L B C Fishing Team

L B C Fishing Team

This page is in remembrance of our late friend Ron Veary


Just wanted to wish everyone a happy and safe memorial day


One year ago as we all know we lost a brother a son a hell of a great friend and fishing partner he was one like no other he could make you laugh even when you were pi**ed off to no return. Ronnie we will forever love you and keep you in our thoughts and are forever grateful for keeping watch over us to keep us safe. We all think about you every day and miss you more today than yesterday. With that being said we will continue to look up to the sky every day and every time we're fishing as we release a fish back to live another day and say this ones for you pal. You're greatly missed and rest easy my friend tight lines


Going to pick up the stickers today everyone who wants one please have the money ready for me they're 5$ each I'll be around all night tonight


This page is in memory of you buddy (Ronnie)
Hope you found a good fishing spot up in heaven you can show me when we meet again. RIP until i get up there. Miss you till we meet again
