Hear The Music

Hear The Music

This Page is dedicated to those who want to listen to peaceful christian music performed by young talented musicians.


Here's another beautiful arrangement of the great hymn All Creatures Of Our God And King! This one is arranged by Audra Ethington Daniels.


"We Thank Thee O God For A Prophet" arrangement by Michael Ethington

We are so thankful for prophets! In Amos 3:7 it says "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets." Having a living prophet is so important right now because he helps guide us and direct us towards Christ. When we heed the counsel and direction from prophets we grow closer to God and Jesus Christ. Why do you think it is important to have prophets to lead and guide us in these troubling times?


This is a beautiful piano arrangement of the great hymn 'All Creatures Of Our God And King' arranged by Josh Wright. Hope you like it!


"Be still, my soul: The Lord is on thy side;
With patience bear thy cross of grief or pain.
Leave to thy God to order and provide;
In ev'ry change he faithful will remain.
Be still, my soul: Thy best, thy heav'nly Friend
Thru thorny ways leads to a joyful end."

It can often be hard to see God's hand in our lives. Sometimes maybe it seems he isn't there or that he has abandoned us. But as you listen to this great arrangement of the hymn 'Be Still My Soul' by Michael Ethington, remember that God will ALWAYS be there for us. He will be right there, cheering us on every step of the way! Even when times get hard, and it seems like nothing but thorny ways lie in our path, just remember that it is through these trials and hard things in our lives that we are able to grow stronger and develop into the person that God wants us to become, and remember that we will have never ending joy and happiness awaiting us at the end of the road.


"Now this was the faith of these of whom I have spoken; they are young, and their minds are firm, and they do put their trust in God continually."
-Alma 57:27

When we are confronted with challenges, or when it seems all the odds are against us, when we feel hopelessly outnumbered, remember the example of these 2000 young warriors as recorded in The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ. In order to protect their families, their freedom, and their religion, these young men put all their trust in God, trusting that he would deliver them from their enemies so long as they had faith in Him, and were obedient to his commandments. It's the exact same principle for us! If we trust in Him, if we have faith and are obedient to his commandments, God will give us strength to overcome any obstacle that comes our way! With His help, we can become just as valiant and full of faith as these brave young soldiers and we will find within ourselves the strength to overcome.

Piano arrangement by Michael Ethington


"Come, come ye saints, no toil nor labor fear;
But with joy, wend your way.
Though hard to you, this journey may appear,
Grace shall be, as your day."

Sometimes, life gets hard. Really hard. Sometimes maybe we feel we can't go on, or that everything seems to be working against us. But if we remember our God who loves us so much, and remember his son Jesus Christ, we can know that they will be with us every step of the way! They will never leave our side. As you listen to this great arrangement of the hymn "Come Come Ye Saints" arranged by Michael Ethington, remember that we are promised that if we have faith in Him, we can have that peace and assurance even during these hard times, and we can sing in our hearts, "All is well! All is well!"


Another beautiful rendition of a Gospel song.This time it's "Be Thou My Vision", hope y'all enjoy!


"Gentle the peace he finds for my beseeching. Constant he is and kind,
Love without end."


Feel the peace that comes from this beautiful song "The Spirit of Promise" written by Michael Ethington performed by a young talented artist.


Enjoy this wonderful mix of two very spiritual songs into one harmonious and beautiful melody.


We are all children of a loving Heavenly Father. He is and will always be there with us.


Marshall McDonald's arrangement of "My Heavenly Father Loves Me".

How have you felt Heavenly Father's love for you?


Here is a simple yet beautiful arrangement of "I Know That My Redeemer Lives" by Marshall McDonald, we hope as you listen you are able to feel the peace and comfort that comes from the knowledge that our Redeemer Jesus Christ lives!

Videos (show all)

Turn and Come Home
Song: I Know That My Redeemer Lives
