Cetaya Digital

Cetaya Digital

We help businesses in selected industries to get what they need most: More clients! Specializing in

Want to boost your business? Get the online advantage with Cetaya Digital 25/08/2020

Our new website is live! Check it out: www.cetayadigital.com

Want to boost your business? Get the online advantage with Cetaya Digital Come check out our website, we'll show you everything we do. It's all about digital. But more importantly, it's about you and how we can help your business. Digital marketing, lead generation, website design... let's talk and find a unique digital solution the fits your business (and budget).

What is Google Display Network? | Cetaya Digital 04/06/2020

If you are an active internet user, you would have seen advertising on many, many websites.

You’ve also probably noticed that the ads are usually about something that you are interested in… one day you are browsing around looking to buy a new television, and for the next week, on every website you visit you see ads for TVs!

As a business owner, you might have wondered how you could get your product or service advertised all these websites...

The answer is Google Display Network (and it’s not as difficult or expensive as you think).


What is Google Display Network? | Cetaya Digital Ever wondered where all those advertisements that "follow you around" on the internet come from and how they work? The answeris Google Display Network.

The 4 L’s of lead generation strategy | Cetaya Digital 12/05/2020

Many lead generation efforts fail due to the lack of a well-planned strategy, or a strategy that does not include the four L’s of Lead Generation.

Incorporating the four L's into your campaigns will generate higher quality leads, better conversion rates, optimize sales and help you to reach your targets without wasting time or effort.


The 4 L’s of lead generation strategy | Cetaya Digital Many lead generation efforts fail due to the lack of a well-planned strategy, or a strategy that does not include the four L’s of Lead Generation. Incorporating the four L's into your plans will generate higher quality leads, better conversion rates, optimize sales and help you to reach out your.....

What is remarketing and why is it useful to SMEs | Cetaya Digital 28/04/2020

On average, 96% of users who visit a website will leave without taking any action!
Retargeting helps bring some of those visitors back to your business by strategically positioning your ads in front of them wherever and whenever they are online.


What is remarketing and why is it useful to SMEs | Cetaya Digital On average, 96% of users who visit a website will leave without taking any action! Retargeting helps bring some of those visitors back to your business by strategically positioning your ads in front of them wherever and whenever they are online.

Five Digital Strategies You Can Implement During COVID-19 Crisis | Cetaya Digital 20/04/2020

The ongoing COVID-19 crisis has affected millions of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) across the world.

But one benefit that we have today that hasn't been available in pandemics of the past, is the internet.

Though you might not be able to deliver your product or service at the moment, now is the time to place your faith in the virtual world.

Here are five free or low-cost digital marketing strategies you can implement now to build your business for the future.


Five Digital Strategies You Can Implement During COVID-19 Crisis | Cetaya Digital The ongoing COVID-19 crisis has affected millions of Small and Medium Enterprises across the world. But there is a ray of light in the darkness: One benefit that we have today that hasn't been available in pandemics of the past, is the internet.

Qualified Leads – IQL, MQL, SQL - Cetaya Digital 13/04/2020

Many people can connect with your company in many different ways: They could visit your website, click through from an advertisement and onto your funnel landing page, share a social media post, or even chat to you on the phone or in your store.

Some of these people will become customers, some won’t… but from the moment of first contact, all these people are considered Leads.
We’ve already covered what Leads are, as well as what makes a Good and a Bad Lead, in our previous blog post (read it here).

In this article, we dig a little deeper into the Good Leads by looking at three types of Qualified Leads.

While a lead is anyone who has interacted with your company, a qualified lead is anyone who has gone through certain qualifying criteria to assess their quality as a lead, their fit as a customer, and their readiness to buy.

All leads can be placed in one of three main categories, based on what stage of the buying journey they are in:
* Awareness Stage – Information Qualified Lead (IQL)
* Consideration Stage – Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL)
* Decision Stage – Sales Qualified Lead (SQL)


Qualified Leads – IQL, MQL, SQL - Cetaya Digital In this article, we dig a little deeper into Good Leads by looking at the types of Qualified Leads. All leads can be placed in one of three main qualifying categories, based on what stage of the buying journey they are in: Awareness (IQL), Consideration (MQL) or Decision Stage (SQL)

Leads, Good Leads, Bad Leads - Cetaya Digital 13/04/2020

The great thing about digital marketing is that you can easily reach thousands of potential customers at very little cost. But even with incredibly tight audience targeting, not every person you reach will turn into a customer… not every person is even a good lead!

As a business, it is important that you focus your time and energy on those leads that have the highest chance of conversion.

The first thing about lead generation is to understand what a lead is – good or bad.

Read more here:

Leads, Good Leads, Bad Leads - Cetaya Digital The great thing about digital marketing is that you can easily reach thousands of potential customers for very little cost. But even with incredibly tight audience targeting, not every person you reach will turn into a customer… not every person is even a good lead!

Traditional vs Digital Media - Cetaya Digital 11/04/2020

Digital Marketing.... two small words for something really big. If you are a business owner or entrepreneur, you definitely would have heard the term over and over. You’ve probably also heard that digital marketing is essential these days.

So, you’ve hopped on the internet and did some research as to what exactly is digital marketing – and it’s here where many people simply get overwhelmed.
Search Engine Optimization, Content Marketing, PPC, Conversion Rate, Retargeting, Social Media… the list goes on and on.

What does all of this mean? Does my business need to include everything in our digital marketing plan? Where do I begin? What is right for my business? Can I do it myself? How much does it cost?

Yes, digital marketing can be overwhelming. That’s why we’ve put together a series of articles to help give you some clarity…


Traditional vs Digital Media - Cetaya Digital Digital Marketing.... two small words for something really big. If you are a business owner or entrepreneur, you definitely would have heard the term over and over. You’ve probably also heard that digital marketing is essential these days.

Basic Lead Generation Terms You Should Know - Cetaya Digital 11/04/2020

Lead Generation is a specialized digital service where a marketer gets more qualified leads for your business.

If you are considering boosting your business with lead generation services, you will come across many digital marketing terms.

Here are a couple of terms and metrics to understand and measure when it comes to Lead Generation.


Basic Lead Generation Terms You Should Know - Cetaya Digital If you are considering boosting your business with lead generation services, you will come across many digital marketing terms.

Choose The Right Lead Generation Agency - Cetaya Digital 11/04/2020

Choosing a digital marketing agency to generate leads for your business is a big decision – while the right choice could see a great return on investment and bring in tons of new clients and sales, the wrong choice is simply a waste of money.

Many businesses turn to Lead Generation Agencies because they simply do not have the skills in-house to do it themselves, or they might not have the time to generate leads for the sales team. In fact, some businesses might not even have a dedicated sales team.

Still, the fact is that all businesses need more clients of sales, and having a steady stream of leads is an excellent way to get them.

What Lead Generation Agencies (are supposed to) do is to find the right potential customers for your specific business, and supply you with the contact details so that you can close the deal and sell your product or service.

Read more: https://cetayadigital.co.za/blog/lead-generation-agencies-make-the-right-choice/

Choose The Right Lead Generation Agency - Cetaya Digital Choosing a digital marketing agency to generate leads for your business is a big decision – while the right choice could see a great return on investment and bring in tons of new clients and sales, the wrong choice is simply a waste of money.

10 Benefits of Facebook Advertising | Blog | Cetaya Digital 11/04/2020

If you are not marketing your business on Facebook, you are losing money every day.

Maybe you are shaking your head because you think your customers are not on Facebook, you’ve heard “Facebook advertising is dead” or that there are new exciting social media platforms that are “much better”... but this is simply not true.

The fact is that as of February 2020, Facebook has 2.45 billion active monthly users, making it the biggest social media platform on earth.


10 Benefits of Facebook Advertising | Blog | Cetaya Digital If you are not marketing your business on Facebook, you are losing money every day.

What Are Digital Assets? - Cetaya Digital 11/04/2020

No matter what Digital Marketing strategy you plan on using, you first need to take a look at what Digital Assets you have, what you need, and how you can use them.

If you are new to digital marketing, you might be thinking “oh dear, what are these complicated assets, is this more work that I need to do, where do I get these assets?”.

The truth is that almost anything can be a digital marketing asset. And many people actually don’t even realize just how many digital assets they already have..


What Are Digital Assets? - Cetaya Digital No matter what Digital Marketing strategy you plan on using, you first need to take a look at what Digital Assets you have, what you need, and how you can use them.

Digital marketing solutions to help your business thrive.

Who are we?

Cetaya Digital is a marketing agency based out of Cape Town, South Africa.

Specializing in Lead Generation, we deliver creative strategies and marketing campaigns to Small and Medium Enterprises. Through social media and search engine marketing techniques, we get businesses what they need most: more clients!

The word "Cetaya" means "sentient" in one of the oldest known languages on earth, Sanskrit.
At Cetaya Digital, we know that our clients (and their customers) are people, and that even a fully digital strategy needs a human connection.

We have a passion for working with people on growing their business. So if you’re interested in having a great relationship with your agency and working with people who are open and honest, who put your business first, offer personal service, who make things happen and are always willing to go the extra mile, then you will love working with us!

Our story.

Cetaya Digital was started by Francois Huysamen.

Francois actually started his career in the traditional media industry, and spent more than a decade in the editorial departments at newspapers and magazines.

As digital media became increasingly popular, he furthered his editorial, content management and digital skills by studying SEO, Digital Marketing, and Lead Generation from various institutions, using this knowledge to head the publications' online strategies.

In 2019, Francois decided to move full-time into digital marketing, and founded Cetaya Digital. His mission is to help Small and Medium Enterprises in selected industries in South Africa and across the world.

"Lead Generation is the field of Digital Marketing that probably has the fastest, most direct and most meaningful impact on SMEs. More leads equal more clients equal more income for your business. I started Cetaya Digital to help businesses harness the incredible power of digital marketing, and go from surviving to thriving. If we can help more businesses to grow, we can make a measurable difference to unemployment."
