Kaiapuni Ho'ōla Piha Sanctuary on Sierra Miwuk Territory

Kaiapuni Ho'ōla Piha Sanctuary on Sierra Miwuk Territory

When they heal we heal...


So proud of Shoogs. It's been almost 6 months and she's learning that the cats and chickens are her Ohana. Becoming their protectors in the making. But like most relationships it takes commitment, consistency and time. Wohooo!!!

Next goats, sheep's, horses, ducks, geese oh my 😁.....


Photos from Kaiapuni Ho'ōla Piha Sanctuary on Sierra Miwuk Territory's post 14/05/2024

Kealoha is a Huntress here at who is ready to bring in a few more hunters in the next day or two to help keep the rodent population down from all the structures as well as our food source from being eaten up by birds as well as ground squirrels here on the lands. Trust me whole plants go missing underground.

Resting before the children come.

Photos from Kaiapuni Ho'ōla Piha Sanctuary on Sierra Miwuk Territory's post 12/04/2024

Ke Akua, Na Akua, Na Kupuna, Na Aumakua, Na Kahiko, I'o social media is...



Cow medicine @ Kaiapuni Ho'ōla Piha Sanctuary


Praying for all of our na Kupuna (grandparents) that each of you are protected, loved and cared for everyday.


Praying for all of you who are fighting and doing overtime in protecting all the animals. 🐶🐱🐮🐷🐻🐼🐻‍❄️🐰🐨🐸🦊🦁🐯🐔🦉🦅


Mahalo to all of you who continue to P**e, uplift and trust the Ho'ōla for our Honua 🌏. When you She Ho'ōla We Ho'ōla.


Taking Back Our Health...

Something I've been doing for a few years is making my own prebiotics and probiotics. If you have been having opu (tummy) issues one thing you can do at home is eat more fermented foods. I like to take it to the next step and that is make my own and as well grow most of my own ingredients. Also know that many of our health challenges come from our opu.

Think of it this way. Why is there more people doing restoration work around the soil. See if the soil isn't good then no matter what we grow isn't going to be great. So what's in your soil? What needs to be in your soil for it to be pono. So let's restore Momma 'Aina (Mother Earth's) soil so her biome is healthy. If her soil is healthy then we will be healthy. So take back your health and tend to your biome and Momma 'Aina biome.

***For our dog lovers. Saurakraut is also great for our fur doggies. Even they need to have a healthy biome. I give to my 16 year old fur babies every morning in their breakfast. I love to see them still acting like pups because they are well.

Picture is...

Turnip Kim Chee
Also try fermented cucumbers

Photos from Kaiapuni Ho'ōla Piha Sanctuary on Sierra Miwuk Territory's post 24/02/2024

How do we take back our health? Grow our own food, medicines and things we use. Also trade, buy from pono people who care deeply about their products.

Started to make my own toothpaste and tooth powder. Love that I know what's going into my body and the health benefits. Making your own makes you realize all the toxic things they are putting into our everyday use products. As well realizing we don't need much of the ingredients they do put in.

One jar is made with coconut oil and the other jar is bentonite clay. Been doing this for a few months and grateful for those who have paved the way to more simple and ancient practices of Malama (taking care) of our health.

By the way coconut oil toothpaste is great for dogs in so many ways. But there's even less ingredients. Just coconut oil and baking soda.

So here are the two recepies I use. (For Humans) I use the coconut oil one for the mornings and bentonite clay for the evenings.

Coconut Toothpaste Ingredients

2-3 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. fine sea salt
1/4 cup organic coconut oil (or MCT oil)
1-2 tsp. organic arrowroot powder (optional)

Tooth powder Ingredients

-Tablespoons Baking Soda
-1/3 cup Redmond Clay or Bentonite Clay
-2 teaspoons Redmond Sea Salt or Sea Salt ( I like Redmond Salt)
-10-20 drops of essential oils of your choice

Would love to hear what you are doing if you are making your own. As well for those on this journey in taking back your healing.


Here are the many excuses made in our world around animals everyday. But this happens to children, elders and those who need a village just like these animals.

Time to get back into the ahupua'a (the Sacred Village). It's not just a lands and water system. It's a an all inclusive village around Sacred Ancestral Lifeways. This way we all thrive. We've been taught to do it on our own or our own family unit. That is not how Ke Akua, Na Akua,Na Kupuna,Na Aumakua,Na Kahiko,I'o set it up for us. It's always been a WE thing till they seperated us from one another. Not just the human beings but all beings. From the myceliums, micro beings, land beings, water beings, universe beings, etc... Continuing to remember how our Na Kupuna (Ancestors) lived in harmony with all beings. They were given to us to connect deeper into our own na'au and care for.

"Free to a good home!”
“Has to go today!”
“I’m moving…”
“I’m having a baby…”
“I just can’t give him the time he needs…”
“I work!”
“Just an oops litter!”
“I bred her and the pups ain’t sellin like they use to.”
“You’ll find her a new home though, right?”
“He’s aggressive and tries to kill other animals, bit a child, but he’s a really good dog! What do you mean he’ll be put to sleep?!”
“My dogs pups never end up in shelters.”
“This dog is worth a lot of money that I’m surrendering to you!”
“I’ve got a dog to donate to ya!”
“Shes older and just hates the new puppy we got!”
“I just adopted him a week ago from ____ pound.”
“She was a Facebook rehome and they didn’t tell me that she _____.”
“We rescued her.”
“She has separation anxiety and eats walls and doors.”
“He needs training.”
“We got them both as puppies but now they’re just too much.”
“No she’s not spayed.”
“No they’ve never had shots.”
“No he’s never really been on a leash before.”
“She can scale a fence, eat her way out of a kennel, cant contain her.”
“He’s never been around other dogs.”
“She doesn’t like men or children, I think she was abused.”
“Hes food aggressive.”
“She just needs a farm to run!”

Artist unknown ~ ❤️


Detox from social media regularly. Spend more time in Kaiapuni and connect deeper with social ancestral beings where magic happens.


Women lets raise our songs, chants, prayers and step into Kapu for the next 3 days until Lunar New Year. Amplifying the Ho'ōla🌎.


Calling all women to sing/chant/ say a prayer every night at your 8pm to Ho'ōla our 🌍. Give a 🙏🏽💜 you will be there in the prayer realms.


Kaiapuni Ho'ōla Piha Sanctuary is a place where from the fungi to the universe & in between can ho'ōla and ulu pono. (heal n thrive)


Kaiapuni Ho'ōla Piha Sanctuary is a place to heal, grow, tend, to all beings from the core of momma 'aina to Wakea. Inviting in the Pono.


Their like mom we couldn't help that we got so wet and dirty... 😁🌧️❄️... But look mom we don't need to bathe 🤣😂🤣... Also we got lots of water coming these next few days... You alway say Ola I Ka Wai💦

Life at Kaiapuni Ho'ōla Piha Sanctuary... Life is Medicine here...


Fungi is great medicine. Did you know some fungi can heal our Earth and Waters from toxins like oil spills? I'm loving the fungi ohana💜..

Photos from Kaiapuni Ho'ōla Piha Sanctuary on Sierra Miwuk Territory's post 31/01/2024

These very special beings are my joy, my pu'uwai ❤️, my La'au lapa'au (medicine). I could and would never think to give them up, not protect them, not nourish them, be to busy for them, harm them. To take them to a shelter where most likely they will be killed because of overcrowding. Abandon them somewhere to fend for themselves, keep them tied up where they have no way to fend for themselves, shoot them, etc... You get the point.

I'm sharing this because if you didn't know over 50% of animals taken to shelters all across Turtle Island (aka America) is being killed. I keep sharing about these animals because it's our kuleana (responsibility) to Malama them. Not hurt, abuse, neglect, torture or dry them up to be killed. Again they are killing innocent being for no reason but only cause of overcrowding in the shelters.

Now get this so called Governor Newsom gave $50 million dollars to stop these killings. To create more shelters, programs,etc. But no they used that money for studying animals. We know the system isn't working for humans, Mountains, Waters, Elementals, Plants and Animal Ohana. So there are things we can do.

1- make ourselves aware
2- pray for a shift
3- get the message out
4- be a voice for them
5- share ideas of solutions
6- volunteer at a shelter
7- sign petitions and share
8- foster and or adopt
9- donate to those helping
10- get ready to KU (Stand) for them

Photos from Kaiapuni Ho'ōla Piha Sanctuary on Sierra Miwuk Territory's post 29/01/2024

Did you know that if you surrender your fur baby that they go immediately on the euthanzia list?

Look at this fur baby Zeke only 1 year old. No problems. Just overcrowding so they euthanize to make room.

The shelters are overflowing cause the system is broken for them. All over Turtle Island Aka America.

Everyday hundreds to thousands of them are being euthanized for no reason. From puppies to senior dogs that are completely healthy.

Finding solutions is really crucial. Creating and signing petitions. Getting bills for abusive, neglectful, killing innocent beings. Having very high fines and even some jail time for the really extreme situations.

Please be part of the solution.


Preparing Kaiapuni Ho'ōla Piha Sanctuary for Lunar New Year... Clearing and Welcoming the Pono...

Photos from Kaiapuni Ho'ōla Piha Sanctuary on Sierra Miwuk Territory's post 26/01/2024

Natural Antibiotics for your fur babies....

If you are one that stays away from as much Pharmaceutical drugs as possible for yourself and always wanted to do the same for your fur babies here are things I've used and interchanged with depending on what is happening.

So the first picture with organic non gmo coconut oil with oregano oil must be mixed together. The oregano oil is to potent for them alone. The coconut oil acts as a carrier oil. Now I know some of us know this and there are others new at this. Depending on size will determine how much to mix and make.

The next picture is of Organic sweet almond oil with the oregano oil. The sweet almond oil would be like the coconut oil a carrier oil. So same principles.

The third picture Echinacea Goldenseal is great to have on hand if you need something right away to soothe your fur baby. This is also great for cats.

The last picture which is olive leaf powder which I put directly into their food.

Now each picture I posted I would always go less then what is recommended. Also I know I haven't given measurements because it will all depend on your size of your fur baby. Also I would recommend the last two pictures as options for your fur kitties. But all 4 pictures can be options for your fur doggies.

Before trying any of these always ask and do your research.

I just wanted to share some of the things I do to keep the Ho'ōla (healing) going on for them as well.

***If you haven't seen how to help keep your fur doggie biome healthy. Like /Follow on FB and IG... This isn't just an animal sanctuary. It is about how we all Ho'ōla (Heal) with all that has been freely given to us. To Heal, Remember, Connect, Aloha and be in a symbiotic relationship. To Malama our Honua.

Photos from Kaiapuni Ho'ōla Piha Sanctuary on Sierra Miwuk Territory's post 25/01/2024

Off Grid Living at ...

So grateful for these feathered babies who nourish me. Love that I know that they are eating well so I may eat well. As well nourishing the earth with their forging and their droppings.


This is exactly why fostering, adopting is important.

We as a people need to find a way to change the system. I know if we all came together we could figure out better ways to make it a win win for the fur babies and our world.

Share what comes up in your spirit and let's get a petition going.



"A lot of you despise me,
And I don't understand why.
I am not ugly or deserving of your hate.
I survive every day on the streets,
That used to be meadows.
There are no tasty seeds,
Because you turned trees into buildings.
I eat what you throw on the ground,
Because I have no choice.
Water is harder and harder to find.
Do you know what it takes to survive in a world that is not mine anymore?
Please don't scare me or hurt me,
Just let me live -
Live in your world that was once mine.."

- Unknown

📷: Sir Albert the Rescued Pigeon 🐦


How do you beat the system when it comes to your health? Grow and make your own food and medicine.

Photos from Kaiapuni Ho'ōla Piha Sanctuary on Sierra Miwuk Territory's post 17/01/2024

Holoholna Ho'ōla
(Healing our animals naturally)

Did you know crushed pumpkin seeds naturally deworm your cats and dogs?

These are also the other things it has to kokua (help / support) your fur babies...

- fiber
- omega fatty acids
- anti-inflammatory
- allergies
- parasites
- vitamins A, C and Zinc
- antioxidants

I've been using this to deworm and get the health benefits for my cats and dogs.

Photos from Kaiapuni Ho'ōla Piha Sanctuary on Sierra Miwuk Territory's post 02/09/2022

Videos (show all)

Pool ready for the fur babies to stay cool.
Chicken medicine here at Kaiapuni Ho'ōla Piha Sanctuary... With a pregnant momma kitty. Chickens help with restoring mom...
Cow family medicine
Mornings @ Kaiapuni Ho'ōla Piha Sanctuary
Kapu Girl and Sugar in training...
