Feed Hope

Feed Hope

Feed Hope is ending extreme poverty for the joyful children of Malawi. 100% of public donations go directly to projects on the ground. Our U.S.

Feed Hope is ending extreme poverty for the joyful children of Malawi, Africa. We bring clean water, food security, health and education to thousands of children in 12 villages. The best part? 100% of public donations go directly to projects on the ground in Malawi. staff work as volunteers, and administrative expenses are covered by private donors.


Merry Christmas from Malawi! You've helped make the future brighter for children in 12 villages this year. Very, very grateful for YOU.


Can you believe it?

If you remember photos from our first trip to Malawi in 2014, you'll note the dramatic change in the children today.

Five years ago most had yellow eyes (jaundice), red tint to hair (severe malnutrition), and runny noses. Nearly all were malnourished and malaria-positive. None of them were in school. Today -- bright eyes, bright smiles, bright futures. Emma's House, our farming programs, and schools have made such a difference, thanks to you.

We've come a long way, but we still have a lot of work to do. Hang in there with us, as we spread the love to 12 villages in one of the least developed corners of the world.


Goats for Graduation! By the time Mwai is ready for secondary school, his mom will have the funds to send him there, thanks to people like you. Our Goat Project provides nutrition + income for the most vulnerable women and children. Fertilizer for crops, too! The best part? Our investment has grown over 400% in just 4 years! We make every penny of your donations count.

2015: 40 goats purchased. 2019: 163 goats. From a single investment of less than $1000, we've changed the future for hundreds of children.

Our 100% promise means every penny of public donations go to projects like this, on the ground in Malawi.


This is why we do what we do. YOU are how we do it.


We're making rain! Feed Hope's innovative solar irrigation project expands to 50 acres. We're giving more women the chance to grow food ...feeding their own children, at a fraction of the cost of food aid. Thank you, Rainmakers, for supporting our work


91 Rainmakers + Angel Donors


One of Feed Hope's most compassionate angels. This beautiful lady donated her birthday so children in Malawi can have a future to celebrate. We wish her big love, and many more trips around the sun.


Our preschoolers LOVE their new desks!!!! How many future leaders are in this group? More desks and school supplies on the way. Very grateful to all of YOU for supporting our work, and changing the future for these children.


These smiles are for YOU!! Cheers to our 87 Angels who supported our work in 2018, 100% of your investment goes to projects on the ground in Malawi, that are changing the world for children like Mia, Gilbert, and Chisomo.


Drought? We got this.
Malawi has only 2 seasons: The rainy season and the hungry season. Feed Hope's solar irrigation project brings "rain" during the dry season. Then, these hard-working women turn it into food, feeding hundreds of children in 11 villages, 365 days a year -- at a fraction of the cost of food aid.
Every penny -- 100%. -- of public donations are directed to projects like this, on the ground.
Photo: Shelby DeLoach Chamberlain

Emma's House Build 10/06/2018

SO much fun with this incredible team, building the new malaria clinic in M'nima Village. With gratitude to all who brought Emma's House to life.

Our Story

Feed Hope is ending extreme poverty in Malawi, Africa. Our projects focus on four key areas: Clean water, Nutrition, Education and Health.

100% of public donations go directly to projects on the ground in Malawi.
