
Codesamplez is a blog site containing various programming and developments tutorials with relate is a dedicated blog site for discussions on programming and developments. This blog will contain rich and informative contents day by day to help programmers/developers(from geek to professionals)

Mastering Java Concurrency: ForkJoinPool vs ThreadPoolExecutor - 06/08/2024

Modern software development relies heavily on concurrency since it enables apps to handle numerous tasks at once. For controlling concurrency in Java, ForkJoinPool and ThreadPoolExecutor are two highly effective technologies. In this tutorial, we will look into the specifics of each, consider the differences between ForkJoinPool vs ThreadPoolExecutor, and provide guidance on which to use when. Understanding ForkJoinPool What is ForkJoinPool?...

Mastering Java Concurrency: ForkJoinPool vs ThreadPoolExecutor - A comprehensive tutorial comparing ForkJoinPool vs ThreadPoolExecutor with explanation and code examples for each.

Create a Custom Resource pool in Java - 12/07/2024

Using reusable objects/resources as a pool in Java is very common. In fact, the Java language itself comes with built-in thread-pool support. In this article, we will demonstrate how we can create a custom resource pool in Java. What is a Resource pool? A resource pool is a collection of reusable resources that can be shared among multiple clients or consumers in a Java application....

Create a Custom Resource pool in Java - Simple tutorial on how to create custom defined resource pool in Java.

Building Auth With JWT – Part 2 - 10/12/2022

This is the follow-up part to part 1 of Auth With JWT story. Highly recommended to go over that first if you haven't already. Challenges: JWT Payload Size: As you might have read in the first part, the business challenges we were trying to solve involved supporting different roles per context(e.g course). This means a user can be a student in one course and be a teacher in another course, be TA in another course etc....

Building Auth With JWT – Part 2 - This is the follow-up part to part 1 of Auth With JWT story. Highly recommended to go over that first if you haven’t already. Challenges: JWT Payload Size: As you might have read in the first part, the business challenges we were trying to solve involved supporting different roles per context(e.g ...