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Popular Machine Learning / Data Science Interview Questions 16/11/2021

Popular Machine Learning / Data Science Interview Questions

Popular Machine Learning / Data Science Interview Questions Set of 25 unique questions. This includes both actual interview questions from the interviews I attended, and also some practice questions which will be useful.

10 Easy Ways to Create a Pandas Series | MLDoodles 07/11/2021

10 Easy Ways to Create a Pandas Series

10 Easy Ways to Create a Pandas Series | MLDoodles Create empty series, pandas series from python list, pandas series from numpy array, pandas series from dictionary, series filled with constant number, etc.

Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) – Simple Example 04/11/2021

Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) – Simple Example

Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) – Simple Example Though a simple example, understand what is maximum likelihood estimation MLE by step by step calculation of probability. Intuitive explanation with pictures.

How to Use Style Parameter in Seaborn Lineplot? 30/10/2021

How to Use Style Parameter in Seaborn Lineplot?

How to Use Style Parameter in Seaborn Lineplot? Plot multiple lines in seaborn lineplot using "style" parameter. Customize line style using "dashes" parameter. Style is best suited for categorical columns.

How to Use Size Parameter in Seaborn Lineplot? 29/10/2021

How to Use Size Parameter in Seaborn Lineplot?

How to Use Size Parameter in Seaborn Lineplot? Plot multiple lines of different sizes. Learn how to set line size using a list, tuple and dict. Using a dict sets specific size for specific category

How to Use Hue Parameter in Seaborn Lineplot? 26/10/2021

How to Use Hue Parameter in Seaborn Lineplot?

How to Use Hue Parameter in Seaborn Lineplot? Solutions: 1) Multiple lines using hue, 2) Change line colors using (a) color palette (b) list of colors (c) dictionary of colors 3) Plot without shaded region

How to Plot a Basic Lineplot in Seaborn? | MLDoodles 26/10/2021

How to Plot a Basic Lineplot in Seaborn?

1. How to plot a basic lineplot in seaborn?
2. What is the shaded region in seaborn lineplot?
3. Calculate confidence interval example (shown as shaded region in seaborn line plot)

How to Plot a Basic Lineplot in Seaborn? | MLDoodles Learn 1) How to plot a basic lineplot in seaborn? 2) What is the shaded region in lineplot? 3) How to calculate confidence interval shown as shaded region?

How to Use Style Parameter in Seaborn Scatterplot? 25/10/2021

How to Use Style Parameter in Seaborn Scatterplot?

How to Use Style Parameter in Seaborn Scatterplot? Learn how to use marker style as a dimension in seaborn scatterplot. Also learn how to use custom marker style and increase the marker size.

How to Use Size Parameter in Seaborn Scatterplot? 24/10/2021

How to Use Size Parameter in Seaborn Scatterplot?

How to Use Size Parameter in Seaborn Scatterplot? Add additional dimension to seaborn scatterplot in terms of the data point size. Size is useful when you want to describe a continuous feature in a scatterplot.

How to Change Marker Size in Seaborn scatterplot? 21/10/2021

How to Change Marker Size in Seaborn scatterplot?

How to Change Marker Size in Seaborn scatterplot? Using the "s" parameter of matplotlib, learn how to uniformly change size of all marker points in seaborn scatterplot . Default value of s is 36.

How to Use the Hue Parameter in Seaborn Scatterplot? 20/10/2021

How to Use the Hue Parameter in Seaborn Scatterplot?

How to Use the Hue Parameter in Seaborn Scatterplot? Learn how to use the hue parameter in seaborn scatterplot with categorical column and continuous column. Also, get to know how to change the color palette.

How to Plot a Basic Scatterplot in Seaborn? | MLDoodles 18/10/2021

How to Plot a Basic Scatterplot in Seaborn?

How to Plot a Basic Scatterplot in Seaborn? | MLDoodles Using sns.seaborn(), learn how to plot a basic scatterplot just by passing x and y parameters. Step by step python code example using Penguins dataset.

Popular Kernels used in Support Vector Machines | MLDoodles 15/10/2021

Popular Kernels used in Support Vector Machines

Popular Kernels used in Support Vector Machines | MLDoodles Learn about kernel trick (with pictures) & Popular kernels in SVM - Linear, Polynomial, RBF. Learn how to choose kernel for SVM.

What is Machine Learning - For beginners 10/10/2021

New animated video
What is machine learning? - For beginners.

What is Machine Learning - For beginners What is Machine Learning? - Simple Machine Learning tutorial for beginners.Topics discussed here:- How machine learning differs from traditional programming?...

Statistical Data Types Used in Machine Learning | MLDoodles 07/10/2021

Statistical Data Types Used in Machine Learning

Statistical Data Types Used in Machine Learning | MLDoodles There are four different data types in machine learning. They are Discrete, Continuous, Ordinal, Nominal. First two are numeric, last two are continuous.

What is Machine Learning? 06/10/2021

What is Machine Learning? What is Machine Learning?Simple Machine Learning tutorial for beginners.Topics discussed here:- How machine learning differs from traditional programming?- W...

What is Kernel Trick in Machine Learning? 04/10/2021

MLDoodles is now on Youtube :)

Content: Short presentations on ML

What is Kernel Trick in Machine Learning? What is Kernel Trick in Machine Learning?Understand using visualizations. Even better, learn how to create these visualizations in Python.Detailed post and P...


My first attempt to provide video content. No face, no voice. Just the content. Hope you like it! Feedbacks welcome!

What is Kernel Trick in Machine Learning?

Link for the blog post:

What is the Difference Between Validation and Testing Set? 30/09/2021

What is the Difference Between Validation and Testing Set?

What is the Difference Between Validation and Testing Set? Validation set helps to pick the best customized model. Testing set performs final testing on unseen data to find out if the performance score is good enough.

How to Split Training and Testing Set for Machine Learning? 19/09/2021

How to Split Training and Testing Set for Machine Learning?

How to Split Training and Testing Set for Machine Learning? Scikit-learn has an awesome function called "train_test_split" which help us split our dataset into training and testing set. We will look at how to use this.

Training and Testing Set in Machine Learning – Simple Guide 15/09/2021

Training and Testing Set in Machine Learning – Simple Guide

Training and Testing Set in Machine Learning – Simple Guide Quickly learn simple concepts in Machine Learning in a short and simple way. Intuitively understand - What is a Dataset, Training set and Testing set.

Matplotlib Saves Blank Plot – How to Fix it? 13/09/2021

Matplotlib Saves Blank Plot – How to Fix it?

Matplotlib Saves Blank Plot – How to Fix it? If your Matplotlib save plot outputs a blank plot, you can make it work through any of the two Quick ways mentioned in this post.

How to save a plot but don’t show in Matplotlib? 07/09/2021

How to save a plot but don’t show in Matplotlib?

How to save a plot but don’t show in Matplotlib? Learn how to save the plot and use matplotlib.pyplot.close() to close the plot and not show it in jupyter notebook screen.

How to save a plot in Matplotlib?| MLDoodles 07/09/2021

How to save a plot in Matplotlib?

How to save a plot in Matplotlib?| MLDoodles Learn 1) How to save a Matplotlib plot in png? 2) How to save a plot in jpg? 3) How to save a plot in pdf? 4) What are the other supported formats in Python?

How to set axis range in matplotlib in Python? 27/08/2021

How to set axis range in matplotlib in Python?

How to set axis range in matplotlib in Python? Solutions Covered: Set X axis and Y axis range, Set X axis LEFT limit only, Set X axis RIGHT limit only, Set Y axis BOTTOM limit only, Set Y axis TOP limit only

Wine Quality Prediction – Using Decision Trees 25/08/2021

Wine Quality Prediction – Using Decision Trees

(Binary Classification Problem)

Python Code to prediction using
(1) Red Wine dataset and
(2) White Wine dataset
in GitHub. Link in the blog post.

Wine Quality Prediction – Using Decision Trees Binary classification using decision trees on wine quality dataset in Python. Complete code for both Red wine quality and White wine quality given in GitHub.

Standard Deviation – Derivation, How to Remove Outliers? 18/08/2021

Standard Deviation – Derivation, How to Remove Outliers?

1. Why do you need standard deviation?
2. How to derive the formula for standard deviation?
3. What does standard deviation say about your dataset?
4. What is Empirical Rule or Three Sigma Rule?
5. How to use standard deviation to find outliers?
6. Python code to remove outliers in Boston Housing dataset.

Standard Deviation – Derivation, How to Remove Outliers? Derive the formula for standard deviation, Learn about three sigma rule, Python program to remove outliers in Boston housing dataset using three sigma rule

How to determine the suitable Measure of Central Tendency? 10/08/2021

How to determine the suitable Measure of Central Tendency?

Learn how the distribution of your dataset plays a major role in choosing the suitable measure of central tendency. Explained using real world datasets - Housefly Wing Length Dataset & NBA Player Salary Dataset. Python code snippets and plots included.

To describe your dataset, learn when to and when NOT to do these things:

1. When to use Mean?
2. When NOT to use Mean?
3. When to use Median?
4. When NOT to use Median?
5. When to use Mode?

How to determine the suitable Measure of Central Tendency? Learn how the distribution of your dataset plays a major role in choosing the suitable measure of central tendency. Explained with real world datasets.

What is Vanishing Gradients Problem? How to Overcome it? 04/08/2021

What is Vanishing Gradients Problem? How to Overcome it?

1. What is forward and backpropagation?
2. What is vanishing gradients problem?
3. How does Batch Normalization help in avoiding vanishing gradients?
4. How does ReLU activation help in avoiding vanishing gradients?
5. How does Residual Networks help in avoiding vanishing gradients?

What is Vanishing Gradients Problem? How to Overcome it? Vanishing gradients: Gradients becoming tiny with each passing layer during backpropagation. Solution: Batch normalization, ReLU activation, Residual Networks

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