Online with Jesus

Online with Jesus

We seek to inspire believers and nonbelievers alike through positive messages delivered daily to your newsfeed. ��


¡Mirate como Dios te Ve! 💛


God will Rebuild and restore every broken thing if you let Him.



By His Wounds we are healed.

Timeline photos 29/08/2021

Maybe the season you’re walking through feels a bit like walking in a thick fog. The kind of fog that when you put your arm in front of you, you can’t even see the tips of your fingers.

Each step forward you take, you reluctantly pause. Is it safe? Will you trip and fall? What does the uncertainty ahead of me look like?

Maybe it’s the child you have no idea how to parent…
Maybe it’s the relationship you have no idea if it will survive…
Maybe it’s the church hurt you have no idea how to overcome…

Walking forward in what you’re facing, without a vision for the outcome isn’t just scary, it’s terrifying. But friend, even when we can’t see what is ahead, we can trust Who is already there.

Deuteronomy 30:8 tells us, “It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.``

He not only goes before you, he’s already there. He will not leave you. God is already standing in every single one of our tomorrow’s. Let that sink in today, as you take another step forward.

What in your life feels like a thick fog right now?



Timeline photos 06/07/2021

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 5:3

You may have heard this verse read before, but not fully understood what it meant. What does it really mean to be poor in spirit? To be poor in spirit simply means to be humble and acknowledge your need for God. It means that you are aware that without Him, you could do no good thing. It is to the poor in spirit that Jesus said will inherit the kingdom of heaven. This means that those who walk in humility and rely on God for all that they need are the ones that will see His Kingdom come and His will be done on earth! Don't run from your own weaknesses, but lean into this revelation that your lack is an invitation for His will to be done as long as you rely on Him.




fellas? 😔⏰





Photos from Tú en mí's post 02/05/2021
Timeline photos 02/05/2021

Come, let’s worship God!

See you in our services today! Follow your local church’s page to join. To find a church, visit


A lot of us produce fruit, and then we eat it. Instead, we should be sharing it with others!


"Satan's greatest weapon is man's ignorance of God's Word."


Goodnight beautiful people!! 🌛🌛


To get to it, we have to go through it. God is developing your character! Don’t give up.


I am praying for you. I decree that any form of fear trying to invade your mind and life is bound up in the name of Jesus! I come against all financial fear and say that every need is met this week. I bind all fear regarding your family and loved ones. I say they are protected by God’s hands. I decree that all fear of death and tragedy is bound and destroyed! I bind the fear of sickness and disease. I say that every Fear of failure, rejection, oppression, and depression must leave you right now! I break off all fear of the future concerning the nations and the world events and I declare these things shall have no ability to torment your mind. You are favored and blessed of God and all shall be well concerning you! In Jesus name!!

Timeline photos 28/04/2021

Bring God all your weakness today. Lay down your striving and enter into His rest. He will strengthen you! His strength is made perfect in your weakness. By HIS strength and HIS power will you accomplish all He has planned for you to do. He is not looking for you to do everything in your own power and by your own might. The moment you acknowledge your weakness is when He rushes in with His strength to hold you up and carry you through. Rest in HIS strength, not your own.



Timeline photos 25/04/2021

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” Matthew‬ ‭5:

Timeline photos 23/04/2021

What do you need to lay before the feet of Jesus today? There isn't anything too big or too small for God's attention.
