Syntropy Africa

Syntropy Africa

World’s First Programmable Internet Backbone as a Service. Website:


Syntropy is aiming to build an independent Relay-Chain where other blockchains could connect directly through the Syntropy Network, experiencing optimizations on top. All powered by $NOIA.

PCCW Global Signs Partnership With Syntropy - Syntropy Blog 14/09/2022

Network operators have struggled to generate revenue from unused links across their infrastructure for years. With Syntropy ’s technology, all ISPs and businesses can now open up their networks and utilize a vast part of their infrastructure that wasn’t used and accessible before. This is all possible with Open Bandwidth Exchange (OBX), where large ISPs like PCCW Customer Service Global can trade Internet bandwidth in an open market, using the NOIA token as the medium of exchange. We are the first in the Web3 industry to make bandwidth a tokenized commodity and thus positioning NOIA as a true utility token.

PCCW Global Signs Partnership With Syntropy - Syntropy Blog PCCW Global will deploy and operate Syntropy’s DARP Nodes at strategic locations within their network.


🏈 is one of the most critical industries we want to conquer.

⚙️ Our patented improves every game you play by making it faster and more secure.

✨ The opportunities are limitless. Our goal is to make sure that every gamer knows


Don't forget Syntropy is the Routing Protocol for


Without Syntropy, the cannot exist.

Thanks to our patented technology, we can provide high-performance decentralized Internet connectivity at scale, powered by $NOIA.

Our protocol ensures this without requiring heavy investments into Internet infrastructure.


This Wednesday, the $NOIA token will be listed on Huobi Exchange. This is an important event for our listing strategy, bringing increased volumes, better liquidity, and new holders to Syntropy.

The Syntropy team values this listing as an excellent opportunity to expand into the Asian markets. Additionally, this opens more leads and roads to further listings on top-tier exchanges.

Trading starts on the 13th of April at around 1.30 pm UTC. NOIA/USDT and NOIA/BTC pairs will be available.


🔥 Nouvelle vidéo de sur l’actu notamment sur 👇🏼

BITCOIN & ALTCOINS L'ÉLAN CONTINUE ? 🔥 🚀 Bitcoin marque une pause sur une zone de pivot autour de 46k$ pendant ce temps les altcoins en profitent pour s'échapper à nouveau avec une dominance BTC en ...


Entain, a FTSE100 member, is a customer of Syntropy. This confirms the beginning of a major paradigm shift as enterprises transition to the emerging Web3 model that brings increased requirements for network performance.

🔸 Read the full Medium article here.

🔹 To learn all about the technical details behind this announcement, find the Syntropy website page dedicated to the Entain Customer Success Story here.


Considering that Internet security is a continuous process, we must ask ourselves if WPA3 alone is sufficient. Large enterprises are facing an increasing number of security-based problems. What is the reason, and what can be done? Let’s explore the Zero Trust architecture and how we can achieve end-to-end encryption in a Zero Trust-based global internet with Syntropy.

🔹 Read the full article on Syntropy Blog.


is the decentralized autonomous routing protocol that uses to understand and analyze the internet’s pathways. nodes constantly share latency information, creating a global intelligence layer to identify the optimal routes.

Lean more about it here :


🎅🏻 Happy holidays to the community!

🥇 Thank you for accompanying us as we have come through another wonderful year. Having you along on this journey means everything to us.

🎄 May you and yours celebrate a meaningful Christmas.


A year when Web3 will start taking off in a super big way. The network layer is a crucial element for Web3 to become a reality, and Syntropy is well-positioned to deliver that and become the leader in the Internet networking space. More details about CEO's letter here



It doesn’t matter where your business is located, or how many employees you have — can make everything you do through the Internet faster, safer, and more reliable.

Syntropy Windows Application Production Release is Here 18/11/2021

We are excited to bring our Windows Application's Beta phase to an end and make the production release available for you to download here and use 🚀

▫️Syntropy Windows Application is now primed to support Syntropy SDN Routing*, which automatically deploys private alternative paths for your connection and effectively improves the connection performance.

▫️We deployed many bug fixes that became apparent throughout Beta releases and optimized the code back and forth.

*SDN is not implemented into Syntropy Stack yet.

🔸 Learn more here:

Syntropy Windows Application Production Release is Here We are excited to bring our Windows Application's beta phase to an end and make the production release available for you to download and use.


We are moving forward with another milestone in staking by kicking off the Nominator staking program. It's permissionless, and there's only a single requirement to enter this program - having at least 100 $NOIA tokens. It's time to start accumulating.

🔹Read the announcement here:


Syntropy democratizes the Internet. If we want decentralized technologies to be truly decentralized, it needs to be powered by $NOIA.


The Syntropy Amber Chain launches today, working as an active development environment towards the Syntropy Blockchain launch. Validator smart contract for $NOIA is coming up next.

🔹 Read the announcement :

🔸 Find the Amber Chain Explorer : #/explorer

About Syntropy 12/09/2021


Syntropy est une entreprise axée sur le Web 3.0 qui a créé une « superposition » sur Internet. Vous pouvez le considérer comme un filtre entre votre appareil connecté à Internet (mobile, ordinateur, etc.) servant trois objectifs :

🔸Efficacité du routage : il trouve les itinéraires les plus rapides / moins encombrées pour vos données, évitant ainsi toute congestion, éliminant ainsi les retards.
🔸Chiffrement : chaque élément de données que vous envoyez est chiffrées de bout en bout, de sorte qu'aucun service secondaire ne peut collecter, manipuler ou censurer vos données de quelque manière que ce soit.
🔸Décentralisation : Syntropy s'appuie sur un réseau de nœuds volontaires (tout appareil connecté à Internet) appelé réseau maillé, de sorte que vous ne dépendez plus de l'infrastructure ou de la disponibilité d'un FAI spécifique.

Tout ce système est connu sous le nom DARP (Distributed Autonomous Routing Protocol) et est en instance de brevet, empêchant ainsi probablement toute autre entreprise de copier leurs algorithmes uniques.

Le jeton NOIA est le « gaz » qui facilite les connexions et les transferts de données sur le réseau Syntropy. En tant que technologie de couche 1, NOIA représente la valeur globale des informations communiquées dans l'écosystème Web3. Il crée les incitations financières initiales pour que ce réseau soit créé puis exploité par et pour la communauté des utilisateurs. Toutes les connexions et données envoyées via n'importe quel appareil sont comptabilisées dans les jetons. Par conséquent, le jeton représente la valeur dérivée d'un relais Internet et sa valeur intrinsèque au sein de l'économie.

Le jeton NOIA est ce qui déverrouille les avantages sans confiance de Syntropy.
Il est utilisé pour :
1. Établir des connexions chiffrées de bout en bout grâce à une exécution sans confiance
2. Stockage et modification des configurations réseau
3. Achat et vente de contrats de bande passante
4. Routage des données via le réseau Syntropy


🔜 ROADMAP 2021
✅ DARP - Community Access >
✅ Platform Self-Service >
✅ Stacking Details >
✅ Syntropy VPN Launch >
✅ Windows Application >
✅ New Website >
⏳ Blockchain Announcement
⏳ Blockchain Whitepaper


🌀 ADRESSE DU CONTRAT NOIA ERC20 (réseau Ethereum)
👉🏻 0xa8c8CfB141A3bB59FEA1E2ea6B79b5ECBCD7b6ca

🚀 KuCoin 👉🏻
🚀 Uniswap 👉🏻 #/swap?outputCurrency=0xa8c8cfb141a3bb59fea1e2ea6b79b5ecbcd7b6ca
🚀 Nash 👉🏻
🚀 Bancor 👉🏻

L'inscription est ouverte pour 500 emplacements de Validator, avec des mises maximales de 200 000 jetons chacun pour un total de 100 millions de jetons.

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About Syntropy We are transforming the public internet into a secure and user-centric internet through a unifying layer where encryption and optimized performance are built-in and automatically enabled for anything and everything connected to it.

Syntropy Integrates With Filecoin for Optimized Node Infrastructure 07/09/2021

We are introducing one more blockchain integration in the Syntropy ecosystem - Filecoin. All Filecoin nodes can now quickly deploy and manage their infrastructure using Syntropy Stack.

🔹 Read the announcement :

Syntropy Integrates With Filecoin for Optimized Node Infrastructure All Filecoin nodes can now run their infrastructure on Syntropy, creating an optimized and more secure system.


We're excited to present you the latest release of Syntropy Stack and its SDK.

Over the past month, our team has focused on a number of new features and "fit and finish" improvements to help you best utilize our tools in your projects.

You will notice that we completely redesigned the graphs and added new views, making your network management more straightforward. We also eliminated grouping into networks and introduced a single flat network approach, which triggered a breaking change requiring you to update the SDK package to the latest version.

🔸Read full release notes here.

Rethinking the Internet for Everyone 29/06/2021

Meet our new face. Find out how Syntropy fosters a paradigm shift in data security and connectivity by being the Protocol for . Find out your eligibility for becoming $NOIA validator in the staking dashboard.

Rethinking the Internet for Everyone Syntropy is an open project providing next-generation connectivity technology for Internet. Syntropy is designed to solve issues prevalent in the current Internet framework, including security, privacy, governance, performance, reliability, and ineffective resource utilization.

Rétro 60 derniers jours du développement chez Syntropy 01/06/2021

Internet plus rapide et plus sûr pour chaque utilisateur et appareil, optimisé par jeton $NOIA telle est la mission primordial de l'équipe derrière le projet .

Rétro 60 derniers jours du développement chez Syntropy

Rétro 60 derniers jours du développement chez Syntropy L'Internet plus rapide et plus sûr pour chaque utilisateur et appareil, optimisé par jeton NOIA telle est la mission primordial de l'équipe derrière le projet Syntropy. Pour rappel Syntropy est alimenté par un logiciel open source qui permet une éc...


Join the KuCoin with Syntropy, 3,200 NOIA to Give Away!

⏰ Date: 10:00 on May 10, 2021 (UTC)
📍 AMA Venue:

🧧 Red envelope giveaways: 1,110 NOIA
🗣 Free-ask section: 90 NOIA
🤑 Post-AMA activity: 2,000 NOIA (📝Quiz: 1,500 NOIA and ❓Price Guess: 500 NOIA)

Read More:

Syntropy on Twitter 07/05/2021

Syntropy is a required component for and . As blockchains connect and talk with each other, they can use our network to not only maximize security and performance, but also form a truly autonomous system completely on blockchain — no reliance on centralized services.

Syntropy on Twitter “Syntropy is a required component for and . As blockchains connect and talk with each other, they can use our network to not only maximize security and performance, but also form a truly autonomous system completely on blockchain — no reliance on centralized services.


Take control of your data. Introducing Syntropy VPN —a personal, private VPN that puts you in charge.

Every time you connect to the public Internet, you expose yourself to risk. Traditional VPNs add an encryption overlay on top of the public Internet, but they can compromise performance while exploiting your data.

When you use a commercial VPN solution, you ultimately trust them with your privacy. With Syntropy VPN, you only need to trust yourself. Setup is friendly for both seasoned developers and beginners.

▫️ Learn more
▫️ Get started

Syntropy AMA: Domas & Jonas - Crowdcast 29/04/2021

C'est dans quelques heures avec le CEO et le CTO de Syntropy

Syntropy AMA: Domas & Jonas - Crowdcast Register now for Emilis's event on Crowdcast, scheduled to go live on Thursday April 29, 2021 at 6:00 pm EEST.


Welcome to the Open Internet Economy: the alternative connectivity system for the public Internet — powered by $NOIA.


▫️ One-Pager
▫️ Staking
▫️ Tokenomics

Meltem Demirors Joins Syntropy to Launch Alliance for an Open Internet 23/04/2021

Data privacy, user rights, fair access. Syntropy embeds these values directly into the public internet. But we're not alone. Led by legend , we're launching an Alliance to find, fund, and foster efforts to achieve a user-first internet.

Meltem Demirors Joins Syntropy to Launch Alliance for an Open Internet Demirors, CSO at CoinShares, will spearhead our efforts to bring mass awareness and adoption of the next-gen internet.


Introducing the Open Internet Economy. Details next week.


Next week, we’ll be testing a DARP node on SpaceX Starlink. Our network can use nearly any device or infrastructure to find faster pathways for your internet traffic using the $NOIA token. Will share early results after initial testing.

Syntropy + Terraria: Thousands of new gamers can now access our technology 15/04/2021

You can now use Syntropy to game on CSGO, Minecraft, and Terraria. Secure gameplay with encryption by default available today. Performance optimization via $NOIA on the way.


Syntropy + Terraria: Thousands of new gamers can now access our technology Terraria gamers get secure connectivity between players and the server, with built-in performance on the way.

Photos from Syntropy Africa's post 15/04/2021

Our Ambassador to the Democratic Republic of the Congo🇨🇩 executed a node. The results are incredible


We're growing! You can help by referring new team members, earning $1,000 and $3,000 bonuses when there's a match.

Visit for the full list of open roles.



est l'épine dorsale des performances du Syntropy alimenté par $NOIA. Rejoignez-nous mardi alors que la première et la seule couche de renseignement au monde pour Internet sera mise en ligne.


Poor network performance is a real concern for real-time applications.

Once DARP is integrated into Syntropy Stack, users will get the best out of their networks with a click of a button.

Don't miss out. Start connecting today.


Platform UI Syntropy

Opening Hours

Monday 06:00 - 13:00
Tuesday 06:00 - 13:00
Wednesday 06:00 - 13:00
Thursday 06:00 - 13:00
Friday 06:00 - 13:00
Saturday 06:00 - 13:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00