Harmony Health Coaching

Harmony Health Coaching

Taking small steps towards a healthier, happier, more harmonious life.


“There is magic in the quiet moments too,
the slow days, days of rest and relief;

The kind where we can simply be,
no expectations, content in the in-between.”

- P. Bodi

Snuggling with my pup and reading on a Sunday afternoon is one of the ways I settle into a place of being content in the moment; a space where I am not thinking ahead of what needs to be done, or re-playing the week over in my mind but just... simply present.

We’d love to hear your favorite cozy moments!
What things help you be simply present?


Give your brain a break and let it work its magic while you rest. 🧠 Did you know that getting enough sleep improves our memory, learning, and problem-solving abilities? While we sleep our brain uses the break from stimulation to prioritize information by storing the less important details in our long-term memory. This clears up space for processing new information efficiently while we are awake. Think of it like a personal assistant who, while you are away from the office, organizes all the papers on your desk into file folders. This work frees up space for optimal performance the next day. Missing out on sleep prevents us from “clearing out the clutter” so to speak, and consequently dulls our cognitive abilities. Our brain is at its best when adequately rested! This is just one of many reasons why sleep is important. Stay tuned for more!


*Giveaway Closed*
Today is the last day and we are GOING BIG! We are giving away 3-months of health coaching to one person (Worth $495).

Health Coaching is dynamically changing people’s lives by working with people 1-on-1. We listen and look at the whole of people’s life, and then work together to take sustainable steps that crowd-out unhealthy habits with life-giving habits that lead to long-lasting health.

We are committed to helping people live life full and vibrant. We have lots of options and meet you wherever you are in regards to place/time/and financial commitment. And today is an opportunity to receive 3 months of coaching on us.

To enter:
1 - Share this post to your feed or stories

2 - Follow Harmony Health Coaching

3 - Comment & Tag 3 friends below

Giveaway ends at 11:59 pm ET on Friday 1/26. Winner will be announced on stories at 12 pm ET on Saturday 1/27. Giveaway is not sponsored, administered, or associated with Instagram or Facebook. As


Winner announced in comments! 🎉GIVEAWAY CLOSED.
We have an amazing giveaway planned today with SIMPLE ROOTS to add some fun and nutrition to your January!

We are giving away a 1-HOUR COOKING SESSION with Cathy (Certified Health Coach) where we will show you some of our favorite go-to meals, snacks, and best meal prep practices. AND SIMPLE ROOTS has put together a basket with some of their most popular Simple Roots items and a Simple Roots Gift Certificate!

To enter:
1 - Share this post to your feed or stories

2 - Follow Harmony Health Coaching and Simple Roots Bulk Foods

3 - Comment & tag 3 friends below

Giveaway ends at 11:59 pm EST on Thursday 1/25. Winner will be announced and tagged in this post and in our stories at 12 pm EST on Friday 1/26.

Winner will be chosen at random. This giveaway is not sponsored, administered, or associated with Instagram or Facebook.


In this giveaway, everyone can be a winner! TODAY AND TOMORROW take 20% off our “Glow-up” class where participants will develop four new healthy habits in one month’s time. New habits aren’t easy to establish which is why we think doing it with a coach and team is the best approach! Let’s settle into the quietness of winter and do some work together to develop 4 fundamental habits that will help you glow from the inside out! �

Use code GOTEAM to take advantage of this offer. Or use link below in comments to automatically apply the code!👇🏼 Offer ends at 11:59 pm on Wednesday 1/24!

Photos from Harmony Health Coaching's post 22/01/2024


We have curated a collection of some of our favorite goods that nurture wellness from the inside out. Included is: ��Uncle Bud’s H**p Seed Oil Rose Gold Face Mask (6masks), Cafhelp Tongue Scraper, Cliganic Rosehip Seed Oil & Rose Quartz Gua Sha Stone, Organic Greek Mountain Loose Tea and a Feity Glass Teapot, Teeccino Roasted Herbal Tea Sampler, , Microgreen Growing Kit, and then the HHC mug. One winner will be chosen to receive this bundle of goodness.
To enter the giveaway:
1 - Share this post to your feed or stories

2 - Follow

3 - Comment below & tag 3 friends

Giveaway ends at 11:59 pm ET on Tuesday 1/23. Winner will be announced and tagged in this post and our stories at 12 pm ET on Wednesday 1/24. Harmony Health Coach will also send a private message to the winner with instructions for picking up the goodies!
Winner will be chosen at random. This giveaway is not sponsored, administered, or associated with Instagram or Facebook.


Giveaway #1 is Closed. Winner will be announced at noon on Tuesday in our stories and in a comment on this post.

GIVEAWAY 1 (Sunday Jan 21st)

We have an amazing WEEK OF GIVEAWAYS planned here at Harmony Health Coaching in collaboration with some of our favorite Waynesville Ohio businesses!

Kicking things off is a collaboration with Green Feather Mercantile & Apothecary to add some extra warmth and wellness to your chilly January.

The winner will receive a Green Feather Apothecary & Mercantile gift certificate for a MASSAGE, a bag of their New Path Tea, and a jar of Ohio Wildflower Honey. AND we are giving away a full 1-on-1 HEALTH COACHING SESSION! This is a great opportunity to try out health coaching and see what the hype is about, without any cost to you.

This incredible wellness package is worth $164!

To enter:
1 - Share this post on your feed or stories

2 - Follow Harmony Health Coaching and Green Feather Homestead & Apothecary

3 - Comment below & tag 3 friends

Giveaway ends at 11:59 pm ET on Monday 1/22. Winner will be announced and tagged in this post and our stories at 12 pm ET on Tuesday 1/23. Harmony Health Coach will also send a private message to the winner with instructions for picking up the goodies!

Winner will be chosen at random. This giveaway is not sponsored, administered, or associated with Instagram or Facebook.


"If you listen to your body when it whispers, you won’t have to hear it scream."
- Cherokee Proverb

Our bodies are incredible at communicating what it needs. It communicates clearly when it is in pain, when it is experiencing pleasure, when it is tired and hungry, and a multitude of other needs! One of the things we discuss in health coaching is “attunement” - which is about being tuned in and listening to what your body is telling you. Our body uses a complex system of hormones as well as other physiological means to communicate. But it is easy over time to start “tuning out” those cues. In health coaching we work on removing obstacles that get in the way of listening to our bodies so that we hear when it “whispers” and can make small shifts and adjustments now before it starts “screaming.”

On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate your ability to hear what your body is telling you?


Stillness seems pretty elusive these days. Between busy schedules and busy thoughts it’s tough to just let ourselves be still. Even if we do get a moment, it’s easy to feel like we need to fill it with productivity or activity of some sort - whether that is cleaning, working, or just scrolling on the phone. But if we take a moment to be still, we make room to pay attention to our life - to listen, to notice, to detect the smaller movements within us and around us. These cold days are a great time to hunker down, to grab a hot tea, curl up with a blanket and be still. See what your life, without all the distractions, has to say.


Oftentimes “resting” can be one of the hardest things for us to value and integrate into our routines. Resting, as in the true nature of “rest” isn’t just about sleep (although there are many biologically necessary things that happen while we sleep - which we’ll talk about too!) But rest also includes stillness, quiet, peace. Good health starts from a place of stillness and paying attention to your life. This January we are focusing on wellness practices that we can adopt during winter when all of nature (including ourselves) is sheltered in and quiet. Turn notifications on for Harmony Health Coach if you want to cozy in and take part in our January series of content. Also! We have exciting news coming on Saturday 1/20. We’ll be posting the announcement in our stories section. Make sure to check in daily - you do not want to miss out on what’s happening next week!


This New Year, consider making small changes rather than setting lofty resolutions. Even the smallest adjustments can lead to remarkable transformations without feeling deprived.Embrace the power of small changes and watch as they pave the way to a sustainably healthier, happier and more fulfilling life. #❤️


Stepping into fear allows for you to see the beauty on the other side of it. Scary but worth it!


Met with this client yesterday and could not be more proud of or excited for her! She shows up with openness about what life looks like and openness to whatever next steps we have planned for her journey. Way to go Ericka!! You’re doing awesome girl - way to get your Momma Glow! 👊🏼


From Mark Hyman:
Better Halloween Candy Options

“With Halloween next week, I know many of you will be trying to stay conscious of the amount of sugar in your household. While I talk a lot about the benefits of limiting sugar, I also realize it’s tied into fun traditions that most kids (and adults!) don’t want to miss. I had my team put together a few of their favorite candy options with lower sugar and/or cleaner ingredients, to take the tricks out of your treats, so to speak. Smart Sweets makes gummy and hard candies without added sugar, artificial sweeteners, and artificial colorings. Unreal Snacks offers chocolate bars, cups, and gems, using simple ingredients and way less sugar than conventional chocolate candies. And Lily’s offers a bit of both with chocolatey and fruity options, and their candies are stevia sweetened, certified gluten-free, and GMO-free. Or if you’re looking to make your own treats at home, check out this plant-based food coloring from Supernatural. I hope you find a few options you enjoy for a healthier Halloween!”

Photos from Harmony Health Coaching's post 21/10/2023

Nothing like fresh seed crackers on a rainy day! Lots of Omega 3’s and so good for your digestive health. Every cell in your body needs omega-3s, especially the eyes and brain. Omega-3s are also important for muscle activity, immune function, digestion and fertility. According to the Cleveland Clinic most of the research on omega-3s has studied its heart health benefits. People who eat omega-3s in their diet may have less plaque buildup in their arteries, lowering the risk of heart attack and stroke. Omega-3s lower triglyceride levels and may slightly raise ‘good’ HDL cholesterol levels. Additionally, eating more foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, like fish, may have lower risks of cognitive function problems, like Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Let’s hear it for the Omega 3’s!


"Many people view their habits and routines as obstacles or, at the very least, obligations to get through. Making the morning coffee, driving your kids to the next activity, preparing the next meal—we often see our routines as chores to be completed.
But these are not moments to be dismissed. They are life. Making coffee can be a peaceful ritual—perhaps even a fulfilling one—if done with care rather than rushed to completion. It’s about the amount of attention you devote to these simple moments, and whether you choose to appreciate them or bulldoze through them on the way to the next task.
Find the beauty and joy in your daily rituals and you will find beauty and joy in your daily life. To love your habits is to love your days, and to love your days is to love your life." ~James Clear


🌟 Stay Young, Stay Healthy! 🌟

Hey there, friends!✨ Let’s talk about the secrets to staying young and living a healthy life! 🌿💪

1️⃣ Nourish Your Body: Fuel up with a rainbow of fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins. Embrace nutrient-rich foods that give you the energy to conquer each day with a smile.

2️⃣ Move Your Body: Find activities you love and get moving! Dancing, hiking, yoga, or even a simple walk in nature can make all the difference. Keep those joints limber and your heart pumping strong.

3️⃣ Prioritize Self-Care: Take time for yourself, beautiful souls. Practice mindfulness, indulge in relaxing baths, read a good book, or pamper yourself with a face mask. Self-care is the key to a youthful spirit.

4️⃣ Stay Hydrated: Drink up, lovelies! Water is your body’s best friend. Aim for those 8 glasses a day to keep your skin glowing, your mind sharp, and your body hydrated.

5️⃣ Laugh Often: Laughter truly is the best medicine. Surround yourself with positive energy, share jokes, and embrace the joy in everyday moments. It’s the secret to staying forever young!

Remember, age is just a number, and living a healthy, vibrant life is within your reach. 🌈 So, let’s make self-care and wellness a daily priority. Together, we’ll defy time and radiate with youthful energy! 💃💫


"Time passes whether I stand or move. ⏳✨ This powerful quote reminds us that life keeps moving forward, regardless of whether we take action or stay still. It's a gentle reminder to embrace every moment and make the most of our precious time. 🌟💪 So let's step out of our comfort zones, chase our dreams, and create the life we've always desired. Whether we're standing or moving, let's make every second count! ⌛️💫


Fresh watermelon radish! So pretty!


Love this!


🍭🚫 Say No to Glycation! 🚫🍭
Hey beauties! 👋 Did you know that what you eat can affect the health and appearance of your skin? Today, let's talk about a process called glycation and how it can contribute to premature aging. 🌟
💡 What is Glycation?
Glycation is a natural process that occurs when excess sugar molecules in our bloodstream bind to proteins, including collagen and elastin, which are responsible for keeping our skin firm and elastic. This process forms advanced glycation end products (AGEs) that can wreak havoc on our skin. 🙅‍♀️

⏳ How does Glycation affect our skin?
Glycation causes the proteins in our skin to become stiff and less functional, leading to the formation of wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging. 😱 It also triggers inflammation and oxidative stress, creating the perfect environment for acne, dullness, and uneven skin tone. 😔

🚫 Sugar's Role in Glycation
High sugar consumption, especially from processed foods and sugary drinks, can contribute to glycation. When we indulge in a diet rich in sugary treats, our bodies experience a spike in blood sugar levels, increasing the likelihood of glycation occurring in the skin. 🍩🍬

✨ Prevention is Key!
To minimize the effects of glycation and keep your skin looking youthful and radiant, here are a few tips:

1️⃣ Limit your sugar intake: Opt for natural sugars found in fruits and avoid excessive consumption of processed sweets.
2️⃣ Eat a balanced diet: Incorporate antioxidant-rich foods like berries, leafy greens, and nuts to combat the harmful effects of glycation.
3️⃣ Protect your skin: Apply broad-spectrum sunscreen daily, as UV rays can exacerbate glycation and accelerate skin.
4️⃣ Exercise 🏃‍♀️ can help burn up extra glucose so it’s not around for that Glycation process !
So just say no to accelerated aging! 🥰


Health Coaching 101 will teach you about the benefits of health coaching and how it can help you reach your goals and gain the knowledge and skills for sustainable health and lifestyle living. Choose YOU! ❤️


Just saying Hi! Make it a great day. After all it is up to you!


Keep the steps small and consistent. Over time you’ll develop a habit and you won’t even think about planning it! #❤️

Videos (show all)

Everyone has a big beautiful life to be lived, but sometimes there are obstacles that block our paths to all those bits ...
From us to you! 💜
Choose you! ✨ Get ready to embark on a 14-day cleanse journey with us! 🌿💪 Experience a total body reset as we nourish ou...
Small lifestyle changes create sustainable results ❤️
🌟 Stay Young, Stay Healthy! 🌟Hey there, friends!✨ Let’s talk about the secrets to staying young and living a healthy lif...
Just saying Hi! Make it a great day.  After all it is up to you!
💔Shame can hold us back from making good life choices and becoming the person we deserve to be. Finding a safe place to ...
🍉 Watermelon Radish 🍉
We are so excited to share our new website full of goodies and tools for YOU! Check it all out at www.harmonyhealthcoach...
Encouraging you to take the first step with a free health consultation! Just for you and all about how we can get you to...
5K Training plan: https://harmonyhealthcoach.com/pages/contact Let’s GO Spartans!Join Harmony Health Coaching in trainin...