine-centered being is about the achievement of various levels of COGNITIVE POTENTIAL. It’s what we are about.

- Ra Uru Hu


Venus establishes values. But Venus is cool in the establishment of values. Long before a law can be written in stone, it had to grow out of cultural values. The commandments that were carved into stone were already cultural values that had been established. They had been established by Venus. In fact, Venus is where your morality is. Venus is the heart of your prejudice. The core of your deception. Your deviousness. Your hypocrisy. Your cruelty.

When l look at Venus l see that this is the moral conditioning element. And when you see where Venus is in your design you can see those mores that most deeply impact you where your morality is. Once that morality is correct, then it can be embodied in law. This is the relationship between the Venus and the Jupiter in your design. It’s an ancient relationship.

The Babylonians understood. In Babylonian astrology, how incredible the conjunction of Venus and Jupiter. This is the embodiment of the way to the ancient mind. That is the true moral law. And so whenever you see Venus and Jupiter in the wheel, they are working in concert together.

Venus is there focusing on the issue of the moral question. Where is the moral question? What is the issue? And Jupiter waiting to establish this as a rule, as a law. What is so interesting for me is that if you don’t live the moral truth of what you are, and if you do not honor the law, where you are punished is where Saturn is.

- Ra Uru Hu


You’re only here to be here.
Why do you need a reason?
You think you’re here to be happy?
Are you crazy?
You think you can be in the Maya and be happy all the time?
Are you nuts?
The only people that can be happy in the Maya all the time are lobotomized.

Ra Uru Hu - Beginning without intent


But you have to trust in the form consciousness, because if you don’t let go, if you don’t allow your vehicle to run your life, you’re lost in the old model. There will be no transformation; there will be no awakening. It’s not possible. You can’t get the there with your mind, all that stuff you think about, that you think may be important, all that stuff you ponder about, the ‘this and that,’ what you think you could, might, should, would, and could do; the insanity of all of that.

I know the beauty of the mind. The mind is an incredible thing. I love it deeply. But I only love it because I am at peace with this process of being a nine-centered being, allowing my design, allowing my vehicle’s consciousness to guide me, to free me from the burden of the uselessness and stupidity of the mind trying to run the life, what pain it brings. Each indecision, each lack of clarity, each moment of folly, and the price is that everyone pays for them. The things you do because you think you should. We’re stuck in this world, in this model. It’s not going to go away. There is no magic wand. This is not messianic knowledge. There is no such thing.

There are always a percentage of beings at any time on this plane who have a possibility on their fractal line to be able to meet whatever the possibilities are of their time. It’s the grace that is there for you, this possibility to be able to live out the magic of what it is to be this form, because the moment you surrender to the experiment is the moment you begin to see. How blind human beings are, how unaware; they do not see. And you have to be in the right place to see. And the mind doesn’t know where that is, can’t know where that is, will never know where that is.

-Ra Uru Hu


There is something deeply exciting about being a male and a female who can communicate with each other at a higher level of consciousness. It’s much more exciting and interesting than sexuality. It isn’t to say that there is not a pleasure principle that is there; we know that. You cannot separate sexuality from food. You don’t want to eat junk food every day, it’s not a pleasure. There’s something beautiful about a really fine meal, something beautiful about food that is brilliantly cooked, whatever the case may be. It’s nice to have these basic pleasures that are rooted in the emotional system.

But you have to understand that the emotional system is changing, and the pleasure principle for the nine centered being is changing. It’s not about saying this is out and this is in. It’s about understanding that when you’re operating correctly as yourself you set your own rules, that what is going to be pleasurable for you isn’t what is determined by your society, your tribe, the propaganda, whatever the case may be. It’s determined by what is simply correct for you.

Everything about the work that I do in terms of looking at Variable and looking at the possibilities of the cognitive development of human beings, is about the expression of Outer Authority. I’ve made that comment before that the pure expression of Outer Authority has the same quality as sexuality. That is, we are here to commune with the other at the highest possible level.

The way in which we do that is out of our uniqueness, unique forces communing with each other. There is something deeply beautiful in that. There is something that is transcendent in the way in which that brings out the best of us, because this is what we’re here for. We’re here to share the cognitive experience with each other. We’re not here to simply share the physicality of it.

- Ra Uru Hu


The base isn’t personal. It’s not personal. It is all the bases of all the crystals, and I’m not just talking about human crystals—the crystal that is in every flower, the crystals of birds and bees, you name it, everything that is alive, absolutely everything.

Every crystal has a base. And it is the movement of the neutrino biverse, the filtering of the neutrino biverse by all the base crystals of all the planet, it’s through this filtering that the whole illusion is created, all the laws, all the principles upon which science is based. And it is made possible by everything, because everything is an aspect of it. And of course, it all comes together in a transcendent program that is greater than the sum of its parts.

When you think about the neutrino ocean being filtered by all the crystals of the planet, that every single one of those crystals has a base formula, that as the ocean penetrates the vast, vast crystal field of this planet, a projection comes out. We live in that projection. And the way we live in it is disconnected from it.

We live in the illusion of the light; we live in the illusion of the relativity. But we are the source of the underlying principles. If you want to understand everything about the nature of the universe, it’s not hyperbole, everything, it’s in this drawing; everything.

- Ra Uru Hu


Every Projector is here to build its human environment. Actually every Projector is looking for a perfect Penta. For a Projector to have five correct people in your life, and it doesn’t mean they all have to be there at the same time, is something that is very, very important. It is a powerful counterbalance against those forces that will try to pull you away from what is correct for you.

Until Projectors are actually creating motivationally viable environments, human environments, they cannot awaken. That’s the challenge. That’s why you have the gift for recognition. That’s why the intellectual potential that lies within you to understand and to be able to interpret and implement system knowledge is so profound. Because it means that you really have to know your stuff. And you really have to have the keys.

You really have to see just as the Generator can awaken through the rigidity of its respect of its Sacral; a Projector can only awaken with the rigidity of respecting its own aura and what it will allow in. This is all about the other; this is all about human beings; this is all about you recognizing who is force that pulls you away from your motivation. And you’ll be able to tell.

- Ra Uru Hu


That probably part of my life that I keep the most quiet about is my mystical process, or the mystical process that I went through. The nature of my relationship to this thing that I call the Voice, the information that was given to me by the Voice, that has nothing to do with the Human Design system. All of that information, for me, I call fantastic. There are really two kinds of information in my process with the Voice that was given to me, it was logical and empirical, which I discovered for myself working with it that was the Human Design system. And there was the information that was given me by the Voice, which I consider fantastic, because it's not possible to prove it. When it became obvious that I had to go out into the world and share the Human Design system with with other people, the one thing I was certain about was I wasn't gonna let me in on the mystical side because I didn't want to start putting the focus of attention on myself, or my process, by having to believe in me, or having to believe in the nature of the Voice. The blessing of the Human Design system is that it doesn't matter whether I'm alive or dead, it doesn't matter whether there was a Voice or not. My whole business with the Human Design system, the nature of information from the Voice, the logical aspect of what was given to me by the Voice, I've been sharing for nine years and it doesn't require me. That's its beauty and that was it's beauty for me. If I had had to go out into the world and told people, look, believe me, I would have been in big trouble.


See, variable is really something amazing because variable lays out for each human being their transformation.

It lays out clearly the way to that transformation.

Guarantees nothing, promises nothing, but it's written there, written there at the deepest, deepest level of your genetic makeup.

In other words, if you align yourself what is correct for you stage by stage, then ultimately you're going to be able to flower and flourish and live out the possibility of what it is to be us.

So first the catalyzation and then you enter into the variable itself.

What you're going to see is that there are 16 variable groups.

They're really fractal families in a sense aligned to each other because each human being that shares a variable with somebody else shares something deeply profound, that is, they share the same general way.

Remember that in human design there are so many, so many paths to differentiation, so many ways.

And the thing to see about terms like variable is that variable is a higher frequency of type in a sense.

In other words, it is another kind of grouping and rather than the strategy and authority process that arises out of type, what you're seeing here is that the variable points you to the way to your transformation when you're correct.

It aligns you to your correct place in the order of the Maya literally.

- Ra Uru Hu


"The" first transformation is about conditions and circumstances when one is taking nutrition into one's body. And in order to be able to bring to your body well-being, cleansing, healing, it is not something that you can do if you're not feeding your system correctly. Every single transformation in human design.

Every step in this process has a quality of antisocialism to it that always needs to be understood. It is not about being antisocial. It is about the way in which your own authority is perceived by others when you begin to make decisions based on your authority in ways that others may not appreciate.

When you begin to sleep in your own bed because it is the only thing that is correct and the impact that that can have on others, but dietary regimen, the way we eat is so deeply conditioned. It is interwoven in our social interactions with each other.

So much about the nature of life, love, business, whatever is done around food and yet to follow your dietary regimen is to enter into a very, very specific way of taking nutrition into your system.

It takes a commitment and an aware commitment to such a process, but if you do not transform the physical health of the body, if you do not open up the potentials of the brain, if you do not take advantage of heightened cognition, then there is no way to fulfill all the transformations and to get to the end of that process, which is the awareness you're entitled to.

- Ra Uru Hu


Every single human being has a correct place. And when I say place, I don't mean a place on a map in that sense. I mean an environmental place, the right place to be in in terms of the circumstances of their environment, whether they're valley people or mountain people or whatever the case may be. It is one of the things to understand about the perfection of us.

We are here to act according to our strategy and authority. We are here to eat according to what is correct for us so that we can differentiate and be healthy. We're here to live in the correct environment so that we can enjoy longevity, quality of life and better associations.

- Ra Uru Hu
