YOUniversity of you

YOUniversity of you

Wellness Community for like minded souls - Tips on how to thrive everyday �


Kindness isn’t just a warm sentiment; it has tangible effects on our well-being. 🌱🌸

🪷 Oxytocin Release: often called the “love hormone.” Promoting heart health. It’s like a natural cardioprotective mechanism!

🪷 Happiness Boost: Whether we’re kind to ourselves, strangers, or loved ones, it positively impacts our mood

🪷 Compassion and Connection: It’s like a ripple effect—small acts create positive connections

Remember, kindness isn’t just a nice gesture; it’s a powerful force that benefits both giver and receiver!


Yes we are so much more than our bodies but our bodies house everything that we are, they protect us, present us to the world and take us wherever we want to go. Love your body unconditionally, treat it as you would a newborn because you deserve healthy food, fresh air and a long stay on this beautiful planet

10 quick easy ways to increase your energy 21/10/2020

As the nights get longer we need to give ourselves a little extra tlc. I'm writing articles on mental wellness - the following article is how to increase your energy - perfect for anyone who feels overwhelm at times. This is a instant reset no matter the time of day - like an espresso without the calories :)

10 quick easy ways to increase your energy Humans get tired, it’s natural. Sleep is the easiest way to reset your mind and heal your body. There isn’t much in life that can’t be improved by a good nights rest. Sleep’…


Mindfulness = patience. slow down and let your inner guide lead you to joy. it'll be worth it


August Goals - The Sunday of summer. Are we pressing snooze , playing catch-up or all ready preparing for the next step? It can feel overwhelming but it doesn’t have to be that way. Mindfulness will make the process a lot more enjoyable. Watch this space for mindfulness tips - or if you would like to know more feel free to message 🙏🏻


If you don't have goals that scare you, you're not moving forwards.


Becoming one with your past present and future self is true freedom and peace with everything that you are and everything that you can be - it all starts with being mindful - Namaste 🙏🏻


Kindness: the Currency of Happiness & Success is one of the greatest strengths you have.

Did you know that kindness is good for your physical health, your emotional well-being, and makes you more attractive to others?

Today think about how you can be more kind. Show kindness to yourself/ to somebody else. Pay an act of kindness forward and it will surely reappear in your life where you least expect it!


Happiness in a nutshell.

A deeper sense of happiness comes from the knowledge that you are in the position to help somebody else. It is human nature to connect - happy Mondays all!


The real measure of success is happiness 🙌


The world will not always share your vision. Self belief is key 🔑


It is easy to give up when we see the success of others, or when things are not moving as quickly as we'd like. But any master by trade has spent hours and hours perfecting their skill - Don't give up 😀


Mantra: I am healing

Define/ Healing
1. the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again

It is scientifically proven that stress causes and/ or worsens illness. If we find inner peace within ourselves we can heal from the inside out 💗✨


Make sure your goals are based on the most high value, vivacious version of you! Have faith that you are built to thrive!


Grow through what you go through


Consistency is key 🔑


Each level you climb will require some version of transformation 💡


To find your purpose is to never work a day in your life again. You will always want to show up. You will love sharing this gift with others because you're full of energy and passion.
It’s never too early or too late to use all of the skills you currently have to discover your purpose and to add real value.


**Small victories **

With a little practice, we can start tackling the negative thoughts that bring us down. We can even begin changing our attitudes - even if it’s just one step at a time.

“The basis of optimism does not lie in positive phrases or images of victory, but in the way you think about causes.”


** Time **

The global crisis has taken many things. But one Precious thing it has given us is... time. Time to reflect. Time to call family and friends. Time to rediscover ourselves. Time to rediscover what is important! How is your relationship with time? :)


A new month of opportunities. Four weeks to create new goals. 30 days to tick something of your bucket list. I’ve just added try homemade lemonade to mine 🍋🌱




We all have the power to make a difference, working on your sphere of influence can have a super high impact on those around you! No matter how small or big your sphere is, you have the power to make a difference!


There are moments in life when something happens. We make up a story about the why and the what. We start to live as if our story were true. Because we believe they’re keeping us safe.
The truth is, these stories are stopping you from getting the big results you’re destined for.


Be kind to yourself today; give yourself a compliment, tell yourself what you are greatful for, play that song you love or close your eyes let your mind rest and soak up some sunshine 🌞 ✨✨


Mantra for the day - The people closest to me support my ideas 💡🦋

Define / Idea
1. A thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action

You want to feel comfortable discussing the possibilities of your life, so comfortable that you find yourself creating new ideas and actually excited to share them! Not every idea you have needs to be ground breaking but the habit of allowing new thoughts and ideas in, of thinking in a creative way ‘what can I do to serve others’ ‘what is a good way to add value or simply beauty’ will serve you better and those around you.

Get you some friends that don’t look at you weird when you want to start something new! A hobby, a business or a new fitness routine. Get you people that are excited to see what you can add to the world! If your current ideal set of friends are still an idea there are videos you can watch to inspire yourself on how these people are, and you are more than welcome to share your ideas here.

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Do you find your thoughts overwhelming during these surreal times?Have you been finding yourself questioning more than e...
