Reflections from on High Videos

Videos by Reflections from on High. Looking at Life from God's perspective!

A Thought for the weak: Communicating with God does not require an internet connection!

Hebrews 4:15&16
Hebrews 13:5
Isaiah 41:10

Other Reflections from on High videos

A Thought for the weak: Communicating with God does not require an internet connection! Hebrews 4:15&16 Hebrews 13:5 Isaiah 41:10

Would you take a Glimpse into the Mirror with me and ask the Lord if there is something you need to put down? I only used a couple of examples, but the Holy Spirit is quite good at pointing out areas where we need to make the change. The following are some Scripture texts for further study: Hebrews 12:1-3 Ephesians 4:22-32 James 4:6 1 Peter 5:5 Thanks to my young friend, Jeremy, for sharing his knowledge of these great animals.

Welcome to Reflections from on High!

Glimpse into the Mirror: What can I learn about God from my own mothering instincts?

Your Weekly Glimpse into the Mirror: 1 Illustration, 2 Announcements
Your Weekly Glimpse into the Mirror: 1 Illustration, 2 Announcements

Your Weekly Glimpse into the Mirror: My Final Climb Huron Peak This video was a bit challenging, but I hope all of the mishaps do not distract from a lesson that is very precious to me. Thank you for watching!
Your Weekly Glimpse into the Mirror: My Final Climb Huron Peak This video was a bit challenging, but I hope all of the mishaps do not distract from a lesson that is very precious to me. Thank you for watching!

Your Weekly Glimpse into the Mirror: Learning Contentment Huron Peak

WFTW: A lesson about God out of the mouths of babes…
WFTW: A lesson about God out of the mouths of babes… Recently I posted the last attribute of God that I found in John chapter 1: Jesus, the Lamb of God. During the month of November, I plan to deviate from my study of God’s character in the New Testament to share something I recently learned about His attributes found in the book of Psalms. God’s attributes reveal to us His innate character, and this particular study has captivated my thoughts over the last week. However, this week I wanted to share a song I have finally been given permission to share. Allie, our oldest grandchild, turned 13 last week. She wrote and sang this song for me when she was 10. We were interrupted several times and that was enough for her to decide that she did not want me to try to record it. Finally, last year, she agree to allow me to record her songs with the stipulation that I was not to share them. This year she consented to me sharing this song after I explained to her that her song was about God’s attributes, and right now our world is in a mess, so we really need to remind ourselves of God’s character. I have listed the attributes from Allie’s words for you below, and hope you will take some time to look up some scripture texts that support them. One need only listen to minimal news coverage to feel a bit depressed. However, God’s Word specifically tells us: “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and LEARN OF ME; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” (Matt. 11:28&29, emphasis is mine) “Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord” (2 Pet. 1:2) May each of us have the faith of a child and simply choose to believe that God is who He says He is! Almighty Holy Sinless Immutable Savior Sovereign Peace Faithful

Your Weekly Glimpse into the Mirror: Where It All Began Mt. Belford
Your Weekly Glimpse into the Mirror: Where It All Began Mt. Belford

Word for the Week: Sweetness I love listening to the voices of little children before they learn to pronounce their words properly. I love their unexpected hugs and unconditional love. I am in Indiana for our oldest and youngest son’s children’s birthday adventures. On the way home from Jack’s children’s adventure, he pointed out the moon to Violet. Later, when we just about reached the house, he pointed it out to her again. Very sweetly, she explained, “it’s coming with us! “ 😂🥰

Your Weekly Glimpse into the Mirror: Victory! Mt. Elbert pt. 3
Your Weekly Glimpse into the Mirror: Victory! Mt. Elbert pt. 3

Your Weekly Glimpse into the Mirror: Truth Flies on Two Wings Mt. Elbert pt. 2
Your Weekly Glimpse into the Mirror: Truth Flies on Two Wings Mt. Elbert pt. 2

Weekly Glimpse into the Mirror: Feeling a bit odd? Mt. Elbert pt. 1
Weekly Glimpse into the Mirror: Feeling a bit odd? Mt. Elbert pt. 1

Your Weekly Glimpse into the Mirror: Cherish your Moments Mt. Grays and Mt. Torreys
Your Weekly Glimpse into the Mirror: Cherish your Moments Mt. Grays and Mt. Torreys

Tuesday’s Quote: “God never ceases to amaze me!!!” I will explain more on Thursday’s Glimpse into the Mirror, but as I was planning this trip, I just wanted to explore some area that we had never explored before. Unbeknownst to me, the road I chose had a second name, Guanella Pass! I just talked about this last week when sharing a short lesson from Mount Bierstadt. Hope you enjoy an up-to-date picture of this mountain and our beautiful blue Colorado skies.

Your Weekly Glimpse into the Mirror: Suffering Mt. Bierstadt
Your Weekly Glimpse into the Mirror: Suffering Mt. Bierstadt Scripture passages for help in suffering: Philippians 3:7-10 1 Peter 1:3-8 1 Peter 2:19-25 1 Peter 4:12-19 Hebrews 4:12-16 Hebrews 11 Hebrews 12:1-3 James 5:10-16 The books of Job and Psalms

Welcome to Your Weekly Glimpse into the Mirror: Fight For Not Against, Pikes Peak pt. 3
Welcome to Your Weekly Glimpse into the Mirror: Fight For Not Against, Pikes Peak pt. 3

Word for the Week: Unchangeableness "Jesus‭ Christ‭ the same‭ yesterday‭, and‭ to day‭, and‭ for‭ ever‭.‭" (Heb. 13:5)
Word for the Week: Unchangeableness "Jesus‭ Christ‭ the same‭ yesterday‭, and‭ to day‭, and‭ for‭ ever‭.‭" (Heb. 13:5)

Welcome to Your Weekly Glimpse into the Mirror: Not My Will! Pikes Peak pt. 2
Welcome to Your Weekly Glimpse into the Mirror: Not My Will! Pikes Peak pt. 2