Insights To Freedom

Insights To Freedom

The Infinite Banking Concept is not a product that a person buys, although you will be using your mo

Setting New Money Goals For 2021 04/02/2021

Hey I2F friends and family! Although we’re a month in to 2021, it’s not too late to set some money goals. In this video Jim walks you through how to set money goals that are realistic and attainable for you.

Setting New Money Goals For 2021 Although we are a month into 2021, it’s not too late to set some new money goals. Here are some money goal ideas for you, and how you can attain them.



HAVE YOU ESTABLISHED A CASH FLOW PYRAMID? WILL IT ENABLE YOU TO REALLY RETIRE? — Insights To Freedom The Cash Flow Pyramid follows a pattern of putting the majority of your dollars into safe, efficient growth to build a secure base, and then put lesser amounts into safe educated investments, and the lowest amounts into high risk. Wall Street’s methods are to put the majority of your dollars into ...

Retirement Part 1: Will Your Income Streams Allow You To Really Retire? — Insights To Freedom 27/08/2020


Retirement Part 1: Will Your Income Streams Allow You To Really Retire? — Insights To Freedom We work our entire lives to someday retire. But is retirement a reality? Do we have enough passive income to support ourselves during those golden years?


 lessons on fear and wealth from the coronavirus

HAVE YOU ESTABLISHED A CASH FLOW PYRAMID? WILL IT ENABLE YOU TO REALLY RETIRE? — Insights To Freedom The Cash Flow Pyramid follows a pattern of putting the majority of your dollars into safe, efficient growth to build a secure base, and then put lesser amounts into safe educated investments, and the lowest amounts into high risk. Wall Street’s methods are to put the majority of your dollars into ...

3 Ways Identifying Values Can Positively Affect Your Bank Account 20/08/2020

Have you ever purchased something and then were consumed with guilt and shame that you spent money on it? Or peeked at your bank account and were surprised at how much money you spent eating out or purchasing skin care products that month and instantly felt remorse? If yes, you wouldn't be alone, friend. mindbodygreen

3 Ways Identifying Values Can Positively Affect Your Bank Account If you've ever felt guilty about buying something, read this.

What Is The Infinite Banking Concept? 17/08/2020

Do you know what the Infinite Banking Concept is? Factum Financial wants you to know what Infinite Banking is and what it’s not so you can see the benefits of this cash flow system! Factum Financial

What Is The Infinite Banking Concept? Do you know what the Infinite Banking Concept is? Factum Financial wants you to know what Infinite Banking is and what it’s not so you can see the benefits o...

How to Go to Sleep Earlier: 9 Simple Tips | Mellowed 17/08/2020

Obtaining financial freedom can be impacted by so many different parts of our lives, including how well we are taking care of ourselves.

A question for you: how much sleep do you get?

Getting a full night’s sleep is not only important to ensure you’re alert and ready to go the next morning, but it’s also important for your physical and mental health.


How to Go to Sleep Earlier: 9 Simple Tips | Mellowed Read on to find out why you should make sleep a priority in your life and how to get yourself on a better sleep schedule.

Make Money Like Your Bank Does — Insights To Freedom 12/08/2020

If banks are in the business to help people, which they are, how do they make their money? We don’t often think about how money flows into and out of the banking system, but if we stopped to understand it, we could end up keeping a lot of the money we typically give away to the banks and finance companies of the world.

Make Money Like Your Bank Does — Insights To Freedom Stop giving your money away to the Banking institutions. Build your own wealth instead.

What Is Infinite Banking.mp4 12/08/2020

What exactly in the Infinite Banking Concept? Listen as Jim explains how you can invest in your future and become your own banker.

What Is Infinite Banking.mp4

Make it a Treat - Physician on FIRE 08/08/2020

“Make it a treat.” These four simple, yet powerful words, just might be the key to both financial success and continual happiness. Physician on FIRE

Make it a Treat - Physician on FIRE Learn to take a special experience and "make it a treat." Understanding the role of hedonic adaptation in your life will make you happier and wealthier.

The Productivity of Blocking — Insights To Freedom 05/08/2020

At the end of the day, you have worked your head off but still lacked getting the most important things on your list done. You have, however, spent a lot of time getting things done for other people.

Blocking can change that.

The Productivity of Blocking — Insights To Freedom Several years ago I had the chance to learn about a system that brought focus, productivity, and effective outcomes into my business day. We’ll call it “Blocking”. Perhaps this information can help you too, so I’m going to share an overview with you. My hope is that you will implement this w...

8 Levels Of Financial Freedom 05/08/2020

Remember, financial freedom is a marathon, not a sprint! Forbes

8 Levels Of Financial Freedom Achieving financial freedom can seem impossible. Fiduciary Financial Planner David Rae outlines the levels of financial freedom, to help you get started improving your finances today and taking the steps to retire early and achieve financial independence. What you need to do now to get started.

THE NEW NORMAL: WHAT IS IT? — Insights To Freedom 22/06/2020

We have been studying the art of Blocking in our Exclusive Membership group with Insights to Freedom. It has been great to get some feedback from our group as to how this time management system is helping them as they struggle to stay focused on necessary tasks because of how different the world is now as compared to just a few months ago.

It is true, the world in which we find ourselves seems so different. The base and underpinnings of our culture seem more unstable than ever before. It seems like wrong is right and right is wrong. What can we do to bring security and stability to our lives?

THE NEW NORMAL: WHAT IS IT? — Insights To Freedom The new normal” We have been studying the art of Blocking in our Exclusive Membership group with Insights to Freedom. It has been great to get some feedback from our group as to how this time management system is helping them as they struggle to stay focused on necessary tasks because of how diffe

Stock Market Growth In The Midst Of Economic Crisis — Insights To Freedom 10/06/2020

Riots, looting, and protests fill the news. The coronavirus lockdowns and decisions which limited business and travel for several months are now being challenged. Nearly 40 million workers have filed for unemployment. Tens of thousands of businesses have been closed permanently. Airlines are flying a fraction of their normal loads or number of flights. Major US cities continue to struggle to open.

Yet in spite of this economic picture, the stock market continues to grow in unbelievable ways! How can that be?

Stock Market Growth In The Midst Of Economic Crisis — Insights To Freedom As I sit and write to you today, massive confusion continues to mark our lives and economic picture. Riots, looting, and protests fill the news. The coronavirus lockdowns and decisions which limited business and travel for several months are now being challenged. Nearly 40 million workers have fi


Hey everyone!

Join us as Jim discusses the Infinite Banking Concept, and why it’s a surefire way to control your money and build your generational wealth outside the banking system.

Register here:


Hey friends! We have launched our Insights To Freedom exclusive membership and exciting things are just around the corner. We sure would love to have you join our tribe! Check out this video and hear some of the things we’re doing in the next month. Hope everyone is staying strong and healthy!

For more information on our membership, click here:

What Happens When You Recapture The Interest And Debts You Have Within Your Own Finance System? 21/05/2020

Video 3 of 3

Did you know the average person pays $500K in interest over their lifetime? Learn how you can keep that money and actually make even more money by becoming your own banker.

What Happens When You Recapture The Interest And Debts You Have Within Your Own Finance System? Did you know the average person pays $500K in interest over their lifetime? Learn how you can keep that money and actually make even more money by becoming y...

How To Replace The Bank With Your Own Financing System 20/05/2020

Video 2 of 3: How To Replace The Bank With Your Own Financing System

What if I told you that there's a way for you to make large purchases without ever going to a lender for financing again?

How To Replace The Bank With Your Own Financing System You don't have to put your money in a bank to keep it safe. Learn how you can become your own bank. Control your money, build your wealth.

How Money Works 19/05/2020

Video 1 of 3: How Money Works

If you change your mindset around money, you can change the way it flows - why let the banks have control of your money when you can be your own bank?

How Money Works

What Got Us To The Point We're At Now? If It Wasn't COVID-19, What Was It? 05/05/2020

We need to have the will we pay back all of our debt? Who is buying our debt? Who are we enslaved to? Stimulus checks are being deposited into our accounts. What will future taxation look like on these funds? Are we being bailed out or bought? We can't keep doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.

Is there a better way to achieve financial freedom? Yes, there is.

What Got Us To The Point We're At Now? If It Wasn't COVID-19, What Was It? We need to have the will we pay back all of our debt? Who is buying our debt? Who are we enslaved to? Stimulus checks are being deposited ...

FUTURE TAXATION: Your Retirement is in Jeopardy 29/04/2020


Don’t Let The Government Use Your Wealth To Pay Off Their Debt.

FUTURE TAXATION: Your Retirement is in Jeopardy HOW WILL FUTURE TAXATION EFFECT YOUR WEALTH? Don’t Let The Government Use Your Wealth To Pay Off Their Debt.


How will this bailout affect our future financial security. Someone has to pay for this...who will it be? Listen as Jim King discusses an interesting scenario, and explains why we should be wary if this handout.


GOVERNMENT STIMULUS CHECKS: Where is this money really coming from? How will this bailout affect our future financial security. Someone has to pay for this...who will it be? Listen as Jim King discusses an interesting scenario.



If you're looking for a unique opportunity to dive into the underworld of modern finance with those who are looking to control their money and build their wealth, then this membership is for you!


Hey everyone! Just a quick reminder that Jim King will be making a special announcement via Facebook live here on this page in 30 minutes. Hope to see you there!


Hello friends! Happy Friday. :)

We have some exciting news to share with you...something that will offer you a unique opportunity. I'd like to invite you join me here on this page tomorrow (Saturday, 4/25) at 3 PM PST, 6 PM EST where I will be sharing this good news with you live via Facebook Live. Any questions you have about Insights To Freedom, bring them with you. I'm happy to give you answers!


A successful retirement requires we establish a cash flow pyramid starting as early as possible in life. What does your cash flow pyramid look like?

HAVE YOU ESTABLISHED A CASH FLOW PYRAMID? WILL IT ENABLE YOU TO REALLY RETIRE? — Insights To Freedom The Cash Flow Pyramid follows a pattern of putting the majority of your dollars into safe, efficient growth to build a secure base, and then put lesser amounts into safe educated investments, and the lowest amounts into high risk. Wall Street’s methods are to put the majority of your dollars into ...

Retirement Part 1: Will Your Income Streams Allow You To Really Retire? — Insights To Freedom 17/04/2020

For many of us, retirement is right around the corner. We've worked our entire lives with the vision of those "Golden Year" acting as fuel for the fire. But when the time comes, will we really be able to walk away from working?

Retirement Part 1: Will Your Income Streams Allow You To Really Retire? — Insights To Freedom We work our entire lives to someday retire. But is retirement a reality? Do we have enough passive income to support ourselves during those golden years?

Pieces Of The Pie: Isn’t There More To Life Than Money? — Insights To Freedom 04/04/2020

"As my wife and I get more control of our money, we have become more healthy in the other areas of life. We have more freedom to pursue healthy lifestyle choices, which enhances our relationships with each other, with our kids and grandkids, and extended family and friends. It also allows us to pursue better food and lifestyle choices. We are becoming more thankful and grateful for each moment we are given, seeking new ways to learn and grow, able to be open to other ways to give of our time and resources. Each area of your life can be positively affected by gaining control of your money."

Pieces Of The Pie: Isn’t There More To Life Than Money? — Insights To Freedom Part of my vision for developing Insights to Freedom came out of the understanding that there are many pieces to life’s pie. Money seems to have a big impact on all of the areas, but all the areas have an importance to overall well being. It seems that if a person is way out of balance in one area


In 1931, Americans took home 100% of their wages. What happened?

Click here for more info:

Taxation Part 2: The Federal Reserve Takes Control of Our Money — Insights To Freedom 29/03/2020

Do you know how inflation happens? Because the Federal Reserve controls the value of money, it can manipulate the economy and inflation, and can even print money through the Central Bank anytime it wants, basically creating money on a whim. Of course with nothing of value tied to the dollar, inflation begins.

Taxation Part 2: The Federal Reserve Takes Control of Our Money — Insights To Freedom How the Federal Reserve came into control of the value of money. It could manipulate the economy and inflation, and could even print money through the Central Bank anytime it wanted, basically creating money on a whim. Of course with nothing of value tied to the dollar, inflation began. Money deva

Taxation Part 1: Why the Push for More Taxation? — Insights To Freedom 26/03/2020

What most Americans do not remember, or even think about, is that heavy taxation was not a part of our early beginnings. In fact, one of the things that the early pioneers were willing to go to war over was a very small tax compared to what we have slowly agreed was necessary.

Taxation Part 1: Why the Push for More Taxation? — Insights To Freedom Did you know that heavy taxation was not a part of our beginnings? What happened? Keep reading to find out.

The Seed Or The Harvest? Why The Tax Deferred Method Doesn’t Work For Our Retirement — Insights To Freedom 25/03/2020

The majority of government sponsored retirement plans are telling us to invest now with untaxed money, grow our retirement pool over many, many years, and then when we take distributions from the harvest we will be taxed an unknown amount.

Why are we paying to access our own money?

There's a better way.

The Seed Or The Harvest? Why The Tax Deferred Method Doesn’t Work For Our Retirement — Insights To Freedom The majority of government sponsored retirement plans are telling us to invest now with untaxed money, grow our retirement pool over many, many years, and then when we take distributions from the harvest we will be taxed an unknown amount. It seems crazy. Who would do that? Well, most people have be

How Will The Current Events Affect Future Taxation On The American People? 24/03/2020

There's lots of talk around a government bailout for Americans who have been hit hard, financially, by the Coronavirus pandemic. But who is really paying for this payout? We the people or the Federal Reserve? Nothing is for free. The reality is, the future taxation that will be put on us will be astronomical. How can we protective ourselves and maintain control of our wealth?

How Will The Current Events Affect Future Taxation On The American People? There's lots of talk around a government bailout for Americans who have been hit hard, financially, by the Coronavirus pandemic. But who is really paying for...

The Perfect Investment: What Does It Look Like? — Insights To Freedom 21/03/2020

What if I told you that the “perfect” investment sounds very much like a participating, whole life insurance policy from a mutual insurance company? Most people don’t believe it because we have been told that life insurance is a terrible investment. The truth, however, is that it is an ideal place to hold your money and be in control of that money, all the while enjoying the other benefits of the “perfect” investment.

The Perfect Investment: What Does It Look Like? — Insights To Freedom Is it possible that this “perfect investment” exists? What  if I told you that the “perfect” investment sounds an awful lot like a participating, whole life insurance policy from a mutual insurance company?

Make Money Like Your Bank Does — Insights To Freedom 19/03/2020

Stop giving your money away to the Banking institutions! Build your own wealth instead.

Make Money Like Your Bank Does — Insights To Freedom Stop giving your money away to the Banking institutions. Build your own wealth instead.


Good morning. Yesterday I read where the financial planners were still telling people to fully fund their retirement plans and to leave their money as is in the markets. Really? At what point do you want to quit that game? Control your money. Change your future!
Let’s talk.

Welcome To Insights To Freedom! 19/03/2020

Welcome to Insights To Freedom! We're so happy to have you here.

Welcome To Insights To Freedom! Welcome to Insights To Freedom. I'm Jim King and I am a certified IBC Practitioner from the Nelson Nash Institute. I want to show you how you can control you...

“The whole idea of the Infinite Banking Concept, is to recapture the interest that one is paying to banks and finance companies

Infinite Banking Concept is a financial process. This process allows you to finance your purchases and pay yourself the interest and principle.

It is very important for you to purchase and read entirely Becoming Your Own Banker by R. Nelson Nash.

IBC is about human nature, reasoning, mathematics and a desire to change your perception of how money really works. By shifting the way you currently think to the way bankers think, you will begin to believe that you can build a system that mimics a bank using your own money. Yes, change your mindset from the common, everyday financial lies told to us. You can control and build your own pool of wealth that you control. I can teach you how.

The IBC system allows for guaranteed growth, annual dividends, the safest place to hold money, incredible long-term tax benefits, and liquidity of assets without penalties! You can see why current financial gurus do not like to talk positively about this system…they have no control of your assets, which is how they make their money.

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