GEM Fitness

GEM Fitness

Fitness & Lifestyle


Ever feel like a vacation throws you off your game? You’re not alone. It happens to the best of us. But here’s the thing – you don’t have to start from scratch every time you get back home.

You can still lean into your habits on trips:
💎 Prioritize protein & veggies
💎 Eat slowly & mindfully
💎 Make room for treats & drinks
💎 Move intentionally - steps, morning movement
💎 Stay hydrated

Simplify your approach. Master the basics. Build a strong foundation that makes it easier to bounce back after trips. Give yourself a chance to do things differently. You’ve got this! 💪✨

Does trips & vacay throw you off your game? let me know in the comments


“How am I gonna eat healthy if I’m always on the go?”

Great question! I know it can feel tough but it’s all good because I got you.

Below you’ll find a list of tips that you can try.

But before you take a look, there’s one thing you need to understand.

Put the tips into use. Don’t get in the habit of collecting information & never putting it into action.

If that's your intention as you're reading this, I suggest you stop here because it’ll be of no use.

But if you’re committing to at least giving it a fair try, then go on & keep reading. :)

💎Plan ahead (it always comes down to this huh?). Set aside 5-10 minutes so you can plan how you’re going to eat healthy instead of saying “Ugh.. whatever”

💎Pack a snack that’s convenient for you, supports your goals & is nutritious & delicious.

💎Out longer & have perishables? Get a cute or stylish lunch bag/cooler bag.

💎Aim for better, not perfect when you're out & about. Choose what’s best for you or meals that are as close to your usual healthy meals at home.

💎If all else fails, fall back on the basics. Eat slowly & mindfully until you’re about 80% full.

💎P.S. Hunger is not an emergency. So if you don't like your options, it’s ok to be hungry for a few hours.

Can I get a show of hands? If you’re usually on the go, drop a "🏃🏻‍♀️‍➡️" in the comments.


5 quick tips to boost your body confidence

Listen, I know I said you can’t get rid of negative body image overnight…but there are definitely things you can do today that’ll give you a little boost in your confidence.

Pick 1 from the list below & put it into action.

🎯Social media detox

Take a deep dive into your social media feed and ask yourself, "Does this uplift me or drag me down?" If it's dragging you down, hit that unfollow button without hesitation. Your mental well-being comes first!

🎯Surround yourself with good vibes

Create your own personal oasis of self-love. Whether it's sticking affirmations on your mirror, setting uplifting wallpapers on your phone, or jotting down reminders of your worth on your fridge, surround yourself with reminders that you are enough, just as you are.

🎯Positive affirmations

As woo-woo as it sounds, it can actually help you rewire your brain & change your outlook. So if you’re someone with negative self-talk, positive affirmation will help you break that habit.

🎯Declutter your closet

Got clothes you’re hanging on to? Hoping that someday you’ll fit into it? But in the meantime, every time you see it you just end up feeling guilty?

Yeah, maybe it's time to donate it. Plus.. clothes are meant to fit US, not the other way around.

🎯Find new ways to measure progress/success

You know how much I preach celebrating your wins – big & small. Your worth as a person goes beyond your weight, & pant size. Ask yourself, “What small thing am I proud of?”

It can be setting boundaries & saying “no”. Or swapping a negative self-talk with something kinder. Or complimenting yourself on anything other than your appearance.

Whichever you choose to try today, just explore and have fun with it. You might discover other ways to help you feel 10x more confident.

In the comments, share which one of the 5 you’ll be trying out.


If you’ve said things like these:

“I hate how my belly looks like in these jeans.”
“My body is not summer-ready”
“I can’t wear shorts…I have cellulite”
“I’m too fat/skinny/out of shape to be attractive”
“I’m too out of shape to be at the gym”
“I’ll never look as good as ____. Why bother trying?”
“If I can lose x pounds, then I’ll be happy.”
“I wish I could wear that but it won’t look good on me.”

Those are body stories & we all have them. Sometimes, we cling to these stories because they were thrown at us by the outside world, and we let them shape how we see ourselves & how we show up.

Oftentimes it leaves us feeling unsatisfied with who we are & we end up blaming ourselves for not measuring up.

If you notice that you don’t love the way certain body stories leave you feeling, you have the power to change or improve it.

The first step you must take is to figure out what stories/self-talk/inner dialogue you have around yourself & your body.

What are the things you say to yourself about you or your body?

As you’re looking at your stories, it can bring about a lot of (uncomfortable) emotions. But here’s the silver lining: we can change these stories. Once you realize that’s all they are, stories, you can rewrite them to better support your goals.

Remember that your body stories are not set in stone. You have the power to change them. It starts by believing that it’s possible, and knowing that you have the power to rewrite them.

If you want tools, tips & strategies to improve your body confidence, hit me up with the word “BLUEPRINT” & I’ll give you access.


Heads up! Today’s your last day to secure a coaching spot.

If you’ve been on the fence about reaching out – whether it’s out of self-doubt, fear, anxiousness, or unsure if it’s the right fit for you – reach out to me regardless.

Reaching out could be your first step into getting yourself unstuck & breaking the vicious cycle of falling on & off the wagon.

But if you’re struggling to work through the fear, overwhelm & uncertainty – that’s ok. Because even though today’s your last chance to secure a spot, I’m only putting a deadline on you to give you the push you need to take action toward making your dreams come true.

But I'd be remiss if I didn’t point out that I’ll always have a spot for you. When you’re ready, I’ll be here for you.

However, I want to coach you if you’re a fierce, badass woman who is craving for the most transformative year and you’re ready to:

Unlearn behaviors that are keeping you stuck…

Unsubscribe to stories & narratives that don't serve your highest self…

Cultivate a bulletproof mindset…

Learn how to handle life’s adversities with grace…

Learn how to show up for yourself from a place of love, not hate…

Be a role model to those around you (family, friends, partner, etc)...

Build a strong supportive community that uplifts you…

Heal your relationship with food & body…

Develop the skills needed to make this a lifestyle change…

Progress, grow, evolve & transform every day…

But hold up, pump your brakes because I’m looking for specific people. If you…

✅are committed to finally change despite the butterflies in your stomach
✅can commit to training at least 3-4x a week
✅are coachable, eager to learn & have a good attitude
✅are ready to get pushed out of your comfort zone & thrive in the face of challenges

then DM me the words "I'M IN" & we’ll chat to see if we’re a good fit.


Ever found yourself dreading a shopping trip because nothing seemed to fit right?

or skipping out of events/parties because you just weren't feeling confident in your own skin?

or avoiding the camera like the plague or hiding behind others in photos?

or comparing yourself with everyone’s highlight reels on social media & ending up feeling bad about yourself?

If any of these hit home, know that you are not alone. I’ve been there, done that.

My journey with body image has been a rollercoaster ride. It’s crazy to think so many of us are missing out on key moments in life because we don’t feel good enough.

That just doesn’t sit right with me. So I want you to know that change is possible IF you believe it is. If you take nothing else from this post, just know that BELIEVING is the catalyst to change.

And you know what? You’re not going to magically transform your body overnight. So you better run faaar away from anyone & anything who says otherwise.

Gaining body confidence is a journey of self-discovery, self-love & embracing every part of who you are.

If you’re ready to kick those body image struggles to the curb and start living life on your own terms, I've got something special for you. It's a free video training that's packed with tips, tools, and strategies to help you become your most confident self.

Hit me up with the word “BLUEPRINT” & I’ll give you access.

Cheers to leaving behind old narratives that are holding us back!


Meet Angelica – she's a total powerhouse and proof that when you set your mind to something, magic happens. Before we linked up, Angelica was already hitting the gym like a boss.

She'd been wanting to make some serious progress for what felt like forever. It's like she knew deep down she had this untapped potential just waiting to burst out.

Finally, she said enough is enough and decided to dive in headfirst. & it's been so dope seeing her make more progress in a few months than she ever did in a few years.

Angelica had some pretty clear goals from the get-go. She wanted to ditch the self-doubt, feel totally fierce in her own skin, and be a total rockstar when it came to her health. Oh, and she had this beautiful dream of passing down healthy habits to her future kiddos –isn’t that just the sweetest?

But the struggle was real. She'd tried everything but nothing seemed to work for her. She spent years hitting the gym consistently & dieting, and yet when she looked in the mirror, she felt like her results/progress didn’t match the effort she’s been putting in.

But here's where the plot twists… Angelica decided to shake things up and reach out for support & accountability – & that's where I come in! Together, we hopped on this adventure of self-discovery and transformation & it's been nothing short of epic.

Fast forward to today, and Angelica is straight-up glowing. She's not just making progress; she's killing it on all fronts. Every day, she's showing up more confident, more vibrant, and more alive than ever before.

And here's the best part – Angelica’s story isn't just for her. It's for every gal out there who's ever felt stuck or uncertain in their journey. It's proof that with a little grit, a sprinkle of courage, and a whole lotta support, you can achieve anything your heart desires.

So here's to Angelica, the ultimate baddie, and to all of you amazing women out there who are ready to take on the world. Your journey is just beginning, and trust me when I say, the best is yet to come! 🔥

Photos from GEM Fitness's post 16/04/2024

Do you feel overwhelmed by all the responsibilities on your plate?

Putting everyone else’s needs above your own?

Beating yourself up for not being able to balance all the competing demands for your time, energy & attention?

Making unhealthy choices because you’re too busy & too exhausted?

Going from 1 extreme to another. Nothing ever sticks so you’re inconsistent with your routines?

It can be frustrating but it’s not your fault.

📌The culprit behind this is your mindset and not effectively prioritizing yourself or your health.

What I found works best to overcome this is learning how to prioritize and manage your time effectively and shifting your mindset.

Here are 5 tips you can try:

💎Focus on what’s within your control and let go of what’s not.

💎Learn to prioritize

💎Ask for support & delegate

💎Carve out time for self-care

💎Morning routine of daily non-negotiables

Try these out and keep me posted on how it goes.

PS. I'm accepting new clients and I have 5 coaching spots open.

DM me the word “I’M IN”, & we can chat to see if we're a good fit.


It’s been a wild ride! A year ago? Shiet... Even just a month back, I was a whole different person.

I used to hit the gym like a maniac, all for the sake of looking "hot". And don't even get me started on those crazy fad diets & detoxes — I'd starve myself just to see a number on the scale drop.

My social life? Forget about it. I'd bail on plans left and right because, well, I just wasn't feeling great about myself.

And clothes? I'd only wear stuff I thought would make me look fit enough. It's ridiculous looking back on it.

But guess what? Things have changed. Big time.

These days I'm all about working out for my sanity & not just for some vanity (although if I’m being real, duh I still wanna look hot).

And food? It's all about enjoying what I eat without any of that guilt nonsense.

I've ditched the negativity too. Instead of beating myself up, I’ve been reframing my pep talks to be more positive...but I still like to talk smack here & there. 😅

Oh, & my motto? Progress over perfection, baby! As long as I'm moving forward, I'm winning.

And it's not just about my body — it's about my whole d*mn life. Lately, I've been doing some shadow work. & it's been tough but man the breakthroughs have been incredible.

Because at the end of the day, I'm all about being the best version of me that I can be in this lifetime. And hey, if I can make a little dent in my corner of the word while I'm at it, even better.

It’s a blessing to be in a position to make a difference in people’s lives.

So, shoutout to all of you out there on your own journeys. Let's keep growing, keep thriving, and keep cheering each other on.

Who else has felt their priorities did a complete 180? Give me a fist bump in the comments. 🤜🏼💥🤛🏼


📣Accepting New Clients! 5 spots open.

Here’s the thing… I’m supposed to say: “I’m looking for women who want to drop 15 lbs & gain body confidence in the next 12 weeks”

You’ve heard me say this before because it's supposed to make you raise your hand & sign up to change your life with me.

But let’s be real, that’s the surface-level sh*t – it’s about so much more than that. & my clients will attest to this.

Yes, I help my clients lean out & become their most confident selves. But the work we do goes 10x deeper than that because we’re:

unlearning behaviors that keep us stuck…

unsubscribing to stories & narratives that don't serve our highest self…

cultivating a bulletproof mindset…

learning to handle life’s adversities with grace…

learning to show up for ourselves from a place of love, not hate…

being role models to those around us (family, friends, partner, etc)...

building a strong supportive community that uplifts us…

healing our relationship with food & our bodies…

developing the skills we need to make this a lifestyle change…

progressing, growing, evolving & transforming every day…

So yeah, saying “lose X amount of weight or inches” is surface-level sh*t. Because if you don’t do the work listed above, no amount of weight loss or shrinking yourself to fit into your clothes is going to make you happy.

That feeling of not being good enough will still be there consuming your thoughts every time you step on the scale, take group photos with your friends or selfies & it’ll keep devouring every ounce of your confidence & self-worth.

So from now on, I want to make it clear that when I open spots for coaching…I'm looking for fierce, badass women who are craving for the most transformative year.

But hold up, pump your brakes because I’m looking for specific people. If you…

✅are committed to finally change despite the butterflies in your stomach
✅can commit to training at least 3-4x a week
✅are coachable, eager to learn & have a good attitude
✅are ready to get pushed out of your comfort zone & thrive in the face of challenges

then DM me the words "I'M IN" & we’ll jump on a call to see if we’re a good fit.


FREEBIE: Unlocking Body Confidence 🔓

This free resource is tailor-made for you if...

🌟 You're craving genuine improvement in your body confidence.

🌟 You're eager to heal your relationship with your body from a place of love, not hate.

🌟 You're tired of the negative chatter in your mind & want to rewrite that self-talk into a positive & empowering one.

But it might not be the right resource for you if...

❌ You're solely seeking a quick fix to shed pounds and believe that thinness equals confidence.

❌ You're chasing a number on the scale to conform to society's beauty standards.

❌ You're just looking to gather knowledge without taking action.

Let's be real, your confidence isn't tied to a number on the scale. Real transformation doesn't come from shortcuts or quick hacks.

If you've been down the road of quick fixes before, only to end up disappointed, then this is your chance to break free from the cycle.

It's time to rewrite the narrative and reclaim your body confidence, once and for all.

DM me “BLUEPRINT” & I’ll give you access to the free video training.


Have you been struggling to reach the same goal for over 3 years?

You can put an end to that cycle. Imagine no longer fearing that you'll never achieve the body you've always dreamed of.

Say goodbye to skipping events and missing out on amazing opportunities just because you lack confidence or don’t feel comfortable in your own skin.

You deserve to step out of the shadows and shine with self-assurance.

It's time to leave behind frustration and realize it's not your fault.

Your current mindset has been holding you back.

But no worries, you can swipe through or read below the step-by-step on how you can overcome your lack of discipline, motivation & consistency.

💎Shift your perspective

Every time you say “I’ll do it later, I don’t feel like it right now”, or “I’m too tired/busy/stressed to do this” or “Nobody will notice If I don’t follow through”...

It’s an opportunity for you to become a disciplined, motivated & consistent person.

But you have to fight & work through this resistance over choosing what’s comfortable or feels good right now. You’re capable of this.

💎Give yourself 5 minutes

Whenever you catch yourself avoiding your workouts, meal preps, or self-care...

Try giving yourself at least 5 minutes to do it.

If you still don’t feel like it & don't want to keep going, then give yourself permission to bail.

& before you go beating yourself least you tried for 5 minutes this time instead of avoiding it completely. Isn’t that progress?

💎Celebrate the small wins

You showed up & tried for 5 minutes. That gets to be celebrated.

This is one of the secrets of making progress towards your goals.

-Leaves you feeling accomplished vs a failure
-Boosts your confidence in yourself
-Reinforces your positive behaviors/habits
-Motivates you to keep going/have momentum.
-Helps you cultivate a mindset of gratitude

The greatest realization you’ll ever have is knowing you’ve always had the power to change your current reality.

You are one decision away from transforming your life.

If you believe you deserve the best in this lifetime, claim it. It’s yours.
Drop a 🦋 in the comments.


You’re scrolling through social media & come across THAT girl’s post.

Her life is so perfect and blissful that you can’t help but feel that pang of jealousy.

You’re happy for her… it's just that.. she has everything you want. & you’re left feeling like crap about yourself.

If you’re stuck in the comparison trap, here’s a quick thing you can do:

Do a social media curation.

Spend some time to remove things that make you feel like you are not good enough:

Unfollow accounts
Mute people if you can’t unfollow them
Restrict or block people as needed

If it triggers you or brings you negativity, there’s no room for it in your life.

Then you can start adding or following people who inspire, motivate, make you laugh and bring positivity into your life.

Your social media is for you so make it a place that leaves you feeling good.

Our digital environment matters just as much as our physical environment.

Drop a “💎” in the comments if you want to curate your social media


I don’t know who needs to hear this but it’s not too late..

It’s easy to get stuck doing the mundane things.

Months & years would pass you by & you don’t even notice…

Until one day when it becomes hard to ignore.

You know the feelings I’m talking about..

“What have I even done with my life?”
“Is this all I’ll ever amount to?”
“What do I have to show for?”

Disappointed. Discouraged. Defeated.

And I know it’s hard to be optimistic when you can’t see what the future holds…

And I know it’s hard to trust yourself when it’s painful to see how the past unfolded…

But right now, in this moment, I want to invite you to be present.

It’s not too late to do something that brings you happiness & joy.

So what brings you joy/happiness?

Photos from GEM Fitness's post 12/01/2024

📣I'm looking for 5 women who want to get leaner & more confident without crazy restrictive dieting in the next 12 weeks.

My clients get amazing results:

💎Angelica dropped over 12lbs after years of the scale not budging even though she was hitting the gym consistently. & she made huge progress even while juggling her work & social life.

💎Michelle is the leanest she’s ever been after giving birth to her youngest of 3 kiddos. Something she didn’t even think would be possible.

💎Tiffany dropped 16.2 pounds without giving up her bread. Before she used to hate seeing herself in the mirror but not anymore. She loves who she is & is proud of all her hard work.

But hold up…because I'm looking for a few specific people!

So if you...

✅are committed to finally change..
✅can commit to training at least 3-4x a week
✅are coachable & have a good attitude
✅are ready to get pushed out of your comfort zone

then just message me the words "I'M IN" & I'll be choosing people this week.

Registration closes January 15. We start January 29.

Photos from GEM Fitness's post 19/09/2023

Yesterday I told you about a common problem that most women have when they try to lean out & get healthier.

Juggling too much often means you're in survival mode; just trying to keep your head above water.

You catch yourself saying “There’s not enough time in a day for all this crap”.

You’re too busy & too exhausted to prepare a well-balanced meal, let alone get in a workout.

It all feels impossible and downright defeating.

If you’re currently juggling too much & it’s getting in the way of your fitness + health, here are 5 tips to try:

1️⃣Focus on what’s within your control. Let go of the things that are not.

Your thoughts, actions & efforts are all within your control.

Your mindset & how you choose to show up has a huge impact on your health & fitness, which means it has a direct impact on your results.

Focusing your attention on what you CAN do rather than ruminating over what’s not going well puts you in the driver's seat of your fitness.

2️⃣Learn to prioritize

If everything is important, then nothing is.
You’re being pulled in so many directions that it’s only a matter of time before you shut down & say F this. Instead, list out your top 3 priorities (which can change with each season of your life)

Create an action plan for each of the priorities. Schedule it into your calendar & adjust it as you go.

Take it a step further by creating daily minimums for each area. The goal is to do a little something each day for each of your priorities. Chip at it 1 day at a time.

3️⃣Ask for support + delegate

Don’t hesitate to ask for help from your partner, family, friends or colleagues.

Lean into online communities for support. Sometimes even the smallest encouragement makes a ton of difference. And delegate tasks/to-do list whenever possible so you can lighten up your load.

4️⃣Carve out time for self-care

I know what you're thinking: “What are you nuts?! I told you I have zero time.”

It’s exactly why you should. You can't keep putting yourself last on your list of priorities & expect yourself to continue to show up every day for all the demands you have on your plate.

That’s a recipe for burnout. But it’s something you can avoid if you incorporate these tips.

Enforcing your boundaries is a form of self-care. Saying NO to any additional commitments that’ll overwhelm you is a form of self-care. It’s not always bubble baths and massages.

5️⃣Flexible workout & nutrition plan

Have a workout plan that adjusts with you during the busiest season of your life. If you can't make it to the gym, do a quick home workout instead.

Have a flexible nutrition plan that saves you time. If you can't batch prep for the week, try grab-and-go meals.

Try some of these out & keep me posted on how it goes.

PS. I’m looking for 5 women who are looking to lean out & gain body confidence in the next 12 weeks.

If that’s you, message me the word “I’M IN”. 🙋🏻‍♀️


Feelings aside, you made a promise to yourself that you’d get your sh*t together.

And instead of putting yourself down for not following through, re-channel that energy toward taking action.

& can you guess what that action should be?

The promise you made.

So what you didn’t meal prep?

So what you didn’t set a plan?

So what you missed a Monday workout?

So what you ate like crap again?

So what you talked negatively about yourself?

So what you fell off track again?

So what you snoozed your alarm again?

It’s not the end of the world. You can still do something about it right now.

The biggest mistake I see people make is that when they mess up, they let it snowball into the rest of the day, or week; for some, it continues for months, or worse.. years.

Don’t let that be you. Just because you didn’t do it the way you planned, or it didn’t go as you hoped, doesn’t mean that you’re fcked.

🌱Learn to adapt & adjust to your life circumstances.
💔Stop comparing yourself to other people — it’ll rob you of your joy.
✨Be nice & give yourself grace.

You’re doing something you’ve never done. You may not get it right the first time, but if you quit now, I can guarantee that you’ll never get it right.

So no matter how you’re feeling, re-channel your energy into taking action.

Because if nobody has said it to you yet, you are more than capable of aligning your actions with the goals & dreams you have.

You have to believe it… & you have to believe that you’re worthy of it.

& know that while you may not have control over everything in life, you’ll always have control over your thoughts, efforts & actions.


You can stay in this vicious cycle if you want, I wouldn’t blame you. 🔄
�Change is hard & uncomfortable af.

Doing anything different than your usual feels like uncharted territory & can fill you up with doubts.

& for most people, anything out of the norm is entirely too much to handle.

For some the fear & discomfort is enough to keep them frozen in time & space — stagnant.

It’s for these reasons that I wouldn’t blame you if you choose to continue down this path.

💭But the thing is…

If it leaves you feeling miserable…

If you’re not willing to settle for being stuck or stagnant…

If you don’t want to live a life filled with regrets or “what ifs” when you look back a year or 5 years from now…

💎Then I’m going to challenge you to just start. Start by starting.

If you swore that today is the day you’ll get your sh*t together, or that it’s the day for a fresh start or reset..

Then get after it. Set your feelings aside & just get 1 foot in front of the other.

You have to get the ball rolling one way or the other if you want to change.

It’s hard at first but it gets easier… but it’ll never get easier if you don’t get started & take the first step.

💌If you’re unsure how to get started, my DMs are open. Message me “HELP” & I got you.

PS. Asking for help doesn’t make you weak or incompetent. It means you recognize that you have room for growth & deserve the help, support & feedback you’re seeking.


Life lately 🫠

Woke up last Sunday with swollen eyes & to this day don’t know wtf is going on with it.

I’m way out of my comfort zone this past week. 😩

No makeup. No lashes. No contacts.

It’s been hard to look at my bare face.. & not say anything negative.

You’re probably thinking “is this b***h foreal? That ain’t even serious.”

First the hell off, get off my page with that nasty energy.

Anyways, why did I even bother bringing it up?


If I didn’t look or feel my best, if I looked beat & ran down, I’d just hide in my room & miss out on the things I wanted to do.

Sadly, I would even cancel my plans cuz fck that.

But now? I’m so proud of myself for not letting it stop me.

It slowed me down, don’t get me wrong.. but I’m still pushing through.

To be real with you, I don’t feel beautiful rn wearing glasses, & not wearing makeup or lashes.

Still… I managed to show up for work..I went to the gym..Im not hiding or cancelling plans.

That might not be a big deal for you but it is for me.

Even though I had to postpone certain projects and I’m feeling more self-conscious lately…

The silver lining is that my morning routine has been so much more relaxing & easier.

It’s given me a moment of calm & ease that I normally don’t get. And man I’m beyond grateful for that.

So whats so different this time?


When sh*t happens…
✅I focus on what I can control & let go of the things I can’t.
✅I find the good in the bad; silver lining.
✅I remind myself that things are happening FOR me, not TO me.
✅I give myself permission to be mad, sad, frustrated but to snap out of it quick.
✅I continue to show up in alignment with the person I want to be.

This is your sign to stop letting your fears hold you back from living your life. ✨ you’ve survived 100% of your worse days.. you’ll be aaight. 🩵

Videos (show all)

If your knee buckles during your squat…🧱try creating torque with your lower body by screwing your feet into the ground 🧱...
