Heal With Lacey

Heal With Lacey

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Holding space means you don’t need external validation from anyone because you know how to be there for yourself!

Human beings do get value and co regulate from one another and I believe in the importance of mentors and community. However ultimately the ability to hold space for yourself is in my opinion one of the most important life lessons.

If you want to learn how to do this tap the link in my bio and apply to work with me.


Client transformation

Erika trained with me for a year to achieve this transformation she looks incredible and truly loves her healthy lifestyle and is still happy and working toward her new goals. Her testimony is shared you can watch it by visiting my testimony highlight.


One thing that makes my work different is that I spend so much time working on mindset shifts and the inner work with my clients. True change comes from good mental health and an intentional focus on goodness.


Client Transformation | by

Kristy and I worked together for a year to make healthy shifts in her diet, lifestyle, training, mindset & habits. When she came to me her husband actually found my Instagram and encouraged her to try it out. Although she had no idea what to expect and was a little skeptical if it could work for her she took the risk of bettering herself and it so more than paid off. She is so healthy, happy and I have love seeing her get her full confidence back! Her video testimony is posted under my testimony highlight. I am so grateful to have been able to work with her and cheer her on in life!


This is Jenna’s progress after just a little over 3 months of working together! Together we train 2x/week virtually where all her weight training, nutrition, mindset shifts and self care is tracked. Jenna is such an incredible person and has been so great to work with I can’t wait to see her final transformation and see her glowing on her wedding day! 🤍

Change happens fast in either direction!Work towards your dreams and see all that you are truly capable of!


Mental physical or spiritual change must become a lifestyle if you want lasting change.


These are some examples of ROOT CAUSES that keep people in a constant state of dis-ease and lead to chronic illness, weight gain, inflammation, autoimmune disorders and various other negative health symptoms! If one part of the body is compromised it affects the whole.

Mold & Mycotoxins
Tick associated illness such as Lyme Babesia & Bartonella
Infections in the mouth from root canals and metal fillings
Heavy Metals
Breast implants with over 300 man made chemicals, heavy metals and toxic mold
Stealth pathogens
Leaky gut
Chemical Pesticides sprayed on all conventional produce such as Glyphosate aka “Round Up”

The good news is these all have solutions and there are ways you can heal. Collectively we need to come together to make changes and get back in touch with nature. To take better care of our environment because all beings and all of nature is delicately connected. If our world is polluted and our soil and plants are being sprayed constantly with chemicals and lack nutrients then how do you think that will effect our health when we consume those plants? If our oceans are polluted and the fish are sick and infested with worms and mercury how do you think that will effect us when we eat them? If our methods of solving one problem cause more harm than good it’s time to find better solutions. Everything is energy. We need to get back in touch with our empathy and realize everything we do effects each other. If you can start to make one positive change today and build on it it will create a ripple effect throughout the world and you never know who’s life might change for the better.


The best gift you can give someone else is to take care of yourself. Taking care of yourself allows you to better take care of others.

Working out regularly can:
boost your mood
improve your health
release toxins through sweating stimulate lymphatic drainage
help your nervous system
help your mind to focus more
boost brain health
improve your strength
improve posture
increase flexibility
increase your muscle tone
change the way you look and feel

I think everyone should have a regular time for themselves to workout, go over there eating habits and think about ways to incorporate self care and detoxification. This is what I help people do in our sessions. I help people get their life back, their relationship with themselves & their body!


I have been in the health & fitness industry for many years and it didn’t take me long to realize that what was being shared as normal by trainers and coaches everywhere was not healthy. Most of fitness is driven by an obsession with control. Specifically controlling the way people view you. This is why people go to extremes like steroids, restrictive deprivation diets, toxic supplements, competition and so much more. In my practice the health and mental wellbeing of the client always comes first. I have serious talks with every client to help them understand that their value is innate and that everything else we do to achieve their transformation can be done in a healthy way out of self love and appreciation for their body and not self hatred. Health is much more than your workout and diet it’s also mental and spiritual. This is why I transitioned my practice to a holistic one.


Do you have a water filter that actually works? Most charcoal water filters you can buy at the store don’t filter out even 1% of the toxins present in our tap water. The way we treat water in the states does NOT make it clean. Tap water may contain heavy metals, fluoride, chlorine, bacteria, pathogens, prescriptions and chemicals. That’s why we always recommend the best products on the market for our clients and we do the research so they don’t have to sift through the endless options and can find the best straight away. The two best currently are The Aquatru and The Berkey.

When trying to lower your bodies overall toxic burden one of the best places to make changes is your water quality.

Photo Via Pinterest



Photos from Heal With Lacey's post 28/04/2021



Your joy cannot be found in a person, possession or profession. Feelings are just visitors let them come and go.


Benefits Of Infrared Sauna Therapy:

Activates heat shock proteins
Stimulates autophagy
Increases human growth hormone HGH
Reduces inflammation
Release heavy metals & environmental toxicities through sweat
Better sleep
Relaxation & stress relief
Facilitates detoxification
Supports weight loss
Relief from sore muscles
Relief from joint pain
Clear and tighter skin
Improved circulation
Helps people with chronic fatigue

Increase your bodies detoxification by regular use of the sauna & binders. This was a game charger for me personally when I was battling toxic mold. Sauna therapy is something I recommend to almost all my clients. There are some people who cannot tolerate the sauna so there are other ways for them to safely detox. If your body can tolerate the heat you can find a local spa or sauna space near you or even invest in an at home portable sauna! Your skin is your largest detoxification organ so sweating is hugely beneficial. Always consult your doctor or primary care physician for medical advice and to make sure sauna therapy is safe for you.

Drink lots of filtered water & stay hydrated
Do not bring your phone or electronics
Check to make sure your sauna has low EMF exposure
Start slow and work your way up
Take your binders to mop up toxins and avoid herxheimer reactions
Bring a sweat towel with you
Wear slip on shoes or sandals
Wear comfortable nontoxic clothing and nothing restrictive of your lymphatic system
Schedule your sauna or sweat session for 2-3x a week


To all my clients. You are a courageous soul for creating time and cultivating a healthy relationship with your body & inner self.


Can’t stand when someone comments on my eating 😂😅

If you are eating well you can eat a lot more volume so it will actually make you more satisfied & content after eating!


Why your AM routine should contain a personalized supplements & nutraceuticals. Specific herbs have been formulated and encapsulated to kill of pathogens, bind to heavy metals & environmental toxins and help restore your cellular health.

I see many clients every day who come to see me who are struggling with chronic health issues even though their diets are immaculate and they seem too young to have these issues. This is a clear tell sign that their are deeper root causes that haven’t been addressed. There’s much more to health than a clean diet & exercise. Our world since industrialization and over consumption is more toxic than ever and in order to combat those effects we must be doing our best to reduce our bodies toxic burden and give it the supplemental support it needs to heal. This protocol may also include ozone, coffee enemas, infrared sauna therapy, grounding, binders, therapy, EMF blockers, water & air filtration for your home and so much more.

“All disease begins in the gut” - Hippocrates



One of the best healthy swaps I have made has been switching to King Coffee! Trying to heal from anxiety & chronic illness, coffee was the one thing I just couldn’t give up and now I’m so happy I don’t have to! Most humans aren’t aware that coffee beans are heavily sprayed with carcinogenic pesticides like Glyphosate and have high levels of heavy metals, molds & mycotoxins.

I searched every where trying to find cleaner coffee brands!

When I found King I was thrilled to hear that King was organic, tested for mold & mycotoxins & infused with Reishi Mushroom Spores!

Reishi is a powerful immune modulator and has been used in ancient Chinese herbalism for thousands of years. There are over +++ pubmed articles about the health benefits of Reishi! Since these medicinal mushroom spores are infused into the coffee, it balances the acidity meaning no blood sugar spikes which is hugely beneficial for anyone trying to lose weight, insomnia or is dealing with hormonal imbalances. It’s also instant & not as bitter as traditional coffee and many people who are sensitive to caffeine can even drink it!

This little cup of coffee has helped people with brain fog, pass parasites and gallstones, detox the liver, better sleep, clearer skin, regulate hormones, elevate mood and so much more. You might skip your supplements but you’ll never skip your daily cup of coffee! Why not make sure it’s bettering your health with every sip?

Link to order a box is in ‘s tapbio ☕️

Photos from Heal With Lacey's post 07/04/2021


In the United States, a study was conducted that revealed 50% of psychiatric inpatients had a vitamin D deficiency. A growing body of literature has found associations between vitamin D deficiency and many psychiatric illnesses, particularly depression. There is a direct correlation between vitamin D deficiency and nervous system function.

My personal critical thinking estimate is that the number of people who are deficient is much higher. If using common sense most people spend most of their time indoors, have office jobs, have auto immune conditions or a mental health condition or both. Which based on some of these studies it is possible these people may also be suffering from a vitamin deficiency.

I also heard a doctor recently explain that due to the amount of glyphosate used and toxins in our environment it blocks our bodies ability to properly absorb vitamin d. So even for people who are tan from being on the beach all day in sunny places such as Florida or California have been found to also have vitamin D deficiency.

Also did you know there is a quote floating around that a certain doctor in our government who’s name I won’t mention has been found out to be taking 6,000 IUDs of Vitamin D daily during the...you know what this past year?

At Honeybee Haven Holistic Health Coaching we do the leg work so you can hear all the information out there for educational purposes without having to go to popular search engines...for biased results.


This concept I’ve shared with many clients! When you start learning about holistic health & functional medicine it can feel very overwhelming. There is so much information to take into consideration and so many changes you start to know you need to make. One of the best things you can do for yourself is focus more on the good you are adding into your life rather than what you have to give up.
I give my clients this example

2 people are working on their health at the same time.
Person 1 thinks about everything they have to give up.. pizza, partying with their friends, getting hammered on the weekends, being forced to workout and not sit on the couch all day etc

Person 2 thinks about how much happier they will feel when their health & life starts to change, when their symptoms start to disappear and they get the body they have been working so hard for!

Which one of theses people is going to get the result or at least have an easier & more enjoyable experience along the way? Person 2! Life is mostly not about reaching goals but more about what happens in between so make the most of the process, try to have gratitude for everything that you can and remind yourself that health is lifelong!


What makes you dream bigger? Do more of that.


This is one of my new favorite health tools. It’s an essential oil diffuser that also acts as a glowing Himalayan Salt lamp. It is linked on my Amazon Storefront under the list “Client Health” the link to that is in my bio

This essential oil diffuser is way more potent than the ones I’ve tried in the past and is so aesthetically pleasing. There are so many different essential oil combinations for different moods & ailments all which I am new to learning about. I like to do stress relief scent combinations before bed when I’m lying down it helps me to take deeper breaths and ease into sleeping. I also like to do cleansing combinations when I clean the house.

The Bible references frankincense and myrrh were gifts to Jesus when he was born. I don’t see holistic health and my faith as against each other, I see everything in nature as a gift from God. God’s creation is beautiful, intricate and designed with purpose and everything in it points to how incredible and good He is.

Timeline photos 24/03/2021

Sunshine is a huge component of health for human beings. Spending time in the sun daily is good for your mood and your health. Be careful not to stay out too long or in high sun so that you don’t burn.

Benefits of daily sunlight exposure:

Sunlight causes your brain to produce serotonin, a chemical that counteracts depression and helps you to feel relaxed and happy

It helps your body’s circadian rhythm or internal clock function properly so you sleep deeper and rise fully rested with natural energy

The UVB rays of sunlight on the skin prevent vitamin D deficiency

Boosts metabolism aiding in weight loss

Benefits immune system to fight infections & pathogens

Sunlight has a healing effect on many chronic health conditions such as autoimmune disease, mental health issues, psoriasis, eczema, acne, other diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and thyroiditis

Moderate amounts of sunlight help prevent some cancers