The Coach's Studio

The Coach's Studio

A safe space to create and perfect your unique coaching style.

We invite you to play, explore, and take risks by giving and receiving coaching, trying out new techniques, and mastering your craft so that you can coach your own clients with confidence.


What would be most valuable to you?

Peer coaching whenever you need it?

One-of-a-kind workshops you won't find anywhere else?

Coworking sessions to get s**t done?

Fun swag mailed to your home?

Or a sense of community?

How about all of it?

The Coach's Studio has all of this, and you can start off with a free month if you sign up in October!

The best part is, our community gets even better once you join!!

The link is in our bio/profile.


Image text: August's theme is balance

Hmm... Balance. What the heck is it?

What does it mean for you? Does it even exist??

If you're a Libra you're rolling your eyes right now, because balance is your middle name.

Come explore this theme with us in the month of August.

What does balance look like for you?


Image text: Find a community where you are cared for just as you are, but also encouraged to grow. ❤

The balance of acceptance, plus knowing we are capable of more is a good one. I think our community holds that balance well.

We are super encouraging with each other. We boost each other up.

Wanna join us? Message me ( ) and let's chat!


How can you describe your community?

Do you have a community you love?

I hope you find one that fits for you! If it's ours, then hooray!

These are just a few of the words I'd use to describe our community:

Photos from The Coach's Studio's post 27/07/2024

First slide text: What makes us different than a mastermind?
Second slide text: NO gurus
NO master coaches
NO dictators
NO shame
NO debt
Third slide text: Hooray!

To find out more, check out the link in our bio or reach out and chat with me, (Alana)!


Image text: Find your kin in The Coach's Studio
Start feeling supported, curious, and stop spinning your wheels.

Being an entrepreneur alone is kinda the pits.

Join us for peer coaching, coworking, and workshops!


Image text: coaches can help each other. we’re not all in competition.
If you look around in a typical mastermind, it seems like everyone is comparing themselves to each other.

We all want bigger lists, more money, lots of followers ...

But it doesn't have to be that way.

In our coaching membership it's not about comparison. It's not about making the most money, or comparing list numbers.

We have quality relationships, valuable peer coaching sessions, and do workshops with each other that everyone benefits from.

It's about mutual reciprocity, and supporting each other to succeed.

Doesn't that sound WAY better than feeling jealous every time you see another coach post about how they already "made my money back in the first two weeks blah blah blah?!"

Yeah, we think so, too. Join us in The Coach's Studio, or just consider this your nudge to find a community where you can stop the compare and despair BS and just DO YOU.


Image text: Coaches get accused of being culty, exploitative, greedy, vapid ... But the majority of us are big-hearted people who really want to help others.
Agree? I'm definitely one of the big coaches who are money-grubbing or shooting for a billion bucks of income a year. And most of the other coaches I know aren't either.

We are earnest, love to learn, dedicated to personal growth and the growth of our clients.

That's it.

Of course, we want to make a living. We need to make a living! But so do most people in most industries.

Shout out to my fellow coaches who are just trying to do good work in the world. ❤


It's time to stop comparing yourself to all the other coaches you see, and start letting your unique freak coach flag fly!

The Coach's Studio allows us to be our true selves as coaches, and practice our techniques, our presence with clients, and get coached on the regular by great peers as well.

We want you to thrive, and comparison, doing what you think you "should" be doing ... it all leads you down the road to a dry, desolate business life.

If you think the support of a membership with other unique coaches could help you, check us out!


This cat might be silently judging you, but we're not!

In The Coach's Studio coaching membership we are all there to learn and grow and support each other.

It's a safe and encouraging space to practice coaching and be coached by your peers.

And it's a fraction of the cost of masterminds and other memberships you might be looking at.

Find a place where you can be the coach you are, without fear of being judged by other coaches.

The Coach's Studio could be that place for you!

But even if it's not, we hope you find the place where you belong!


Image text: Doing new s**t is hard. Do it anyway. At least that's what they say, right?
Learning how to do a webinar, or trying group coaching for the first time -- these are nerve-racking things!

The Coach's Studio is a space where you can do the hard, scary things that make you nervous--without losing people, or embarrassing yourself in front of potential clients.

I mean, you might still embarrass yourself in front of people later on, but you will at least have had a practice round to make yourself more comfortable with where to put your ring light, and how to focus on several people on a call at one time.

I'm messy, insecure, and feel shy about trying new things with my clients, even after working with clients for 20 years!!

I get to try out new things with my peers in The Coach's Studio and still be nervous, but do it anyway. This is invaluable for me.

If you think it could help you to have a practice space like this, too, send me a message or check out our information in our bio to learn more.

We'd love to have you to work out all the kinks with! The more the merrier!


In The Coach's Studio I can be who I really am. A coach who doesn't have all my s**t together, and doesn't have all the answers, but who earnestly wants the best for my clients and my business.

Who are you as a coach? And who are you trying to be when you think other coaches are looking?


Image text: no more 6 figures bulls**t
Aren't you tired of hearing about how much money a coach makes? Or how much money you can make as a coach?

Is it getting old yet?

Did you fall for it for a while and foolishly invest in something that promised you would make money and now you ... are still paying for it?

Chances are, you have been through something like that in the coaching world. Unfortunately, coaching is full of good-hearted, earnest people ... and it's also full of schemers, get-rich-quickers, and wealth-focused individuals.

I never became a coach to get rich. Did you? Making good money is certainly appealing, but it has never been the only reason I coach.

If it were, I'd be pretty dissatisfied with this job pretty quickly. There have got to be better, faster, more efficient ways to make a ton of money.

So, why are you a coach?

What do you do it for?

And how do you make your income? Coaching? Side job? Main job? Family or spousal support?

In The Coach's Studio we talk about it all. We share our money woes, and our coaching mastermind traumas and regrets, and we are honest, supportive and genuine with each other.

There is no bulls**t about getting rich quick. There is no becoming a millionaire overnight. There is no magic pill.

We are devoted to coaching, we practice our craft, and we learn how to market our services over time.

And we do it together. That's the best part.


Image text: What does it mean to be a “coach”?
I mean, does anybody really know? Sure, people claim to have really clear definitions of what a coach is, but ... it's totally not something that is universally defined.

It's more of a catch-all term. Something that sort of fits, but kinda doesn't.

Like shoes that are slightly too big.

How have you defined coach for yourself? Do you think about it much?

In our community, we've had so many different types of coaches come through. People with different styles, different philosophies, and totally different methods and approaches. It's fun to see how many ways one can interpret and do coaching.

Part of the joy of being a part of The Coach's Studio is seeing that there is no one right way to be a coach. It helps us each develop our own style of coaching and practice it with people who are smart, intuitive, and receptive to learning along with us.

It's a pretty unique community and we are always looking to grow into a bigger group.

We'd love for you to join us and show us yet another style of coaching we haven't experienced before!


Image text: Who is your coach BFF?
Do you a best buddy in the coaching world? Someone you chat with frequently, who gets you, who is along for the ride as you struggle with and get excited about entrepreneurship?

It's okay if you don't have someone! If you do, what do you adore about them? How did you find each other? And do you wish you had a few more coaching buds to riff on business and coaching with?

I love my coaching friends. They udnerstand my world in a way my other friends just aren't able to. And that is so valuable to have in my life as a solo entrepreneur!

One of the ways I found my coaching buddies is through being in The Coach's Studio. We meet frequently for coworking, peer coaching, workshops and group coaching, and it's such a validating and enlivening experience every time!

I hope you have some coaching best buds, and if you don't have any, or you want to add some more good peeps to your life, consider joining us in our membership community.

Happy to talk more about it with you if you're curious about us!


Hanging out with your brain, and only your brain, is a good way to feel totally ...
like an imposter
left out

I am super introverted. I'm a big fan of being alone. But I also know that being isolated is different than being alone. And being in community with individuals who help lift me up is incredibly important.

My community doesn't need to lift me up with positivity. Sometimes lifting each other up means helping each other see mistakes, learning from missteps, clearing the way for taking risks, and - yes - cheering each other on.

When we're determined to do things alone, sometimes the negative or scared thoughts in our heads just breed and multiply.

I highly encourage you to find a community to do your work alongside. Even if it's not ours, I hope you find your spot where you feel encouraged, challenged, and accompanied. I want that for all of us!

Please message me if you have questions about The Coach's Studio, and whether it could be the right place for you.


In The Coach's Studio this month we're focusing on M O N E Y. Good ol' money.

It's fraught with stories, fears, desires, mystery. And it's something we need on a nearly daily basis to survive in our cultures.

So, how can we untangle our family history, our own experiences, and what we've been taught about it by teachers and coaches to get to our real, true beliefs about and relationship with money?

That's what we're looking at this month in the membership! It should be fun! 😉😬


Image text: The best part of a mastermind is the peer coaching.
That’s why it’s the heart of what we do in The Coach’s Studio.
It really is the best part. What I got out of the mastermind I attended were some fantastic friends, and we still peer coach each other to this day - years later!

In The Coach's Studio, we do all the best parts of the mastermind life *without* the mastermind price!!!


Image text: Finding peers in the coaching field who vibe with your unique style can be like searching for a needle in a haystack, trust me! I strut to my own coaching beat, and so do my fellow rebels at The Coach’s Studio.
Do you know the struggle? Are you a rebel coach, too?

Maybe we are just who you have been looking for!


Image text: Peer support holds immense value, yet we frequently feel we must tackle everything on our own. This mindset reflects our individualistic society, which is fundamentally flawed.
Getting support in a community of people who you respect and feel understood by is ... well, it's everything.

If you know you know.

Consider joining us in The Coach's Studio to experience being with peers who support and encourage you to do your best work.


Image text: Quit aiming for perfection and embrace the present moments. When we focus on being perfect, we often forget the reasons behind our actions. Your coaching business won't be flawless; it will be beautifully chaotic, and that's lovely.
This month, as we explore perfectionism in our community, we come face to face with some harsh truths.

For example: that perfect doesn't exist. And trying to achieve it is a distracting waste of time from your actual goals. 😮

What comes up for you when you think about your own experiences with perfectionist behavior?


Image text: “Healthy striving is self-focused: "How can I improve?" Perfectionism is other-focused: "What will they think?”
― Brené Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection

This month, in The Coach's Studio we are exploring perfectionism.

I know we have all been touched by perfectionism in some way in our lives, and most definitely in our professional lives.

The striving to be the best we can, the expectations that we find success immediately upon starting our businesses...The disappointment when we don't.

It's all part of perfectionism.

Brené Brown's quote here is so profound, and really puts it into perspective. Do you want to be living for others and their opinions? Or do you want to be striving for your own desires to be accomplished?

Join us to continue this discussion and get some coaching on it as well!


Image Text: exhange, explore, expand
These are the things we aim to do in The Coach's Studio.

Exchange: Resources, peer coaching, ideas, support
Explore: Learn about what fellow coaches are up to, try new techniques, learn about ourselves
Expand: Try new things, take risks in a safe space, allow ourselves to fail


Sometimes I really need this reminder. The pressure is on to get more, do more, be more ... And sometimes we lose who we are when we're hustling like that.

Take a breath, remember your values, why you are a coach, and carry on. Perhaps a little more slowly.

If you need some support, consider joining The Coach's Studio. We're an affordable coaching community unlike any other.

For more info, click on the link in our bio to check us out.


The coaching spaces I've been in have always held a certain sort of competitive edge that disturbed me.

It took away from the ways we could have been helping each other do the very hard thing we were all aiming to do: run a successful coaching business.

Our community at The Coach's Studio is a place where community thrives, not competition. We aren't comparing ourselves to each other, and there is no guru coach egging us on to make hoards of money and ignore our own sensibilities.

Ahhh, a breath of fresh air, if you ask me. And you can ask me - just schedule an introductory meet up with me so we can talk all about what The Coach's Studio can be for you.


Image Text: KICK ASS TOGETHER IN OUR PEER COACHING COMMUNITY. Having the support of your peers can make ALL the difference in the success of your business.
You're trying to do all the things, all alone. And for what? So you can say you did it all by yourself? That's so overrated.

You know what's underrated? Having a community of other coaches supporting you and working alongside you as you kick ass in your business.

Join us to experience what that's like!


Maybe what's missing for you in your coaching business is a sense of community. It was for me. And it still is, in some ways. That's why I'm continually building this membership community where the cost is low to join, but the rewards are high.

We get to connect with people who get what we are going through, practice our craft, and have the most supportive and motivating folks in the world right by our side - other coaches!

In April we are offering a free trial month if you'd like to join us for some peer coaching sessions, workshops, and coworking meet ups. We would sincerely love to have you with us.


Currently reading. Have you read it or seen the TED TALK?

What are you reading right now?





Try something new this month! Join The Coach’s Studio for a free month on us.

We would love for you to be a part of our quaint little party of coaches!


Image text: It’s a drag to do it all alone. Forget what you’ve been told. Doing your thing in community is where it’s at...
Being a coach is a world of overthinking neurotic nights lying awake, changing your pricing for the 200th time.

Why not do that with friends around?

Join us in The Coach's Studio where we peer coach each other, and we GET those struggles because they are our own, as well!

If you join in the month of April, you'll have a free month to be in our space and dip your toe in.

We'd love to have you!

Videos (show all)

I like to talk about how The Coach's Studio is full of incredible coaches (um, cuz it is), but also?It's full of HEART.L...