Living with uncertain times

Living with uncertain times

Useful tips to help reduce stress and anxiety when faced with uncertain future.


Whenever you need to.........let go


Did you know that studies show a higher rate of survival of cancer if you are married or have a partner? This is due to having greater social support If you are on your own you can benefit from support from others. Don't go it alone!


Thought for the day


Remember- you do matter!


Thought for today!


Having trouble sleeping? Try the following tip:-
Stick to a sleep schedule of the same bedtime and wake up time, even on the weekends. This helps to regulate your body’s clock and could help you fall asleep and stay asleep for the night. The most effective tactic is to make small changes slowly. If you're trying to go to sleep at 10:00pm instead of midnight, for example, try this: For the first three or four nights, go to bed at 11:45pm, and then go to bed at 11:30pm for the next few days. Keep adjusting your sleep schedule by 15-minute increments, to let your body have an easier time adjusting.


Be the best you can be.

Thought for the Day.
A very important message.............


If you're feeling a bit depressed, think about this..


Do you want to increase your well being, boost your mood and move to a more fulfilled life? One easy and fun way to start is to use LSW Mind Cards. For more click here:


Look for the positive in any situation

Photos from Living with uncertain times's post 12/04/2020

I've seen a lot of nasty posts in regards to people making "non-essential" trips .. Do you ever think maybe that guy buying a gallon of paint knows he must keep busy because idle hands in the past has caused him to relapse and pick up that case of beer ? So he's using this time to do home improvements, something that keeps his mind busy while feeling a sense of accomplishment, trying to avoid painful triggers while possibly alone ? Or maybe that lady buying bags of soil and seeds, has struggled with depression and su***de ? How do you know that planting and watching something beautiful grow during this time of darkness isn't essential to her and holding on to what little hope she might still have .. We need to remember that it is impossible to know just by looking at a situation from "our" small lens what someone is truly going through or where their mental health is at . Everyone handles chaos and healing through different means , and I know we are all on edge but please stop being so judgmental of others. 💖

I Copied & Pasted ❤ go ahead and continue to do the same !


Should you wear a face mask as protection against coronavirus?
If you, or one of your household have symptoms, and are unable to maintain the 2 metre distance then a mask may offer some protection against infection. However the amount of protection from the mask will depend upon the type and material it is made from.
The best masks are those with a face guard, but should be reserved for NHS workers. Masks incorporating filters are the next best, but again not really for use by the general public. Dental and surgical masks are about 40% effective, cotton masks about 30% effective, with cotton handkerchiefs about 2% effective (with single layer thickness) up to 13% with 4 layers of material. A variety of masks are available but in short supply, click here for more details:


When you’re faced with a stressful situation, like the one we're all facing now with Coronavirus, stop what you’re doing for one minute and perform the following steps:
Take five deep breaths in and out (your belly should come forward with each inhale).
Imagine all that stress leaving your body with each exhale.
Smile. Fake it if you have to. It’s hard to stay grumpy with a silly grin on your face.
Feel free to repeat the above steps every few hours at work or home if you need to.


Do you need to wear a surgical mask to protect against Coronavirus? If you are fit and well, it is not necessary.. However, if you have an underlying medical condition it could help if you will be in contact with other people, both for your own protection and so you minimise the risk of passing anything on to others.They do provide some protection against airborne infections beside the Coronavirus, so If you feel you need to wear a mask then click here:


Coronavirus overload? Here's a few tips to help you get through the next 3 months!
1. Accept that you have no control over the situation. Forget about planning too much for the next month or two. Things change so fast. Don't be angry and annoyed at the system. Anxiety goes down, and you make the best of the situation - whatever that might be for you. Accept that this is what it is and things will get easier.

2. Try not to listen to/read/watch too much media. It WILL drive you crazy. There is such a thing as too much!

3. Choose who you want to call, message and connect with .

4. Appreciate this enforced downtime. When do you ever have time like this?

5. Time goes fast.

6. You learn to appreciate the little things; sunshine through the window, flowers blossoming and being able to enjoy being in the open air- even if it is only your back garden!

You will get through it. Listen to what you are told, follow the rules and look out for each other. There is light at the end of the tunnel.Stay safe everyone.
