Ilustradele Videos

Videos by Ilustradele. Ilustrații in acuarela

Last weekend, my watercolor workshop in Apuseni was a perfect blend of breathtaking views and artistic magic. 🌄✍️

Surrounded by stunning landscapes, we explored the beauty of negative watercolor techniques. The participants creativity soared as nature’s grandeur inspired every brushstroke.

It was an unforgettable experience, filled with excitement and inspiration.

Dive into the reel to see the highlights and get a glimpse of the artistic journey we shared!

#workshop #apusenimountains #apuseni #paintingwatercolour #negativewatercolor #creativity #nature #stunninglandscape

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Last weekend, my watercolor workshop in Apuseni was a perfect blend of breathtaking views and artistic magic. 🌄✍️ Surrounded by stunning landscapes, we explored the beauty of negative watercolor techniques. The participants creativity soared as nature’s grandeur inspired every brushstroke. It was an unforgettable experience, filled with excitement and inspiration. Dive into the reel to see the highlights and get a glimpse of the artistic journey we shared! #workshop #apusenimountains #apuseni #paintingwatercolour #negativewatercolor #creativity #nature #stunninglandscape

Astăzi, la retreat-ul "Cu pensula printre stele" de la Fundata, am trăit momente magice de conectare și introspecție profundă. Prima zi a fost dedicată explorării celor patru elemente fundamentale - foc, aer, apă și pământ - și am descoperit cm acestea se manifestă în hărțile noastre natale. Cu inima deschisă, am împărtășit cunoștințe și am creat legături autentice, găsind frumusețea în fiecare gest și discuție. Ziua s-a încheiat într-un mod special, sărbătorind zilele de naștere ale două participante minunate, care au ales să marcheze acest moment prin prezența lor la acest retreat. Simt o profundă recunoștință și mulțumire sufletească pentru toți cei care au contribuit la această experiență de neuitat. Mulțumesc pentru energia voastră și pentru că ați ales să faceți parte din această călătorie magică. 🌟✨🖌️ #cupensulaprintrestele #astrologiesiacuarelă #elementelenaturii #conectare #recunoștință #retreatdeneuitat

🎨✨ Vino să te pierzi în magie și creativitate la retreat-ul "Cu Pensula Printre Stele" la Fundata, între 12-14 iulie! ✨🌌 Alături de astrologul Luminița Ristea și facilitatorul PH Essences, Nicoleta Georgescu, vom explora împreună harta ta natală și o vom ilustra cu acuarele, ghidați de intuiție și de conexiunea profundă cu sinele. 📅 Perioada: 12-14 iulie 📍 Locatie: Fundata Descoperă misterele cosmosului și ale sufletului tău într-un cadru pitoresc și liniștit. Detalii despre înscriere găsești aici: #retreat #fundata #astrologie #acuarele

Art is a language without words. Each brushstroke speaks a silent message, each color conveys an emotion, and each detail tells a story. Today, I'm sharing an illustration of a birth chart, a unique representation of the moment we enter this world. This piece captures the delicate balance of the cosmos at that significant instant, reflecting the beauty and complexity of our lives. It's a reminder that we are all part of something much bigger, and that the universe's beauty is mirrored within us. Join me on this journey as we explore the infinite possibilities of watercolor, where every drop of paint is a note in the symphony of life. Let’s connect through the unspoken language of art, and find meaning in the spaces between words. #watercolorart #birthchartillustration #artwithsoul #creativejourney #silentstories

Nothing without Balance! 💦 How much water should I use? 🎨How much pigment should I add to water? 🖌️How much pressure should I put on the brush? And so one...So many questions I had in my very first steps with watercolor. But the answer came after practice and after I understood that like in life, there is nothing without Balance. We need balance for: 🌼our physical body 🌼our emotional body 🌼our work-life experience 🌼our nutritional health 🌼our social engagement 🌼our financial stability (hard point for women 😅) What I want to tell you is, if we search for balance more in our outside world than in our inside purpose, we are sure to feel unbalanced. It is so not an easy work to do for me, I am struggling daily to find balance in everything I do. Not always is with happy endings, but it's a new lesson on the pathway. I am curious, what is your unbalanced zone and where do you manage to keep balance more often? #balanced #unbalanced #purposedrivenlife #balancedillustrations

Crafting exquisite jewelry with the ethereal essence of watercolor enchantment! Our jewelry pieces are a fusion of artistry and elegance, designed to evoke a sense of whimsy and magic. Each piece is meticulously handcrafted, creating a unique blend of delicate beauty and vibrant colors reminiscent of a watercolor masterpiece. Our collection captures the fluidity and grace of watercolor painting, bringing a touch of enchantment to each piece. Discover the magic of our jewelry and adorn yourself with the ethereal essence of watercolor. #jewlery #watercolorenchantment #ethereal #handcraft

What to do with a boring notebook? Stick some colorful,beautiful and shiny floral stickers and there you go. No more boring stuff 😅 Find more of my illustrations on my portfolio linked in bio. #stickerobssesed #sticky #flowers #stickernotebook #ilustradele

Illustrations that I like🎨🪄🖌️🌌 Lately I am buying more books for the illustrations, so I can find inspiration, learn about techniques, and after that I am interested in the subject inside the book. So I decided to make a section here on my page where I can refer to illustrators and illustrations that make my heart go boom boom 💖💜💕 In this reel I am presenting you a book about emotions written by Andreea Constantin and illustrated by @maria.cst.illustrator published at @cartea.copiilor . I bought the book because it got my attention about the watercolor illustrations and about the subject of crying. We are dealing with these emotions often lately with our 5 year old girl. Share if you care! #emotions #cry #kidsliterature #illuatratedbook #readingillustration

Spring project in process. I am almost done with preparing the next faze of my spring project. Stay tuned for the final look. #spring #is #intheair #springpainting #mothersday

Adele a implinit 5 ani. Timpul a trecut ca vantul. Am rememorat momentele de la nasterea ei. Ii multumesc fiicei mele pentru darul pe care ni l-a facut cand a venit in viata noastra. Datorita ei am descoperit pasiunea pentru acuarela si asa a aparut si proiectul Ilustradele. La multi ani micuta noastra! #birthday #girl #5thbirthday

Watching this with your eyes normally, you wouldn't see the progress. This is how life is going around us. It is the same with the present moment. Bloom right now, not yesterday, not tommorow. #beauty #nature #spring #present #moment #ilustradele

Packing a new order . . . #ilustradele #packing #packlife #Pack #packaging #mugs #monogram #illustration #watercolorartist #watercolorillustration #fun #love #withlove

Find here that something special you are looking for making a beautiful Christmas present!

Let's welcome our newest product in the store. She's so adorable and she can hardly wait for you to have her in your kitchen. Ilustradele