TAYK's Peace Day Seminar 2020

TAYK's Peace Day Seminar 2020

Suomen YK-nuoret (ent. Suomen nuorten ja opiskelijoiden YK -liitto, SYKLI ry) on vuonna 1967 perustettu poliittisesti sitoutumaton valtakunnallinen nuorisojärje

Photos from TAYK's Peace Day Seminar 2020's post 21/09/2020

CMI is an independent conflict resolution organisation working to prevent & resolve and build lasting worldwide.


Huomaathan, että seuraamme kansallisia koronavirukseen liittyviä rajoitustoimenpiteitä ja niiden kehittymistä, ja siirrämme tapahtuman verkkoalustalle, mikäli tilanne sitä vaatii.


One of our most famous annual events, the Peace Day Seminar is coming again on the 24th of September! TAYK's Peace Day Seminar is organised in partnership with UN Youth Finland as a part of Youth Peace Week (from 21st to 27th of September) and in honor of the International Day of Peace on the 21st of September. The theme of this year's Peace Week is Sustainable


One of our most famous annual events, the Peace Day Seminar is coming again on the 24th of September! TAYK's Peace Day Seminar is organised in partnership with UN Youth Finland as a part of Youth Peace Week (from 21st to 27th of September) and in honor of the International Day of Peace on the 21st of September. The theme of this year's Peace Week is Sustainable Development Goal 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. With that, our Peace Day Seminar will be focusing on peace, justice and law from the perspective of gender. We'll also be touching topics regarding the role of the youth in our society and institutions in promoting peace. We'll have interesting keynote speakers joining our seminar. Also some snacks and beverages are provided. The schedule and further information will be updated in the following weeks.
