Bio Plastics USA

Bio Plastics USA

Bioplastics USA enables Stronger, Lighter and Cheaper Plastics by infusing natural h**p fibers.

Timeline photos 22/09/2020

U.S. Manufacturing requires a sustainable mandate and automation to compete with global market prices. At Heartland we embody these principles as we scale our production capabilities.

Learn More:
**p **plife **pire **pcon **pz **pfest **pproducts **pcomposites101

Timeline photos 14/09/2020

Converting farmers from age-old crops like wheat, corn, and soy to H**p is no easy task. The small things are what matter most.

Learn More at
**p **plife **pire **pcon **pz **pfest **pproducts **pcrete **pcomposites101

Timeline photos 10/09/2020

The H**p supply chain bottleneck is the only reason stronger, lighter, cheaper and more eco-friendly products are not on the market yet.

Learn More:**p-supply-chain-bottleneck/
**p **plife **pire **pcon **pz **pfest **pproducts **pcrete

Timeline photos 03/09/2020

Adding natural fibers into plastic as an additive reduces weight and cost while increasing strength.
**p **plife **pire **pcon **pz **pfest **pproducts **pcrete

Timeline photos 02/09/2020

Its simple, reducing weight increases speed and milage.
**p **plife **pire **pcon **pz **pfest **pproducts **pcrete

Timeline photos 30/08/2020

Bio Plastic additives, infused into traditional plastic composites are stronger, lighter, cheaper and more eco-friendly than normal plastics.
**p **plife **pire **pcon **pz **pfest **pproducts **pcrete


Bioplastics additives increase strength, reduce weight and cost while ensuring your manufacturing processes don't change.
**p **plife **pire **pcon **pz **pfest **pproducts **pcrete