Covid-19 and the New Normal

Covid-19 and the New Normal

We are student organization that aims to spread awareness about COVID-19 precautions and understand


As of today, Covid-19 cases is continously rising and there is already a confirmed local transimission of the UK Covid Variant in Bontoc, Mt. Province.

Read more:

May we all abide to different safety precautions, not just because it is mandated but rather you wanted to protect yourself for our health is our wealth.

Always stay safe! For any queries do not hesitate to message our page!


Here are some insights during this New Normal. Take your time to read. Enjoy!


"The COVID-19 pandemic has changed life as we know it." Read:

"The ECQ threw off millions of workers out of work and kept almost the whole population indoors, causing problems in basic survival." Read:

Photos from Covid-19 and the New Normal's post 13/01/2021

Given the circumstances, COVID-19 is our enemy that can't be seen so extra precautions must be done.

When the pandemic came, the demand for online shopping increased. But, these packages can be the reason why you would be infected by the virus. On the other hand, there are situations where one have to go out and do some errands or go to work. This can be another cause why you can get COVID-19 that can also infect your family members at home.

To avoid the threat of COVID-19, here are tips on how you can receive your packages safely and precautions when returning home.

Photos from Covid-19 and the New Normal's post 11/01/2021

COVID-19 has rapidly affected our day-to-day life, which includes our routine, work, health, and socially. Because of the pandemic, it affected more than a thousand people worldwide, may be sick or not, they are killed due to the spread of the virus. Restrictions in every movement and other things are mandatory applied.

To avoid the rapid spread from person to person, here are the best 7 ways to prevent the COVID-19 and the 5 things that we must have in our daily routine.
